I'/tUtU t -FLAIiNijfcjALEK WEDNESDAY, MA* U , 1914 Spring Grove Eva Freund Alice Weber Serves Garden Club Committee Mrs. Alice Weber was on the committee and attended the spring meeting of the Fox Lake Garden club held at the Moose hall in Fox Lake on May 9. The program was May hats and six women modeled their hats. Three with real flowers and three with artificial flowers. A noon luncheon was served. VISITS The Rev. John Daleiden, a former pastor of St. Peter's parish, now retired, drove here *4fom Joliet with friends. He had lunch in Richmond and stopped off to say "Hello" to a few friends in and around this vicinity. I Rev. Eugene Jung, ^Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Aurora and his mother, Mrs. Emma Jung of Freeport, visited friends and relatives here the past week. They were house guests of Mrs. Mame Tinney for the weekend. STUDENTS SHOW TALENT The American Legion Auxiliary of Richmond held a poster contest for all grade school children on the meaning of veteran poppies. Judges were Mrs. Eleanor Storrs, Solon Mills; Miss Barb O ' L e a r y , L i b r a r i a n , Richmond; and Mrs. Alice Weber, Spring Grove. They judged the posters at the Nippersink Library in Richmond. Posters are on display in the library. Take a little time to observe the outstanding art work the young people are doing. This is an annual contest sponsored by the auxiliary. First place went to Janice Skidmore, Richmond, Second to Meg Korak, Richmond; third to Shari Karls, Richmond. Honorable mention to Samuel Jones, Spring Grove; Donna Wehrheim, Spring Grove; Susan Van Every, Solon Mills; 675-2135 and Kim Tassone, Richmond. A number of the posters will be going to the convention in June to be judged by the American Legion Auxiliary. AARP INSTALLATION The Chain of Lakes Chapter 873 of the American Association of Retired People held its installation of officers May 13 at a noon dinner at I^oliday House, Ingleside. Installing officer was Onnie Bridges, Asst. State Representative 5th Area of Illinois. The 1973-74 officers are President Elmer Marxen; first Vice-President Robert Leonhardt; second, Vice-President Loretta Van Gala; Treasurer Minnie Braumann. Corresponding Secretary Lillian Severs. Directors of the chapter are Michael Sweeney, Jean Burdick, Fred Graumann, Bess Valenta, Ted Bush, Kaximir Sobehard. Elsie Grochowski thanked all who had helped on membership for the past two years. TAKE TOURS The latter part of April Mr. and Mrs. Anion Meyer went by bus from Rockford on a six day . tour to Washington, D.C» Among the many places of interest they saw was a pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Mrs, Agnes May and Mrs. Laura Kutish joined members of NAIM on a bus tour to Holland, Mich., on May 15 where they saw a beautiful parade and greatly enjoyed seeing tulips of all varieties. HOME FROM OVERSEAS DUTY David May, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene May, 1807 Oak street, who is with the U.S. Navy has returned to the United States after one year of overseas duty. While overseas his home port was Gaeta, Italy, aboard the USS Little Rock. While there he cruised to many countries in Europe and North Africa, such as Spain, Gibraltar, Tunisia and Morocco. He was also aboard ship patrolling during the Mid- East crisis. On April 3 he underwent surgery on his feet in a Naples Hospital and was confined for six weeks. He then flew to Frankfurt, Germany, for further treatment. From there he flew to the United States arriving May 9. He is now in Naval hospital at Great Lakes. He will remain at Great Lakes for ten months before his discharge. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS The Lotus Country Women's club held its installation of officers on Wednesday afternoon, May 15. Thirty-two members and guests gathered at Orsolini's for this event and enjoyed a delicious noon dinner of chicken and beef. The program was a rendition of beautiful songs, sung by soloist Miss Frances Pszenny, daughter of President Pauline Horak. One of the songs was dedicated to her mother and all mothers for Mother's Day. A motion was made to dispense with the business meeting. Corresponding Secretary Frances Heinemann read a thank you note from Charles Raeder. Frances McNally sent a letter requesting that she be accepted as an out-of-town member and enclosed amount for dues. This request was granted. Re-districting will place the Lotus Country Women's Club in District No. 4 along with Boone and Winnebago counties. A special meeting is being held in regard to this change on May 22 in Garden Prairie at 9 a.m. A representation from LCWC will attend. Bills were approved as presented Several prizes were given out. Awards for perfect attendance were presented by Secretary Eva Freund to Pauline Horak, Kay Smith, Frances Heinemann, Jean Lay, Beulah Karls and Emma Kattner. A report on the District 11 meeting held in Wheaton April 25 was given by Eva Freund. Kay Smith, a delegate to the convention of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs in Chicago on May 7, 8 and 9 gave a most interesting and inspiring report. One could tell that Kay gleaned much information and knowledge at this convention. She attended a parliamentary session and learned many things about club work she had been confused about. In the entertainment field she saw two plays and heard good speakers, such as a representative for Mayor Daly, who was hospitalized. Deputy Mayor of Chicago, Ken Sane spoke. James Ruddle from WMAQ TV, moderator of City Desk gave a talk on "The Energy Crisis". Mr. Brown, Medical Director of County Hospital told almost unbelievable facts on "Child Abuse". To sum it all up, she said she learned that the theme this year is "Progress Through Participation". Then added that we should all work together and continue to enjoy doing it as we have in the past as Lotus Country Club Women. The installation ceremony was held with Frances Heinemann as instalfFfig officer. New- officers are Kay Smith, president; Dorothy Orsolini, vice-president; Eva Freund, recording secretary; Jean Lay, treasurer; Dolores Ellefsen, corresponding secretary; Arleen Kruger, auditor. A gift was presented to installing officer Frances Heinemann. Social gatherings for the summer months, card parties and luncheons were suggested. Among the guests was Addie Gardner from Solon Mills, who said she was a member many years ago when Agnes Hatch was president. This would then bring her into the charter member category. The next meeting of the club will be in September, 1974. HERI<: AND THERE IN BUSINESS JOIN COMPANY Larry A. Drake, 7709 Orchard lane, Wonder Lake, has joined the Allstate Insurance companies as a property loss adjuster in the Claims department of the firm's Arlington Heights office, 1216 East Central road, Arlington Heights. An expert can be wrong as often as anybody else, but he has fancier reasons for it. Man has learned to fly like the birds-but not as quietly. Brouhaha's 5th 'A* Everything in the store ON SALE COmPLETE JPRING and JUfTlfflER ST) •Sw w, BWNM LIMITED &IIGI 1220 N. G&E N ST H E N FCF, I T.6%50 \ mastercharge bankamericard american express welcome Prom Memories The Chateau Louise was the site of the McHenry prom last Saturday night. A total of 130 couples enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and the tasty capon dinner. The dancing, the entertainment, and just the quiet walks will be memories to remember for these juniors and seniors. The evening was highlighted with the crowning of Queen Jan Bjorkman and King Steve O'Haiieran. The students returned to West campus at midnight to enjoy more dancing and snacks. 130 couples enjoyed a capon dinner at the Chateau Louise. Staff Photos by Wayne Gaykmi A little sunshine in the life of Principal Robert Swartzloff as he breaks into show-bis. The setting was scenic. Under a glow of candles, dinner is enjoyed. The king and queen relax a moment. \ Jan and Steve have a moment to remember.