Twice Told Tales M)KTY YEARSAGO naken from the files of AUK 2 1934) * ' I he bazaar, quilt and supper sponsored by (he ladies of the Methodist church was a big success The quilts from the •shop of Mary E McElwain at Walworth, Wis., were beautiful Among them were an appliqued quilt and a quilt of a thousand pieces The prize for the oldest quilt went to Mrs Elizabeth Bacon of Volo. The quilt was made in 1853. Probably the most popular state highway and the one having the heaviest traffic in this vicinity during the summer months is Route U.S. 12 running north and south through McHenry. Mrs Margaret Friend who conducts the Nobby Style shop at the Adams Store in Johnsburg will put on a midsummer clearance sale of women's and men's wear. I^ester Hepner has moved from a farm near Crystal Lake to the Fred Feltz house on John street. He has taken over the McHenry Dairy which he now operates Miss Dorothy Knox was guest of honor at a brown eyed Susan luncheon given by Miss Elola Boyle at her home at McCullom I^ke. Miss Knox was presented with a breakfast set. Sister Marie Gratis, formerly Marion Conway of DesMoines, la., visited her father, M.A. Conway Sister Marie Gratis has been attending summer school at St. Charles and recently received her appointment as Sister Superior at St. Patrick's convent, Joliet. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund spent Sunday at Holy Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the files of Aug. 4, 1949) McHenry had a v^ry interesting visitor thi - week in the person of Rev. ..Imer B. Sachs who spent several days in the Peter A. Freund home. Rev. Sachs is director and founder of "Sky Pilots of America" and stopped here "nroute from Kansas City, Mo., to Wisconsin. The pastor, who was formerly a policeman, recently covered 15,000 air miles in twenty states in a two month's introductory tour. He is usually accompanied by Eddie letter, blind acrobat who pute on performances at stops. On Saturday, July 20, Janet Van Kanegan of Wonder Lake was united in marriage to Mr. Gene Wagner of Wickline Bay. The wedding took place in the Van Kanegan garden on the spacious ground beneath an arch of ferns and white gladioli. Rev. Albion J. Tavener performed the ceremony. Something entirely new to McHenry and certain to be more appreciated now than in wartime will be the mock bombing of McHenry by the Navy air corps. The commanding officer of the Naval air station at Glenview will participate in the V.J Day celebration. Recent water fights in which McHenry firemen have participated have resulted in two victories. They defeated Fox Lake, the Lake County champions and last week won over eight teams at Hebron defeating Union in the finals. McHenry County heralded the arrival of its first set of triplets here in many months when Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harting of Harmony became the parents of two girls and a boy July 28. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Aug. 6, 1964) A portable televisiort* was stolen from the living quarters of the McHenry School of Beauty Culture Monday evening The burglars seemed to have been frightened by the unexpected appearance of the "385V6981 DORKIES WHERE THE BELLY BUSTER WAS BORN » BREAKFAST • LUNCHEON SPECIALS I DINNERS ^CHAR BROILED STEAKS •FRIDAY SPECIALS SPAGHETTI & FISH DINNERS HOURS: Mon thru Sat 6AM - 8PM Sunday 7AM - 3PM 4213 W. RTE. 120 Mc HENRY COFFEE 10c 6a.m. -8a.m. MON. thru FRI. with Meals owner, Mrs Alice Marie Leuth, as other things had been left by „the door McHenry s first three day Dollar Days will be held Aug. 6 through 8 Thirty-four business firms are participating in the special sale days. Special concern has been noted this week for McHenry servicemen in the vicinity of Viet Nam. Word was received that James Doran of Kane avenue and Edward "Butch" Stacknick of MeCullom Lake are aboard the U.S.S. Ticonderoga, the aircraft carrier from which planes are being sent following the attack on the U.S. Destroyer Maddox Mrs William P. Berry, nee E'dna Hayes of Riverside drive, died Aug 2 in St Francis hospital, Evanston Susan O'Brien and Nancy Freund left by plane Monday for Nice, France, to study French at the University D'Aix Marseille for three weeks. Both will be seniors this fall at Marian Central. The McHenry Barracks of the Veteranslof World War I will meet Aug. 6. This organization of former serviceman now numbering close to 100 members is looking "Environmental Teacher Of Year" Is Honored Twice Richard Peters, Woodstock elementary school teacher at Northwood school, will twice be honored for his selection as the Illinois "Environmental Teacher of the Year" for elementary education Peters' selection as the Illinois winner from among forward to being host to the district meeting Aug 9, at the I^egion home Harry Lock is the newly installed junior vice president of the district. sixteen district finalists was announced by J Robert Sampson, director of environmental education for the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Peters was-^the regional winner in competition sponsored by the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation district, recognized locally along with Steve Aavang, Alden-Hebron teacher, for excellence in conducting programs for students involving the environment and conservation Peters was honored last weekend at the Illinois Soil and W a t e r C o n s e r v a t i o n d i s t r i c t Missionary Speaker At Bible Church Special guest missionary speaker, the Rev. Max Ward, will be speaking for both the 11 a.m. and 6 p.m worship annual meeting awards night in Springfield Further honors come Aug. 8 when he will be presented with the state award at a luncheon held in conjunction with the S u p e r i n t e n d e n t M i c h a e l Bakalis' Educational Services Region's annual conference, also at Springfield. PAGE 5 - PI.aINDEALER- FRIDAY. AUG8T 2, 1*74 services, Sunday, Aug 4, at the of the Moody Bible institute Wonder Lake Bible c lurch, Chicago, and prior to hli 7501 Howe road, Wonder Ldke For the past year, the Kev Ward has traveled through some fifteen states as the field representative of the Seaman's I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n association His main purpose is to promote local port chapters, who, in turn, will board both foreign and domestic ships entering ports of the United States and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the crew members. Presently there are twenty-seven different nations sending ships to coastal and Great Lakes area docks The Rev Ward is a graduate joining the mission staff WU a minister for seventeen yean. Wonder Lake Bible church currently hasten families from its own membership in full tlrrte missionary service, of whi^M the Rev and Mrs. Ward tfTe included ^ Doc's Orders "I prescribe absolutequiet for your husband." said the doctor. "Here's a sleeping,' powder." "Whnn do I give it iJ him0" asked the wife. " Y o u d o n ' t g i v e it to him,' said tiui doctor. "You takq- it yourself." ... 4 M W, -U RESTAURANT FRI.-SAT.-SUN AUGUST 2, DA ilY 9-< SUNDAY 10-9 Pre-Season Sale! Ladies Nylon Pant Coat s. n % 17.86 B %r Just arrived for Fall I Pick yours now while selections are best' Warm, coiy quilted nylon pant coots go great with pants or skirts. Choose from navy and °8)0rt#d C0'0ri in sil0$ (8- Transitor Battery A Fashion Must! Ladies Sleeveless Knit Shells 9 volt, factory fresh. Brimming with power for hours of fun and enjoyment. A tremendous buyi ~H!\( Ml iJ/ * ̂ 25,1 shotgun shell* Blue Rock Clay Targets Concentrated All Laundry Detergent With Coupon Only Jumbo 9 bleach. lb. 13 bora x oi. bo*. Now with r~ .. ant* hrighteners Coupon effective Aug 2.344 only. ' Limit one per customer. Black clay targets with yellow tops by Remington. 135 packed in carton. Just in time for Back-To- Schooll Helanca, nylon or orlon knits in regular sizes (34-40). A basic must for every wardrobe. TV/NCFFESTER, TV/HCEFESTER Dove & Quail n Duck & Pheasant Shotgun Shells Your Choice ** Shotgun Shells Your Choici Go. No. 8; >: 12 Go. No. 8• 20 Go. No. 8 1 6 Your Choice Your choice: 12 ga. No. 4, 12 No 6° 6 U 9° N°" 6 20 9° Close-Up Toothpaste With Coupon Only Family sii. tube of red or mint flavor Coupon effective Aug. 2,3&4 only. Limit one per customer. Sine-Off 100 Tablets Mfgrs. 2.79 With Coupon Only New family economy size. 100 tobfets of sinus medicine. Coupon effective Aug. 2,3&4 only. Limit onr» per customer. Terry Soft Absorbent Towels Reg. 2.37 J Many Decorator Colors To Choose From WHOLE BEEF Sweepstakes WIN A QUARTER OF BEEF s~XHv<ir<&r,d-r - - - HAVANA. Mc HENRY; YORK^rVc^" "'"CfTON, 'Uioiviui. *>NTIAC, WOODSTOCK. • NEW DRAWING EACH WEEK FOR 4 WEEKS • 6och of th. obovo .tor.. will owoy „ who(. b##f i E T - W " ' b « o n . o c h o f t h . following Sunday. - }| Quort.r, ̂ 7 wHoii iff« FROM A TOTAL OF 7 STORES. HORNSBYS family centers - FRONT QTR • Aug. I I; HIND QTR • Sopt. I. HIND QTR FRONT QTR » Aug. IR; • Aug. 25, Raglitar today Nothing to buy. IT"*! afflllata. no. quollftod to P*rtl«'eont» mu.1 |>o It yr,. or oldor Ond ovoryday No obligation I 1 | NAME { I ADDRESS I CITY I PHONE L ^L^.w,NN^::LNEBRE NOT?F7EDDbyphoneT HO"NSBY NOIR: Beef to be given away in hanging wt. quarters. Front Qtrs. avg. 155 to 160 lbs. Hind Qtrs. avg. 145 to 150 lbn Hanging Weigflt. Priltle Cut. ^gll^ Jones Locker, Woodstock, 111. 4400 Market Place Shopping Center McHenry,Illinois Rt. 4,7 4 Country Club Road Wood stock,Illinois mm*