PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MA V 10.1S»V4 Open Educational Member Drive On Limited Basis The membership drive for the McHenry County Educational foundation will begin on a limited basis Wednesday, May 15. According to Executive Director John W. Buckner, the drive will begin in Huntley and Richmond. It is planned at this time to conduct the drives in various communities throughout the county at different times. This is the final of four articles prepared on the Foundation and its purposes and as in previous articles, it will be devoted to a series of questions and answers. Question: How can I become a member? Answer: If you are 18 or over, you can become a member by taking out a membership fee. Memberships are for life, for 10 years and for 1 year and the investment in this membership comes to $100, $50 and $5 respectively. Question: When can I become a member? Answer: You can become a member in Huntle^ or Richmond beginning on May 15. Any person in any other community desiring to become a member prior to that time may do so by calling at the main office at 95 Grant street in Crystal Lake, 111. Question: Where can I get information about the Foundation and its goals? Answer: Dr. Frank and Bob Schoenbeck and workers that they recruit for the Foundation will have information relative to memberships available with them when calls are made on various firms and individuals. NOW IS THE TIME . . .TO TALK ABOUT TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT HRES See Us For A Complete Line Of Firestones WE'RE MAKING PRE SPRING DEALS TODAY ! f ircstonc 9 McHenry Tire Mart 3931 W. Main St. Rhone 3854)294 In addition, as indicated earlier, if you wish to obtain information prior to that time, you may do so by calling at the main office at 95 Grant street in Crystal Lake. Question: When must I sign up to become a member of the Foundation? Answer: A person may become a member of the Foundation at any time during the year. The membership drive is a continuous one but special emphasis will be put on it in various communities from time to time. We are starting with the Huntley and Richmond areas but the membership drive will be conducted in every town in McHenry prior to the close of 1974. Question: Are all i n v e s t m e n t s i n c l u d i n g memberships in the Foundation tax-deductible? Answer: Yes, all investments in- the McHenry County Educational Foundation are tax deductible. Because the McHenry County Educational Foundation is a non-for-profit organization, any investments made in this organization are completely tax-deductible. In addition to your record, the Foundation will send in a full report of all investors to the Internal Revenue Service at the close of 1974. As the membership drive is organized and gets ready to get under way in other communities in McHenry county, the general public will be notified well in advance in order that you may make n e c e s s a r y f i n a n c i a l arrangements to become a member. Coroner Attends Recent Forensic Pathology Seminar Theron J. Ehorn, coroner of McHenry county, had the privilege to attend a forensic pathology seminar in Kansas City, Mo., recently. It was sponsored by the College of A m e r i c a n P a t h o l o g i s t s foundation. There were about forty coroners who attended, and they were from Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Colorado and Missouri. Some of the topics covered were narcotics, firearms, cutting and stabbing, hanging, strangulation, battered child, infanticide, rape, sudden death in infancy, traffic fatalities, manual, pedal, and instrumental, fire, and HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS State Speaker Addresses Area Insurance Agents the insurance industry, is now available and should be studied by all agents to better understand the problems and opportunities the industry faces n o w a n d i n t h e f u t u r e , Lindeman concluded. McHenry Printing Services Announce Change Of Owners MCHS Graduate On North Central President's List Linda Wright turnroth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright, 5108 West Fountain, McHenry Printing Services at 3909 W. Main. Mr. Nethaway purchased the business two weeks ago from Halvor Juul, Jr., who had operated the firm for the past few years. The offices and plant have undergone a complete remodeling and modernizing. The business offers a full- service line of offset printing. Mr. Nethaway and his family will be relocating in McHenry from Mt. Prospect in early summer. McHenry, has been named to the President's list at North Central college in recognition of her scholastic achievement during winter term of the 1973- 74 academic year. A 1970 graduate of McHenry Community high school, Mrs. Turnroth was one of 130 students named to the list by Dr. Arlo L. Schilling, president of the college. To be eligible for the President's list, a student must be enrolled for at least 2.5 course units during the term and earn a grade point average of at least 3.700 for that term or accumulative average of 3.500. The best thing we know of to-,, do "before the doctor comes" is^ to round up all the cash you can.' find. People who fall in love at first*/ sight soon learn to wear bifocals. ri* Charity still begins at home-- if you answer the doorbell. U FROM fUCfU lid" THE ™H 1408 N. Riverside Drive COMPLETE BARBERING & STYLING FOR MEN AND BOYS WE SPECIALIZE IN LAYER CUTTING Call for an appointment •385-8373 BILL LINDEMAN . Bill Lindeman, member of the One Man Agendy committee for the State Association of Independent Insurance Agents, was guest speaker at the regular meeting of the McHenry County association meeting. He talked on the trend of the one-man agency to a two-man agency and the two-man agency to the three-man agency. For competitive and economical reasons, agencies are increasing their size by sales, merger or purchase of other agencies, he said. A strong effort should be made to bring young men and women into the independent agency business, Lindeman added. "The complexity of the business will require planned training programs for the young people wishing to make insurance their career." The Florida Manifesto, an extensive study by the Florida Association of Independent I n s u r a n c e A g e n t s , w h i c h represents eighteen months of study at a cost of $167,000 by some of the sharpest minds in drownings; also, scene investigations, photography, alcohol tests, medicolegal m a s q u e r a d e s , d e a t h certification, and testimony in court. RICHARD F. NETHAWAY There's a new face on Main street in the McHenry business scene. He is Richard F. Nethaway, new owner of LOSE WEIGHT STARTING TODAY ODRINEX contains the most effective reducing aid available without prescription ! One tiny ODRINEX tablet before meals and you want to eat less - down go your calories - down goes your weight ! Thousands of women from coast to coast report ODRINEX has helped them lose 5,10, 20 pounds in a short time - so can you. Get rid of ugly fat and live longer ! ODRINEX must satisfy or your money will be refunded. No questions asked. Sold with this guarantee by BOLGER'S DRUG STORE f 1259 N. GREEN ST. MAIL ORDERS FILLED Make Her Happy On MOTHERS DAY Take Her To ANDRE'S STEAK HOUSE U.S. 12, North Richmond, III. CALL 815-768-7766 MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY Mother's Day Open Noon Till 9 Open 7 Days A Week iGGGGG(? IGGGGGGGGL GGGGj GGGGI GGG( GGG< GGG( GGGGI GGGC ;GGG JGGGGJ ;GGG| ;GG< ;GG< %3*> n o ' t r - Gifts for *7Hom L3GGGGGGGGJ JGGGGGQ RRRRRRRK> RRRRRRRRRj RRRFBRRRR RRRFKRRRI RRRFMIRRI RRRRRRRR^ RRRF£RRRR] RRRFBIRRR *RRF«RRR RRRFIIRRR EEEEEEEI EEEEEEEI EEEEI EEEE[ EEEEI EEE1 EEE] EEF.L EEEEL EEEEEEEI EEF.EEEEI EEFEEKL EEEEEEEI EEEEI EEEBI EEEESBE] EEEEEEEI EEE] EEE] EEE] EEEEEEEI EEF.EEEE SNNN^iNNNI NNNNTMNNN NNNNNMNNN NNNNNllfNNN NNNNNN* FNNKL NNNANNNNNKI NNNAWNNNK NNNWNNNNM NNNWNN^ NNNMNNNM NNNBXNNNN Ex,fl%£A± <f>fp£ciaf ^Ufioucjfifa. c/f-nA c/fffectLon± H/l/itA Elegant crfnA L̂inUfUE îft± <\)xom D(ax£n'±. <£tofi On <Se£. c/fH Our d\louj. 5*: 1 >SSSSbi ISSSSSSSi ISSSSFSSS! lsssj ISSSST isssssssa LSSSSL J5SSSI issssyssssl ;sssssssi LSSSSSI* [AAAAAAl jAAAAAAl (iAAAAAAil jAAAikAAfl jAAAjl\AAAl LAAAAIAAAI JiAAA«ttAAA.| JAAAAAAAAAil jAAAPAAAAAj] LAAAJWAAAAI hAAA,® l\AAAi LLL] LLL] LLL] LLL] LLL] LLL] LLL] LLL] LLL] LLLLLLLl LLLLLI.Ll EEEEEEEI EEEEEEEI EEEEI EEE] EEE'.] EEEEEEEI EF.E] EEE] EEE] EEEEEEEI EEF.EEEE NEW ONE DOLLAR BILLS ONLY /99999999a I999S §9999 I999S •9999 •999S B)999 W99999999 VLQQ^QQQ [1)999 19999 11)999 V99999999J 555555551 555555551 55551 55551 5555JJ 55555555L1 hjU||5555| 5DD?||5555I 5555|P5555| 5555555.CL 5555^a PENNIES In an attempt to help relieve the critical penny shortage The McHenry State Bank Will, during the mongh of May sell brand new one dollar bills for the bargain price of 95* in pennies. It is time to break open that piggy bank and take advantage of this "LONG GREEN" SALE x axzn ± 1238 <zN. <3 1E.Lt2 St. 385-6750 dVlccMenxy, DC. AT THE McHenry State Bank 3510 E. Elm St. 385-1040 McHenry,III. "McHenry County's Largest • The Area's Finest-Financial institution"