Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1974, p. 7

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MedicaJ Group Brings Le9a, Notice Suit Agiqinst Physicians ADMIRE TROPHY- Public Works Supt. Fred Meyer arid Mayor Joseph Stanek proudly accept ftrst place class B trophy for the best operated and maintained sewerage plant in the State of Illinois for its size. Meyer went to Springfield recently to accept the award for excellence in plant operation. Sewer Plant Supervisor Howard Dowell was not able to be present to accept the award because of ill health. However, Meyer noted it was through Dowell's hard work and conscientious effort that the award was made possible, along with other plant personnel. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Gary Swanson Most Valuable in Tennis By Dick Rabbitt Gary Swanson a senior was honored by his teammates by being selected as the Most Valuable Player this past season. Gary has been the mainstay of Coach Gary Gray's tennis team the past two seasons. A tip of the old fedora to Gary for a job well done. POSSIBLE DROWNING Sheriff's police have been investigating a possible drowning in Fox River Grove at 4:45 p.m. Wednesday. A witness described a person he said had fallen into the river. Dragging operations were begun immediately but no one was found. Authorities also said no one was reported missing. A law suit was filed iia Circuit Court recently by thirteen doctors doing business as the McHenry Medical Group (plaintiffs) against Milo A- Mochal, M.D. and Marvin J. Salzmann, M.D. (defendants). The complaint alleges that the two defendants signed a written agreement with the McHenry Medical Group which stated that they would not practice medicine within an area of fifteen miles from the McHenry Medical Group for a period of eighteen months from the date or termination of their employmerit" With^the Group. Both doctors ended their association with the MMG Dec. 31, 1973. The MMG charges that the defendants, in breach of the terms and conditions of their agreement, did establish themselves in the private practice of medicine at 460 ARREST DRIVER Randall Butler of 517 N. Kent road, McHenry, was observed by deputies passing a stopped school bus which was loading children at the intersection of Lily Lake road and Comes Trail last Tuesday morning. Investigation revealed Butler's license had been revoked. He was arrested for passing a stopped school bus while loading, unlawful use of license and driving while license was revoked. Bond was set at $2,025 with court date scheduled for June 13. Coventry lane, Crystal Lake in January, 1974, this location being within fifteen miles of the McHenry Medical Group's offices. The plantiffs ask that the two doctors be temporarily and permanently enjoined and restrained by the Court from engaging in the practice of medicine at said offices or within fifteen miles of offices of the MMG for a period of eighteen months through and including June 30, 1975. Offer Fifteen MCC Summer Classes At McHenry School The Office of Community Services of McHenry County college will offer fifteen classes in McHenry during the coming summer session. Most classes begin the week of June 10. According to Pete Stuckey, director of community services, summer classes are offered at ten locations throughout the coiwty, including McHenry Community high school. The classes, all of which meet on Tuesdays, are eight weeks in length. They include Typing R e f r e s h e r , B e g i n n i n g K e y p u n c h O p e r a t o r , Conversational French, beginning; Pre-School Language Development, Script Writing, Crafts to Teach Children, Arts and Crafts,_ Artistic Drawing -a ncUPain tin g, '%Fl(5wer*^rranging, Beginning Yoga, Intermediate Yoga, Adult Physical Recreation, Men; Adult Physical Recreation, Women; Judo, Small Boat Seamanship. Registration for all classes may be completed during the first class meeting. Further information about summer school classes may be obtained., by referring to the summer schedule or by calling the Office of Community Services at the college. Extend Registration For MCC Summer Program OSPITAL NOTES Late registration for McHenry County college's summer session is scheduled for June 10 through 14. Classes begin June 10. Sign-up can be completed in the college's registration office June 10 through 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8 p-.m. Registrations will be accepted June 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The college summer offerings include about sixty transfer and occupational courses and forty adult continuing education classes. Transfer and occupational courses are offered at the college's interim facilities (6200 Northwest highway, Crystal Lake) and adult continuing education classes are scheduled in ten different locations throughout the county. Further information about summer session may be obtained by calling the registration office. CAROL ANN CURRAN GRADUATE-Carol Ann Curran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Curran, graduated May 19 from the University of Illinois, Champaign, with a Bachelor of Deaths WILLIAM MORELOCK William Clyde Morelock, 55, of Alen's Grove, Wis., died suddenly Tuesday, June 4, at his home of an apparent heart attack. Among his survivors are his wife, Annabelle; two sons, Ross and Rex of McHenry;' a daughter, Roxanne, at home; eleven grand-children; two brothers and three sisters. Visitation is scheduled after 3 p.m. Thursday at the Kahle Science degree. She majored in Health Education and community Health, with a minor in Driver's Education and Physical Education. Miss Curran is a 1969 graduate of McHenry high school. OUR NEW ADDITION a 1974 GREMLIN McHeniy AMC/Jeep Inc NOW IN McHENRY ri AMC WITH JEEP 1974 MATADOR SEE Nick Miller or John Henschel 926 N. Front St. (Rte. 31) McHeniy, III. 815-385-0403 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Andrew Matovich, Fred Haubold, Emma Lay, John Getner, Helen Conway, Kimberly Pariso, Baby Erik Pennebaker, McHenry; Katherine Gentner, Ringwood; Agnes Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Theron Young, John Altman, Florian Jesski, McHenry, were patients in Harvard hospital. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Olson announce the birth of a son June 4. A son was born June 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kryc. Mr. and Mrs. Jose Guevara are parents of a daughter June 3. Funeral home, Cary, where services will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Burial will be in Windridge cemetery. BERTHA NATHAN Bertha Nathan, 67, of 3820 Idyll Dell road, died Tuesday, June 4. She was born Jan. 1, 1907, in Illinois, the daughter of Harris and Annie Nathan. Never married, her only survivors are two nieces. Private services were held at the George R. Justen and Son funeral home. DON REINBOLDT MUSICAL LEAD -One of the leads in the musical. The Fantasticks, is Don Reinboldt of McHenry. The play, first of its kind to be sponsored by St. Patrick's church, will be presented for the second weekend in the church hall, Washington street. Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8. Ticket^ may be purchased at the rectory. Some will also be available at the door on the night of the performances. 144 FROM UCfU Hfttt THE ImMl Mr 1408 N. Riverside Drive COMPLETE BAR BERING & STYLING FOR MEN AND BOYS WE SPECIALIZE IN LAYER CUTTING Call for an appointment 385-8373 HOW CAN I ? •••»»»•»»»#»»« By Anne Ashley Q. How can I remedy the showerhead in my bathroom, which is clogged with lime and mineral deposits from the water? A. Remove the showerhead and boil it for about fifteen minutes in a solution of one . quart of water and a half-cup of vinegar. Q. How can I cope with the problem of covering buttons with a material that is hard to handle? A. By wetting the material thoroughly, blotting on a towel, then covering the buttons. Q. How can I improvise a colander in my kitchen? A. Press some aluminum foil over the top of a bowl, secure it with a rubber band, then punch holes through it with an ice pick. This works fine, even for draining such things as spaghetti. Q. How can I deal with some white water marks on tabletops? A. Try rubbing some mayonnaise on these stains, let it stand for a while, then wipe off with a soft, clean cloth. Q. How can I clean dirty window shades? A. Try using a rough flannel cloth that has been dipped into flour. Q. Is there any way I can prevent white paint from yellowing later? A. Professional painters recommend that you stir a drop or so of black paint into any good white paint. You'll achieve a pleasing white color without that yellowish cast later. Q. How can I rectify cloudy- looking iced tea? A. If you'll add a little boilit\g IN THE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) FRED BYKOWSKI, ) IRENE BYKOWSKI and ) JAMES F. PLACE FOR ) RECLASSIFICATION AND ) AMENDMENT UNDER THE ) CITY OF McHENRY ) ZONING ORDINANCE ) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Citv of McHenry Zoning Boara of Appeals in connection with the application for a reclassifica­ tion and amendment under the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance for the following described property: Except tne West 254.3 feet thereof, that part of the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County t Illinois, described as follows: Beginning at the South East Corner of the North West Quarter of the South East water, your tea will clear up. Q. How can I clean natural woodwork? A. Rub with a cloth moistened with water and a few drops of white vinegar. Termites cannot digest wood. They carry living bacteria in their stomach, who digest it for them, just as some ants keep aphids to produce a honey-like secretion for them. The mantis puts its eggs in a sort of tailor-made "thermos bottle" -- a cluster of hundreds of bubbles about their eggs, which protect the eggs from temperature extremes. This is exactly the same principle as the thermos bottles use -- only they have been using it for thousands of years. Quarter of said Section 27; thence West 10.19 chains to a stake; thence North to the center of the road; thence Southeasterly along the center of the road 10.57 chains to the East line of the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of said Section 27; and thence South on the eighty line to the place of beginning (Excepting therefrom that part of the South Half of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of. the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 27 and the centerline of old Woodstock and McHenry Road; thence Northwesterly along the said centerline of Old Woodstock and McHenry Road and the centerline of FA Route 21 (Illinois Route 120) for a distance of 434.35 feet; thence Southerly along a line that forms an angle of 105 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds to the left of the prolongation of the last described course at the last described point for a distance of 41.41 feet to the {>oint of intersection with a ine drawn parallel with and 40.0 feet normally distant Southwesterly of the said centerline of FA Route 21 (Illinois Route 120); thence Southeasterly along the last described parallel Tine for a distance of 300.82 feet** thence Northeasterly at right angles to the last described parallel line for a distance of 10.0 feet to a point on the existing right of way line of said FA Route 21 (Illinois Route 120); thence Southeasterly along the said existing right of way line of FA Route 21 (Illinois Route 120.) said line being curved to the right with a radius of 2188.1 feet for an arc length of 132.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the ' Southeast Quarter of said & Section 27; thence % Northerly along the said $ East line of the Northwest 5 Quarter of the Southeast J Quarter of said Section 27 .3; for a distance of 35.18 feet to J the point of beginning) situated in the County of ? McHenry and State of f. Illinois. The property is located souths of the Eagle and Hornsby £ Stores between 4405 and 4307 5 West Route 120 in the City of McHenry, Illinois. The property is presently** reclassified "R-2" one family^ district. The Petition requests > that the property be I reclassified to "B-l"2 Commercial Retail District. 5 The hearing will be held on-J the 28th day of June, 1974 at> 3:00 P.M. at the McHeniy City 2 Hall, 1111 North Green Street, 4 M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s a t w h i c h t i m e ' s and place any person desiring £ to be heard may be present. <« CITY OF McHENRY u ZONING BOARD OF « APPEALS;* Frederic H. LAMB,« Chairman • Attorneys for p Petitioners: DONALD W. TRUCKENBROD 1 4108 West Crystal Lake Road t McHenry, Illinois 60050 815-385-2322 *9 HAMER, SCHUH & * !* HERRMANN 101 Van Buren Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 815-338-1334 (Published June 7, 1974). STEAL MOTORCYCLE A motorcycle owned by Eugene McKean of 2616 N. Shorewood, McHenry, was taken sometime during the early morning hours last Sunday. The cycle was parked alongside the garage when it was stolen. It was described as a 1972 green Honda. DIAL-A-DEVOTION PHONE 8 Hear God's Word Wherever You Are. SPONSORED BY: GUETTLER'S SERVICE STATION \ THINK ABOUT IT! by BOB JUSTEN A huge sum of money is spent for disposal of gar­ bage. But we spend more to buy garbage than we spend to get rid of it. It is a national disgrace that more is paid to swinish peddlers of odorless garbage than is paid for disposal of that which has odor. Public permissiveness along with weird legal dec­ isions have made it possible for revolting and insult­ ing salesmen to swamp everyone with their sickening smut. Most movies and many TV shows shock the sensitivities of clean minded people. Authors and publishers seem determined to popularize previously unper mis sable language. Anything goes. Legions of decency and for decency are seen here and there but added effort must be make to stop this onslaught of smut and filth. Fraternal, civic church organ­ izations and the like might start a concentrated effort as a project that should find sizeable support . . . GEORGE R. JUSTEN FUNERAL HOME 3519 W. Elm St. McHenry,Illinois 385-2400 Every Wednesday • IB Chicken Discount Day at mdneils fried chicken 3 PC. CHICKEN DINNER fries, cole slaw, 2 hot rolls 31* OFF 3 PC. CHICKEN DINNER WEDNESDAYS ONLY Offer good in Woodstock and McHenry McNeils rr imcneils fried chicken next to the Hornsby Family Centers »RT. 47 & COUNTRY CLUB RD./WOODSTOCK IN THE MCHENRY MARKET PLACE/MCHENRY LEE & RAY HAS THEM! The Take-Home Environment Makers from Mgidaire and General Motors. Womarts Day CO SPONSORED BY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF KITCHEN DEALERS <AIKL>L NATIONAL APPLIANCE & RADIO TV DEALERS ASSN (NARDA) 6,000 BTUs/hr.* capacity. Only 83 pounds, uncrated. Easy to carry home. Easy on your budge*.. Enough cooling power to keep a good-size bedroom cool and comfortable all night long. You get it all with this Easy-Mount Frigidaire Environment Maker that also offers the Frigidaire Fresh Air feature to draw in outside air with or without cooling. It's on sale now. 'Certified by AHAM $1Q£< Model AEC-8M I J J 8,000 BTUs/hr.* capacity. Only 88 pounds, uncrated. Here's enough cooling capacity to add comfort to just about any room in your home. Yet this Frigidaire Environment Maker model also adds the comfort of the Frigidaire Fresh Air feature and the convenience of Easy-Mount installation. "Certified by AHAM Frigidaire. Home Environment Division of General Motors. LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONTS (SOUTH RTE. 31) 385-0882 " McHENRY, ILL. FREE Pick up your Entry Kit and Kitchen Day Magazine FREE Visit Our Show Room feLAVIANO'S INTERU & . PALATINE MILLW0RK1 414 S. Rte. 31 Just ~N. of McHenryTloral 385-3764 or 185-3765

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