PAGE 2 - PLAINDK ALER-WEDNESDA Y, AUGUST 14, 1974 crs 'MM:- R.F. HUBER HOME Guests To Tour Huber Home Hospitali ty Day (Xit on the far side of Woodstock, set in a broad and sweeping expanse of carefully tended lawn and pines, is the friendly gray clapboard home of Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Huber which will be open for tour on Holiday Hospitality Day, Oct. 2. Several years ago Mr. Huber was looking for a compatible location for his new Research Center. He sought an area that would be close to necessary transportation, yet would not impose on the community or interfere with already existing light industry. After a survey of possible sites around Chicago, he found just the spot he wanted -- in Woodstock. That was in 1970, and the Hubers found a home for themselves west of town, on an open ridge with a compelling view of the rich, rolling farmlands beyond This comfortable country home, with its bright white trim and dramatic dark shutters, will offer a warm and winning welcome to visitors on Holiday lity Day. like the jewel tones," says Carolyn Huber, and guests will find her preference reflected throughout the house in vibrant accents of blues and greens and garnet and gold. In the family room, which opens off the kitchen for convenient informal living, is Mrs. Huber's collection of antique dishes of glass and china, some pieces decorating the walls, others on display in a glass-doored cherry chest which is over 120 years old. A garnet and brass Victorian hanging lamp with crystal droplets dates from 1885 and sheds its gentle light over How much Uenough? What's the best way to make sure you get insur ance that fits your needs? How do you set aside the right amount of money for your children's education? Or a com fortable retirement for yourself? And you would like to save money on insurance for your home and car. So where do you turn? One /nan can help an swer all these questions . . . and more. He's your Country Companies agent. And he can help you find out how much is enough. The Country Compa nies. We're a little differ ent than most insurance people Your Country Companies, Agent the long antique walnut snaek- and-breakfast table. Blue walls in the living room, a blue carpet, blue lampbase, candlesticks, and other bits of blue point up Carolyn Huber's favorite jewel tones as the sunlight filters through her colorful collection of cruets, old and new, on glass shelves in the wide west window. Down the hallway to the bedroom wing of the house is Ron Huber's wood-panelled den-study. A restful retreat for concentration or reflection, it serves, too, as a mini-gallery for a set of sensitive and lovely water color scenes painted by their son as he convalesced in this tranquil room some years ago. The open and airy ambiance of this gracious country home makes it an especially happy choice as Holiday Hospitality Day's Christmas House. On that day, the spacious screened porch, added some time after the Hubers moved in, will be transformed into a festive center for Santa's Helpers, where Mrs. Russell Lundstrom and her committee will create the spirit of Christmas with their holiday decorations, ornaments and Christmas gifts of all kinds. Whirlers Set Business Meet Next Monday President Jim Jansen reminds all members of the Woodshed Whirlers Square Dance club of the mid-summer business meeting scheduled for Monday, Aug. 19, at 7:30 p.m. at Bavaria House in Johnsburg. On the agenda are a number of important decisions to be made in regarding the upcoming 1974-75 dance season. Members are also reminded that the annual picnic is set for Sunday, Sept. 8, at the farm home of Ed and Erma Winn, near Spring Grove. First regular dance of the new season will be Saturday, Sept 14, and beginners' lesions will start Sunday, Sept. liboth at Local Teacher At Delta Kappa Gamma Convention Mrs. Catherine Kohrt, Edgebrook teacher, attended the biennial convention of the Delta Kappa Gamma society, an international honor organization for women educators, in Seattle, Washington, last week. Among the 2,500 delegates were representatives from Canada, Mexico, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The international character of the convention was highlighted by the diversity of cultures in the port city of Seattle, gateway to the Orient, Russia, Canada, Hawaii and Alaska. "The Woman Educator in Changing Times," was the focus of study examining present status, goals, and roles as agents of change. A major project of the society is its scholarship program. Eighteen grants of $2,500 each have recently been awarded to outstanding women educators for advanced study. A program of fellowships for foreign women to study in this country has trained many leaders in education overseas. The Delta Kappa Gamma society is the largest organization of professional women educators in the world. Its honorary members include Dr. Margaret Mead, anthropologist; Miss Pauline Frederick, television news reporter; and Senator Margaret Chase Smith. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Pearl Buck, author, also were members. Mrs. Kohrt is a member of Alpha Theta chapter. She is the chapter president for 1974-76. Loren Miller RICHMOND, ILL. PH. 678-6691 WHY WAIT SALE RUNS AU6 PAINT NOWf 17 THRU SffT. 8 1 GALLON FREE WITH PURCHASE OF 4 GALLONS OF ANY COLOR OctMW. LIMITED TIME ONLY! OH 5TRin <zA/(axc cM om& ^J^scoratincj 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry Massachusetts Girl Bride Of T.E. Evans, III Elaine Kiuber of Brookline, Mass. wore her mother's wedding gown when she became the bride of Thomas E. Evans, III of Chicago at St. Michael's church, Amsterdam, N.Y., Saturday, Aug. 10. The Rev. Joseph Beck officiated at the noon ceremonies. The pretty bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kiuber of Amsterdam, N.Y., and her bridegroom is ' the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Evans, Jr., of 3307 N. Oakdale drive, McHenry. The bridal gown was fashioned of ivory slipper satin trimmed with French reembroidered alencon lace. The gown featured a high neckline, long bodice and a shirred skirt which swept into a flowing cathedral length train. Her veil was of imported bridal illusion. She carried a bouquet of phalaenopsis and baby's breath, trimmed with streamers enhanced with stephanotis. Her only attendant was Mrs. David Archibald of Arlington, Mass., who was attired ina pale blue silk, wrap dress designed* with a flared skirt and cape flared collar. She wore a white picture hat highlighted, with a blue silk rose and carried a bouquet of blue roses and white carnations. John O'Malley of Wilmette served as best man and Arthur Cotugno of Amsterdam, N.Y. handled ushering duties. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Kiuber chose a floor length, blue chiffon gown trimmed in lace with matching accessories. She wore a corsage of blue cymbidiums. The bridegroom's mother wore a long gown of printed chiffon with a short jacket, white accessories and a yellow cymbidium corsage. Immediately following the ceremony, a dinner reception was held at Zucker's restaurant in Amsterdam for 100 guests. Records indicate that 130 years passed between the time DeSoto visited the Mississippi river, and the time the next white man saw it -- during which time Shakespeare was born, lived, and died. the Junior high school in Joh! sburg. Regular dances •'at 8:30, beginners' classes a ,30. PHONE: 385-7100 PROFESSIONAL WOMEN CHOOSE LoTs Uniform Shoppe FOR THEIR WHITE SWAN UNIFORMS W H I T I S W A N , U N I F O R M S When they return from a wedding trip through Canada, the couple will make their home at 410 N. Green Bay road, W'aukegan. The bride is a graduate of Lynch high school, attended Elmira college and graduated from the State University of New York, Albany. The bridegroom is a graduate of DePauw university and received his Juris Doctorate degree from DaPaul university, Chicago. He has accepted a two-year clerkship with Justice Seidenfeld of the Illinois Appelate Court at Waukegan. Kitchen Band In Third Program At Home For Elderly On Thursday evening, Aug. 8, the McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen band gave a program at the Lutheran Home and Service for the Aged at Arlington Heights. It was the third time the band was requested to play for the residents of this home, and they were greeted just as warmly and enthusiastically as they were on their first performance. The audience was very receptive and appreciative. It was the first time this audience heard the "Tea Pot Melodies" and the applause was overwhelming. Also new was the trio singing a German selection, which was well received because so many of the residents are German. The band promised a return engagement next season, and left with the good wishes and prayers of the audience for the band's success in the competition at the State Fair in Springfield. The band enjoys bringing entertainment and pleasure to the nursing homes, old people's homes, church groups, and the handicapped. Outstanding 4-H Winners ANNA RASMUSSEN Mrs. Anna Rasmussen of 2815 N. Wooded lane, McHenry, will obs *-ve her ninetieth birthday Sunday, Aug. 18. She resides with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Merle (Pearl) Oliver. A native of Denmark, she camc to Chicago in 1906 and to McHenry eleven years^ ago. Mrs. Rasmussen takes pleasure in raising African violets, weeding the garden and keeping abreast of the times by reading. tier four children will help her celebrate the day, with dinner for family and a few friends. Open house at the Oliver home will be held after 5 p.m. Besides Mrs. Oliver, her children are Harry of Mount Prospect, Elmer of Arlington Heights and Alice Leitch of Forest Park LOSE WEIGHT STARTING TODAY ODRINEX contains the most effective reducing aid available without prescription ! One tiny ODRINEX tablet before meals and you want to eat less • down go your calories • down goes your weight ! Thousands of women from coast tocoast report ODRINEX has helped them lose 5, 10, 20 pounds in a short time - so can you. Get rid of ugly fat and live longer ! ODRINEX must satisfy or your money will be refunded No questions asked Sold with this guarantee by BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N, Green St. Mail Orders Fi l led 1303 Riverside phone 344-1066 Community <> Calendar " AUGUST 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop -- Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot -- 8:45 a.m. Second Annual Parade of Fall Fashions and Chicken Salad Luncheon - 12:30 p.m. - V.F.W. Clubhouse, McHenry - Sponsored By Montini Parents Association. AUGUST 15 M c C u l l o m L a k e Conservation Club Meeting - 8 p.m. - Spojnia Polish Camp, 2500 N. Spojnia, McHenry. AUGUST 16 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band - Illinois State Fair, Springfield-- For Competition. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meeting - Oak Room, St. Mary's --7:30 p.m. AUGUST 17 Summer's End Dance - V.F.W. Rt. 120, McHenry - Sponsored By Le Villa Vaupel Country Club -- 8 to 1:30 Tickets Sold At Door. AUGUST 18 Friendship Club Picnic - City Park - Noon. NAIM Diocesan Picnic -- Lions Park, Elburn, Rt. 47 ~ Noon - Call 385-1105 or 385-6891 for Information. AUGUST 21 Parents For Youth Club -- Lakemoor -- Annual Meeting -- Municipal Building, Rt. 120 -- 8 p.m. "Good News" Matinee - Shubert Theater, Or Loop Bus Trip Only -- Sponsored By McHenry Woman's Club - Contact Mrs. E.W. Stange For Details. AUGUST 15-23 Vacation Bible School -- Bible Church -- Wonder Lake - 9 a.m. to 12 noon. AUGUST 23-24 Rummage Sale - St. Paul's Episcopal Church -- Green Street and St. Paul's Avenue -- Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. - Saturday 9 a.m. to Noon. AUGUST 24 Annual Dance Sponsored by Johnsburg Rescue Squad - 8 p.m. -- Johnsburg Rescue Squad -- 8 p.m. - Johnsburg Community Clubhouse AUGUST 25 Pistakee Players "It's A Short Summer, Charley Brown" -- Benefit Muscular ••mPI These outstanding McHenry county 4-H clothing project winners have been chosen as alternates to the Illinois State Fair this week. From left are Judy Vyduna, McHenry; Theresa DeSerto, Marengo; Diane Muskovin, McHenry; Barbara Meier, Crystal Lake; Debbie Bottlemy, Genoa City, Wis.; Brenda Stanley, Hebron, and Carol Latz, McHenry. (DON PEASLEY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHY) HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Karen Jablonski, Nettie Panknin, Anna B. Lloyd, Spring Grove; Kathleen Dasing, Pamela Mazza, Herman Kasten, Alfonse Wirtz, Grace H e d e m a n , E l i z a b e t h Manzardo, Ruth Dahlquist, William Broker, Michele A. Becker, Ramiro Rodriguez^ Jr., William Weirich, Gary Wegner, Brian Peisert, Jean Layton, Catherine Pechart, Robert Belzer, McHenry; Larry Meehan, Island Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Thomas Hauck, Master Timothy Bays, Helen Maugh, Albertha Brossman, McHenry; and Mary Ellen Campbell, Wonder Lake. ^ - BIRTHS McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. James Schmidt are Darents of a son, Aug. 6. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mercado announce the birth of a daughter Aug. 11. Blueberry Potato Pancakes Rinse 1 cup fresh blueberries and let dry thoroughly. Mix to gether 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tea spoon salt, and ]/% teaspoon bak ing powder. Pare, wash and finely grate 6 raw potatoes (about 2 lbs. or 3 cups grated). Set aside. Add 2 eggs, well beaten, to flour mixture. Drain off liquid that col lected from grated potatoes and add potatoes to egg mixture. Beat thoroughly with a spoon. Carefully fold in fresh blueber ries. Heat a greased skillet and drop potato batter by heaping tablespoons on the hot skillet. Fry over medium heat until golden brown and crisp on other side. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve plain or with warm blue berry sauce: Simmer 1 cup fresh blueberries with x-z cup water, 6 tablespoons corn syrup and 1 tablespoon lemon juice for 10-15 minutes Remove from fire, add in another cup of fresh blue berries and serve warm over blueberry potato pancakes. Dystrophy -- Pistakee Highlands Community Center, 3 p.m. AUGUST 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - East Campus Cafeteria - Games Party For Members -- 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 27 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Bus-Luncheon-Theater Trip To Shady Lane - Marengo - Busses Leave East Campus Parking Lot 10:30 a.m. AUGUST 28 Amish Acres Tour - St. Clara Court No. 659 - Bus Leaves St. Mary's at 7 a.m. Reservations, Leoda Freund, 385-0232. AUGUST 31 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meet For Cards - Oak Room -- St. Mary's 7:30 p.m SEPTEMBER 15 Annual "Saufen und Spiel" -- Johnsburg Community Club Benefit - Parade - 1 p.m FULL SERVICE 3 NIGHTS A WEEK! (Appointment not necessary but appreciated) WE STYLE & BLOW DRY. Don't Forget We're Open 6 Days Per Week! RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING STUDIO 020 W. Rte. 120 McHenry,111, PHONE 385-7010 FORMAL WEAR RENTAL lor ALL OCCASIONS &*li % StaE tfie, fctjwffl/i twi 1214 N. Green St., McHenry * K McHenry county 4-H clothing project winners have been selected construction winners and will compete their garments at the Illinois State Fair this week. Fron. left: Lynn Ponto, Union; Dianne Grandt, Crystal Lake; Julie Bauman, Marengo, and Joy Vyduna, McHenry. (DON PEASLEY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHY) SUSAN LYNN ATKINSON BRIDE-TO-BE - Announcement of the engagement of Miss Susan Lynn Atkinson to Frederick John Pike of Palatine has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter 11. Atkinson of Rt. 120, rural Grayslake. Mr. Pike is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Pike of Lakeland Park, McHenry. The bride-to-be is a 1970 graduate of Warren Township high school, Gurnee, and completed two years at Augustana college. Rock Island. She is employed by a mineral and chemical firm in Libertyville. Her fiance is a 1964 graduate of McHenry Community high school and served four years in the Air Force. He is employed by an electrical firm in Rolling Meadows. A Sept. 21, 1974, wedding is planned in the Wildwood Presbyterian church, Wildwood, III. "EASY CARE" HAIR CUTS FOR gals on the go • Layer Cuts • Shags • Naturals $10.00 JAXE'S 385-7771 IPX RIVER STONE CO. I la^ Stone Veneer Stone 1 ieId Stone & Boulders * Imported Moulders in a var ie ty of colors •Colored Landscape Stone, • ( rushed l imestone •Sand And (•ravel Rt . 31 & McLean Blvd. - 5 mi S ' ){ Elgin 312-742-6060 312-742-6064 I