OAF 236XF Instant Load Camera* <»^aot̂ »** m m Our R*g- 21.87 OAF Color Film Cartridge *̂ or II fc- OAF Mo. I**- *M •tomatk cowora*. ©««• *j*J TO MO* * D0V Ntemoria* 531 Our Rug- ^Sc oa. Proctor Siex Automatic 10 cup Electric Perculator 9r 94 .̂r do*l«" wi* «•"•? u yollo* mo«* wl* 9«W band. "Soa W »!•« Our R*fl. automatic. «*adol No. F-00*. l2.97 April Shower* Dusting Powder or Spray Cologne Tom any-- . ra»raeMa« ecaa* »**"" taa. Rtfcar • * f\7 ' »m hood to W# Lh Mtgrs. lilt Pric* 1.00 Protty 10"xl4" Vanity Tray Oval Tray la «m*. r-- Uaaa kaHoa* wHh p* batwpar* aad • * I# Don't Forget - Mother on her day MAY 12 One* again It's Hmo to troat Mom. It's usually Mom who Is doing tho troatlng, so lot's rovorso tho favor and surprlso hor with somothlng nko from Homsby's. Ho rnsby's has numorous Horns to ploaso h or and glvo hor assuraneo that you ear* fust as wo caro to sorvo you. ttomombor Homsby's largo soloeHon of Mothor's Day Gifts and Mothor will ehorlsh this day forovor. THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY }