i - v / .'AGE 4 • PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. AUGUST 9.1974 Spring Grove Eva Freund 675-2135 Plan Luncheon, Cards, Fashion Show Sept. II Plans are under way for a heon and cdrd party to be in St. Peter's hall, Spring j>ve, sponsored by the Lotus pntry Women's Club for the lefit of local ahd other jrities. It will be held Sept. [starting at noon. Come and y your favorite card game, ny prizes are being offered. Also for your entertainment, a fashion show in a comedy theme will be presented. This is a repeat. Those who have seen this show are sure to enoy it again. Members will be notified of the date of a meeting the latter part of August which will be held to complete arrangements. ATTEND DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ben Busch, son, Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Busch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Busch and family, Mrs. Pat Rinda and children, Mr. and OAK PARK HOTEL 801 GROVE on\PISTAKEE BAY VM UNDER M MANA6EMENT • MONDAY SPAGETTI SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT $1.50 (5:30-11) • TUESDAY 5c TAP BEER NIGHT FOR LADIES • THURSDAY jRIB SPECIAL $4.00(5:30-11) # FRIDAY FISH FRY & OPEN MENU (5:30-11) • SATURDAY OPEN MENU (5:30-11) * SUNDAY FEATURING "Belly Buster" BREAKFAST (9am-lpm) SANDWICHES^ flUTOlM WEEKDAYS Mrs. John Vierke and children attended the annual dinner at DeSales Seminary. Milwaukee, as guests of Msgr. Leonard Busch on July 21. Many people of this area enjoyed the chicken dinner served by the LaSalette Fathers at LaSalette Center, Twin Lakes, on Sunday July 28. VISIT Mrs. Pat Rinda and daughter, Debbie, spent Sunday with her niece, Terry Walker, in Waukegan July 28. ATTENDS WEDDING Mrs. Alice Weber attended the wedding of Mrs. Irene Adams of McHenry to Mr. Paul Rieger of Cary on Sunday, July 28, at St. Patrick's church, McHenry The Rev. Edmund Petit officiated at the 2 o'clock nuptial ceremony. ENJOY MATINEE Eva Freund joined a group of ladies from McHenry and area towns and travelled to Chicago by bus, on Wednesday. July 31 NECK UP1 44 FROM THE 1408 N. Riverside Drive COMPLETE BARBERING & STYLING FOR MEN AND BOYS WE SPECIALIZE IN LAYER CUTTING Call for an appointment 385-8373 c Legal Notice A. Degen Deceased, FILE NO. 74-P-215 1 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on July 18, 1974, to Anton Williams, 3508 W. Pearl, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is James M Mclntee, 3436 W. Elm St.; McHenry, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. They all greatly enjoyed the matinee; "Good News" with Alice Faye and John Payne. University Confers Degrees On Four From Area Four McHenry people were among the 4,000 graduating students who received degrees at Southern Illinois university- Carbondale's commencement exercises recently. Graduates were Harold C. Aeverman of 3003 Victoria street, B.S. degree, Raymond Lee Cook, A.A. degree, Herbert F. Harrison, Jr., of 1325 N. Woodlawn Park, B.A. degree and John A. Reinke of 802 N. Center street, B.S. degree. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of t&e Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET ONEIL Clerk of the Court t (Pub. July 26, Aug. 2 & 9, 1974) STEER ROAST The Grove school Parents club will sponsor its fourth annual steer roast Sunday, Sept. 8, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Grove school for the multiple handicapped, 40 East Old Mill road, Lake Forest. Two recent publications about the Grove school will be available. "Why Me?", written by Rabbi Hyman Agress; and "A School for Peter" by Virginia F. Matson, founder and Executive Director of the Grove school. Anyone with a sweet tooth might want to purchase a" candy cook book. The Parents club cordially invites everyone to attend its steer roast and visit the new residential building. LEGION P08T Indians living in what is now New York and Maine are known to have made journeys as far away as into what is now Wyoming and Montana, and often brought back souvenirs - bits of mica, volcanic glass, grizzly bear's teeth and claws, plus yarns about the scenery. Don't send a ii (No Account Kid away to school yy See that your college student has His Own Special Checking Account ...and here's why He gets good training in the important matter of money management. His checks will provide good receipts for bills paid. He will learn to appreciate the actual cost of his education. The family will have a good basis for determining money needs for future years of school. His account will separate his expenditures from Dad's and Mother's own living expenses and will avoid unexpected drains on the family account. NO SERVICE CHARGE NO CHARGE FOR DEPOSITS THIS TYPE OF ACCOUNT IS ALSO IDEAL FOR A HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT JtfO MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIRED ONLY 10* PER CHECK WRITTEN MCHENRY STATE BANK PHONE 385-1040 3510 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY I LEGION AUXILIARY JOINT INSTALLATION - Joint installation of newly elected officers of McHenry Legion Post 491 and its auxiliary unit are shown above. In top photo, post officers are, from left first row, Bernie Matchen, historian; Richard Sherwood, junior vice-commander; Ty Behrens, commander; Lloyd Werham, senior vice-commander and Fred Schoewer. chaplain; second row, Roy Homo, installing sergeant-at-arms; Marie Sladek, finance officer; Rita Offerle, adjutant; Donald Zilinsky, service officer; Steve Huska, sergeant-at-arms, and Tom Birmingham, installing officer. Auxiliary members, first row from left, are Pearl Cooper, secretary; Evelyn Osmon, second vice-president; Lauretta Homo, president; Pauline Pickett, first vice-president, and Reba Owen, chaplain; second row, Eileen White, installing chaplain; Judy Homo, installing sergeant-at-arms; Becky Gabel, installing musician; Betty Lou Smith, treasurer; Arlys Aim, historian; Frances Matchen, installing officer; Margaret Datz, assistant sergeant-at-arms; Midge Scharf, sergeant-at-arms and Jane Tomal, installing sergeant-at-arms. m RESTAURANT 185V6981" D0RKIES WHERE THE BELLY BUSTER WAS BORN BREAKFAST I LUNCHEON SPECIALS » DINNERS iCHAR-BROILED STEAKS •FRIDAY SPECIALS SPAGHETTI & FISH DINNERS HOURS: Mon thro Sat 6AM - 8PM Sunday 7AM - 3PM 4213 W. RTE. 120 Mc HENRY COFFEE 10c 6a.m. -8a.m. MON. thru FRI. with Meals Several From Community Earn Degrees At NIU A total of 2,775 graduate and undergraduate degrees were conferred by Northern Illinois university recently on students who completed degree requirements at the end of the spring semester. Receiving Master's degrees from McHenry were Elmer Alfred Boeldt, CAS degree; Barbara Anne Kidd, MA degree; David L. Sehaefer, MSBA degree; Raymond D. Broderick, MSED degree and Jean Marie Wilkas, MSED degree. Virgil F. LipLak of 4417 Hilltop and Thomas S. Ruggero of 4712 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, both earned BA degrees. The spring total of 2,775 represented a decline of 357 from the 3,132 granted in June 1973. SKI-BUFFS! WATCH THE W0NDR LAKE SKI ClUB PERFORM SATURDAY,AUG. It AT THE WONDER CENTER BEACH AT 2 PM FROM OUR TOP DECK TERRACE BAR KINO'S ROW 4106 E. LAKE SHORE DR. WONDER LAKE ShutfrHuT WINDOW & WALL DECOR EXTERIOR SHUTTERS T" BMW*HERICAW1 DAILY 9:30-5:30 FRIDAY 9:30-9:00 CLOSED SUNDAY INTERIOR SHUTTERS 20% Off REG. PRICE WITH AD EXPIRES SEPT. 1, 1974 RTE. 12 N. OF 120 V0L0, (ILLINOIS (815) 344-1888