\y ; PAGE 21-McHENRY PLAINDEALER-FRE>AY| MARCH 15j 1974 It's smart thinking to plan location of freezer Like many people snaking home improvements, .ybu may be considering thte purchase of a new freezer. Before you buy that freezer, it's a smart idea to. plan where you will put it. In choosing a location for your freezer, there's more to think about than just the electrical outlet. For example, did you know that a freezer should not be placed in direct sun light, near a radiator or other heat source or in an unventilated garage? The reason is simple -- a freezer may not operate ef ficiently when exposed to high temperatures. On the other hand, it should not be housed in an area that gets too cold either. Most freezers are designed for operation within certain temperature limits. Sears Coldspot freezers, for exam ple, are designed for maxi mum' efficiency when oper ated in room temperatures between 65° and 110°F. Operating the unit in an area where the temperature goes below freezing may shorten the life of the compressor. Temperatures above 110°F. will cause the freezer to run more fre quently, thus increasing op erating costs and decreasing the life of the freezer. Because of these temper ature considerations, it's advisable not to put a freezer in an unventilated, unheated garage or back porch where summer tem peratures may reach over 110°F. and winter temper atures may drop below freezing. You should select a loca tion where the floor is level and can support a fully loaded freezer, which may weigh as much as 1500 pounds. When shopping for a freezer, check with the dealer or the owner's man ual to see what the unit will weigh when filled. It's im portant that the freezer be level to assure quiet opera tion. When deciding on loca tion, look for an area that is well ventilated. A freezer needs "breathing" room to allow warm air to escape from the condenser. Sears recommends at least a three-inch space above the cabinet for proper air circulation. If you're thinking of put ting the freezer in the base ment, be certain that the doorway and stairs are wide enough to accommodate the unit. Also, check humidity. If your basement is too damp (as can happen in the sum mer), some of the metal parts on the freezer may rust. TIME FOR HOME FACE LIFTING INSIDE X3£ Decorator Flat PAINT ,wm 4* x 8* Sheet PANELING CEILING TILE $095 V Ga Gallon »4« UP Square foot 11* & Up OUTSIDE YOUR HOME SHUTTERS B&ek $ 10J5 Benson Plastic White ® W* Up Exterior PAINTS Durable Latex and Oil $C95 G> GALLON White Only ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 385-1424