PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, APRIL 2t, 1974 Spring Grove Eva Freund 675-2135 Mayor Joseph Stanek signs proclamation for veterans organizations' Poppy day which is scheduled Saturday, May U, in McHenry. Shown with Mayor Stanek is Lucille Garifi, Poppy chairman for the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600. As in the past, the VFW and American Legion and their ladies' auxiliaries will conduct the tag day together. Proclamation Whereas, the sacrifices of those who have lost their lives, their health, or their livelihood as a result of their military service are rightly the concern of all citizens; and Whereas, the annual sale of Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion offers an opportunity for the people of this community to express their solicitude for those unfortunate persons who have paid more than their share of the cost of freedom; and Whereas, V.F.W. and Legion poppies are assembled by disabled veterans, and the proceeds of this worthy fund- raising campaign are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans, and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans, in the desire to "Honor the Dead by Helping the Living"; therefore I, Joseph Stanek, mayor of the city of McHenry, do hereby urge the citizens of this community to recognize the merits of this c-ause by contributing generously to its support through the purchase of poppies on the day set aside for the distribution of these symbols of appreciation for the sacrifices of our honored dead. I urge all patriotic citizens to wear a poppy as mute evidence of our gratitude to the men of this country who have risked or lost their lives in fulfilling their obligations as American citizens. Signed Joseph B. Stanek Mayor Ringwood News (653-9006) (653-9262) (728-0295) Diana Gilbert, Larry Cristy Wed In Niles A beautiful ceremony took {dace in Niles last Saturday afternoon when Diana Gilbert of Glenview became the bride of Larry Cristy, formerly of Wonder Lake. Those attending the couple were Cathy Gilbert, maid of honor and sister of the bride, bridesmaids were Terri Gilbert, sister of the bride; Terri Anderson, groom's sister; Mary Berg and Renee Adams, friends of the bride. Best man, Don Reinboldt of McHenry and close friend of groom; groomsmen were fraternity brothers of the groom, Jim Merrit, Reich Slamar, Ray Kunae and Dave Adams, friend of the groom. Parents of the bride and groom are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goedecker and Mr. and Mrs. William Cristy. The yoiifig couple will make their home in Jacksonville, where the groom is employed by Farm Service. KOFFEE--KLATSCH Katy Christopher had a few of the girls in Monday forenoon for coffee and conversation and to get acquainted with her new neighbor, Mrs. Gary (Peggy) Tickner. The Tickners recently moved here from Texas. They have a little boy, Garrett. ABOUTTOWN The Larry Lehmkuhl family took off the last weekend in their mobile home for Starved Rock. They have the jump on all other campers in the area that I know of. Of course this was little Michelle's first experience in the great outdoors but knowing Darlene and Larry she will see much more of it and enjoy it as much as the rest of the family. Sunday afternoon found Walt and Doris Low, [Jerry Freund and the Alby Adams visiting with Lyle and Bonnie Stalker in their home in Lake Zurich. Guess they had a real good gabfest. We'll see if we can find out some day what it was all about. Jay and Jan Walkington from Addison, visited Ma and Pa Walkington this last weekend. They came on Saturday and went home on Monday. Oh yes they did bring daughters, Jolie and Karen, along to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Walkington. Resae Ackerman, daughter of Charles and Beverly Ackerman, was home on leave from the Navy for 10 days. She enjoyed visiting friends and relatives in the area after her basic training in Orlando, Fla. She has now gone back to duty and is stationed in New Jersey. Mrs. Phillip Fonk and son, Robert Fonk, of Kenosha, visited Mrs. Nellie Hepburn last weekend. On Sunday, Mrs. Tom Andes and Mrs. Hepburn called on Fred Schroeder at the Crystal Lake Pine Crest Home. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Unstad spent the weekend with her parents, the Art Christophers, and attended the Gilbert-Cristy wedding Saturday. SPRING LUNCHEON The annual spring luncheon will be held at the Ringwood United Methodist church on Wednesday, May 8, at 12:30 p.m. The speaker will be Kay Wernberg from the Rockford area. She has been one of the speakers that has been at the luncheons held in Lake Geneva, Wis. All women in the area are welcome to come and hear Kay Wernberg. Please call for reservations to Mrs. Frank Two Boys Fishing Rescue Canoeists From Nlpperslnk On Monday, April 15, John Voller, Jr., and Brian Eichorst from Colemar were fishing on the banks of the Nippersink Creek which is in flood stage and very deep in that area. The two boys noticed a canoe coming down the stream with three boys paddling. As they approached faster swirling waters, their canoe capsized and they began calling for help. John and Brian dove into the creek and pulled them to shallow water. John ran home to tell his parents while Brian stayed with the boys. John stopped at the home of Miss Sah Hanssen to get a rope and blanket and ran back, cold and wet, to help Brian. They tied the three boys and canoe to a tree on the edge of the creek. Meanwhile the Richmond Rescue Squad had been called. They wrapped the boys in blankets and took them home. The three boys rescued were Kevin Schoen, Jim Garver and George Ellefsen. The neighborhood is proud of the alertness of John and Brian and commend them for their heroism. EASTER DINNERS Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets went to Burlington, Wis., to have Easter dinner at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Minnis. An Easter dinner family get-together was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Werner. Guests included grandfather Ted Werner, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Braun, Miss Bonnie Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Birdsell and children. KINDERGARTEN AND PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION Spring Grove elementary school announces registration for all local three, four and five year olds. If your child turns three, four or five by December 1,1974 and lives within District 11 boundaries, he is eligible for this free service. At the time of registration, parents will be asked to fill out an information card, a , short medical questionnaire and a social history of the child. For your convenience preschool and Harrison, 653-9248. See you at the luncheon on Wednesday, May 8. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Dorothy Tonyan and Jim Wegener who share April 29, and to Nellie Hepburn and Jay Walkington who share May 2 for their natal day. Happy birthday to Nancy Barker and to Darrel Barker's little Pamela Jean Barker, on May 3. May 4 is a big day as it's shared with several, Charles Brennan, Wendy Brennan, Sandra (Brennan) Thompson, Jack Pearson and Susan Hogan. Happy birthday to all of you and we do hope you have many, many more of them. No anniversaries this week. kindergarten registrations were held at the same time, April 22, 1974 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. After a census of all three, four and five year old children, follow up screening will be provided for some children. Purpose of this screening is to detect any special needs or problems of the preschool child. Many children who are screened show no problems and this is reassuring to parents. BIRTHS A 7 lb., 8 oz., boy, Joseph Andrew McGinnis, is the newest grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Petska. He was born to Mr. and Mrs. Andy McGinnis, Jr., on Sunday, April 14. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. , Andrew McGinnis. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller. Their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miller, have a girl in the family. Their first daughter, Amy Lynn, was born March 27 and weighed 8 lbs., 5 oz. LCWC Nineteen members and one guest met at the town hall on April 17. A delicious luncheon was served and decorations were in an Easter theme. President Pauline Horak called the meeting to order with the reading of the Club's Collect and Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. Secretary report and Treasurer's report were read and approved. Corresponding Secretary submitted the resignation as a member from Louise Sullivan, it was accepted by the president with regret. The resignation of Kay Smith as treasurer was accepted as she was a candidate for president. Secretary stated that the 1973 report had been sent to District 11 Board. Thanks were extended the club by Frances Shotliff, Kay Smith and Frances Heinemann who had been ill. It was announced that the Eleventh District meeting would be in Wheaton on April 25. Four representatives from the club will attend. There will also be a representation from the club attend the convention which will be held in Chicago on May 7, 8 and 9. Students at the school are encouraged to submit a design of the 1976 auto license plates for the State Bicentennial year to participate in the nation's 200th birthday. Dolores Ellefsen said she would work on this project. The general federation convention is May 26 to June 1 in Minneapolis, Minn. Election of officers and new officers for two year term are Kay Smith, President; Dorothy Orsolini, Vice President; Jean Lay, Treasurer; Eva Freund remained in as secretary for another year term. Installation of Officers will be held on May 15. A luncheon will be served at Orsolini's. Guests are welcome. Reservations must be in by May 10. Call - 675-2135. Meeting adjourned. The program was most interesting. Trooper James F. Vargas, information and education officer, spoke on "Women, Protect Yourself". It covered procedures to follow when attacked, safeguards in the home and while driving your car and many more rules to follow. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS MEET Members of the Christian Mothers Society of St. Peter's met in the parish hall on April 18. Meeting was opened by Beverly Schmitt, president, with a prayer and a pledge of allegiance. Reports were read and approved. It was decided that a donation be sent to the Newman Foundation. New pamphlets for ^Christian reading are to replace the old ones in the rack now. There has been a good response for groceries to help the needy. A phone committee has been established to call members encouraging writing to your senator to vote on "Right to Life". Election of officers was held. New officers are Jeanette Todey, Vice President; Madeline Behm, Treasurer. Installation will be in September. A meeting was held on Monday night, April 22, to plan the summer social. The May 16 meeting will be a pot-luck and an entertaining program is being planned. It will be a fashion show in a comedy theme. Guests are welcome. Cake and coffee was served by the committee. MCC Christian Science Group Sponsors Film The Christian Science organization of McHenry County college will sponsor a color film entitled "How Do You Heal a World"? Friday, May 10, at noon in Room D-108 at the college. Along with the film, a speaker, Frederic Lamb, Christian Science practitioner from McHenry, will provide information and answer questions on Christian Science. Mr. Lamb took a voluntary early retirement as an advertising executive to enter the public practice of Christian Science. One of the positions he has held was that of advertising manager of the Saturday Evening Post. e TEST EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS - Mrs. Pat Wolff of Woodstock plays the role of a distraught mother and is comforted by Mari Uttich, L.P.N, at McHenry hospital in Sunday's "Operation Co-op", which tested the preparedness of the county's emergency services in case of a disaster. DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY The film features interviews with young Christian Scientists of varying backgrounds who tell how Christian Science has changed their lives, and how its teachings can be applied. The public is invited. DIAL-A-DEVOTION CARPETS-UNLIMITED OUTLET WAREHOUSE PRE -MOVING - SALE SPECIAL SAVINGS ON ALL STOCK CARPET . THE MORE WE SELL - THE LESS WE HAVE TO MOVE. CYCLONE IS COMING TO Jos.H.Huemann & SONS WELL DRILLING SCULPTURE SHAGS Reg. '10.95 to '13.95 sm V">9» Sq. Yd. Reg. '9.95 > l 4A INDOOR-OUTLjOR KITCHEN CARPET $2 49 Sq. Yd. JUST A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE SAVINGS CARPETS UNLIMITED 653-9690 5414 E. WONDER LAKE RD. WONDER LAKE, ILL. 653-2811 PHONE 8 Hear God's Word Wherever You Are. SPONSORED BY: GUETTLER'S SERVICE STATION PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT as of MAY 1st 1974 OAK PARK HOTEL RESTAURANT fc LOUNtt 801 W. OAK GROVE (On Pistakee Bay) AAcHENRY, ILL. WILL BE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT " PLEASE FEEL FREE TO STOP IN FOR A -- FREE -- "GET ACQUAINTED COCKTAIL" THANK YOU THE NEW MANAGEMENT 0 Spring Airconditioning Check • PRESSURE CHECK SYSTEM CLEAN CONDENSER FINS - ADJUST BELT TENSION • INSPECT SYSTEM FOR LEAKS • PARTIAL CHARGE SYSTEM (IF NEEDED) OQ PARTS AND *10 FREON EXTRA LOOK Transmission Tune-Up CHECK TRANSMISSION, OIL COOLER AND OIL LINES FOR EXTERNAL LEAKS • REMOVE OIL PAN • RENEW FILTER • TORQUE VALVE -BODY • ADJUST BANDS (IF NEEDED) • CLEAN PAN AND INSTALL NEW GASKET • CHECK MODULATOR AND HOSE • INSTALL NEW OIL • ROAD TEST •12 00 plus Oil plus FILTER XOOK Hi ' I I SAVE 4 PLEASURIZER SHOCKS LABOR INCLUDED AIR TYPE EXTRA HOURS: Thurs. & Fri. 12 to 9 P.M. - Sat. & Sun. 10 to 5 P.M. Mon.,Tues„ & Wed, by Appointment 5095 -- ALL GENERAL MOTORS CARS -- CADILLAC-PONTIAC Rte. 31 & 120 McHeniy, Illinois Phone 385-6000 / \