Legal Notice 4 PUBLIC NOTICE Notifce is hereby given that petitions for the nominations of meittbers of the Board of Education of School District No. 156 McHenry County Illinois to be voted %n at toe annual election to be held in said School District on April 13, 1974 shall be filed with the secretary of the Board of Education or his designated representative at the Ad ministration Building, 3926 West Main St., McHenry Illinois from February 27. 1974 to March 22, 1974. Filing Hours are between 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday. By order of the Board of Education of said School District. Edward J. Neumann, Jr. Secretary, Board of Education No. 156 (Pub. Feb. 13,15, 20, 22, 27, 1974) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF DIANE L. WALSH Deceased, FILE NO. 74-P-35 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on January 31, 1974, to Jack J. Walsh, 906 Center St., M c H e n r y , - 1 1 1 . whose attorney of record is Kell and Conerty, \2V/z E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court County Court House, Wooa- stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Feb. 6, 13& 20,1974) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF WALTER J. NOWICKI, aka WALTER NOWICKI Deceased, FILE NO. 74-P57 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 erf the Probate Act, of the death ofthe above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on February 14, 1974, to Geraldyne Nowicki, 217 N. Front St., McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is James M. Mclntee, 3436 W. Elm St., McHenry; Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that. period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or^ delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Feb. 20,27, March 6, 1974) Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of Feb. 22, 1934) The McHenry County Firemen's association held its regular meeting at Bickler's hotel Monday evening with about seventy members and visitors present. Every town and city in the county was represented. Dinner was served at 8 o'clock with music furnished before and during the meal by the Little German band of McHenry. Mrs. Peter Engeln visited last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Keg at Utica, 111. She also visited Starved Rock, LdSalle and Ottawa. Funeral services for Mrs. Ellen Ensign were held Saturday afternoon at the Methodist church with Rev. L.H. Brittain officiating. Bob Petferson, accompanied by Mrs. C.W. Goodell, was the singer. Fifteen coaches from McHenry and Lake counties enjoyed a meeting of the District high school coaches group which is a part of a state wide organization recently founded for the better promotion of athletics in the state at a dinner at Justen's hotel this week. Coach Orr of McHenry is district secretary. A novel and most impressive service is being planned for the Methodist church Sunday evening when "The House of a Thousand Candles" will bring an appropriate message for this season of the year. There will be a thousand candles alight in the church at one time presenting a scene of unusual and impressive solemnity. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Feb. 24, 1949) Miss Shirley Walsh was among the mid-year graduates at St. Therese Hospital School of Nursing, Waukegan, last Sunday. Funeral services were held on Saturday morning at St. Patrick's church, McHenry, for Andrew Kearns who died in Chicago Feb. 17. Mr. Kearns was a resident of this com munity for many years. In the near future there will appear in various stores in McHenry sealed suggestion boxes. McHenry merchants would appreciate it if all per sons who have workable ideas, improvements, suggestions, considerations or alterations x that would be of benefit either the merchants, patr<! or the city itself drop all ideas in the boxes. Edward L. Waldy, Wonder Lake, after forty years con tinuous service with the People Gas Light and Coke Company, retired this month under the company's annuity plan for its employees. He plans to remain , in his cottage at Wonder Lake and devote his leisure time to his chief hobby which is fishing. Albert "Jack" Johnson, since 1926 owner and publisher of the Richmond Gazette and Hebron Times, died Feb. 18 following a long illness. The deceased was born in Harvard. He was part owner of the Woodstock Sentinel for several years and later published the Marengo Republican News. The Girl Scout Leaders will hold their monthly breakfast and meeeting on March 3 at the V.F.W. clubhouse. Additional leaders are needed at this time so that the seven local Girl Scout Troops may continue to function. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Feb. 27, 1964) A change in the city of McHenry police department took place this week. Joseph Grobel, who served many years as patrolman and chief, is no longer a member of the department. With a vacancy in the police department, Kenneth Espey made application and was appointed at a special meeting held Monday night. Officer Espey will assume his duties in McHenry on or about March 15. Mrs. Elizabeth (Lilly) Williams of Center street, McHenry, died Monday evening, Feb. 24, at McHenry hospital. Her death followed by five days a heart attack suf fered at her horfie. ' Sandy Davidson has been elected president of the newly organized 4-H club for McHenry girls, known as the Busy Bee club. The Little League field will have new lights this year. These will be paid for mostly by the Ladies auxiliary of Little League. They raised funds by running the refreshment stand and have been a big help to Little League. A charter has been granted to the McHenry Senior Drum and Bugle Corps, Inc., a non profit group formed for social and recreational purpose. PRICE ROLL-BACK Illinois Attorney General William J. Scott has announced that the Federal Energy office has agreed to roll back prices for propane gas following formal hearings and petitions by Scott and the Attorneys General of six other states. Scott also said that Illinois will join in an official investigation into the charges of propane price manipulation which is being launched by the Federal Energy Office. Ruling Favors Service Given By Police Unit Attorney General William J. Scott has held in an official opinion that a municipal police force can serve other com munities on a contract basis even if the other communities are located in a different county. Scott's opinion, given to Executive Director David Fogel of the Illinois Law En forcement commission, deals specifically with communities in the Barrington area nor thwest of Chicago. In the Barrington situation, Scott was asked if the Barrington police force could provide law enforcement ser vices on a contract basis to six other communities: Barrington Hills, North Barrington, South Barrington, Deer Park, Tower Lakes and Inverness. The problem was complex because the contracting communities are situated in four different counties, all encompassing the nearby Barrington municipality. PAGE 19 - Barrington, the nucleus of the enforcement pattern, is situated in both Cook and Lake counties. Barrington Hills, on the other hand, reaches into four counties: Cook, Lake, Kane and McHenry. The matter of police jurisdiction across a county line thus clouded the police protection plan of the Barrington-area communities. Scott advised Director Fogel, however, that the new Illinois Constitution of 1970 "clearly shows that the framers (of the Constitution) intended that units of local government are to have broad powers to associate and contract to obtain govern ment services. Included in these broad powers is the right to combine or transfer func tions of government ..." Scott said he found nothing in the Illinois Revised Statutes to prohibit the Barrington police from serving another com munity in another county on a contractural basis since the police officers, in effect, would be acting as the agents of the other community in that jurisdiction. In fact, the Attorney General noted that "existing statutory X £U, lVff i Senirice News | McHENRY PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1174 provisions antedating the new Constitution in certain cir cumstances expressly permit policing agreements between municipalities and confer full powers on police officers acting outside of their 'home' municipalities pursuant to such agreements." Thus, Scott held, the Barrington police force can legally provide protective^ services to the six surrounding communities. VISIT COLLEGE Curt Rosing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rosing of 2420 W. Mehring, and Kevin Worm, son of Jack Worm of 1700 N. Beach, McHenry, were among several prospective college students who visited Rockford college over the weekend beginning Thursday, Feb. 14. The College had invited the students in order to have them meet members of the faculty, attend classes and tour the new multi million-dollar campus of the 126^year-old school. --v W.C. BAKER GRADUATES - Navy Seaman Recruit William C. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sachs of Route 1, Oak street, Spring Grove, graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training center, San Diego. The Bible Speaks Virgje L. Chappell, Pastor First Baptist Church, McHenry SATAN Not so long ago most Americans would have scoffed at the teaching of a literal being whom we call Satan. Many who accept the teaching of an actual spiritual world would have had a problem accepting the concept of evil spirits. However, the camp of unbelievers has decreased in the past few years. People today have not only begun to consider the probability of a world of evil spirits, but many have read some material on the subject. Many, if not most, of the communities of our nation have some persons involved in spiritualist activity. Let us consider some Biblical teachings concerning the Devil and evil spirits or demons. G. Campbell Morgan has stated, "To deny the personality of Satan is to deny Scriptures." The Bible identifies the ranking evil spirit as: Accuser of our brethren, (Revelation 12:10), adversary (Revelation 9:11), Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24), Belial (2 Corin thians 6:15), the devil (Matthew 4:1), enemy (Matthew 13:39), (also see: I Samuel 16:14, John 8:44, Revelation 12:3, John 8:44,1 Kings 22:22, Matthew 4:3, etc.) Satan is a being. Satan is a sinful being (I John 3:8). "...the devil sinneth from the beginning." He seeks followers and those who would worship him. We are not to deny his person but constantly to be on our guard against his attacks. "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11-12). Satan has great power over others if they yield to him. He claimed one of the Twelve (John 13:2, 27). Michael the archangel would not attack Satan but left him to God (Jude 9). Yet Satan presumed upon God by personally confronting Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:1 ff) who was and remains, Jehovah God, In carnate (Colossians 1:19, 2:9). Seeing tHIse things, it is foolish for mere human beings to seek to aggressively attack the person of Satan. Contact with him should be avoided at all costs. Assuming Michael the archangel to be much more powerful than we, we should learn not to "Contend" with Satan. If Satan had no fear in placing a personal attack upon the Lord Jesus Christ, it seems only in reason we also will ex perience his attacks upon us. James says when we are attacked by Satan, there is a formula for victory over him. We are, first, to draw near to God (in wor ship, Bible study, and prayer). Secondly, when God has responded to our approach to Him, we are to "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Central in overcoming Satan's attacks is to "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your honHc iro cinnorc • onH ruirifv hoortc HauMo minHnH" \ & M O N E Y - S A V I N G C O U P O N ^ KLEENEX TISSUES BODY AU DEODORANT! icU.liM COLGATE bottle stores ^ M O N E Y - S A V I N G C O U P O N W LIMIT 1 All-over powdery spray. 8-oz. size. Good Thru Feb. 26th CLEANSER Improved Bab-o with diaphene. 14-ounce Good Thru Feb. 26th WED.-TUES. ARE BIG SAVING DAYS AT OUR 44* SALE Prices effective through Feb. 26th. Right reserved to limit quantities. Due to space limitations, some stores may not carry all advertised merchandise. Roiaids) Roiaids ] Roiaids 10c LIFESAVERS 14 USTY TYPES Choose any of 14 favor ite Lifesaver flavors. Hurry in and save now! 57c ROIAIDS 3-ROU PACK 44 12 antacid tablets in each roll. Fast, safe, lasting relief. Save! RIG. 69c JOHNSON GLADE--3 SCENTS 44c Choose rose garden sunny lemon or herbal 7-ounce spray can. SAVE WITH BIG REG.TJf STAY- FREE MINI PADS 88' 8ox of 30 absorbent mini-size pads. Save 39c! 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Bottle of 36 children's aspirin. Come in and save 14c now! FREE PLATE 88* | III 39c GLYCERIN 59c SUMMER'S EVE SUPPOSITORIES DOUCHE KIT 2 A Ac A A t FOR 44' 44' Reg. 1.13 tube. 5'/2 oz. 12 adult or infant-size. 4' /2 oz. disposable. 29c V0 5 HAIR SPRAY--2 OUNCE £44 c Handy purse-size can of VO 5 miral plus hair spray. Save 43c now! IS I | | nn i 59c 3-IN-ONE 89c NEW SUAVE 1.99 BUFFERIN HOUSEHOLD OIL ESSENCE SHAMPOO FOR ARTHRITIS 44* Prevents rust. 8 oz. (c J 44 3 "delicious" scents. 100 tablets. Save 55c! 59 4512 W. RTE. 120 We Reserve the Right to Limit Qualities • While They Last STORE HOURS: Daily 910, Sun. 9-9 McHENRY »ir freshen*