HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS frisurance Agency Member Of Great Performers Club Hie Stoffel & Reinhansperger Insurance agency has qualified for membership in Aetna Life & Casualty's 1974 Great Performance club, according to Richard V. DeVore, Aetna general manager at Aurora. Tile club recognizes those lea&ng agencies which make a superior contribution to the growth of Aetna, largest all- lines insurance company in the United Sates. This is the third time Stoffel & Reinhansperger has qualified for membership in the great performance club, which was established in 1972. McHenry Man New Supervisor For Marengo Firm Hairy W. Burmann of 3709 W. Timothy lane, McHenry, has been named supervisor, industrial engineering, by Arnold Engineering Co., Marengo. In this capacity, Mr. Burmann will be responsible for installation and adminstration of engineered standards in support of the management information system. The supervisor has lived in McHenry for the past ten years and has been employed by the Marengo firm since 1973. Mr. and Mrs. Burmann have two children. PIONEER MEETING "Do More in 74" will be the theme of the annual assembly of the Theodore N. Vail chapters of the Telephone Pioneers of America in Chicago, May 31 through June 1. Approximately, 1,200 men and women representing the three Vail chapters of Illinois Bell will attend the two-day meeting at the Conrad Hilton. The Telephone Pioneers of America is the world's largest association of industrial employees with a national membership of 350,000. Over 20,000 Illinois Bell employees are Pioneers. Urge New Civil Service Personnel Code In State Sen. Jack Schaffer, R-Cary, is sponsoring legislation to create a new personnel code for Illinois state government. The legislation would establish a strong and independent Civil Service commission with bipartisan membership. A bill makine the sweeDii changes in the state personnel system has been introduced by the senate's pensions and Personnel committee, of which Sen. Schaffer is vice-chairman.- Wide-spread abuses in the present" personnel code were found by the committee during a six months' investigation. The panel held numerous public hearings throughout the state and found employees are offered little merit employment protection under the present system. In addition, the committee reported that patronage is still rampant in state government, although it has changed from party to personality patronage. Membership on the Civil Service commission would be increased from three to five. The governor and secretary of state would select members nominated by the two leaders of Ttoth parties in each house of the legislature, guaranteeing minority representation. Presently the Civil Service PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MM »• President Williaih C. Harris, R- Pontiac, and democratic Secretary of State Michael J. Howlett. Definition Boie-A person who keeps you ftoa being lonely-whin you wish you were. -Irish Digest commission is under sole authority of the governor alone. Patronage abuses would be stemmed and employees afforded greater protection through several provisions of the legislation. Bipartisan support has been announced for the plan which was outlined by Senate THORNSBYS f a m i l y center pi!: j QIW ABO tOO» tea 5 qt. hondlod plastic poll with ass't. six* sponges and washing mitt. STP Oil Treatment Add to oil for longor lifo of car. Retards oil con sumption. 15 ot. can. STP Qas Treatment Add to gas for bottor gas mileage. 12 ox. can. Our Rog. 1.17 Our Rog. 1.17 Our Rog. OPEN MEMORIAL DAY 10 to 6 Prices Good Wed., May 29 Thru Sun.( Juno 2 Hours daily 9 to 9, Sunday & Thursday 10 to 6 Pricos effective while quantities last. Wo reserve the right to limit quantities. Or Care Specials Car Wash Kit V^LCI in Plastic Pail ] C;!;!;! iiiif £•••**** mm**** \iW^!***• T11 mi in Mi ii?Ff ***• K&X ifl Picnic Specials! Insulated Foam Cups 50 - ? os. styrofoam cups for hot or cold drinks. Disposable, rousoablo. Blue Star : Potato Chips , Big family 9 ounce box. Crisp ana fresh for tho Holiday weekond. Our Rog. 62c Our Rog. 7Sc IMm Coke-Fresca or Tab 6 PAK QUARTS I \b> Save trees. Turn In IMS newspaper for recycling. McHenry Market Place 3rd Sat. every month Newspaper, Magazines 9-5 Bottles, Cans 9-12 Legal Notice VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR May9,1974 COLLECTOR'S ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR May 1,1973 to April 30,1974 Vehicle Stickers $1274.00 [Tags 35.00 130.30 160.00 42.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 3850.00 320.00 20.00 2.00 55.00 1.00 70.00 20.00 12.69 100.00 ding Permits Septic Permits Well Permits Junk Permits Soliciting Permits Garage Sale Permits Liquor Licenses Business Licenses - Village Maps Police Reports Election Rents Bank Charge Refund Municipal League Refund Christmas Party Refund Telephone Co. Refund Purchase of. Old Squad Car Total $6095.99 Carol Schmidt Clerk-Collector (Pub. May 29,1974) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF OTTO A. HEERMANN Deceased, FILE N(X 73-P-52 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on April 25, 1974, to David F. Milne, as Successor Executor, 4248 North Kedvale, Chicago, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Mohr and Anderson, 3814 W. Elm St., McHenry,; Illinois. Claims may be filed on or before July 1.1974 and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub, May 22,29 & June 5,1974) i 1 Cool, Sleeveli Ladies Nylon Knit Shells Our Reg. 3.64 jasic knit shells of Chelanca, orlon, polyestei nylon). Mock turtle style-jewels,keyholes, - Colorful > Ploysuits Little Girls Delightful little girls I (4-6x) ploysuits lor tor weor l l styles in f care fori knits. Summer colors! in print*, stripes,] solids. su mi Assorted easy to Handsome 2-Suiter Men's Suitcase Tough, ruggod man-styled suitcase. Black only. Features ovorlapping alum, valances, protoctivo vinyl bumper, washable vinyl quiltod lining, nickel-plated flip locks, roomy >cket, and multi-ply for mod Ladies 3 Pc. Luggage Set " 17 Our Rog. 16.87 No. 820 m 3 pc. set includes beauty case, 21" weokender, 24" pullman. Choose from Blue, Avocado, I or beeert Gold. Featu -es are I overlapping alum, valances, I nickel-platod flip locks,I washable vinyl covering.l washable vinyl quilt lining,| roomy pockets, protectlvi vinyl bumper, multi>pl) • II I I I I •X-XvXy mmm •MM ,111 1 .v.v.v.% W km I .v.vXv Vaseline int. Care Lotion 27* i m II w m m + life xSSSfcW :-::x-XvX :X:Xi V.W.* m in ijiiii. 1 % jM'f mW</-: m tfii :!x::'-: Save t £•!•>!•>!•!•!•!•!•!• Mfgrs. Our 59c Rog Sixe 43c 8 oz. Ultra Ban 5000 85* New travel 3.5 ounco sixe I Keeps hands and body soft A >th. Mfgrs. Our 1.85 Reg. sixe 1.47 Regular or unscented in 8 ounce aerosol spray cans. Really keeps you dry. Mfgrs. Our 3.30 Reg. sixe 2.76 Gelusil Tablets 176 I 165 antacid tablets. Relieves stomach upsets fast and Fantastic Bat Plane Glider o„, IB7 Reg. Easy to assemble. No gluing. 44" wing span of tough styrofoam. Plastic Indy Race Car o„, 128 R*g. Authentic, detailed styling. Made of tough, durable plastic. Bright colors with decali w I 1111 COMPLETE FUN ill FOR THE FAMILYj| Badminton/ Volleyball Set Reg. 10.47 ^ Badminton/Volleyball set con-l tains 4 wooden shaft badminton! rackets with vinyl grips, 3 shut tlecocks volleyball, metal poles! and stakes, heavy net^instruct-! ions and is packed in displa\ ^^^H440^Wes^out^l20^| McHenry,III. | MmiUtM Rt. 47 & Country Club Rd Woodstock,III