IMC.K « - PLAINDEALER-WKDNKSDAY. AUGUST 14. 1974 Pictured above is Richard Matt, the third place finisher in the Amateur-built Class of the Twelfth annual AC Flight rally, held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin Donald R. Thoreson, has announced the winners of the twelfth annual AC Flight Rally. They are: George Economos, winner of the amateur-built class and Frank Fulkersin in the vintage factory-built class. Economos is a resident of W a s h i n g t o n , D C . i t f i d Fulkersin lives in Flint, Michigan. Both pilots scored 198 points out of a possible 200. The flight Rally is sponsored each year in conjunction with the Experimental Aircraft Association's national convention in Oshkosh, Wis. This year's rally drew sixty- eight contestants from around the nation and Canada. MVOWHAVEVEGOTTENDERCHOOSENFORYOUMIT : DER'G'TOTXOFDASGIANTSHEEPDOGUNDTDER 'IVORYSNOW'ENZEFRAULEIN! ; ACHJA;EACHISTGEDOINGTHEIROWNTHING!!! (SEPARATE PROGRAMS • SEPARATE TICKETS FOR EACH) L;™ FAMILTEN-RTA-ME- 'PROG'RTM'--' PRESENTED FRI. AUG. 9 THRU THURS AUG. IS Doors Open 6:50- FEATURE AT 7:20 ONLY - Out AL 8:48 C :-h., HI The scientists want to collar him.... v The crooks want to steal him. Digby - the ESSf JIM DALE- I biggest howl in the world. ANGELA DOUGLAS-SPIKE MILLIGAN 5 NOTE TO KIDS: The 'Old English Sheepdog' is so gentle, loves kids so K s much and is so 'cuddly' that we will have our own pure-bred ten month^ \ old, 70 pound Female 'Puppy' at the Theatre for you to see and to pet I Bring tissues - she kisses a lot! Parents' Cameras are most welcome. HARVARD THEATRE $ ;/-Jj V. A Y / R S T R h J . T \ UAR V A RD, ILLINOIS \ NEW CLEAN COMI (i:/.T A 24 HOUR INFORM A TION lis • (815) 943 - 4451 COMFORTABLE - CONTROLLED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM . FEATURED FRI. AUG. 9 THRU THURS AUG. !5 At 9:00 & 10:25 Every Night. PRESENTED BY POPULAR REQUEST - - - •HELD OVER (BY UNPOPULAR DE • MAND OF TURN-AWAY CUSTOMERS) WE HAVE RECEIVED THE EXTENSION FOR 7 DAYS ONLY. IT MUST END THURS. AUG. 15 ! |--ADULTS I LIMITED TO AGE IS & OVER |<V' POSITIVE PROOF REQUIRED!! A T ADULTS ONLY BehindtlleGreen Door'7 An Explicit Adult Film - Presented for Mature Men & Women e Listen! Films Selected From Stated Audience Preference To qualify for the rally, the aircraft must be either amateur-built, "homemade" or factory-built "pre-1954" The planes entered this year varied from a vintage 1935 Miles Hawk M2VV, flown by Father John MacGillivray of Canada, to amateur-built aircraft capable of cruising at better than 2(H) mph Scores for the contestants were determined by their ability to accurately estimate air speed and fuel consumption rate for the trip To do this, the pilots were asked to post an estimated air time and fuel rate needed to complete the flight from one of six starting points around the country- to ()shkosh. which included two mandatory stops. The six starting points were: Flint, Mich; Dayton. Ohio; Kansas City, Mo; St Louis. Mo.; Omaha, Neb . and Minneapolis, Minn Second and third place winners in the amateur built class were: John Latcham of Cameron, Wis . and Richard Matt of McHenrv j Chapel Hill | Golf News i By Claire Rosing Tuesday, August 6th Low Net was the event for the day We also started play in the 27 hole Low Net Tournament The leaders are as follows: Class "A" Fve Sanford with a :?5, t ied for second are Lee Nimsgren and Shari Scott with M In Class "B" Lorraine Freund leads with a :t() Judy Schmitt and Betty A Smith are tied for second with M. In (. ' lass "C" Phyllis Grossenrund leads with 29, Kathy Schlutz is second with 32 and Cathy,. Hettermann is in third with :W. Chapel Hill Girls Softball Champions This is the third year Chapel Hill 's girls ' softball team has won their league champion ship They did so this year with an 8-5 victory over Jewel Mfg., of Harrington The win gives the girls a 10-0 record They have 2 games left to play and hopefully they can go the rest of the season undefeated. Jake's, Chalet Win First Playoff Game By Pat Wirtz The first games of the t^74 playoffs saw Jake's Dead End Lounge blast Phillip's 66 off the ball diamond by a 28 to 8 score. Meanwhile Swanson Chalet won 12 to 3 over a cold hitting Rusty Nail team. Jerry's Phillip's 66 scored 3 runs in the first inning to hold a brief half inning lead When they scored another run in the fourth inning Jake's had already scored 13 runs. Pete Merkel's hot bat led Jake's as he hit safely 6 times, scoring 4 runs. Before Gene Hester was pulled he went 3 for 3. Mark Bentz, Mike Freund and Steve George all added 3 hits apiece with two of George's hits going for doubles. Frank Hovseth had a homerun in going 2 for 2 For Phillip's 66 Gene Anderson and Bill Pryski both went 2 for 4. Jerry's Phillip's 66 300 130 1 8 Jake's Dead End Lounge 427 257 x - 28 Rusty Nail Swanson Chalet 000 200 1 230 034 x In the other contest Swanson Chalet started early as their first two batters hit safely, Ed Raske a leadoff single and Bill Rudolph a 2 run homer. The second inning saw successive singles by Paul Adams, Bob Freund and Dale Snell followed by Rick Vycital 's sacrifice fly and a two out double by Raske good for 3 runs. -BROTHERS HIT Leon Schmitt led off the fourth inning for Rusty Nail with his second single and his brother Gary drove him in with a long t r iple to lef t center an3 scoring on an error This was their only score until a leadoff homer in the final inning by Gary Busse. Rusty Nail combined for only 7 hits compared to Swanson's 15 hits in the 7 inning contest. An excellent running catch in right center by Rick Vycital plus the fine' play of Bill Blankenhorn at third base who started one double play on a hard shot to his right and made three fine catches of hard hit liners, was important in holding back the Rusty Nail The Chalet kep Rusty Nail on the run as Bill Rudolph hit his second homerun in the fifth inning with no one aboard. Ray Franklin followed with a double; Vic Freund's single scored him and Paul Adam's second hit of the game drove Freund in to finish the fifth for Swanson's. In the sixth inning, with the bases loaded and two outs, Ray FRanklin hit a line shot on which the Rusty Nail center fielder tried a diving catch, failed, the ball bouncing over his outstretched glove for a grand slam homer. BUSSE HITS HARD Gary Busse led Rusty Nail with a double and homerun while Leon Schmitt hit safely twice. Bill Rasmussen added a triple for the Nail Swanson Chalet showed a balanced hitting attack as 9 players hit safely, with Raske, Adams, Bob Freund and Dale Snell going 2 for 3 while Rudolph and Franklin added 2 for 4's. The second games of the best 2 of 3 series are scheduled for Tuesday, Aug 13, with scores in Friday's paper. Jake's should have little trouble with Phillip's 66 while Rusty Nail should give Swanson Chalet a battle as they have been a "comeback" team all year. If both Jake's and the Chalet win Tuesday they would face each other Thursday in the first game of the championship series. However, if either Phillip's or Rusty Nail can win on Tuesday they would force a third game showdown on Thursday to decide who would play in the championship series This would push back the opening date of the THANKS TO YOU 1974 Livestock Auction buyers at the McHenry County Fair from the McHENRY area. Owners of the animals appreciate the support of these buyers as well as the many bidders, this year: CHAMPIONS Beef McHenry State Bank, Grand Champion Junior and Open Steer Lincoln Meats, for Jewel Tea Company, Rate-of-Gain Angus Champion Swine McHenry Savings & Loan Association, Grand Champion 4-H Pair of Market Hogs Sheep George Hitler & Son, Johnsburg. Reserve Champion Pen of 3 Market Lambs donated to Woodstock Children's Home / ' BOOSTER BUYERS Beef Jim Hales, Wonder Lake Hay Stalsmith Harry Kinne, atty Art Tyrell. Sheriff lakeland Construction Co Lincoln Meats, for Jewel Tea Company McHenry County Farm Bureau McHenry County Livestock Feeders Assn. McHenry FS McHenry Sand L Gravel Northeast Illinois Production Credit Assn. Rudy's Drive-In Schroeder's Nursery, Grayslake Sw ine Ed Funk & Son See Corn Jim Hales, Wonder Lake George Hiller & Son, Johnsburg Northeast Illinois Production Credit Assn Sheep Harry Kinne atty. Ar , Tyrell, Sheriff Schroeder s Nursery. Grayslake rha r l e s W(Mngart And thanks also to the McHenry State Bank, clerk; Auctioneers Bill Russel, Gordon Stade, and Gene Fredrick for donating their services, and to Kathy Ainger (KIA) for printing buyer signs. McllENRY COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION and LI V KST()( K AI (HON ( Q M M ITTKK FL THE TROPHIES ARE READY for the first annual McHenry marathon. Bill Hutchinson, managing the event, and Mayor Joe Stanek view the trophy that will be presented to the overall winner of the race. Trophies will be awarded to first place finishers of the other divisions and participating ribbons to all who finish. (STAIfF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) EARL WALSH So I Hear SPORTS EDITOR. We lost two good neighbors last week, Tony Blake and Dick Frett Tony lived across the street when we moved into the neighborhood. We'll miss his wave and greeting. Dick hadn't been in the block so long, but was a good neighbor. Both were a part of McHenry for many years. They will be missed. We hear that Rollie Herrmann is staying close to the phone-waiting for a call to take the appointment as Vice President of the United States There is nothing like a round table for sociability when you go out with a crowd. No argument as to who sits at the head of the table. Took a ride up to beautiful Lake Lawn Sunday and found one shop selling Christmas decorations. They are either way ahead of the season or far behind. We get a sick feeling when a host on a TV show thanks a star guest for "dropping by." You know darn well the guest has been scheduled ahead -- for a price. It looks like Cleveland's Gaylord Perry of spit-ball fame will have to go back to the moist ball. Perry lost the first game of the season, won 15 in a row, then lost 6 in a row. The White championships to Tuesday, Aug. 20. At any rate come down to West Campus high school this Thursday and next Tuesday to see the 1974 12 inch softball playoffs! Sox hammered him in the last one. Art Boger, fast becoming an Old Timer in McHenry, recalled a lot of history in our brief visit recently. Art grew up across the street from Landmark School. Schedules for high school athletic programs came in this week and will be printed in the order of earliest starting dates. Hope you will ' cut them out when the whole family has read the Plaindealer Don't cut them out before. Those are little things that start big wars. T City Part Pearl St 4I Johnsburg Rd / Finish For 7 8 Graders Y- (Johnsburg) Lincolin Rd -A 7 MILES McHENRY MARATHON RACE ROUTE AUGUST 15, 1974 RACE STARTS 6:30 P.M Northern Illini Bowmen News BOWMEN MEET The Northern Illini Bowmen will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday, Aug. 15, at 8:30 p.m. at the American Legion hall in McHenry. Plans for the Aug. 25 Broadhead Invitational shoot will be finalized. President Bob Anderson will preside. x When Joliet and his crew in 1673 paddled down the Mississippi, they went two whole weeks at one time, without seeing any sign of human habitation CLOSE PLAY AT HOME - The McHenry Industrial 16" Softball League is in the midst of their play offs for the championship. In action last Friday night, Alexander Lumber played McHenry Plaindealer. Shown here, Scott Letzter slidesinto home as catcher Tim Tonyan of Alexander puts the tag on him. The umpire is Chuck Cuda. The league is made up of eight teams and includes A&W Root Beer, Alexander Lumber, Johnsburg Businessmen, McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry Savings & Loan,First National Bank, Rudy's Drive-In, McHenry State Bank. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) COMEBYLANDORSEA! OPEN YEAR ROUND! Luncheon - Cocktails - Dinner - Entertainment Fine Food and Grog - Steaks* Prime Rib* Seafood • Private Party Rooms • Excellent Docking Facilities • Waterf ront Motel Accommodations • Gourmet Wine and Cheese Shop • Ship's Store - (iifts and Nautical Things T l U J A A SARASOTA, ^ILrVrV/ FLORIDA SLEEPY LAGOON YACHT HARBOUR - LONGBOAT KEY For R»'8. Call: (Restaurant) 81.3 .'*83 1101 (Motel) Hi:i/KM201 (Gourmet Shop) 813/383-4441 (Ship's Store) 813 383-5000 McNeils "easy-livjn"] mummer chicken special 15 PC.PRK Includes 15 pieces of delicious fried chicken, a full pint of creamy cole slaw, a pound of golden brown French Fries and 6 pipin' hot rolls. REG.$B<7^ 57.00 niciieils fried chicken next to the Hornsby Family Centers In the McHenry Market Place, McHenry Rt. 47 & Country Club Road, Woodstock