Submerga Pump Have you these improvements?^^ SUBMERSIBLE Sump Pump ELIMINATES WATERLOGGING . . FOREVER! ELIMINATES HYDRO PNEUMATIC TANK ELIMINATES AIR CHARGING DEVICES AND PUTS THE WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM * INSIDE THE HOUSE WHERE IT BELONGS! WATER-WELLS A N D PUMPS McHeniy County Well & Pump Co. 4913 McCullom Lake Rd., McHenry The people who install the best Ph. 385-5252; Res. 385-0713 PAGE 5-McHENRY PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1974 Bathtub* change for the better brought about by 'acrylic age' Lighting livens bathroom The age of acrylics has changed the bathtub more in the last five years than anything in the nearly 30 centuries since its first re corded use, according to a major manufacturer. "Fiberglas-bonded acryl ic construction makes pos sible safety, convenience and esthetic features never before possible," said P. J. Dowett, director of research and development for Borg- Warner Plumbing Products. "Conventional cast-iron bathtubs simply don't offer the design flexibility that the new acrylic units do." A case in point, he con tinued, is Borg-Warner's new Comfortub bathing unit. Incorporated are such safety and convenience fea tures as an integral seat, a safety grab bar, a contoured back rest and an inherently slip-resistant surface. "Acrylic tub§ offer several distinct advantages to home renovators," Dowett said. "The Comfortub, for exam ple, weighs only 70 pounds and thus can be easily in stalled by the do-it-your selfer. In addition, a unique tiling flange allows grout- free installation using ei ther ceramic tile or hard- board paneling." PRACTICAL LUXURY -- A molded seat -- sloped back for safely but self-draining -- makes Borg-Warner Plumbing Products* new Comfortub bathing unit ideal for such feminine grooming rituals as leg sh&ving. The seat is also a practical spot from which to supervise child bathing or simply to soak tired feet. The unit also features a contoured backrest, a safety grab bar and an inherently slip-resistant fiberglass-bonded acrylic finish. Weighing only 70 pounds, the unit handles eas ily, says the manufacturer, and incorporates a unique tiling flange for watertight installation. The seat -- sloped gently back for safety but self- draining -- provides a safe place from which to super vise child bathing; it also is comfortable and conven ient for performing femi nine grooming chores, and handy for packing bath toys and cosmetics, he said. NEW LIGHTING gives tired bathroom a farc-lifl . . . About the least expensive way to freshen up your bathroom is to ex change that tiny fixture above the medicine cahincl for a fash ionable modern version. This sparkling chrome one from Progress with its three large globes adds pizza/, as well as belter light for make-up and shaving. Colorful wallpaper and a matching window shade that you run do-yoursclf, as demon strated by the decorating editors of "Woman's Day," com plete the quick renovation. ** '