Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1974, p. 14

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I 4 I 'ACiK 14 - PLAINDEXLKR WKDNKSDAY, IL LY :$». 1971 FEMALE HELP WANTED® FEMALE HELP WANTED •FEMflLE HELP WANTED DENTAL ASSISTANT FULL TIME Please send resume to: MeHenry Plaindealer Box 546 McHenry, III . 60050 7-31TF 1- WAITRESSES Full t ime, days or nights. Uniforms provided. Apply Hostess MeHenry Country Club 820 X. John St . 815-385-1072 7-26 7-31 OFFICE HELP- FULL TIME Typing necessary-- Shorthand preferred. Variety of detai l procedures. 40 hr . week,fr inge benefi ts Call Mrs. Young Family Service & Mental Health Clinic 385-6400 7-3i s-2 •<k\pi:hi i ;nced waitresses wanted. Yarese 'sSmorgasbord arid P u b . 385-3120. 7-26 7-31 JP«30K363a06XX30tt6XX36Xa SALES SECRETARY Need individual with pre­ vious office experience to to work with our sales de­ partment. Must have good typing and shorthand ski l is and abil i ty to deal with customers. Good advance­ ment opportunity. Apply in person between 10amand 3 pm to : , MARY WAGNER Illinois Coil Spring Company 1415 N. Industr ial Drive MeHenry, 111. 815 385-6760 7 31 GIRL WANTED to work in Body Shop, closing out t ickets and ordering parts . Apply in person. Reichert Chevrolet & Buick Body Shop 361 Industrial Ave. Crystal Lake, I l l inois 7-26 7-31 EXPERIENCED GIRL FRIDAY Start at $140.00 per week. Accurate typing es­ sential , shorthand helpful . Need conscientious person. Apply in person to: Precision Quincy Corp. 220 N. Madison Woodstock, I l l inois r-31 FEMALE HELP WANTED I I I I I I I l I WOMEN WANTED For coil winding, finishing and assembly for work in progressive coil and transformer plant in Johnsburg. Pleasant working conditions, Paid holidays, vacations and hospitalization. Openings for full time day shift. PREM ENTERPRISES INC. 3519 N. Chapel Hil l Rd. MeHenry (Johnsburg) 111. Apply in person. An equal opportunity employer 7-26 7-31 A I I I I I I I I I ym *&>,' ymz >**£ ymcymz "A HOW DOES A WOMAN TODAY MAKE MORE THAN $150 PER WEEK? « QUEEN'S WAY to FASHION invites you to join us and make $30 to $40 per even­ ing for 2 or 3 hours. No cash outlay. Car nec­ essary. Leader opportuni­ t ies also available. Call Collect 312-477-7505 or 815-385-8488 k >*. rmzymssmc ym&mc >1 7-10 8-30 SELL THOSE NO LONGER NEEDED ITEMS WITH A GARAGE SALE. Call 385-0170 to place your ad. Children5s Bookshelf TIIE LUKE OF TJiE FALCON by Gerald Summers The Lure of the Falcon is the story of a young man and the injured kestrel falcon that became his fr iend and companion--and eventually accompanied him to war and to POW camps, where she saved his l i fe on at least two occasions. In this remarkable book, Gerald Summers describes his childhood passion for nature, with an exact and loving eye for the characters and characterist ics of insects , birds, small mammals and domestic animals--a passion that eventually f ixed i tself on Cressida, a small , f iercely independent and remarkable devoted falcon, who came into his l i fe just before he was sent to Tunisia in the Second World War. In what one English reviewer called "a truly incredible story," Summers relates the experiences of this bizarre pair--a young naturalist in uniform and a wild falcon-who shared together the hardships and dangers of war and the privations of German POW camps. How Cressida saved Summers ' l ife during the Tunisian fighting, how she managed to defeat a Gestapo officer, how she helped her human companion to escape from the Germans and at tempt to make his way back the Allied l ines through Italy is al l told in a warm, witty and loving book that is reminiscent of vintage Durrell . More than most nature books, The Lure of the Falcon is about the rare and wonderful relat ionship that can sometimes grow between a human being and a wild animal a relat ionship of equals, of fr iends, of creatures who understand each other 's point of view. Like Gavin Maxwell 's ot ters and Joy Adamson's Klsa. Gerald Summers ' kestrel Cressida is a creature of enduring fascination THE MILLS OF GOI) by Will iam II Armstrong A dead-end road called Dry Hollow, haunted by a slaveowner 's ghost and tucked away in the vast fold of hi l ls owned by Thomas Ruffner. To twelve-year-old Aaron Skinner, i t is a lonely world where prosperi ty is measured by Redball tennis shoes in the spring. Though he hears talk of electr ici ty and motor cars, he believes with his mother that "we was born to Hard Times, and we' l l die with Hard Times." For as long remember, his worked for Mr. mother has Almighty 's as he can father has Ruffner, his warned of God unpredictable l ightnin ' , and he has dreamed of owning a dog to keep him company. Rowdy, an emaciated, mangy Blue Tick hound, makes Aaron forget the nightmares of his brother 's death and his family 's humiliat ion by poverty which already overwhelm his young mind. But Aaron's newly found enthusiasm for l ife and dreams of a promising future are suddenly interrupted by Mr Ruffner 's edict that the dog must go. Fate, however, works i ts curious way in a series of s trange and eerie events, test ifying that "Though the mills of God grind slowly. With exactness grinds He al l" . THE SECRET OF THE SEVEN ( ROWS by Wvlly Folk St . John The spooky old Gulf Coast mansion, Crauleia. was the perfect place for Shelley 's father to build the school he had always dreamed of But Gale Franklin told Shelley that the Franklins wouldn' t sel l the house unti l they had found the treasure hidden there by Gale 's g r e a t - g r e a t - g r e a t - grandmother The only clue they had to go on was the strange riddle writ ten by the old woman "five crows mean si lver, s ix crows mean gold, seven crows a secret that 's never been told." Jason. Shelley 's older brother, thought i t would be easy everything was easy for Jason, everything from cooking gourmet meals to charming people. But Shelley was determined not to let him be the one to f ind the treasure. She thought that if she could help her father realize his l i felong dream, he might love her as much as he loved Jason. The search for the treasure takes the young people into creaky at t ics and musty chapels, down dark corridors, out into the hurricane-ravaged countryside. I t brings them into contact with a mischievous ghost and a dangerous, evil man. When at last the mystery is solved and the secret of the seven crows has finally been told, Shelley realizes that she has unwitt ingly learned another, more important secret: that a father 's love for his children expresses i tself in many different ways. Once again, Wylly Folk St . John has writ ten an engaging story, a masterful blend of suspense, humor, and warmth. State Extends Deadlines For License Display Michael J Howlett , Secretary of State, reminded second division vehicle owners that the deadline for displaying 1974-75 f iscal l icense plates has been extended to 12:01 a.m. Thursday. Aug. 15, with the exception of Mileage Tax plates. Pre-print applications are required for al l second division vehicles. They include trucks, semitrai lers , t rai lers and recreation vehicles. Plates may be purchased over-the-counter from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days at three motor vehicle facil i t ies in Chicago and the f irst f loor of the Centennial building in Springfield from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m Monday through Friday. Oil In The British Sphere O i l was found in Brunei , a sul ­ tanate on the i s land of Borneo in 1929 Today, only Niger ia and Canada pump more o i l , amon^ oi l producers in the Bri t i sh sphere . All Brunei ' s product ion of l iquef ied natural gas for the next twenty years -- f ive mi l l ion tons annual ly--wil l go to Japan. Shelter HuT WINDOW & WALL DECOR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SHUTTERS WOVEN WOODS - WINDOW SHADES WALLPAPER - WALLCOVERINGS JEWEL CUSTOM PAINTS CALL FOR SHOP AT HOME DAILY 9:30-5:30 FRIDAY 9:30-9:00 CLOSED SUNDAY BankAmericarq E 12 N. OF 120 V0L0, IILLIN0IS (815) 344-1888 WAITRESS Full t ime evenings. Must be experienced. Apply in person Gasthaus Lorelei Rte. 12 & 31 Richmond, I l l inois. 7-31 8-2 SITUATION WANTED Will do babysit t ing in my home. Any ages, any hours) Hot lunches. Responsible Cfl l 385- 6325 ask for Pat £26/7-31 Aluminum sidiniT . garages, doors. General repair , George M. Whiting, 815-385-5786. 7-10 8-9 LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB? CHECK THE PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PAGES. Dairy Farmers Of Area Review Financial Audit The t lairy farmer members of Wisconsin Dairies Cooperative in Walworth and Kenosha counties of Wisconsin and MeHenry county of I l l inois wil l meet at the Elkhorn area high school, Elkhorn. Thursday night , Aug 1 The meeting will s tart at 8:15 p.m. At the meeting, producers located in Distr ict 1, 2 and 3 of the cooperative will elect delegates to the cooperative 's reviewed to determine whether it should l)e continued for 1975.» -Soybean and Flaxseed Loan and Purchase program Commodity Credit Corporation Sales policy for wheat , corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats , rye, cotton, soybeans and flaxseed - Other related provisions necessary to carry out the foregoing programs. Addit ional detai ls concerning these matters were published in the Federal Register July 17. Prior to making the determinations, consideration will be given to any writ ten comments received not later than August 15. Comments relat ive to the 1975 Grain program should l ie sent to the Grain division and those on other crops to the Cotton, Rice and Oil Seeds divisision. Agricultural Stabil izat ion and Conservation service. US Department of Agriculture, Washington, D C. 20250. e leventh annual meeting, which will be held at Webb high school, Reedsburg, Sept. 7. A director election in each distr ict wil l also take place at the meeting. The three \ directors elected will represent the dairvmen who were members of Genoa City Cooperative Milk associat io on the thir ty six man board of directors of Wisconsin Dairies. The Genoa City cooperative merged w i th Wisconsin Dairies Feb 1, 1974 During the meeting, producers wil l review the recently completed financial audit of the cooperative 's 1973- 74 f iscal year HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Political Corner MeHenry County Distr ict II Democrats have urged ev eryone at tending the County Fair who is not registered to vote to do so while they are there. There will be a special registrat ion tent at the fair in Woodstock Wednesday through Sunday Any ci t izen who is or wil l be 18 or older by Nov 5 and who has l ived at the present address in the county for thir ty days is el igible to vote. Registrat ion takes only a few minutes and you do not have to declare party affi l iat ion. The Distr ict II Democratic organization has set voter registrat ion as i ts too priori ty. TAX FACTS EMPLOYMENTTAX DEADLINE NEAR July 31 is 'he last day for Northern Il l inois employers to report and pay Social Securi ty and withheld federal income taxes for the second quarter ot 1974 . "Employers have unti l Au^, 12 to f i le Form 941, 'Employer 's Quarterly Federal lax Return, ' if they have deposited the entire quarterly tax liabil i ty on t ime m a Federal Reserve bank or authorized commercial bank," said Rogei C Heck. IRS distr ict director Employers should use the preaddressed Forms 941 mailed to them by the IRS, or obtain copies of the lorm lrom the nearest IRS oft ice. IRS Publication 15, "Circular E -- Employer 's Tax Guide, is available free from your local IRS office to provide more information for employers J AMES W. SCIIOEFF JOINS FIRM -- James \ \ Sc hoe I f has joined First Federal Savings of Berwyn as assistant loan officer. He had been an educator in the MeHenry high school system since I%9. Schoeff now l ives in LaGrangc Park with his wife and daughter. I ts importance was stressed at a meeting last week. The Distr ict II County board distr ict comprises MeHenry, Nunda and Burton townships. LEXINGTON (KY.1 HERALD ^ REPORTED UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PROFESSOR DR. STANDORD SMITH AND GRADUATE STUDENT STEVE WINKLE, WORKING UNDER AMERICAN CANCER SOCI ETY GRANT, HAVE CON DUCTED TESTS PRODUC­ ING A 53.4 PER CENT RE ­ MISSION OF SKIN CANCER. EXPERIMENTS INVOLVE USE OF NUCLEIC ACID TAKEN FROM HEALTHY ANIMALS TO TREAT THOSE WITH SKIN CANCER. WHOLE BEEF Sweepstakes WIN A QUARTER OF BEEF Simply fill out this slip and deposit it at any of the following Hornsby Family Center locations: MORRIS; PRINCETON; HAVANA; McHENRY; YORKVILLE; PONTIAC; WOODSTOCK. NEW DRAWING EACH WEEK FOR 4 WEEKS • Each of the above stores will give away a whole beef. A quarter of beef will be drawn for on each of the following Sundays -- 28 Quarters -- 7 WHOLE BEEFS FROM A TOTAL OF 7 STORES. FRONT QTR Aug. 11th HIND QTR Aug. 18th FRONT QTR Aug. 25th HIND QTR Sept. 1st Register today and everyday. No obligation -- Nothing to buy. ' Hornsby employees and-or affiliates not qualified to enter. Participants must be 16 yrs. or older. HORNSBYS ^ family centers ^ -- | | NAME J I ADDRESS | I CITY I • I | PHONE ! NEW DRAWING -- NEW WINNER WEEKLY. DEPOSIT AT HORNSBY FAMILY CENTER. WINNER WILL BE NOTIFIED BY PHONE. NOTE; Beef to be given away in hanging wt. quarters. Front Qtrs. avg. 155 to 160 lbs. Hind Qtrs. avg. 145 to 150 lbs. Hanging Weight. Prime Cut, 100% guaranteed by Jones Locker, Woodstock, RT. 47 & COUNTRY CLUB ROAD WOODSTOCK, ILL. HORNSBYS family centers -- 4400 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL. p *

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