PAGE 11 • PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. MAY 24,1974 Auxiliary Notes From V.F.W. Commander in Chief Ray R. Soden of the Veterans of Foreign Wars addressed members of the Ladies auxiliary annual convention of the Fifth district in Joliet Sunday, May 19. Ray Soden was escorted through an honor guard of American flags into the meeting room, where he was introduced by Fifth District President June Savage. In addressing the ladies he urged them to write to Senators and' Congressmen asking that both Memorial day and Veterans day be returned to their Distinguished Guests Attend Lions Dinner Recent visitors at the McHenry Lions, club dinner meeting were Lions District Governor Art Hammer and his cabinet secretary-treasurer, George Gallaher, Lt. District Governor Walt Wilson, Deputy District Governor Leo Krumm and Zone Chairman George Abbomonto and their wives. Club membership retention awards were presented. Two new members were installed, Darell Spice of McHenry and Orville Gosse of Wonder Lake. original dates. This year more than any other year there is confusion over the observance of Memorial day. ' Other guests attending the ladies' meeting were Commander Richard Wallace of the state of Illinois > and Commander Walter Such of the Fifth district in the state. District Publicity Chairman Luella Coons announced the winners of the Auxiliary publicity books. Ladies auxiliary to VFW Post 4600 was awarded third place, Gerry Kuck is the publicity Chairman. Poppy chiairman, Marie Mann, announced die winners from the Poppy displays which were judged prior to the meeting. Lucille Garifi, Poppy chairman of the local auxiliary, entered in the table decorations division and was awarded second place. Following the meeting, newly elected and appointed officers for the year 1974-1975 were installed; however, they will not take office until after the state convention which will be held in June. Members of the local Ladies auxiliary who were installed in appointed offices were Mary Kuemmel, banner bearer, and Gerry Kuck, assistant conductress. Members of the Ladies auxiliary to VFW Post 4600 who attended the meeting were Helen Spoolstra, Lucille Garifi, Mary Kuemmel and Gerry Kuck. Feminine intuition never tells a gal what Hubby had for lunch. Deaths REV. FRANK COATS A memorial service will be held Friday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the First United Methodist church, Lombard, for the Rev. Frank Coats of Wonder Lake. Interment will be in West Plains, Mo. Rev. Coats was born May 5, 1892, in Tunnel Hill near Vienna, 111., and had been a Methodist minister for 60 years. A circuit rider for 12 years, he served in active ministry in the Chicago Metropolitan area for 31 years and as a retired minister for 17 years serving five more churches. Survivors are his wife, Mabel Shafer Coats, two sons, Frank Coats, Jr., and James Coats; a daughter, Lorraine Coats Gerhardt; two sisters, one brother, twelve grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. "WASH & WEAR" HAIR CUTS FOR gals on the go • Layer Cuts • Shags • Naturals $10.00 JAXE'S 385-7771 Store Your Winter Clothes\| FREE at MR. DON'S' HOUR CLEANERS II II SAVE that much needed closet space with our Storage Plan. (day Saturday for your SAFE -- INSURED weekend needs. Fur Coat Cold Storage - Extra jJ207 N. 3rd ST. McHENRY 385-2011 We are open at 6:45 A.M. For tlie Early Birds . All day Saturday for your weekend needs. uE & RAY HAS THEM!"" The TOce-Home Environment Makers from FHgidalre and General Motors. Ju8t Mod*) AEC-4L $156°° 6,000 BTUs/hr.*capacity. Only 83 pounds, uncrated. Easy to carry home. Easy on your budget. Enough cooling power to keep a good-size bedroom cool and comfortable all night long. 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SERVING ALL OF GREATER McHENRY COUNTY McHenry Savings •T ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION^^ 1209 North Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050---815/385-3000 SAVERS HOURS 9 00am to 4 30 p m Monday Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. 9 00 a«n to 8 00pm Friday Dnve-ln Window open Wednesday 9 0 0 a r r t o 2 0 C p m Deposits insured to $20,000 by the Federal Sav«ngs 4 Loan insurance Corp HORNSBYS ^ f a m i l y centers Tomatoes or Petunias Bedding Plants 8 Plants Per Tray Reg. 73* Prices Effective Thursday May 23 thru Wednesday May 29 3 trays Limit 6 Trays 40 Lb. Bag Peat Soil Conditioner M.T.D. Delux Riding Mower 34 in. riding mower has a new cast grille, Six speed transmission. 5 forward 1 reverse. > Automatic disc brakes. Sealed beam head lights. Model No. 133-485. Our Reg. *527.87 Vita-Hume Peat -- Fantastic ready to use soil con ditioner. Just put it on and "watch your garden grow!" NOW molded Plastic White Reg. 3.37 YOUR &ARWR GROW WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES EFFECTIVE WHILE QUAN TITIES LAST. 50 Lb. Bag White Landscape Stone 1 46 Go creative with decorative land scape chips . create delightful w a l k w a y s o r striking and un usual effects in home or garden. WUTtMi TQ PLANT! Assorted Evergreens Flying Mallard Lawn Decoration Wings Move Natural Coloring ««• $J27 Choose From Juniper, Pfitzer Aborvite, These Are Just A Few From Our Large Selection Values To 8.87 NOW $ 5 7 4 4400 West Route 120 McHenry, III. Daily 9-9 Sturdy 5'x7* Galvanized Steel Storage Shed Our Reg. 117.87 97«7 Sturdy 5'x7' storage shed of corrosion resistant steel, that fights effect of weather. Galvanized steel protection keeps garden tools, mowers -- anything safe from weather's at- tack. Rt. 47 i Country Club Rd. Woodstock, Sunday 10^ I