PAGE 5 - McHENRY PLAINDEtfLER - FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22,1974 Lakeland Park Anne Moore 385-6448 Pledges To Catholic Programs Near $900,000 Lois Raiford Enjoys Special Valentine Day The young lady I mentioned last week in this column who enjoyed an especially happy St. Valentine's Day this year is Lois Raiford. , Lois was guest of honor at a miscellaneous bridal shower given by Bev Walinski at the Walinski home the evening of Feb. 14. Approximately twenty women were there to wish Lois and her fiance, Allen Wilkening, much happiness! The young couple received many beautiful and useful gifts and the guests enjoyed the delicious sandwich loaves, jello molds and tasty punch served by Bev. Each guest was given a little velvet heart trimmed with lace as a remembrance of the evening. Lois wore a lovely heart shaped corsage given to her by her bridesmaids. Games were played and the guests had a most enjoyable evening, as did Lois and Allen. Those on hand to wish the young couple much happiness were Lois' mother, Marcella Raiford, Allen's mom, Mrs. Clarence Wilkening, Lois' great-aunt, Mrs. Willie Meyers, Barbara McDonagh, Ester Hoven, Glady McHale, Autry Haper, Joanna Bauesties, Alice Hoffmann, Mrs. Alice Sullivan and daughters, Ann and Betty, Frances Kostka, Anny Arthurs, Millie Palmer, Lynne Dickson, Jackie Roy and Irene Roy, and of course Bev Walinski and her daughter, Linda. Lois and Allen enjoyed their special evening and I'm sure they won't soon forget Valentine's Day, 1974! FUN LEAGUE NEWS The Lakeland Park fun League bowlers held their position night when last they bowled. Team standings are as follows: In first place is All the Way with 24 wins and 16 losses. The Question Marks are in second place with the same win-loss record of 24-16. Lotsa Luck is in third place and have the same win-loss record as the fourth place team, the Red Hots, wnich is 23-17. The Lunkers hold fifth place with 22'^ wins and 17V2 losses. The McHenry Pusseycats have a win-loss record of 21M»-18M» and hold sixth place. The Bombers are the seventh place team and they have 21 wins and 19 losses. The Raiders who hold eighth place are tied in their win loss record with the ninth place team, the Sit Downs. Their win- loss records are 18-22. Can You Top Us? is the tenth place team with 16'<2 wins and 23>£ losses. No Show is in eleventh place with a win-loss record of 15Vfe- 24'^. The Pin Poppers hold twelfth place with 13 wins and 27 losses. Some guys and gals had exciting individual scores. Don Mercure bowled a 226 game and his scratch series totaled 586. Roy Apel bowled a 210 game and finished the night with a 540 scratch series. Tom Michelsen had a 183 game and a 507 scratch total for the night. Darlene Mercure bowled a 460 scratch series and Eleanor Reid was proud of her 438 scratch series. Everyone had a fun time and look forward to bowling again tomorrow night. Good Luck! MERCURE BABY CHRISTENED Three month old Rirhelle Kristi Mercure Was christened earlier this month during the 12:15 Mass at St. Patrick's church. Father Edmund Petit officiated at the religious ceremony in which Richelle's proud parents, Richard and Margaret, and her godmother, Mary Ann Cholewa, and god father, Joseph Parisi, took part. Following the religious ceremony, Richard and Margaret had several guests in their home to celebrate. Grandparents Sam and Connie Parisi and Grandmother Rita Mercure and her son, Butchie, were on hand to join the festivities of the day. The actual celebration was two-fold in that it was not held exclusively for Richelle but also for her little brother, Ricky, who tur ned three-years- old on Feb. 5. Guests who gathered at the* Mercure home to celebrate were: Robert and Mary Ann Cholewa and daughters, Sandra and Debbie; Rose and Stanley Slonina and their children, Karen, Judy and Mark; Joseph Parisi and his sons, Joey, Steve and Tony; Pete and Bonnie Parisi and their family which includes, Dawn, Dean, Danny, David and Derrick; and, Denny and Marge May and their children, Jeanette and Russell. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the delicious spread of food which included roast beef, Italian sausage and lasagna, as well as the delicious dessert Margaret served. Not only did little Richelle Kristi enjoy all the attention but so did little Ricky and the other Mercure children, Renee and Robyn. It was indeed a busy and exciting day at the Mer cure home! TROOP 459 NEWS The boys of Scout troop 459 had a fun weekend last week when they spent a night out camping at the Justen farm. Scoutmaster Ray Jensen and Scouts Roger Lance, Doug Veida, Ray Jensen, Jr., Terry Meyers, Don Jensen, Bill Wohlert, Bob Roewer and Jeff Wolf, enjoyed their winter cam pout. I understand that the Eagle Patrol had the most number of Scouts in at tendance. Hope to hear more from the Scouts on their ac tivities from time to time! LITTLE LEAGUE NEWS! "Here we go again Lakeland Park Little League! It's time to play ball! Let's help the folks save gas!" "Registration will be held for interested boys ages 8 through 12, Saturday, March 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday, March 10, from l p.m. to 4 p.m. at the lakeland Park Com munity House, 1717 N. Sunset Drive. The registration fee will include insurance on all boys and managers. Let's all pull together and form another fun and strong Lakeland Park Little League!" CANDLE OCCASIONS Mathew Mencel will have three candles on his cake tomorrow! David George, Bill Humphreys and Lloyd Wagner will celebrate their birthdays on Feb. 24. Monday is a special day for Gary Hansen and Linda Marie Walinski. Linda will have eight candles on her cake. Larry Wood will celebrate on Feb. 26 and Chuck Jumper, Connie Parisi and Craig Schaedel will share Feb. 27 for their special days. Joseph Sullivan will celebrate on Feb. 28 and Ruth Roach will skip her The board of directors of the McHenry County Catholic Education foundation held the first 1974 meeting this month at Marian Central high school. The brief meeting preceded a joint meeting in which the directors were introduced to the newly reorganized McHenry County Board of Catholic Education. Father James Moses, superintendent of Catholic Education for McHenry county, presented a financial report and outlined the accounting procedures used by the foun dation. "Because of the large number of pledge payments and new gifts, the corpus of the foundation is growing rapidly," Father Moses stated. "The pledge amount is fast ap proaching the $900,000.00 mark, and we have collected well over $200,000 in cash. People have been very faithful in making their pledge payments." Investment committee chairman, John Eggum, reported on ̂ investments made and indicated future plans. A "Statement of Policy Regar ding Investment of Foundation Funds" will be ready for fyjal vote at the next meeting, which is slated for Tuesday, March 19. The McHenry County Catholic Education foundation is a corporation established by the McHenry County Board of Catfiolic Education, to ensure the future of Catholic education in the county. Proceeds from foundation investments will help support all phases of Catholic education, including the religious education programs of the fourteen parishes; the seven elementary schools: SS. Peter & Paul, Cary; Str Margaret Mary, Algonquin; Montini Middle and Primary, McHenry; St. Thomas, Crystal Lake; St. Mary, Woodstock; St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg; St. Joseph, Harvard; and Marian Central Catholic high school in Woodstock. The McHenry County Board of Catholic Education is responsible for the entire educational mission of the church in the county, and is an integral part of the Rockford diocesan education system. Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of March 1, 1934) Mrs. Mary Miller, 85 years old, died at her home with her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Kaelin, Feb. 23. Death resulted from pneumonia which developed following a fall which Mrs. Miller received causing a fractured pelvis bone. The Peter W. Freund farm home west of McHenry burned to the ground Wednesday forenoon as the family was packing to move to the John R. Smith farm. The fire which started under the roof,, com pletely destroyed the house, although the furniture which was packed for moving, was saved. Fifteen bowlers from the ranks of the National Tea company enjoyed a night of bowling at the Palace. Bill Green and Alby Krug, managers of stores at Crystal Lake and McHenry were among those who gave a good account of themselves. The Washington party sponsored by McHenry Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Thursday night proved to be one of the most successful parties pf the season. The evening's entertainment opened with the showing of Grandmother's album with Mrs. Arline Pearson, ap propriately dressed for the George Washington period showing the pictures in her family album. Mrs. Bernard McConnell and Ellen Frisby of Chicago spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby. Mrs. McConnell leaves this week to join her husband at St. Paul where they will make their home. A new study club has been formed sponsored by the Mother's Club and will meet once a month at the high school. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 3, 1949) Forty-one girls representing six McHenry county high schools decided to take steps to organize a Future Teachers special day this year as she only celebrates on Feb. 29! Happy birthday to you all! I loLp-crinJr SELF-CLEAN TIMED-OVEN ELECTRIC RANGE MODEL RB734 • Pyrolytic Self-Clean oven cleans itself automatically, electrically; cleans surface-unit reflector pans, too • Oven timing clock, 60-minute reminder tinker • Infinite-Heat surface-unit controls • High-speed 8¥-injph surface unit • Self-cleaning Calrod' plug-in surface units • Removable trim rings, lift-out drip pans • No-drip cooktop • Backsplash is easy-to-clean real porcelain enamel • Porcelain-enamel-finish cooktop and range front • Full-width storage drawer • Clean-Sweep design for easy cleaning under range • Small-appliance outlet applia • Oven interior light MODEL RB734 White *289°° W.T. Club, as an aid to young people who are thinking about en tering the teaching profession. McHenry county dairy farmers received $314,091.04 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairy company receiving stations during the month of January. William J. Marz, operator of a tavern in Johnsburg for about twelve years, died Feb. 26 in Woodstock hospital. The building under con struction in the Legion Park lot when completed will be the new Legion clubhouse for several years the dream of local Legionnaires. Friends of Warren Jones last Tuesday evening enjoyed the gifted tenor in his first McHenry recital in the high school auditorium. A group of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Miss Eileen Fitzgerald on Main street Sunday to honor her father, Michael Fitzgerald, on his birthday anniversary. One of the loveliest of the late winter weddings was solem nized in Chicago's Resurrection church, Feb. 26, when Miss Katherine Reuland, became" the bride of Mr. Lawrence J. Huck, Jr., of McHenry. Hickory Creek Farms have a record number of excellent cows. Thirty-six are classified excellent, forty-seven very good, thirty-six good plus and twelve good. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 5, 1964) Sue Nowak of W. Bay road McHenry has been named winner of the Good Citizen award made by the Kish- waukee Trail Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is a senior in the McHenry high school. Ronald Buss of Rand road was rescued by members of companies I and 3 of the fire department after several anxious moments as the ice on Lily Lake on which he was standing while fishing with several friends began to break HERE AND THERE IN WKINESS Joan Adams Named To Head Librarian Post Miss Joan Adan^s, 5002 Hermitage, Chicago, (laughter of Mrs. Irene Adams, McHenry, has been named head librarian for North Lake View library, 3754 N. Southport, Chicago. The library is a new branch of the Chicago Public library. Open House will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 12. The library will serve some 50,000 residents living in the area and will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays. Students from Blaine, Hamilton, St. An drew's, St. Luke's Lutheran, Greeley schools and Lake View high school will be able to use the library resources for research projects. Miss Adams who has been employed at Bezazian library, 1226 Ainslie, Chicago, is a and he fell in but he managed to get back on the ice where he remained until the help came. August Becker, 80 years old, of the Riverside hotel, McHenry, died Feb. 25 in Harvard hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Cracken announce the birth of a son, Feb. 23, at the McHenry hospital. Those who won honors in the Talented Teen Search was Judi Ann Lechner, 16, Fox Lake, as organist, Lee Gagnebin of Spring Grove playing drums, and the dance team of Don Stinespring of McHenry and Janie Kengott of Ingleside. Allen E. Peyer has been named director of i marketing services at Modine Manufacturing company with corporate responsibility for guiding all market exploration and development activities. Under his supervision are marketing services for Modine's automotive and in dustrial and heating and air conditioning divisions. graduate of McHenry Com munity high school. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Loyola university, Chicago, and her Master's degree in Librarian Science from Rosary college, River Forest. Three From Area At International v Turf grass Meet Harold G. Michels, Richard Michels and Art Jackson of the McHenry Country club, at tended the forty-fifth in ternational Turfgrass con ference and show which was held Feb. 10-15 at the Anaheim Convention center in Anaheim, Calif. Sponsored by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, the conference this year drew a r e c o r d - b r e a k i n g 4 , 5 0 0 ^ registrants from throughout the world. Highlight of the conference was an educational program headed by more than forty-five prominent speakers including outstanding golf course superintendents, research scientists, agronomists and officials of all industry organizations. Service News OKAY GAS PROGRAM The Illinois Commerce commission has approved a People's Gas Co. request to provide natural gas saved through consumer con servation efforts to buildings with dual-fuel equipment when those users have difficulty obtaining oil or other fuels. The company pledged to refund its residential customers all in creased income from the diversion -- a rebate the company estimates could total $9 million, if all the gas ex pected to be saved is sold. The company estimates enough gas will be available totreplace as much as 84 million gallons of heating oil during the heating season which ends in June. Fuel Shortages? - I just read in a magazine how- one company is doing research to help us in our Energy Crisis. They feel that in a couple of years they'll be able to heat in entire apartment building with only one lump of coal. I've got news for them - that's what my landlord is trying to do now! Mark Andrew Kaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kaefer of 7708 Beach road, Wonder Lake, was enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard for a period of four years at the Niles, 111., Coast Guard Recruiting office Feb. 18. Seaman recruit Kaefer at tended McHenry high school from September, 1969, to June, 1973. Seaman recruit Kaefer will attend recruit training at Cape May, N.J. His ten-week period of instruction will in clude Military Customs and Traditions, Military Drill, Weapons, Deck Seamanship, and Swimming. Upon com pletion of recruit training Seaman recruit Kaefer will attend one of the Coast Guard's technical schools or be assigned to one of the various duty stations. Henry Blodk has 17 reasons why you should come to us for income tax help. Reason 1. We specialize in income tax preparation. We know the wrinkles. We dig out every honest deduction. There is very little chance we will let you overpay your taxes. KME T H E I N C O M E T A X P E O P L E ELGIN AREA-695-3450 • 750 W. Chicago St. • 1060 Ound«« Av«. •692 Villa St. Rt. 20 • N. Mall M-Dala Sh. ALGONQUIN - 668-5992 216 S. Main St. ANTIOCH- 396-6664 Rt. 69 81 Gran Laka Rd. CARY -639-7711 218 W. Main St. CRYSTAL LAKE -815-469-6960 Crystal Laka Plata HARVARD- 816-943-6410 302 S. Ayr St. LAKE ZURICH-438-5200 6 E. Main St. MARENGO - 815-568-8188 229 S. Stata St. Cc. Rt. 20 McHENRY - 815-386-8630 3911 W. Main St. ROUND LAKE-646-4862 221 Washington St. WAUCONOA - 626-8877 206 S. * St. WOODS1 UCK-815-338-0200 1212 N. Saminary R*. 47 •OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P.M. WEEKOAYS-9-6 SAT. & SUN. OTHER OFFICES CLOSED SUN. lee & Ray Electric 1005 N. Front (South Rte. 31) 385-0882 McHenry, 111. Free Parking is coming to SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 22 TO FEB. 28 DISCOUNT ON ALL MADE hoi HFASURE MEN'S GET READY FOR EASTER & SPRING NOW! ORDER YOUR SUITS. THE FIRST ONE AT REGULAR PRICES 2nd ONE Vt PRICE * (YOUR SECOND SELECTION MAY CONSIST OF A SPORT COAT WITH HARMONIZING SLACKS.) ENJOY THE LOOK & FEEL OF MADE TO MEASURE SUITS AND SAVE WHILE PRICES ARE IN EFFECT. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU WHEN YOU ORDER YOUR NEW SUIT AND WE'LL GIVE YOU A FREE TIE! *Both Suits Must Be For Same Customer MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHeniy spurgeons