Sunnyside- Sunnyside Estates KATE EICHHORN 385-5378 PAGE 1« - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13 1974 THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT CONSERVING ELECTRICITY Forgotten filters can cost you money. INTRODUCING... 1st FEDERAL INFLATION FIGHTERS! W.S. BOEDECKER W.S. Boedecker has been named vice president - Quality Assurance for the RegO division of Golconda cor poration in an announcement made by Richard S. Stoma, executive vice president. RegO division, located at 4201 West Peterson avenue, Chicago, is one of the world's leading manufacturers and marketers of valves, regulators, and other controls for pressurized gases. Boedecker joined Golconda's Bastian-Blessing division in 1952 as chief welding engineer and in 1962 became chief engineer - research and development for the division. In January, 1973, Boedecker was appointed manager of quality assurance for the RegO division. He and his wife, Esther, have one son and reside in McHenry. $1,000 Certificate Yielding 7.90% Per Annum 4 Years or more $1,000 Certificate Yielding 7.08% Per Annum 2V» Years or More $ 1,000 Certificate - Yielding 6.81% Per Annum 1 Year or iMore start our road program for 1974 as early as possible. James M. Eichhorn, president, asked the board to make a resolution to oppose the March 19 RTA bill. He said, "I'm not against transportation but I feel the way this bill is written we won't have a leg to stand on in McHenry". The resolution vote was 3 in favor and 2 opposed. One trustee was absent. An ordinance relating to the assurance of accepting permits in compliance with the instant assessment act was adopted March 5 by the village board. -Mr. Eichhorn brought to the attention of die board the public hearing in Fox Lake March 27 in regard to the Northwestern Lake county waste water plan and specifically the Fox Lake treatment plant. He said that from all he had read and heard at an earlier public meeting in October, all of the now existing sanitary treatment plants will be hooked up to the Fox Lake plant in the very near future. Further, he informed the board that the Fox Lake plant will run an enormous size pipe on the floor of Pistakee Lake and will stop at the mouth of the Fox ' river. The president urged I residents to attend the public hearing because of its im portance. He asked interested persons to call him for more information. The meeting is ; scheduled for 2 p.m. at the Fox 1 Lake village hall on the twenty- seventh of this month. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS McHenry Man Named Officer Of Corporation remind yourself, you may want to do it the same day you pay your fuel bill. If the filter i& dirty, clean or replace it. Clean filters also help keep your home cleaner. This principle applies essentially to all heating fuels--electricity, gas or oil. Don't forget the filter on your clothes dryer either. Clean it after every load to keep your dryer in top operating condition. Maintaining clean filters is only one area where we have inforihation that can help you conserve energy. If you would like our booklet "101 Ways to Conserve Electricity at Home," write Commonwealth Edison, Department AV, P.O. Box 767, Chicago, Illinois 60690. We'll send it to you'free. Commonwealth Edison concern lor your total environment e Golden Passbook Yielding 5.64% Per Annum $1,000 Minimum Balance Regular Passbook Yeilding 5.38% Per Annum $25.00 Minimum Balance Interest calculated from day of deposit to date of withdrawal. NOW, TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO BETTER SERVE YOU ft 1st FIRST ® sfrriiTB CQUU MOUSING JHL \ •<£ / W it"0M federal ^ 1 CRYSTAL LAKE AVE. C AVfMI^C ft I HAM 1309 DUNDEE RD- CRYSTAL LAKE SKIV 111VlJ d 1AJTI11 ALGONQUIN (815) 459-1400 OF CRYSTAL LAKE (312) 658-8622 subdivision control ordinance which they would like our village engineer to lode over before presenting it to the board. Mr. Nowak said he would like to have the or dinance ready for the April board meeting the first Tuesday of that month. Frazer Sholes, village engineer, was given the okay to WCD3T Washer / DCD3T Dryer . For big family washing. This Frigidaire Custom Deluxe washer handles 1 piece to 18 pounds, delicates to denims, including knits. Deep- cleaning, gentle action, with Permanent Press, Regular, and Soak cycles. 4 Water Temperature combinations; 3 agitate-spin speed combinations. The Flowing Heat Dryer handles up to 18 pounds, with "Sorting Fingers" to separate tumbling clothes. Permanent Press care is automatic. Now Extra Charge For Color, Gas Slightly Higher Offer Expires March 16th Lee PAIR ric 1005 N. Front (South Rte. 31) 385-0882 McHenry, III. Free Parking Since filters are usually out of sight, they're usually out of mind. That is, until you notice something wrong with your heating or air conditioning. Then you may find a dirty filter behind it. Dust or lint on filters reduces your system's ability to move heated or cooled air. It's a good idea to check your filters every 30-60 days. To Discuss Control Ordinance For Subdivision The chairman of the Buiiding and Zoning committee, August Nowak, told the Sunnyside village board members about (and agreed upon) a tiew