. * v » r ^ - r L . s t i . \ u t v \ L i < , K - W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 8 , 1 9 7 4 West Shore Beacli Connie Schmidt 385-7841 Columnist Seeks Replacement For Writing News It has been a year in March since our subidvision column first , appeared in the newspaper. Since then a handful of people have called and contributed news. Many items that have been written were appeals to the people of this community to become more involved and take a more active interest in our subdivision. There still remains a small minority who are trying to make West Shore Beach a better place to live. This column has been continued in hopes that our subdivision could have communication lines opened between residents. The association will try to carry out its objectives and hold those projects scheduled for the year. However, as columnist I do not feel I should spend valuable time on the phone seeking something to write for our column. If there is someone who . could take this responsibility please call me. Perhaps a change will activate more individuals to call with news. ASSOCIATION MEETING As usual the property owners will meet the second Saturday of the month, May 11, at 5412 Orchardway Drive around 4:30 p.m. All residents are invited to attend. Have you paid your dues yet? If not bring them to the meeting and meet some new neighbors. Everyone welcome! LADIES CLUB The Women's auxiliary of West Shore Beach was hosted by Dora Otto this month. Meeting time is the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Those who attended were: Erna Piatt, Martha Dignan, Pat Hartmann, Grace Latimer, Eileen Swanson, Esther Finiello, Katherine Aissen, Greta Gieske and Mrs. Radlein who won the evening's award. R e f r e s h m e n t s a n d entertainment was enjoyed by all the ladies as well as the fine hospitality of Dora. The second order of stationery was given out and more orders were taken. If anyone is interested in some cute writing paper please call. The project is to make money for our beach improvements. We need your support! BOWLING TRAVELS A tournament held in Indianapolis, Ind., was attended by Fred Schmidt who bowled with Max James, Ed Peterson, Bob Nelsen, Phil Schmidt and Bill Zahn. May 1 and 2 were scheduled team events as well as singles and doubles. A total of nine games was bowled by each person entered. A team picture captured the bowler's good time. PERSONALS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen on their first wedding anniversary, May 7. Hope you folks have lots more to come! On the eleventh of May Mr. and Mrs. Mort Hagen will be celebrating their wedding vows too. Best wishes for continued memories together. If you want to get even with someone, remember those who have helped you. - Quote. Think » about it? Theatre Dinner Party Precedes Marian Musical Marian Central Catholic high school has announced its annual theatre dinner party to be held in the school cafeteria Saturday evening, May 11? This party has pleased many people in the past and is always scheduled before the Saturday evening performance of the spring musical. This year the dinner will be highlighted by "The Captain's Buffet". It will feature three entries and many salads and desserts which are always prepared in very tasty fashion. Reservations for "The Captain's Buffet" are now being taken at the school. Any interested parties are asked to make reservations by calling the school by Wednesday, May 8. Sandy Wilson's "The Boyfriend" is the musical comedy that will be presented Friday and Saturday evenings, May 10 and 11. The public is also invited to attend this musical, which is again being directed by Gerald Fabis. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Friday, and 8:30 Saturday. "The Captain's Buffet" will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. If your family is truly democratic, you may achieve a 3-2 or 4-2 vote in favor of fudge sundaes for breakfast. FORMAL WEAR RENTAL ALL OCCASIONS feell S StJ ....tilt itrnhMIMA 1214 N. Green St., McHenry • I I ORTHO i SPECIAL I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A Great Book.. All About s Vegetables 2 95 ALL ABOUT > Vegetables for every gardener. • Exotic vegetable recipes. 112 pages--48 with color pictures. ORTHO GRO bawd Plant Food .ORTHO LIQUID FERTILIZER 049 A GAL. • Ortho-Gro • Evergreen • Rose • Greenol lAuCiE] •HlAMoMAliilE] 1729 Weit Tim Street • McHeniy. Illinois 60050 I Cretne« Great Mother's CONNOISSEUR OR MOHAWK FRUIT BRANDIES OR CORDIALS 99 Fifth 2 Mend* $- jlJJAfA For Great After Dinner Drinks IMPORTED CHERRY KIJAFA 99 Fifth Imported Spain's Greatest Sherry Region MARI PEPA CREAM SHERRY Day Ideas! It's New!! if You Like Irish mist Liqueur Your Lave ROYAL IRISH COFFEE LIQUEUR I From The Vineyards That Gave You Lancers, JVotc Comes VINYA ROSE WINE J 29 Bttl. A Great Wine9 At A Great Price M0GAN DAVID KOSHER CONCORD WINE Q Q C Q u a r t CARLO-ROSSI 4 MOUNTAIN WINES Burgundy • Pink Chablis 249 Vi Gallon SEAGRAMS priced! ^ q q gular 0 $8.4» nrr" FREE f miniature Bttl. With Every Fifth Free Tasting Fri. & Sat. • A P e r f e c t G i f t - \3It. (Concord! .MocenDavioI THOMPSON BLENDED WHISKEY "For The Price Of A Fifth" "" "Buy A Quart" WINDSOR CANADIAN 998 QW Quart aziL mt CANADIA" 4 BL B M * Free Tasting Fri.-Sat. IMPORTED SICILAIN GOLD ANTIQUE WHISKEY BELL LIQUORS HOME OF MAZE PRICES From New York's State Finest Vineyard WIDMER LAKE R0SELLE (Semi-Dry Pink) LAKE NIAGARA (Semi-Dry white) 29 Bttl. I EXTRA DRY CHARNYA VODKA 99 Quart CjSlfiu 2 >-1 I & All Flavors I f f. .•i./rn,..! HAT Ml \ IN Rust One Of California's Finest Vineyards K0RBEL CHATEAU VIN-R0SE WINE 29 Bttl. PEPSI IMPORTED GANCIA ASTI SPUMANTE 3^ B̂tt|- 3 o / IO 0 0 MM* #r/// SALE FOR MAY 8 THRU MAY 14 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES 1 BELL LIQUORS 4610 W. RTE 120 McHENRY, ILL Phtnc 385-3200 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS CHATEAU LA SALLE | 49 Bttl. Bother