I'ACiE 18 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY 17,1974 Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 17, 1994) _ ! Miner Cunningham of ; became the bride of M. Bowers of Spring May 10. The ceremony at the McHenry :h with the pastor I. Brattain, officiating. Stephenson died night at his home at where he had lived {piy years. Bid J. Rauen, county of gardening for the Illinois Emergency Relief Comihission, has just received the seed and potato allotments for the county and they will be delivered throughout the count*. The McHenry ComqKinity Garden is a five acre tract of land, located just west of the McHenry Lumbar Co. All relief clients must follow the garden plans of the commission so that they may avail themselves of the canning facilities which will follow the gardening program. The mothers of the girls of ;FFF class of the M.E. ly school were guests of at a tea served by the at the home of their ;r, Mrs. L.H. Brattain, »y afternoon. Robert Conway will be transferred this week from the Standard Oil filling station here to Rockford, where he will remain with the same company. The girls athletic association of ifie high school enjoyed a party at which time the awards were made for the year. Among the awards made was the presentation of a beautiful little cup to Miss Adele Froehlich in honor of haying won the tennis championship of the school. Friday night the official opening of the softball park will take place with the lights being turned on shortly before nine o'clock just prior to the game between Marengo and Mc TWJ5NTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 19, 1949* * Word was received this Thursday morning of the sudden death of John V. Freund of Johnsburg apparently from a heart attack. The entire McHenry Police force and local deputies were among the law enforcement officers from throughout the county who > last week completed a course in FBI training at Woodstock City hall. These from this area who completed the course were Police Chief Lester Bacon, Officers John McCarthy, Elmer Murphy and Philip Hastings and deputies Paul Struck of McCullom Lake, Harold Hobbs and Sigurd Jacobsen and Justice Kellner of Wonder Lake. The long period of waiting to cross the beautiful, new Green street bridge will end on Friday evening, May 20, when a dedication ceremony will take place, opened by master of ceremonies Earl R. Walsh. On Saturday, May 14, Miss Geraldine Weber became the bride of Mr. Alvin Ritzert of Richmond. The ceremony took place at the Congregational church in Waukegan. Rev. Ambrose M. Weitekamp, pastor of St. Mary's church, Tampico, and former pastor of St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, will celebrate a solemn Mass May 22 in commemoration of the silver jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Martin Switzer announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Lois, to Mr. Frank Walter of Rimesburg, Pa. Miss Switzer is a telephone operator at the local office. Children from the lower grade room in Ringwood school appeared in "School Time" over Radio Station WILA, Tuesday morning. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 21, 1964) John Barnings, 7, of Ringwood road, McHenry, fortunately escaped with only minor injuries when he was struck by a car on Orchard Beach road. At a regular meeting of the city council this week a zoning variation was granted to the owners of the "Just For Fun" roller rink permitting a miniature golf course. Miss Florence Knox of Crystal Lake, a resident of the Terra Cotta area for many years, will be honored at a reception May 24. She is retiring from her teaching duties. She has been a teacher for fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuhns announce the birth of a daughter, May 12. The May Parade of Values, latest of the McHenry Chamber of Commerce promotions, is drawing increased enthusiasm as the days for the special sales in local stores draws near. A total of thirty merchants are participating in the parade of values. McHenry County's collection under the county Retailer's Occupation Tax and County Service Occupation Tax amounted to $12,294.99 for the last month listed by the Department of Revenue. On May 23 residents of this part of McHenry County will go to the polls to vote on the establishment of a river conservancy district designed to improve the condition of the waters in a large, two county area. FORTYYEARSAGO (Taken from the files of May 24, 1934) This year it is expected there will be about fifty-five seniors graduate in June from McHenry high school the largest class to graduate. The class flower is the white rose and the class colors are Yale blue and white. Hazel Howard is valedictorian of her class having the highest average for her four years work in high school. Sidney Smith, father of the Gumps and other comic sketches, was a Woodstock visitor last week where his big Dusenberg roadster with the familiar license number 348 attracted considerable attention. It is reported that the cartoonist is interested in buying a farm. Miss Virginia Engeln is assisting in the CWA office at Woodstock. Everyone of the 500 farmers in McHenry County who has signed an AAA corn hog adjustment contract should take extra care in saving all sales slips, receipts, statements of purchases by livestock buyers and other documents relative to hog transactions during the next 10 months, advises E.F. Kuecker, president of the McHenry Corn Hog Control association. Directors of the McHenry Country club visited Twin Orchards golf course Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Graham plan to move from the Vogt house on Main street to Elgin where he will receive his former position in die watch factory. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 26, 1949) Several hundred persons took advantage of the invitation to witness the dedication of the new Green street bridge. The opening invocation was given by Rev. Wayne Price of the Community Methodist church, the cutting of the ribbon by Mayor George P. Freund and Ex-Mayor R.I. Overton. Mrs. Freund had the honor of breaking the bottle of champagne over the bridge. Following the talks Rt. Rev. Msgr. C.S. Nix of St. Mary's church blessed the bridge. The McHenry Business Men's Association is working out flag display arrangements with the V.F.W. and the American Legion. It is the hope of the service organizations and the association that plans may be made whereby the business districts of McHenry display the flag on all national holidays and special occasions. Members of the faculties of the consolidated grade school and the high school gathered at the Villa Hotel resort Thursday evening to honor two members, Miss May E. Justen and Miss Joan Reihansperger, brides next month. A lovely wedding was solemnized at Lake Forest May 21 at which time Mr. Frank V. Wilson of Volo took as his bride Miss Caroline Powers of Lake Forest. Roger L. Wilbrandt and Eugene Unti are among the more than 500 students at the Galesburg division of the University of Illinois who are transferring to the main campus at Urbana, Champaign, June 3. Frank C. Howard „ has returned home after a two weeks flying trip to England and France. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from die files of May 28, 1964) A go cart and a bike stolen from the Go Kart park of Charles Stilling on Lincoln road late Tuesday evening were found the next morning in McHenry. One had been left at the corner of Riverside drive and Pearl street and the other vehicle in another location on Pearl street. At a meeting held in Rockford recently, Harry C. Lock of McCullom Lake was elected to the post of junior vice-commander of the ninth district of Illinois of the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A. With election to this post, Mr. Lode becomes the first member of the McHenry barracks of the veterans of World War I to be named to the governing body of the ninth district. Donald Eugene Dowe of Richmond road, McHenry, will graduate with his master's degree from the Jane Adams School of Social work at the University of Illinois, Urbana. John A. Yegge returned home after completing three years service in the Navy Air Force. Julius Goffo has taken over management of the Chapel Hill country club. A1 Faveui, golf pro, will be a partner in the operation of the club. Dr. and Mrs. Milton L. Smith, former owners, have again resumed ownership of the club. At a recently held meeting of the 1964 Warrior baseball squad, Rich Soda, sophomore catcher, was elected by his teammates as the most valuable player. THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT CONSERVING ELECTRICITY Heating water without waste. A leaky faucet can do more than keep you awake nights. It can cost you money. Drop by drop, 650 gallons can go down the drain in a year. If it's hot water, each drop adds to your water- heating expense. You can fix many leaky faucets yourself. If it's leaking from the spout, the problem is often a faulty washer that can be replaced. A few minutes and a little work can save you more than sleep. Also, you can cut back on hot water. In your automatic washer, for example, permanent press items need only warm water. And lightly soiled clothes can sometimes be cleaned on a cold- water setting. Water heating is just one place where you can eliminate wasted energy. We've compiled hints on this and other areas into our booklet "101 Ways to Conserve Electricity at Home." For your free copy, write Commonwealth Edison, Department AV, P.O. Box 767, Chicago, Illinois 60690. Commonwealth Edison concern tor your total environment Recognize Police Commission Member For Fine Service John H. Oakford, Jr., recently terminated his service as a member of the McHenry Police commission at the end of two terms. Mr. Oakford selected not to accept reappointment. In Recognition for his service on the commission since its beginning, the city has issued the following resolution: RESOLUTION Whereas, John H. Oakford, Jr., has served as a member of the City of McHenry Police PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community.^ Our 1 only request is that the writers give - signature, full ad-, dress and phone number. We ask too, that one in dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectional taste.) THE PRESIDENT "Editor: "I am writing this in the hope that someone in the political know-how can give me an answer. "Why cannot this terrible question of our President's resignation or impeachment be submitted to a referendum? "A public vote on this would give those of us who believe in Mr. Nixon and wish to support him, a clear voice over the sanctimonious mouthings, so widely printed, of his detractors. "There is no such thing as a clear voice in the slanted polls and prejudicial judgments so much in vogue today. "Vox Populi Vox Dei - 'The voice of the people is the voice of God'. "Sincerely. "(Mrs.) Kathleen Brown "1211N. Riverside Drive "McHenry" Commission since its inception in 1968, and Whereas, he has devoted many hours, with exceptional ability, in performing the duties of Secretary of the Police Commission, and Whereas, his knowledge of the workings of the Commission has been of great value to the City of McHenry, and Whereas, he now finds it necessary to retire from the Police Commission, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of McHenry extend its sincere appreciation for the aforementioned services. I move the adoption of the above resolution, that it be incorporated in the minutes of this meeting and a copy be presented to John H. Oakford, Jr. SERVICE The Navy has recently instituted a new enlistment option called "Schoolport." This allows a qualified young man to enlist in one of eight Navy jobs and also elect his homeport. Among the areas open, at present, include Mare Island, Alameda, San Francisco and San Diego, Calif.; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; and Japan. Other areas include Norfolk, Virginia; Mayport, Florida; and overseas Atlantic. For those not choosing a school, the Navy, also, has a "guaranteed specific' overseas homeport" program. Among the areas included are Athens, Greece; Holy Loch, Scotland; Naples and Gaeta, Italy; Rota, Spain; Yokosuka and Sasebo, Japan; and Guam. For further information about these and other enlistment options, contact the local Navy representatives at 144 Washington street, Woodstock, or call 338-4076- 4133. PAPER COLLECTION Wonder Lake Boy Scout Troop 145 is having a paper drive this Sunday, May 19. The boys will be at the Nativity Lutheran church and Christ the King church after all the services to collect the papers. Wonder Lake residents are asked to bring their papers to either of these two points on Sunday. m 1 1 s IS x a Plaindealer Deadlines & Set Ahead For Holiday The Plaindealer will observe the Memorial day holiday on the traditional day, Thursday, May 30. Deadlines must be moved ahead so that the newspaper reaches readers Tuesday and Friday of the holiday week. General news will'be accepted until Friday morning, May 24, and Tuesday morning, May 28 until 10 o'clock. Classified advertising deadlines are 4 p.m. the same two days and display advertising at noon both days. Columnists for the first paper in the holiday week should have copy in the office by noon Thursday, May 23. What's Hindsight? Hindsight is what a lot of wo men need when they're buying slacks! CYCLONE IS COMING TO Jos.H.Huemann & SONS WELL DRILLING SPECIAL OFFER! Bag, cart or spreader with TORO Rider. L Jn ~ - Special Offer: Buy any TorO* 1 400-lh ^niTvirifv '^\ Whirlwind* rear engine rider now for haul ' . and get a dump cart, seeder-spreader mfilawn^fflHBI9^^~. or bagging kit at no additional cost, dwbris Hurry, offer good only while promo- etc. HOUGHTON • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING • GUTTERS - Free Estimates • CALL ' 385-5476 tional stocks last. Bagging Kit Holds bushels of leaves or lawn clippings. Heavy-duty fiber bag Model 56027 Seeder- Spreader: Scatters seeds or fertilizer in a uniform swath. J Haven't you done without aToro long enough? George P. Freund, inc 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry,III. PH. - 815-385-0420 H T A K E S A M , A BET U)£ WILL BEAT 6UICK DEAL! AT BABER BUICK/OPEL US 12, FOX LAKE, ILL. ALL PHONES: 312-587-2555 IS DAILY 9-9 SAT 9-5 • SERVICE DAILY 8-5 BEST DEALS/ Large Selection Pre-Driven Trade-Ins t