R[A l ESTATE FOR SALE By owner, Lake Front cottage on Meyers Bay. 3 bedrooms plus lg. screened, lighted patio with beautiful view of the bay and Pistakee Lake. Electrified pier, fully furnished $32,500. Call 815-385- 2947 after 6 p.m. ___ G5/22-5/29 South of McHenry, Hi-PoiAt Industrial, zoned light, 1 to 3 acres, terms available 312-372- 2040 Extension C, Arthur T. Mcintosh & Co. 5/1-TF1-2 McHenry Illinois, Whispering Oaks. 2 bedroom, brick&alum. ranch, 2 baths,cent, air, 2 car garage, many extras, realist ically priced...... $53,000.00 815-385-2609 5/29-5/31 HELP WANTED MOTHERS AND COLLEGE STUDENTS You can offset the high cost of living by working part time. $2.00 per hour plus commission. HELP WANTED WANTED Part time Bartender Call Bernie at Ciystal Lake Country Club 459-1237 5/17-5/29 TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 Call GEN: 385-0940 5/29-5/31 Haw |Nft PUTER OPERATORS Night Shift 10:00 pm- 6:00 AM Full Time Prior key punch or encoding experience reauired Apply McHENRY HOSPITAL 2315 W. "Waukegan Rd. McHenry, Illinois 815-385-2200 • „ Extension 645 t HELP WANTED Polishers and Buffers, Ex perience preferred but not nec essary. 385-9514 7:30 AM ~ 3:30 PM 5/24-6/14 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 16 yrs. or older for yard and custodial work- Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sun. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Tues & Thurs. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Additional time during summer. Pistakee Bay Home. 385-0461. 5-24 5-29 Openings available in sales for men and women at our new McHenry office. Byrnes Bros., Inc. Realtors, 385-6900 4-26-TF1-2 Experienced carpet installers. Please call this number after 6 p.m. for further information. 815-728-0387 or 385-0582 5-29-6-7 FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER C LASSIFBED. FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN FOR COOKING in nursing home. No experience necessary, will train. Pistakee Bay Home. Call 385-0461. 5/24-5/29 RELIABLE WOMAN for cleaning cottages. Apply in person - Pink Harrison's Resort. 385-0323 5-29TF1-2 FEMALE HELP WANTED PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY, MAY 29.1974 FEMALE HELP WANTED ACCOUNTING RECEPTIONIST We need a mature indivi dual with experience in ac counting services. You will meet clients visiting our offices and answer client questions. General office tasks plus specific ac counting assignments will make up your challenging day. Good typing skills a must Call 815-338-1200 for an interview appointment SECRETARY Elementary School Principal needs self-starter with good secretarial skills for this 10 month position from August 12, to June 18. Excellent salary, fringe bene fits and pleasant working conditions. Applications accepted at the District 15 Administrative Center 3926 W. Main Si McHenry,Illinois. 5i 29-TF 1-2 NURSE AIDE, 18 yrs. or older, no experience necessary will train. Pistakee Bay Home. Call 385-0461. 5-24 5-29 Social Security 1 1 5/29-5/31 HELP WANTED 5/24-5/31 r1 i HELP WANTED I COST ACCOUNTANT We have an outstanding opportunity for a Cost Account ant with a manufacturing background and a solid under standing of standard cost systems. Job responsibilities will include the following: * Maintain cost finding and reporting systems. * Analyze changes in manufacturing methods, raw materials, wages etc, for effects on production costs. * Recommend changes in cost systems and reports. * Provide reports and assist management on decisions relating to price setup, additions or deletions re lating to product lines etc. * Coordinate cost functions with Data Processing. Length of experience and a degree is secondary to aggressiveness and a desire for achievement and re cognition. Candidates may send their resume or call the personnel department (815) 385-7000 __^_I^^BRAKC PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL An equal opportunity employer M/F ^^9 5/31 BUYER Progressive manufacturer of heat sensing devices and insulated wire has immediate opening. Buying experience desired. Generous fringe benefits. Excellent opportunity for interested individual to join a fine organization CLAUD S. GORDON COMPANY Subsidiary of Pneumo Corporation on Rte. 173, just west of Rte. 12 Richmond, III. 815-678-2211 ^^^^^^^^^^Ax^qua^ggortunit^emgloyer^ 5-29/5-31 SECRETARY Brake Parts Co. a division of the Echlin Manufacturing Co. is currently seeking a Secretary for the National Accounts Manager. The successful candidate will possess a stable work history and the ability to be a self starter who requires only a minimum of supervision. Skill requlrments for this position include good typing, shorthand, dictaphone experience plus a pleasing tele phone personality. Excellent starting salary and a liberal fringe benefit program accompany this position. For an interview apply in person or send resume to: BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, An equal opportunitv^employer M/F ILL 5/29-5/31 < Permanent weekends necessary 815-385 EXACTLY!^ WHAT WE WANTED SHOPPING IS EASY IN THE CLASSIFIED ADS MEDICAL RECORDS TRANSCRIBER Full Time- Day Shift Good typing ability necessary SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Must be able to work all shifts Weekends and Holidays Typing required <3 fvH, / •, Apply to personnel ^ McHENRY HOSPITAL 2315 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry ,Illinois 815^385-2200 Extension 645 5/29-5/31 I I I I £ MALE HELP WANTED TRAINEE FOR MAKING PUMPS AND ACTUATORS i Mechanical aptitude helpful. This is a permanent job in a small company and has excellent company benefits includingl Profit sharing & Hospitalization. Brock Equipment Company 815-459-4210 Just south of Crystal Lake Airport on Pyott Rd. 5/29-5/31 TEMPORARY SUMMER or PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT • DRILL PRESS OPERATORS • PRODUCTION TORCH CUTTERS • MAINTENANCE • LABORERS • TYPIST 3 SHIFTS Premium pay for night shifts Contact Personnel office Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 815-459-2400 TC INDUSTRIES, INC. Rte. 31 North Ciystal lake. III. an equal opportunity employer 5/29-6/7 I I I I I I I I I I Good typing skills required, desirable. SECRETARY One to two yrs. experience MAIL GIRL-TYPIST Pleasant working Please phone for conditions, interyiew. Full Fringe benefits. s NO *%fro W SHORTAGE ^ AT BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CURRENTLY HAVE OPENINGS FOR: FULL-TIME • Rubber sorter * De-nist oper. 1st lst-2nd • Machine opers * Sub assembler lstr2n<L-3rd „ ™ * Molder 3rd • Chip handler 3rd • BLOW Out opers 1st-2nd • Stockman 1st • Compound trainee 1st PART TIME • Machine open 12:30 am to 5:30 am| • Janitors 1:00 am to 6:00 am Let us be your shortage fighter - Join a growing Co mpany today! 1 ! PHONE OR STOP IN BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 815-338-1800 8:00am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday MORTON- NORWICH RESEARCH CENTER Woodstock, ILL. an equal opportunity employer m/f 5/24-5/29 HELP WANTED TOP WAGE BENEFITS Immediate Openings DAY OR NITE SHIFT TOOL MAKERS 06 Per Hr. And Up) Air Conditioned Tool Room TOOL ROOM ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS C5 Per Hour) 0D GRINDERS '4.00 HR. And UP I I I I I I I I I DRAFTSMAN Product Engineering Immediate opening for a draftsman with one 0) or more years experience in our Product Design, Department. Responsibilities will be for drafting of automotive pro ducts and component parts for the automotive after- market industry. Applicants should have a working knowledge in the use of variable measuring instruments, standard formulas, manuals, etc. in determining angles, tolerances and other dimensions. Applicants interested in a challenging position with an excellent future should send their resume or phone: Peisonnel Department (815) 385-7000 • • X. BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive An equal opportunity employer M/F 5/29-5/31 McHENRY, ILL 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 815-385-7000 An equal opportunity employer M/F 5/29-5/31 Paid Vacations - Paid Holidays - Paid Insurance: *30,000 Major Medical & '5000 Life - Hospitalization - Sick Leave. CALL HOWARD YOUNG •T. R. JONES • MACHINE COMPANY 357 E. Judd Street WOODSTOCK - 815-338-2711 MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER Design & Lay-Out New Products . . . . that will be your responsit>ility with this internationally known Graphic Arts manufacturer located in Woodstock/ Illinois. The individual we are seeking should have 10 years Mechanical Product Design experience/ knowledge of the Press Brake Sheet Metal Procedures/ Machine Shop Practices, and preferably some experience in the Graphic Arts Field. Knowledge of Electric Circuitry helpful. BSMA desirable. EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS INCLUDING PROFIT SHARING. SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE Send Resume In Complete Confidence Or Call MR. MEL -- 815/338-4500 BROWN MFG. Division of APECO 610 E. JUDD - WOODSTOCK, ILL An Equal Opportunity Employer 5/24-5/29 -- ************* REGISTERED NURSE McHenry County College is currently inviting appli cants for the full-time pos ition of Coordinator of St udent Health Services. Primary responsibilities will center on establishing and maintaining a student health care program and emergency care station. Qualifications include Re gistered Nurse licensure and appropriate health-re lated work experience. Inquiries should be dir ected to: John Adelmann McHenry County College 6200 NW Highway Crystal Lake, III (Phone: 815459-6800 5/29-5/31 I II I I I MALE HELP WANTED Boy to work part time, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Wednesday and Friday morning (When school is out) Must have drivers license. Apply in person. McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. 5-29-tf Body Man needed Apply in person Reicheit's Chevrolet & Buick 141 N. Main St Crystal Lake. Illinois 4594000 5/24-5/29 V.A. NEWS EDITOR'S NOTE: Veterans and their families are asking thousands of questions concerning the benefits their Government provides for them through the Veterans Administration. Below are some representative queries. Additional information may be obtained at any VA office. Q - As an eligible veteran, would I have to make a down payment on a Veterans Administration GI home loan? A -- The Veterans administration does not require a down payment, but the lender may require one. _____ Q - I'm a disabled veteran who received a $2,800 auto grant from the Veterans administration. Will VA help Out on engine repair? A - VA pays for repair, maintenance, or replacement of special adaptive equipment necessary to operate the car. The agency is not authorized to bear these expenses on the vehicle, itself. Q -- I was honorably discharged last week after two years in the military service. If I go to school, will the Veterans administration pay for my books and tuition? A - Books and tuition are provided under VA's vocational rehabilitation program for veterans with a 30 percent service-connected disability; or less, if the disability is a pronounced employment handicap. Veterans without a disability who enroll in school under the GI Bill receive monthly education assistance allowances to offset school expenses. By Clifford T. Fary, Jr., president of the Illinois 'I CPA Society (First of three articles on how **• to stretch retirement dollars) Recent increases in Social Security benefits, now tied to f* the cost of living, plus congressional action to ' strengthen and protect private > pension plans, have improved ' the outlook for America's v elderly. But in spite of the improvements, relatively few r elderly people are so well fixed financially they do not have to : f watch their pennies. , To help them, the American Institute of Certified Public ' Accountants assigned a panel of CPAs to compile the various benefits and options available to persons of retirement age. following is the first of three articles summarizing the panel's findings, assembled -' with the cooperation of •" various federal agencies: The biggest single contributor to the average senior citizen's income is Social Security. For most men and women past working age, the monthly Social Security check goes a long way toward helping keep body and soul together. You don't have to wait until-pi you are 65 to begin drawing -; Social Security benefits. You ' > can apply as early as age 62, in - which case the benefits will be less because of the extension of • time over which they will be paid. Early retirement is advantageous up to a point, the point being age 77; that's when the benefits received by the person who retires at age 65 catch up with and pull ahead of those paid to the age-62 retires. Conversely, if instead of r retiring early you continue working beyond 65, your ultimate Social Security benefits will increase one percent for each additional year of work, up to 7 percent at age " 72. At72 you begin to collect the full Social Security benefits to which you are entitled, even if you go on working. Many many retired persons work part-time to supplement diminished incomes. If you ' work throughout the year, you can draw full Social Security payments before age 72 only if your annual earnings are $2,400 or less. For every dollar above that your benefits are reduced by 50 cents. Thus, if you earn , $3,000, your earnings are $600 over the limit and your Social Security payments are reduced by half that amount, or $300. If you work only ' intermittently, the situation is different; then the benefits are decreased only when monthly , earnings exceed $200. Thus it is possible to earn much more than $2,400 for work performed during part of the year and still receive full benefits for those ' periods in which earnings do not exceed $200 per month. For the self-employed, also, benefits are reduced only for the months in which they perform "substantial services" -- a loosely defined term interpreted in each case by the Social Security Administration, which takes into account, ' among other factors, the ; number of hours worked. In no • case are benefits reduced if you ' worked fewer than 15 hours ; during a month. If a husband and wife bothi qualify for Social Security benefits because of their work records, both can work past 65 and earn up to $2,400 each without losing any of the; benefits. To do this, however, they must file for benefits with SSA separately. It may be more beneficial for the wife to file for benefits with her husband even though they are each entitled to benefits separately. Hie Social Security Administration usually will calculate the benefits obtained under each, filing method to determine- which will yield the higher, payments. * Income from pension plans, | interest or rents received,* royalties, dividends and the- like do not affect Social! Security benefits. Only earned; income can reduce the benefits.; The system was set up during the Great Depression and one! of its purposes was to; discourage people with' pensions from holding jobs' when so many others were unemployed. PET CENTER w* L TO BE GIVEN AWAY Shepherd, Collie puppies, 5 weeks old. 6634283. 5-29