PAGE 4 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. MAY 29.1974 Grandma Sez "GAMMA RAY" HUMOR- "Did I forget Nanny's spoon? I'll give you a spoon Nanny!" says Beatrice (Donatelle) as she sarcastically poses in back of partially deaf Nanny (Patricia Crop) for her daughter Tillie (Debra Witi) in a scene from the production of Paul Zindei's outstanding play. "The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds". The play opens this Friday at the Woodstock Opera House at 8 p.m. There will also be performances Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2. and the following weekend. June 7, 8 and 9. For reservations, call 385-7821. Tickets are also available at the box office at the opera house. Frank Harnish, is the director for this show. S MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. spurgeon s 109 I6S6 9 MMV CV9VOMU White Swan Smocks You! Matching pants, flared or cuffed... 19 The look you love to put together with your favorite pants -- sweet smock tops of poly/nylon corded knit jersey with roomy pockets. Left, yellow, blue or pink with white yoke, XS, S, M, L, XL. Right, brown, blue or hot pink, XS--L. STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8:30 Saturday 8:30 - 6:00 Sunday 10:00 -5:00 Mount Hope Women Plan Rummage Sale Mount Hope United Methodist women will hold their annual spring rummage sale the first week in June. Prevue days will be Wednesday, June 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and in the evening, 7 to 9 p.m. and on Thursday, June 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be no evening hours Thursday. A bake sale will be held Saturday, June 8, beginning at 9 a.m. This will also be bargain day for rummage from 9 a.m. until noon. If anyone has items they wish There's so much, t' clutter our jnjnds, these days, a body finds 'emselves a thinkin' 'emselves right about, in rirrlp* * Th' high cost o' liv^i' presents problems fer most o' us, but there's one thing t' take into consideration, an' that is th' way we eat, nowadays. To us, who've lived through th' early days, when we ne'er saw a head o' lettuce 'til they began t' grow it in California an' shipped it, by railroad, t' these parts. We used cabbage a lot, in those days, an' were glad when we wuz able t' get fresh carrots an' some homegrown produce, when th' warm months came. We used canned vegetables, an' fruits, an' it kept th' homemakers busy, puttin' it on th' storage shelves, fer th' winter. Then, later, came th' depressions, an' no one can tell about that, 'cause one had t' endure it t' believe it, ye c'n bet. Th' folks who kept their jobs, mostly those employed by utility companies, wuz fortunate, but business, all o'er th' country, collapsed. So,,wi' all there is, these days, t' worry about, there's more money In a body e'er thought o' havin', t' buy th' enormous varieties o' ever'thin' under God's sun. We eat better 'n any generation in history o' Guild Will Hear Talk On Problems O f Migrant Workers Ray Carrington, counsleor for Migrant Workers, will speak at the 8 p.m., meeting Monday,June 3, of St. Patrick's Ladies' guild. The open meeting will be held in the church hall. Rita Ulrich will be in charge of the social hour. Mr. Carrington will tell about the problems of migrant workers, especially the education of their children. to donate for our sale, she should phone 497-3488 or 385- 5094. Mount Hope church is located at 1015 Broadway, Pistakee Highlands. a, JANICE KNOWLES PLAN WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Knowles of 4907 Orchard drive, McHenry. announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Walter J. Harbecke, son of Mr. and Walter F. Harbecke of 1909 W. Ringwood road, McHenry. A Sept. 21 wedding ,is planned. - ••• mankind, an' do less, by far, t' put a meal on th' table. I c'n recall th' first iectric stoves. It took half a day fer 'em t' cook any thin'. A broom, an' a scrub brush, an' lots o' good hot soap suds, operated wi' a goodly amount o* elbow-grease, did th' trick, as far as th' house- cleanin' went, an' there wa'nt any detergents, that leave th' glassware clear o' spots, an' every piece had t' be wiped, t' git 'em lookin' appetizin' fer th' next meal. Folks didn't have cars t' tote 'em back an' forth, an' we used "Shank's mare," a lot, in those days, what wi' a gittirt't' local transportation, t' take., us any distance. A body used t' feel embarrassed, t' take th' streetcar t' go five 'r six city blocks, an' now-a-days, th' t' school if child'rn git toted they have t' walk half a mile. An' wi' it all, I'd go back t' those days, in a minute, 'cause there wasn't any TV, an' things seemed t' go 'long in a more even keel. The family was important, an' there wer'n't so many distractions, t' divide th' family circle. Grandma Radtke VFW Volunteer Ladies Receive Downey Awards Downey Veterans hospital a n n u a l V e t e r a n s administration Volunteer Service recognition program was held Wednesday, May 22, at the hospital in Downey. The program was opened with musical entertainment .provided by the Music Therapy unit which consisted of both vocal and orchestral numbers. Master of ceremonies duties for the entrie program were handled by Arthur Mith, who is chief of Voluntary Service. He was assisted by members of the hospital staff. Members of the Ladies auxiliary to VFW Post 4600 were in attendance to receive awards. Service certificates were presented to Mary Kuemmel, Dora Krocker and Alice Kowal. The certificate represents at least 100 hours volunteer hours during the year of 1973. Certificate of appreciation was presented to Gerry Kuck for having attained 100 hours of volunteer service. Over seven thousand hours have been donated fo volunteer service by members of the. Ladies auxiliary to VFW Post 4600 in the past seven years. Others who have donated hours as volunteers are Barb Bryniarski, Lucille Garifi, Ethel Hagberg, Ila Hogan and Pat Spoto. Community Calendar JUNE 1 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Bowling - McHenry Recreation - 7 p.m. Car Wash - Behind McHenry State Bank - 3 to 7 p.m. - Benefit of McHenry Hospital Nurses Ass'n. JUNE 2 V.F.W. and Auxiliary Joint Installation of Officers - 6:30 p.m. - V.F.W. Clubhouse. JUNE 3 Grandmothers Club Charter No. 826 - Home of Rose Neuharth - 10 a.m. JUNE 4 Town : •* and Country Newcomers Club Meeting - 3304 W. Skyway, Country Club Estates - 8 p.m. JUNE 5 National Federation of Grandmothers Clubs of America, Charter No. 826 - Luncheon, Card Party - City Hall Club Room - 12: 30 p.m. JUNE 5-6 Preview Rummage Sale - Mt. Hope United Methodist Church - Sponsored by U.M.W. - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. JUNE 8 Rummage-Bake Sale - Mt. Hope United Methodist Church - Sponsored by U.M.W. - 9 a.m. to Noon. Women Of ^The Moose MR. AND MRS. ROBERT A. HANFORD WED 25 YEARS ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hanford of Spooner, Wis., recently observed the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. The Very Rev. Eugene W. Jung, M.S.C., of Aurora, a cousin of Mr. Hanford, was celebrant of the anniversary Mass celebrated at St. Francis de Sales Catholic church. The couple's sons, Bob, Steve and Tom, and a nephew, Larry Braidman, were acolytes. Their oldest daughter, Christine, sang the same "Ave Maria" that was sung at the couple's wedding twenty-five years ago. Their youngest daughter, Sue, and a niece, Laurie Braidman, were gift bearers. John Ward, Jr., of Proctor, Minn., had the readings. A reception, buffet dinner and dance followed at a camping lodge, with a three-tiered anniversary cake baked and decorated by their oldest son. Bob. About 140 guests were in attendance. The Hanfords were married May 14, 1949, in Big Rapids, Mich. A NEW KITCHEN NEW HOME WITHOUT MOVING Refresh Your Home WITH'A NEW KITCHEN -FREE ESTIMATES- ' KEYLINE KITCHENS 4614 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL 815-385-1720 About Your Wedding .... In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been an nounced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that tftese com pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed ding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out -of-state weddings, where an addi tional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with th^ wedding information the first week if they accom pany the story. If your engagement an - nouncement has not been published, or if the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. For Your Information Dear friends, Summer vacation travel brings again the greater risk of highway injury and death. We funeral directors, along, with highway pat* rolmen, doctors, and nurses,see too much of the deep tragedy to families from highway accidents. We urge all who read this message to be alert and careful to avoid dangers in your vacation travel. Respectfully, PETER M. JUSTE N & SON FUNERAL HOME McHanry, Illinois . 385-0063 MR. AND MRS. CARL J. FREUND Couple Holds Open House For Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund will observe the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary Tuesday, June 4, with open house at the Johnsburg Community club hall from 8 to 11 p.m. Mass will be offered for the couple in St. Mary's church at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Hosting the partv will be the Freunds' children. Mr. and • Mrs. Clarence (Helen) Freund, ; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy (Esther) Meyers, Virginia Doherty and ; Carolyn Freund. They have .• five grandchildren and three! great-grandchildren. The former Evelyn Smith ; and Carl J. Freund werel married June 4, 1924, in St ;! John's church, Johnsburg, by { the late Rev. William Weber, t Attendants at the wedding were Mrs. Edward Wiater (Eleanor Althoff), Bert ilia Freund and Herbert H. Freund. Another attendant, Elsie Smith Schmitt, is now deceased. The May 21 meeting was called to order by Junior Regent Pat Knapik with twelve members present. This was still Academy of Friendship month and Chairman Bonnie Heinz and committee planned the refreshments for the evening and gave report. There was tio balloting or enrollment. There will be a meeting with the officers Thursday, May 30, at 8 p.m. The Installation will be held Saturday, June 29, at 7:30 p.m. The officers for the coming year were announced. Bonnie Heinz won the special award. Next meeting will be June 4 at 8 p.m. Publicity committee Todays Health Nen/s Publish*) by th* American Medical Association Sumner, to most of us, means days devoted to baking in the sun, riding the suff, or camping in the wilderness. However, to those with summer allergies, it means three months of watering eyes, dripping noses, and itching skin. Although you can't cure aller gies -- the tendency for allergic response is inherited -- there are guidelines that can help you con trol them throughout the pollen season. •Wear glasses -- regular or sunglasses, preferably large wrap around or aviator styles when outdoors -- they may help keep the pollen from blowing directly in your eyes. •Keep doors and windows closed, especially on dry, windy days when pollen blows freely. If you must open a window, try not to sleep directly under it. •An air conditioner is recom mended, but be sure it is the re circulating type. An air purifier ca also be helpful, but be care- fui #hat you buy. According to the Food and Drug Administra- many of the household air 'iers now being sold in retail stores are not effective. •Stay indoors, if possible, on days with high pollen counts. This information is available with the weather report. A low count (five or under) combined with bad air pollution is as bad as a high pollen count foor many al lergic people. •Stay away from strong sprays, cleaning agents, inorganic fertil izers, and irritating odors. JENNINE ZUELSDORF - MICHAEL WISSELL Engaged- Mr. and Mrs. Orville C. Zuelsdorf of Hustisford, Wis., announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennie Marie, to Michael R. Wissell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wissell, Route 1, Watertown, Wis. Jennie is a 1973 graduate of Hustisford high school and is presently employed at a Hustisford bakery. Her fiance is a 1972 graduate of Hustisford high school and a May. 1974, graduate of Moraine Park Technical institute. Beaver Dam, Wis. He is employed by an implement firm in Waupun, Wis. Mike is a former resident of McHenry, where he lived at Someday farm with his family. He attended Edgebrook elementary school and McHenry Junior high. Mike is the grandson of Mrs. William Wissell, McHenry, and Mrs. Charles Notz, Crystal Lake. The couple has no immediate wedding plans. •Avoid garden work. It stirs up increased amounts of pollen and mold spores. Don't have cut flowers in your home. •Synthetic carpets and blank ets are recommended because they don't hold dust. •Try to keep from getting over ly fatigued. •Refrain from smoking. •Curb your intake of alcohol. These beverages tend to dilate the blood vessels -- just as the histamine reaction, which causes your runny nose and watery eyes, does. •Check the local pollen count before choosing a vacation spot. •WASH & WEAR" HAIR CUTS FOR gals on the go • Layer Cuts • Shags • Naturals $10.00 J AXE'S 385-7771 •Don't swim in chlorinated wa ter unless you wear nose clips. WANT MORE INFORMATION? Wrilt Today's Health Magazin• Cf, 535 North Dearborn Str--I Stuffed Beef Rollups Season six minute or cube steaks (6 to 8 ounces each) with 1 teaspoon salt and % teaspoon ground black pepper; set aside. Mix 2 tablespoons celery flakes and 3 teaspoons instant minced onion with 3 tablespoons water; let stand 8 minutes to soften. Combine softened vegetables, % cup whole kernel corn, y4 cup dry bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon tomato paste mixed with 2 table spoons water, 2 tablespoons pars ley flakes and y, teaspoon ground cumin seed. Mix well. Spoon corn mixture onto steaks. Roll up and fasten with toothpicks or tie witl. string. In skillet, brown beef rolls in 1 tablespoon hot salad oil. Meanwhile, in small saucepan, combine 1 can (1 pound) toma toes, % cup water, 3 tablespoons tomato paste, 1 teaspoon instant minced onion, and % teaspoon cumin. Bring to boiling point. Place meat in casserole; pour to mato sauce over meat. Cover and bake in preheated moderate oven (350°F.) 30 minutes. Remove cover and bake 15 minutes long- er. Yields 6 portions. 'S DAY SPECIAL MENS DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS REG 25 00'"""no1I!"'SJ'2S 2i°- 28,00 N0w...$19.00 • 25-0° N0w...»17.00 REG. 22.00 N0w...*12.00 COORDINATING SHIRTS REG. 15.00 NOW...HO.OO REG. 13.50.. NOW...$0.Ofr McHenry Country Club Pro Shop McHenry,III. - phone 385-3435