5 - •, PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21,1974 N«w Type Con Man Claims To West Shore Beach Represent Police Illinois Slate Police issued a warning last week to businessmen in counties outside Cook county. A man representing himself on the telephone as either a sergeant, lieutenant or captain with the State Police, chooses names from the yellow pages and says he is working for "Today's Police" magazine. He indicates to those contacted that someone will be out to collect the $25 subscription fee from them. At that time, the subscriber will be given a decal. The caller infers that if the subscriber is stopped ijy State Police, this decal will .entitle him to special •consideration The State Police urge that anyone contacted in such a manner should report it to the nearest state police headquarters Connie Schmidt 385-7841 : MOBILE HOMEOWNERS • . Frank Rezabek, Nunda I township assessor, announces a *fiew state law has been passed **by the state. Legislature «Requiring all owners of mobile Jhomes to register with their 'Jocal township assessor in the »lownship where the mobile • tiomejs located. The owner also Tis required to fill out a form • that is available at the Assessor's office, at 95 Grant Plan Community Annual Picnic For Saturday, Aug. 24 West Shore Beach residents are all cordially invited to attend a community picnic on our beach at 2 p.m. Aug. 24 Refreshments, hot dogs, and barbecues will be sold by the Property Owner's Association for your convenience. Many games will also be available for your participation and will add to the fun of the day. Helen Mohlman, who is the picnic chairwoman, would appreciate any cake donations from the local ladies. Please try to set aside your other plans and support our subdivision first for this one Saturday of the year Come to meet your neighbors and have lots of fun doing it too! This is everyone's picnic and only we can make it a success Looking forward to seeing you! HELLO THERE Welcome Larry and Char Nowak and familv to our street, Crystal Lake. Rezabek said the Form must be picked up by Sept. 1. If there are any questions, call the assessor's office at 459-6140 subdivision. They are now occupying 5402 W Hillside drive with their four children. Vicky, 11; Dawn, 10; Denise, 6, and Tony. 16 months Their former residence was the city of Chicago and they are indeed happy to leave all that smog behind them Hope you are all ver\ happy in your new home' WELCOME HOME LaYonne Ketchum, with daughters Cheri, 19monthsand Shawn, 3 years, have recently returned from nine months of living in Oppenheim, Germany Her husband, Mike, who has been stationed overseas in the army, will Ik- discharged in September They are presently staying with mom and dad Hagen While in Europe the family traveled to many different parts in Germany and also visited the Netherlands. LaVonne washed clothes on a scrubbing board and heated all hot water on the stove. She said she's glad to be home to our American luxuries again In addition, Mike and LaVonne are proud to announce they are expecting a third child this January! Glad to have you all back and we wish Mike a safe trip home too SIGNS I P With the help of Henry Aissen, John Otto, Steve Kidd and Fred Schmidt the street signs have been placed on our street corners Rich Kotiw, a non-resident and friend also helped place the signs on the posts It should be noted that the posts were given to the subdivision and we all wish to express a special appreciation to the donors. Nice work guys! MARATHON RACE It was the first time at 7 mi. marathon race was offered to McHenry participants. The route started at the park and followed Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads to Johnsburg road and Riverside drive Fred Schmidt completed the distance run and received a ribbon along with the many other track enthusiasts. They all deserve a big congratulation' PERSONALS Many get-well wishes to Virginia Scharlow who has been confined to McHenry hospital Your cards and calls would be greatly appreciated. Steve and Linda Kidd spent three days in northern Wisconsin and also stopped by the Dells while up there relaxing on their vacation They had the pleasure of the company of Marilyn and Randy Meyer from Lakeland Park Birthday wishes to Mickey Bogdan who celebrates her day on Aug. 20. Mickey just became a 13 year old teenager and will Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO iTaken from the tiles of Aug 21. 1924i At a meeting of the directors of the West McHenry State bank held Monday evening Carl W Stenger was unanimously voted president of the bank to succeed the late Dr C H Fegers who prior to his death served in that capacity for a number of years. Mr Stenger came to McHenry just prior to the birth of the West McHenry state bank in September 1906 and ever since that time he has served the institution as its cashier Forty-one members of the Sunday school and adults enjoyed the First Universalis! church Sunday school picnic which was held at Lake Geneva. At 2:30 in the afternoon everyone boarded be entering the eighth grade at Parkland this fall. There will be birthday celebrations ;n the Otto household on Aug 23 for Dora Hope you have a wonderful day' Diane Knaack is in McHenry hospital and we wish her a very speedy recovery from her illness. Those of you who have contributed news and willingly called me are really good l>eople' Carriage House cordially invites you to the GRAND OPENING * I : I i ;F, • , * w * K Friday August 23 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. and Saturday August 24 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 18/20 N. Ayer St. Harvard, Illinois & Help us Celebrate our new concept of Specialized Department Store. Shopping for the entire family. Our Selection Includes: MEN'S WOMEN'S JUNIOR S CHILDREN APPAREL Work Clothes & Shoes Come in and Register for our Drawing of FREE Door Prizes (No Purchase Necessary) 1st PRIZE -- PORTABLE COLOR TELEVISION SET 2nd Pf^IZE -- #50ww GIFT CERTIFICATE To the store of your choice injht- Harvard Business L(»i i i inunil \ 3rd PRIZE -- #25ow GIFT CERTIFICATE To the store of >our choice in the l lar\ai^l Business ( .ommiini ls V DRAWING TO BE HELD SATURDAY AUGUST 24, 3 P.M. I * L RIAGE 78/20 N. Ayer Harvard, I I I . 943-7600 the steamship "Harvard" and made the trip around the lake William Marshall and family of Morton drove are now -residents in this city moving into the lower flat of die Diet/, home on Kim street The Fox River resort region last Thursday night witnessed one of the most tragic deaths that has occurred along this beautiful stream since the inhabitation of this section by summer resorters which dates back thirty years or more. The horrible tragedy caused the death of John Schermann of Chicago and also destroyed the victim's beautiful summer home which graced the east shore of the river A terrible explosion occurred in the basement James Revor for a number of years a resident of this city, was united in marriage to Miss Marie K Be.no 1 pen at St Paul. Minn Aug 14 During his residence in this city Mr Revor was for a time employed as a police officer Miss Kllen Walsh and brother. Karl R , were Chicago visitors last Friday FORTYYKARSAdO (Taken from the files of Aug 23. 1934) James Marshall was elected commander of McHenry Post. American Legion, at the annual election of officers held Monday night in Legion hall. deorge Bohr and Frank Smith were selected from McHenry to serve on the grand jury Fred Justen who is again proprietor of the Justen hotel announces grand opening of the new walnut room for Aug. 25. This room presents a novel appearance with its walnut finish, has a dance floor in the center and tables on both sides where refreshments are served. Mr and Mrs FA Boh lander moved this week from the P.J Geary home on Main street to the K.K. Covalt house on Waukegan street. Mrs. Clarence Pearson and Norma Whiting left Monday on an automobile trip around Lake Michiga n. Charles Jacks lost a valuable cow Sunday morning when it was hit by an automobile while being dnvep to the pasture. The accident occurred on Route 20 near the Ostend school house. Mrs Catherine Sweeney, 71 year old mother in-law of James B Bowler, Chicago public vehicle commissioner and former alderman of the 25th ward, died Sunday at the Bowler summer cottage near McHenry She had suffered a stroke of paralysis on Saturday "Buff" only a y ellow dog, but the friend of every boy and girl in McHenry. has been missed during the past few days and his friends will see him no more. Buff appropriated himself a home at the deorge Johnson home a few years ago and made regular visits to other homes in the vicinity w here he was always welcome TWKNTY-FIVK YKARS AdO iTaken from the files of Aug 25, 1949) M a n y p l a n n e d entertainments have failed to attract the attention that the appearance of Charles McCartney and his thirty-two goats did in McHenry last weekend Mr McCartney was enjoying his annual summer tour of th«. northern states and was enroute into Wisconsin His home is Jeffersonville, da Several animals from the Hickory Creek Farm at McCullom Lake added new honors to their growing list at the state fair held at Springfield. Two , grand championships were added to the list Hickory Creek will now enter their prize animals at the Ohio state fair, Michigan state fair at Waterloo, Iowa, and the International Dairy Exposition at Indianapolis. A quiet but lovely wedding which took place Aug. 20 in St. Mary's church united in marriage Miss Sue Nimsgern of McHenry and Mr Franklin N. Haines of Kvanston. Mr and Mrs. Carl Buckner and family have moved from dilman. 111., to the deorge Cable home in McCullom Lake. Mr Buckner will take on the duties of principal at the McHenry high school when the fall term begins. The family and friends of Albert Vales, t>3. were shocked at his unexpected death Aug 18 in the Woodstock hospital. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Peter's church. Spring drove. Aug 17 when Miss Lorraine Huff became the bride of Mr. Norbert Hiller of Johnsburg Mr and Mrs Paul Yanda and Andrew Worwick attended the Chicagoland Music Festival Saturday evening TKNYKARSAGO iTaken from the files of Aug. 27. 1 %4 1 Rev Fr Matthew T Rudden will arrive in McHeniy Aug. 29 to take over his new duties as assistant pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church Miss Patricia Walsh, a senior at Clark College. Dubuque, Iowa, will spend two weeks in September working as an assistant staff member at Fdgebrook Klementary school. C a l l e d ' S e p t e m b e r Experiences", the program is required by Clark for teacher education. Miss Joan K Bauer became the bride of Mr Charles P Miller at St. Mary's Catholic church. Aug 22. Rev Fr, Fugene Baumhofer officiated at the ceremony Miss Lynn Marie Meyer of Spring drove road, McHenry graduated from St. Therese school of nursing in Waukegan on Aug 23 Mr and Mrs. William Mueller welcomed a daughter at McHenry hospital. Mrs. Octavia Weyland, 71 years of age, died unexpectedly at her home at Northeast Shore Drive (Villa Vaupell) McHenry , Aug. 21. A 27 year Schiller Park woman. Carol Thompson suffered back injuries when she apparently fell backward into a gravel pit while engaging in target practice. Mrs. Thompson was practicing on the edge of a fifty foot pit on the Maurice dranger property when she apparently stepped back and lost her balance. 1.27K students have registered for high school so far this fall. Fourteeen new faculty members will be on hand to greet them. Brian Robert was the name chosen for the third child and first son of Mr and Mrs Robert Adams when he was christened by Rev Fr Kugene Parker at St. Patrick church, Sunday, Aug. 23. merican Viewpoints For Your Information Dear friends, The average person is faced with funeral arrangements only once each 12 to 15 years. Hence, bereavement finds most people inexper ienced and unprepared. Funeral decisions hastily made often lead to regrets. We hope these -open letters' will inform our readers about funeral matters so they may be better prepared to handle funeral arrange ments wisely. Respectfully, M c H e n r y . I l l i n o i s --M PETERMJUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME 385 0063 I a m c o n v i n c e d t h a t t h e o f f i c e o f t h e P r e s i d e n t i s n o t s u c h a v e r y d i f f i c u l t o n e t o f i l l , h i s d u t i e s b e i n g m a i n l y t o e x e c u t e t h e l a w s o f C o n g r e s s . A d m i r a l G e o r g e D e w e y A neighbor bought a golf cart and a riding lawn mower, then took up joggiqjg for exerc-se spurgeons Thursday, Friday, Saturday-3 days only! Super Savings on Curtains and Draperies Fresh Perma-press Tiers Alive with Gay Flowers! 60x3OQQ 1 97 pair reg. 2.99 JL Cheery f lowers c l imb whi te la t t ice work! 70% rayon, 30% Dacron* ; poly ester -- launders l ike a dream! Gold or green f lora l on whi te ground. 60x11" valance, regular 1.99 97c ea. fat \ Sunweave Two-Tone Draperies 48x63" reg. 7.49 5 9 7 " nr Popular open weave Ik-,to/vs a br ight out look! Carefree 100% acetate in decorat ive two tone pat tern of natural, i;rccii or y,old. Save now! 48x8-1" M/e, regular 8-49 0.07 pr. |- ~ - 4400 W. RTF. 120 *111'HI mill** | MC HFNHY MARKET 189 lt>S6 9 PLACE SHOPPING CENTER Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8:30 Saturday 8:30-6:00 BANKAMI Hll.AHI) Sunday 10:00-5:00 WtT"' «