PAGE 20 - McHENEY PLAINDEAL*.i» - rr.'n*V. FEBRUARY 22, IW4 Choral Group To Present "St. Patrick'* Moss" The McHenry County collie chorus and the Northern Illinois Choral association will combine to perform "The St. Patrick's Mass" by Philip Green. The spring concert is scheduled for March 31 at St. Thomas the Apostle church, Crystal Lake. i "I would classify 'St. Patrick's Mass' along with other modern religious works soch as 'Godspell' and 'Jesus Christ Superstar', except I think the music is even more exciting," said Ms. Margaret Griffith, choral director. John Cardinal Heenan, Ar chbishop of Westminster, has said "(St. Patrick's Mass) . . can only be called an Irish idiom, an original in terpretation of contemporary liturgy. It is a combination of traditional melody with an entirely new and exciting rhythm. Although most young people will take to it as eagerly as to jazz or pop, this is a reverent and serious work of music." Tickets will be available March 1. Further information on the concert is available by calling Diana Vickery at the college. Local Teachers Attend State Convention Area teachers were among the more than 400 delegates attending the Illinois Education association's (IEA) 120th annual meeting, Feb. 14-16, at Chicago's Conrad Hilton hotel who heard a keynote address by Gov. Daniel Walker and a discussion of the Nixon energy "rip-off" by U.S. Sen. Adlai Stevenson III (D-Ill.). In addition to the messages by top politicos, convention delegates heard National Education association (NEA) President Helen Wise call for expanded teacher political action. They witnessed the unveiling of the Illinois Con federation of Public Employees (CAPE), and they observed presentations of Legislators of die Year awards and the first IEA Human Relations awards. Among representatives of Region 4 were Dick Canaday, chairperson, and Linda Rubly, District 13, Richmond; Susan ! Coffey, ASEP, employed by SEDOM; Martha Raasch of District 36, Wonder Lake; and Barbara Meding, District 156, McHeftry. Teacher-delegates moved to set IEA policy and objectives for the coming year, including the establishment of legislative goals and the development of stands or positions on educational issues which IEA can translate into action ' programs for 1974-75. What Just One Person Can Do You might say that Jesse Fife is a pushover for kids. If he isn't, why would he have moved out of his modern home in eastern Kentucky into a rambling old farmhouse where he and his wife have raised fifty children in the last ten years? Fife has been a state trooper for seventeen years. That puts him in touch with a lot of aimless and wandering youngsters. Thinking back, he reminisced: "Some were children their parents couldn't control - and some just came up to the front porch for a visit or to Sunday dinner and decided to stay." He is known to his ;charges as 'Uncle Daddy'. * "My youngest daughter came to us when she was seven < weeks old and now she's five," he said proudly. Another child is now in her first year at Lynchburg college, Virginia. Of the four youngsters now McHenry Man With BeloH College Players Alex Thomas of * McHenry participated in the Beloit College Player's third season ticket production of "Dylan" by Sidney Michaels, presented at the college last weekend. Carl Balson directed the production with settings and costumes designed by Michael F. Hottois. Nineteen students participated in the play which ran from Thursday through Sunday at the Wright Art center. First seen by ecstatic audiences on Broadway, the play concerned the raucous yet tragic life of the poet viewed through Dylan Thomas' two tours to America and nostalgic scenes of his Welsh homeland. Sean Duffy Wins Campion Scholarship Sean Duffy, an eighth grader in Chicago, has received word that he is among a select number of scholarship winners to Campion, a Jesuit-operated residential high school for boys in Prairie Du Chien, Wis. The scholarship was awarded on the basis of his performance on his entrance examination. Sean is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Duffy of 5210 N. Potawatami, Chicago, and 1717 W. Sunnyside Beach, McHenry. Cindy Jones In Featured Role, Alverno Theatre Cindy Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jones of 4118 W. Crestwood, McHenry, will have a featured role in the musical, "Gypsy" to be presented by Theatre Alverno at Alverno college March 15,16, 22 and 23. Talented Miss Jones, a junior majoring in Sociology and Theatre, played the lead in McHenry high school musicals from her freshman through senior year. Laurie Shepherd On Dean's List Rockford College Laurie Shepherd of 915 Royal drive and Scott Fuhler of 706 N. East boulevard, both of McHenry, were among the 180 students receiving honors at Rockford college during the fall semester on the Dean's list. The honors list is divided into two categories. The Distinguished Scholars list includes full time students who earned a grade point average of at least 3.75 out of a possible 4.00 with no grades below "C". The Dean's list names full time students who have earned a grade point of at least 3.25 with no grades below a "C". staying at the Fife residence, two are his own. With his wife, Phylis, Mr. Fife, 37, has begun a two-story, twenty-three room building on his property to be known as "Boys Land." Although he still works with the state police, he spends weekends speaking in small churches where he solicits funds, plus donations of labor and materials. "We're going to take in boys from here and there that really need a home and try to turn their lives around," he con fides, Ten years ago, life was pretty comfortable for Jesse Fife. But he claims he was "the most dissatisfied man you ever saw." Now he points to the structure he's putting up and says: "We started on that building out there with a $100 bill and a lot of faith." Will he succeed? You'd better believe it. McHenry Sportsman's Chub Telephone 815-385-9896 MEAT SHOOT DATES February 10 & 24 March 10 & 24 April 14 & 28 May 12 & 26 June 9 & 23 July 14 & 28 August 11 & 25 September 8 & 22 October 13 & 27 November 10 & 24 Dicember 8 & 22 ¥ REGISTERED SHOOT DATES March 17 , April 7 May 18 September 29 October 20 Saturday, May 18th shoot will be a 200 Bird Hand icap Shoot only. High gun will take home a New Ma user Single Barrel trap Grade Gun. Trophies for rest of classes. Gun do nated by F ox Lake Gun Center. Practice Eveiy Saturday, Weather Permitting Consumers'Corner Boot Wear-end-Tear On winter days, knowing a few easy-care facts can save wear and tear on your favorite boots. Synthetic footwear is relatively easy to care for - they're usually waterproof, may be washed and dont need shoe polish. A spray- on furniture polish will spruce them up. And, ft the lining gets wet, you can dry them upside- down over a heat source. But synthetic boots can't "breathe" or let air circulate. And bacteria may grow as a result of perspiration. So use a foot spray in the boots. Leather boots need special care to protect them from the salt and chemicals used on some streets in winter. When boots are new, pol ish them with a paste wax and/or silicone treatment. Then treat them again periodically. If boots become stained, wipe them with a damp cloth. If badly discolored, wash with saddle soap. i \ n u 32 Why is the sun called the generator of the earth's weather? * The heat from the sun's rays warm the air by heating the earth. Heat from the sur face of the earth rises, caus ing convection and the move ment which forms clouds. Use plenty of suds and a mini mum of water. After rinsing, air- dry them at room temperature away from heat. Use paste wax to lubricate the leather. When boots are wet, stuff them with tissue paper or paper towels. \ y Bodies of water do not ab sorb the sun's heat as quick ly as does land, and there fore hotter air over land rises, pulling in cooler air over water near the coast and larger lakes--creating wind. As air rises because of the sun's heat, it is cooled, and clouds invariably origi nate when cooling changes the moisture of rising, con t r a c t i n g a i r i n t o v i s i b l e drops. As the air rises and is cooled, it's moisture ca pacity is reduced, but actual moisture isn't-thus the crea tion of clouds. So the sun is the genera tor of clouds, winds and pre cipitation. Look Alike? Do people w.hp have lived together many years begin to look alike? That's often the impression one gets, especially of a man and wife who have shared decades to gether. There is, however, no solid evidence to substan tiate such a theory, but it's true beyond a doubt that such couples develop mu tual interests, perhaps ex pressions, perhaps a like humor and perhaps manner- isms which are very similar. . Facial expressions, then, are probably the personality factor which become so much alike, between two people who have lived together many years. Perhaps a similar diet also plays a role. But we do see many couples who seem to grow to look alike over the years. What do you think, gentle reader? Lowering Thermostats? Talk about cooperation! I've heard of lowering the thermo stat to conserve energy, but this is hard to believe. When I woke up this morning it was 90 degrees in my apartment. I called the apartment building's janitor and he came right up and helped me bang on the radiator. SCHROEDER METALCRAFT GIFT SHOP •Glass, Brass and Pewter •Candle Sconces and Holders •Clocks and Wall Plaques •Fireplace Screens •Tools and Adirons •Grates and Gas Logs -GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS- 815-385-0950 1713 South Rnute 31, McHenry,, Illinois Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. WEEKDAYS 9-9 SUNDAY 10-6 svjs- * dTo P r i c e s E f f e c t i v e W h i l e Q u a n t i t i e s L a s t . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o l i m i t q u a n t i t i e s . HOmSBYS ^ family centers -- Ratfio Automatic 8 Trie. Auto Tape Player im.Ar|WTo«mnB Modal No.SST-1179 Compact auto stereo tap* player with channol light*. Auto, program changing. Right-left balanco control. Mounting hardwaro In cluded. Automatic Radio Surface-Mount Stereo Speakers Modal No. SK-300 Two black round wodgo plastic enclosures with 5" round speakers and necessary wiring. 4 * • ohm». £rV* W"I"1 T E V E R Y D A Y k GIFT WRAPS \ • ^ >4 Hgga * - •» M m * frasi HI All Occasion, Gift Wraps 53c COLD UNLETS^*. •SUSVCS COMISTMM So t VfJu*! 20 *h»ots !2f ** total of 10 different designs for any •pecial occasion I Alka-Seltzer Cold Tablets 56c Buy Either Brand, Save Either Way! One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins With Iron 100 Tablets Our Rog. 2.37 Mfgrs. 3.49 Hornsby's Multiple Vitamins with Iron 100 Tablots 20 tablots. Relieves congestion. Refreshing lemony flavor. Just Arrived! Ladies Minims ladies X-tra Size Panty Short iloava shrink with slightly gathered e l a s t i c w a i s t . Assorted prints In fine nylon knit. Easy to care for in sixes (3J Rayon panty brief in assorted Candy-Stripe Rug Runners 97 24 x 60 Protects your carpot. A useful rug for any room In your homo. Mfgrs. 1 .Of site Oar Reg. 58c R'ppin' Good Cookies 12 varities to choose from 8-11% ounce size mfgr. 39c Our Reg. 1.08 Bowmar MX40 Calculator Hand-hold, eight digit, floating decimal, rechargeable and AC operation, constant, case and charger. Play-Doh . Funny Frogs Kids press out parts to play with Funny Frogs on plastic "Illy Pond" play mat. Set includes Play-Doh and game In structions. Ages 3 to 7. Our Reg. 2.46 4400 Market Place Shopping Center lS7i!T7iT71jHl Rt. 47 & Country Club Road I McHenry, Illinois