Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1974, p. 9

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Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma. Hueckstaedt 385-5689 your week ahead n in. ».w. o«ms Forecast Period: Jane to lane 8 The JS* Era to 2,000 A.D. ChmJ (NEWS OF EARTH, ENVIRONMENT, ENERG President Hyatt Hosts Municipal Association On Wednesday Evening, May 22, the McHenry County Municipal Association met and held its meeting at a local restaurant in Lilymoor, with Lakemoor being host. Following a very enjoyable dinner, President Hyatt introduced the first of the guest speakers. They were Robert Schroyer, William Tammeus, and Kelly MdClain. They represent the Comprehensive Health Planning Agency for McHenry County, Inc. If any reader would liter further information or if they^ would like to find out how they can help the program, either call 338-2040 Ext. No. 350 or write to C.H.P.A. for McHenry County, McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock, 111. 60098 Room 104. Their greatest need is an input from the municipalities, the help of volunteers also they need people's opinion and financial help. If you can contribute to any of the ways listed then give them a call. The next speaker was Ken Arvidson of Springfield. He is a member of the Illinois Municipal Lteague and he spoke of the benefits of the Illinois League and* he urged those present to join. Mayor Stanek announced that McHenry was granted an award from the State for its sewer water treatment plant. Next John Shay, Head of Civil Defense spoke regarding flood insurance and that he has applied for a presidential declaration that much of McHenry County is a flood disaster area. Wally Dean spoke on the R.T.A. He also reminded those present about the open meeting on May 28 at 7:30 p.m. at West Campus regarding the controversial waste water plan for northwest Lake County. Anyone interested may attend this meeting. NOTICE TO LAKEMOOR RESIDENTS There is an ordinance regarding your garbage cans. It is as follows: Article No. 3, Sections 291 and 292 state you must have a water-tight metal container with a close fittins - lid,capacity of no more than thirty(30) gallons for garbage (You are allowed four(4) of these containers!) The containers are to be in front of your residence only from Thursday evening before Friday's pick-up and must be removed to the backp of your property within twelnty-four (24) hours after the pick-up. It is the duty and obligation of every resident to abide by the rules and regulations of your community, otherwise can you imagine what your area would look like whether it is LilVmoor, Lakemoor or a much larger town. DRIVERS NEEDED I have been asked to print a request for anyone who has the time and a car available to drive cancer patients to Lutheran General hospital in Park Ridge, for treatments. If any reader is at, all interested in helping in that manner, either call Elmer Stange at 385- 4071, or call the American Cancer Society office in Elgin, the phone number is 312-Sh.l- 6722, and let them know you will help. MEDICAL SELF-HELP Last Wednesday's program consisted of learning what to do for a heart attack victim, and clogged or blocked esophagus, and a review on shock. The class watched a movie on burns and what to do for them, Tonight's class will be a complete review also a movie will be shown on "Tornadoes, what to do and where to go in the event that one takes place." There were approximately fourteen members in attendance. Those who were not there were at the dinner and meeting of the municipal association. SURPRISE-SURPRISE Friday, May 17, began as every other day has in the Cassell household, until the phone rang and when Gloria answered, a voice she has heard before, said "I am "in Chicago with a companion, how do we get out to your house?" Gloria proceeded to give them directions and route numbers to follow, and as a result there was a reunion with John's mother, Mrs. Bessie Foley, and her friend. They had driven from Los Angeles, Calif. There was a family gathering of Gloria, John, and their children; John, Julie, and Billy, and young John's girl friend Lyrme Monahan, also present • was Marvlou and Jim Garman, their children, Candy, Denise, • and Jimmy, Jr., Jim and Judy Cassell plus Kristie and Leigh, all very happy to see "Grandma". It. was during all the festivities that the second surprise took place, in the way of an announcement. Mrs. Foley announced that she and her companion, Ed Scott, were going to get married when they returned to California. The greatest surprise of all, is the fact that both Mrs. Foley and Mr. Scott are 75 years young. On Saturday Goria drove them around the countryside totaling 100 to 150 miles visiting other friends and relatives and taking in the sights in general. Mr. Scott commented on the fact that he had never seen anything as beautiful as all the lilacs and trees that were in full bloom as they were on his trip to the McHenry area. May we say here and now "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Scott and congratulations to you and your future bride, and may you both have muctitfappiness' IN CLOSING You may have noticed that the column has been longer and more informative these past weeks, that is to be attributed to the fact that more people have been calling and giving me the news, so may I say keep those calls coming. Don't give up if you don't reach on the first or second try as it very possible that I am out communing with Mother Earth in our yard. insight CYCLONE IS COMING TO Jos.H.Huemann & SONS WELL DRILLING Larry Swaim By Larry Swaim PLEASURE "Dear Mr. Swaim, are plea­ sures sinful or are they legiti­ mate? Someone recently re­ marked that everything en­ joyable is either too expen­ sive, fattening or sinful." No, pleasures are not necessarily sinful in them­ selves. They are sinful if they injure our Christian lives and testimony in some way or keep us from growing spiritu­ ally, but God wants us to be happy, he wants us to enjoy life. God is the one who "giveth us richly all things to enjoy." [I Timothy 6:17J. When Christ says deny your­ self, the meaning is to deny one's ego, and to deny one those things which are, ob­ viously, harmful to the body and to the soul. Christians, I am convinced, are the happiest people in the world. They have a peace of mind, a joy and a security no one else can possibly know. Anything we have to give up as a Christian is replaced with something of far greater value. "But what things were gain to me, those things I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I counted all things but loss for the excel­ lency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord ..." [Phillipians 3:7-8]. Jesus promises us an abundant life right here on this earth. There are many legitimate pleasures and joys we can know, but true pleasure can only be found after one has estab­ lished a meaningful relation­ ship with Jesus. For a Biblical and confi­ dential answer to your ques­ tion, write Larry Swaim, 985 Ponce de Leon Avenue, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30306. Helpful Tip When you prepare fresh fruits for salads or desserts ahead of time; either cover them with water or sprinkle them with lemon juice to prevent discolor­ ation. This method will save you last minute preparation time and help keep the fruit fresh and colorful. ORNAMENTAL IRON Railings-Columns Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next t6 Gem cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783 AKXBS Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAUftUS Apr. 8f - May » GEMINI May ti • June 29 MOONCHILD June 21 July 22 LEO July 2S - Aug. 22 vntGo Aug. 22 - Sept 22 LDKA Sept 23 -Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct 23 • Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 • Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS JIB. 20 • Feb. IS PISCES Feb. 19 • Mar. 29 Hie moment someone mentions a good deal-- beware! Your chart warns against becoming involved in a "get rich" scheme. Really, it's not the time to start a project. No doubt whatsoever, your sign has the urge to tamper with affairs of secret order. So, avoid the temptation to carry malicious gossip. , For you? Members of the opposite sex, most certainly, will hold the spotlight. Anyway, youH make points in some unexpected areas. Look for surprises! Might sound like "stock" advice. Nonetheless, before you sign, please read documents that must be attended to--before the end of this month. ' You just might .. . . talk a little too loud, and, a little too long. Most members of your sign are prone to becoming too pushy, this week. Several opportunities are heading your way, in­ cluding a rather tempting overture. The point? Don't disrupt your present living pattern . . . hold on to security. ' , Over indulgence and physical pleasures seem to be in this week's stellar pattern. Discretion is in order--for most members of your sign. One other thing! Check your grooming. Telling the truth is one thing; at whose ex­ pense is another. This week, it seems as though you will receive data or evidence that could harm an associate. According to your chart, things will get worse --before they improve. A major reversal will > prove to be an advantage, in the long haul. Look for a behind the scene romance to affect your job, task or project, in one form or an­ other. Incidentally, it's not a good week for speculations. ' • Your chart is painted with a broad brush of optimism. A series of events, this week, will inspire you with new ambitions. Many under your sign, must wait out a bad situation that has now developed with members of the opposite sex. Other Pisceans must guard valuables. SBA Developes New Plan "The energy crunch, rising infla­ tion, tight money and high inter­ est rates alt spell double trouble for the nation's small businesses "in 1974," says Thomas S. Kleppe, Administrator of the Small Busi­ ness Administration. While the impact of this crunch has not reached the severity in the midwest farming areas that now prevails in the industrialized, highly-populated sections of the country, it will become increas­ ingly troublesome very soon. "Make no mistake about it," Kleppe said, "the energy emergen­ cy is going to change the life styles of millions of Americans." In such a climate, Kleppe said, the small businessman is the first to feel the squeeze. "If history is a reliable indicator," Kleppe said, t "Then we know the small business­ man will have to redouble his efforts just to survive." Kleppe said strong adverse fac­ tors in economy are not easily reversable, and, if left unchecked, could lead to abnormal business failures and serious unemployment in the small business sector. The only bright spot on the horizon was the recent move toward low- t er interest rates and an increase in the money supply, according to Kieppe. To help the small businessman cope with the current crisis the Small Business Administration es­ tablished an Office of Special Advisor to the Administrator on Energy and Materials. The new office will coordinate within the SBA, all problems arising out of energy and material shortages as they affect small businesses. PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. MAY 29,1974 Automobile Service Tips PSI CPOUNPS PER. SQUARE IHCU ) 7IRES RUNNING MTH TOO UTTLS AiR PRESSURE Will flex ano stpjmM more AN? WEAR ON THE OUf&OE ESPGEE>. . TdOMUCH A/R PRESSURE MU LEAP TO RAP/P WEAR /N 7HE CEH7ER OF TREAP. CHECK! VOUR TiRE? El/ERYWEER. 3EV A&UABLE POCRET GAUGE AMP CRECR' ERE Rf&T^kJRE yVUREELR A^> SERVICE-ttrmv AIR HJMRS ARt OFTEN /N&curate-. TAREREADNGS WHEN VREE ARE COi-P-7HAr IS, WHEN THEVHAVE (SEEN /PiE FOR 5OR4 HOURS. WHEN YOU ARE E>RlZNO/ T/RE EXESSORE CAN INCREASE A*Mi/CM AG PS J. PONT LETOUT IVHAT/4>\V SEEM TO EE- EXCESS PRESSUREERVM HOT TIRES- J'HEy WILL EE UN PER/NFL A TEP WHEN THEV COOL • t 7 T WANTED! PERSONALITY PROFILE for your Sun Sign Analysis, sand the day, month, year and placa of birth, plus $1.00 (or postage and handling to Dr. Andrtw W. Damii, P. O. Box 12766, St Petersburg, Florida 33733. , Many Are Included On College Honor Listing The honors list for the semester was announced by McHenry County college officials recently. High academic honors (3.5 to 4.0) or honors (3.0 to 3.49) were earned by sixty-four area students. On the MCC grading system, 4.0 is equal to A and 3.0 is equal to B. Part-time students are eligible for award of honors only during those semesters in which they complete a multiple of twelve semester hours. Eligibility for part-time honors does not occur every semester ' regardless of grade point ' average. Receiving high honors from McHenry were Laura L. Anderson, Michael A. Carlson, Stephen C. Dolloff, Jessy < Dominique, EdwardJ. Lindane* David L.' Micheletto, Diane Powers, Thomas F. Pursell, Donald E Rose and Teresa M. Stoffel. From Richmond honor- students were Richard M. Dennis, Yvonne M. Elfmann, Richard M. Marsh, Mark E. Miller and Scott W. Sauer ; Also Elaine M. Plachy of Spring Grove, Douglas W. Prosen of Wonder Lake and Rosalie E. Savini of Island Lake. Awarded honors were Janis M. Blankenhorn, Donna M. Boelter, Yolanda Fernandez, Thomas E. Frost, Timothy E. Harrison, Deborah L. Heinrich, Keith Hutchinson, Kerry D. Jensen, Michael C. Jonnson, Kathryn M. Kavale, Karen E. Kurowski, Mary M. Martin, Ronald L. Page, Sandy M. Patzke, Alan J. Phalin, William L. Robel, Alcides A. Villacampa, Ronald W. Wayda and John A. Zimny, all of McHenry. Also included were David C. Bays of Richmond, Robert L. Ducy, Paul C. Karls and Denise C. May of Spring Grove and Kenneth F. Bohac, Gene A. Messina, Karen L. Nelson and Jeffrey A. VanKanegan of Wonder Lake. Part-time students who earned honors were Thomas Benthusen, Norma G. Gunn, Betsy A. Hamm, Jeanne A. Holm, Vernon L. Holm, Leonard W. May and Martin A.- New Apartments He rented one of those new apartments that features five rooms and 1 and 7/8 bathrooms. That fractional bathrooih is real­ ly something else! It has all the fixtures you'd expect in a full bathroom -- only there are no pipes! But the apartment also features wall-to-wall carpeting, air-conditioning and back-to-the- wall payments! Ziebel of McHenry; Also, Leif R. Anderson and Yvonne L. Weber of Richmond, Kenneth G. Beck of Ringwood and Rose M. Byard and Ruth - M, Wohnrade of Wonder Lake. SEW WHAT? X i r r • f i T T T T T X X T X X X X X • £> Your Z Will THIS WIIK'B PATTERN'8 BY A U D R E Y L A N E t Limit on Special 1--per person 1--per family Groups and additional subjects taken at our regular low prices No Age Limit photo charms available Child's Photographer be Be on Duty at - - - Thursday, May 30 - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, May 31 - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. I COAST T I COAST STORES . . . t o t a l h a r d w a r e rm? ; 4400 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tht shop* of this drott It turo to •nchant you. Not* cut-in ormhotot, gontlo yoking, end graceful flan of the skirt. No. 3407 coma* in mittot sins 10 to 18. No. 3407 six* 12 (butt 341 tokos 2'/t yards of 44 inch fabric. WHIRLPOOL DOILY Whirlpool crochotod doily moo- suros about 14 inchos in diamotor. A whirligig contor sproods to form ripplos, oddiot and soosholls in tho lovly bordtr. Send for PoHorn No. 123$. Sond 501 for ooch dross pattorn, 30* for ooch noodlowork pattorn Iadd lit for ooch dross pattorn, 10f for ooch noodlowork pattorn for mailing and handling) to AUMCY LANE BU- KCAU,Morris Plaint,N*w Jorsoy 07950 If you're willing to do a little simple arlthmetic,you can do something about Hie energy crisis. an And HOW TO STOP THE POLITICAL ASSASSINATION OF OUR PRESIDENT! IF YOU ARE MAD ENOUGH TO FIGHT We welcome you to our rank* CALL OR WRITE: FAIRNESS TO THE PRESIDENCY COMMITTEE HIC. 625 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611 Telephone: 312/717-6130 Itcan help you buy air conditioner ttaft effldent. A today, thaft Important. You may not realize this, but some air conditioners use a lot more electricity than others to cool the same amount of space. And in the summer, when the heat gets unbearable and millions of people turn on their air conditioners to find relief, this can amount to a sig­ nificant waste of electricity. On a normal summer day as the chart below indi­ cates, Commonwealth Edison may have to deliver three to four million kilowatts more than on an average winter day. To meet this summer demand, extra amounts of fuel must be burned. By making sure you buy the kind of air conditioner that gives the same cooling with less electricity, you can save money and save us all critically needed fuel. The thing to check is known as the EER, an engineer's term which stands for Energy Efficiency Ratio. And there's information on every air conditioner that lets you figure it out. You dont have to be an engineer to find the EER. All the information you need to buy an efficient air con­ ditioner can bqjound on the metal plate attached to the unit. EXUs fo oN model number , ACR20B/4F oN VOLTS CYCLE j PHASE I i 5 60, ! | cgemuw 3J/HR 1 A/PS lu 4,6OOO) 1 75 £850 ) WATTS To get the EER, simply divide the BTUs by the watts. If you're comparing two 6,000-BTU models for efficiency, it would look like this: s5~ezz /2CX>J6cco37Vs WATTS Seamless Aluminum Gutters & Downspouts in Six Colore • No more peel ing or flaking • Heavy, durable alumi­ num • Cut down on maintenance problems • Expert installation Call For Free Estimate 653-9720 385-9427 lUtters Unlimited McHenry JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Simplified graph of seasonal demand for electricity. Commonwealth Edison concern tor your total environment Our recommended energy efficiency ratio for an air conditioner is 7 or more, so the unit on the right is the one you should buy. Low efficiency units have EERs of around 5 or 6. If the metal plate on the unit is diffi­ cult to locate, ask your dealer for the information you need to deter­ mine its efficiency. You save money, too. You've already found that the unit on the right in the example above is the mora efficient air conditioner. It probably wiii cost a little more to buy, but because it's more efficient, it would cost less to operate. In the long run. anefficientairconditioner helps keep electricity rates as low as possible. And right now, an efficient air conditioner heips conserve our country's natural resources.

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