PAGE 20 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21,1974 Luminnaires Visit Crystal Lake Aug. 24 All are invited this Saturday, Aug. 24, at 7:30 p.m., to join the Luminnaires in exulting Jesus Christ in Crystal Lake at Central school, on McHenry and Franklin avenues. The Luminnaires, a non- denominational group of vibrant Christ for the Nations students, are on a world-wide singing and witnessing tour. These young people present-,a glowing, alive message of Jesus Christ. HERE AND THERE {N, BUSINESS McHenry Man In Engineering Position With GE Peter E. Benoy, a 1973 graduate of Parks college, has accepted a field engineering position with General Electric's Installation and Service Engineering (I&SE) operations. Benoy will receive technical training at I&SE's Field McHenry Girl In Music Camp Jazz Ensemble Outstanding high school students from fourteen states Engineering Development center in Schenectady, N.Y., and on-the-job assignments with I&SE and GE product departments as a member of the company's Fie Id Engineering Program Benoy is the son of Mr. and Mrs Alvin Benoy. 316 Shepherd Hill drive, McHenry. He is a member of the society of Automotive Engineers. have been participating in the second annual Mid-America II Music camp at Ball State university. An outgrowth of Mid-America .1, the music camp provides in-depth exposure for talented students. Directed by Earl Dunn, assistant to the director of the School of Music, the students in the camp studied with members of the music faculty as well as concentrating on particular areas. Studying in jazz ensemble is Judy Drtina, 105 East Navajo trail, McHenry. You don't really need a color TV to get an off-color joke. Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 Girl Scouts Plan Fly-Up Ceremony, Picnic The Girl Scouts of Kachina Neighborhood, Sybaquay Council, in Wonder Lake and Richmond, are planning to make their Neighborhood Fly- lp ceremony and picnic a really unusual and fun event to kick off the new Scout year. Scouts will meet at Sunrise Ridge beach in Wonder Lake at 2 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 25 and proceed to cross Wonder Lake on pontoon boats to the Wonder Lake Center beach. The Scouts will then march to the Harrison-Benwell Conservation Area for a picnic. Those Scouts having life vests are asked to please mark them with name and bring them to beach for use on boats. The Coast Guard will be present to supervise and assist the Scouts. The r-ossing over on the lake will symbolize the "flying-up" n the Scouting program from ne level to the next - Brownie to Junior, Junior to Cadette, Cadette to Senior. The Scouts will be bidden farewell by their former leader when they leave Sunrise Ridge beach, and will be welcomed by their new leaders and Troop members when they land at Center Beach. The picnic at 3 p.m. will be a family affair - each Scout's family is invited to bring their picnic lunch and join in the fun. Scouts should bring a sack HORMSBYS „ family centers^ ------ CAI/6RS on W Wf WC tMl WIGHT- TO m/ j l f quantities prices m m ftt M ' fV' T l V f W H I L E o u AN ' specials.' ! Prices Effective Wed., Aug. 21 Thru Sun., Aug. 25 *SHOP* HORNSBY School , about to start so moke Hor„I°" r u ,Udent h" ,he »>«•• auoll* 5 u° l ° comP'ete »ne of kind! °' ,uPP"e*"l From kindergarten through college . "" y°" '• tuffies YARD BAGS 30 Latest Fashion Ladies Blouses 38 2 Men's Sty fish Dress Beits Now Only 1 21 Six Bushel Yard Bags Our R«g. 4.54 177 Our R«g. 3.64 Leather Ilk* vinyl with 30 Tuffi.s no look -- no In assorted solids and prints. k.?.. co'°r com' tear! Holds 6 bushels for Shirt style (cotton - polyester) blnot,on- wh,,« th»y '«»• those big loads. Save 1.26. Earth Born Shampoo 4 oz. size 44c Mfgrs. 89c Our Reg. 76c Brylcreem Hair Care Power Hold 7 oz. Soft Hold 7 oz. Ross Sno-White School Paste 5 PAK Asst. Pocket Portfolios 8 oz. Size Mfgrs. 129-- 1.44 Our Reg. 1 1 7 -- 1.24 Our Reg. 27c 17 Our Reg. 67c 43 Mfgrs. 1.69 Our Reg. 1.37 76 Your Choice 67 each Unbreakable plastic far with 5 Handy pocket portfolios handle spreader. Q back to #choo, mu#t, Purch Stunning Just like Red Fur!'- Pillow Shams 3' 7 each Makes a bed pillow a fun pillow for any room in your home. Choice of beautiful Lynx, Silver Pox. Mink or' Red Fox. Irresistible choice at an Irresistible priced Men's 6' Leather Wort Boots 11 Our Reg. 13.99 22 Men's Suede Chukka Boots 633 Our Reg 8.99 Reinforced moccasin toes. ,2<j9#d s '**« (6'/,. Rough-out suede and long wearing soles. Sizes (6V1- 12) Men's Denim Suede Boots Now ^ TT99 Only 1 m Rugged suede, topped by stitched denim. Sizes (67,- 1 2 ) . 1 1 m mm WHOLE BEEF Sweepstakes WIN A QUARTER OF BEEF ttftipty Nil ovt tfcU slip and 4epo«lt M «t any of the following Herfiab), Femlty Center tecetten* MORRIS MlNCfTON HAVANA McHIMV YOtK Villi PONT1AC WOODSTOCK • NEW DRAWING EACH WfiK FOR 4 WEEKS • tech of the steve steres wtfl fKe e~ey e whole hee< A qwerter ef heel wrtfl he drew* for on omch of the Mlewtftf ft«A»dey» -- i. QwerHn 7 WHOli HIFS FROM A TOmi Of 7 STORES «OHT QTf yHINO qTB FRONT QTR HIND QTR e Au| II: X # Al#f ,t • Aug 2S e Sept I Reffcter todoy end ever yd No ahllfotion Nothing to hwy Horn shy employees end-er efflltetes not ^uallhed to enter Rerffclpen* mwet So I* yrt or older 1*J ' , | NAMt ' i ADDKfSS | CITY | PHONE i L i NIW DRAWING -- NIW WINNi* WIIKIV DEPOSIT AT HO«NSBY FAMILY CENTER. WINNER Will SE NOTICED SY PHONE NOTE: Beef to be given away in hanging wt. qua rters. f ront Qtrs. avg. 155 to 160 lbs. Hind Qtrs. avg. 145 to 150 lbs. Hanging weight U.S. Choice Beef. U.S.D.A. Prime Cut 100% guaranteed by Jones Lcoker, Woodstock. III. Delta "784" Premium 4 Ply Dynacor Tires Finest tire value you can put on your car. Dynamic Dynacor is a high performance tire that can give up to double the mileage of conventional tires. A 78 x 13 18 87 Plus 1 .86 Fed. Ex. Tax Tub*l*»i T ir • Sit* P l y Our Pr.c* Wh it* moll Plus Fed E« To. Eoch I ir* A78x13 4 18.87 1.86 C78x13 4 19.87 1.81 C78x14 4 20.87 2.08 E78x14 4 21.87 2.24 F78x14 4 22.87 2.39 G78x14 4 23.87 2.56 H78x14 4 25.87 2.75 J78x14 4 27.87 2.95 F78x15 4 22.87 2.43 G78x15 4 23.87 2.63 H78x15 4 25.87 2.81 J78x15 4 27.87 3.01 L78x15 4 28.87 3.16 Shop Hornsby s where you can save - more.u LAY-A-WAY Com* vm out (onutmtnt loyowor plot to hold sH rwt pvfriioMt 4400 Market Place Shopping Center McHenry,Illinois Rt. 47 & Country Club Road Woodstockrlllinois lunch if attending without parents. There is a limited number of fire rings and grills for those interested in cooking - bring your own charcoal. There will be no food or drink supplied by Kachina, so each family should be sure to bring whatever they want. The picnic will end at approximately 5- 5:30 p.m. Each Scout should wear green or dark colored shorts, white top and Girl Scout pin to identify them to beach guard Information sheets and permission slips have been distributed to all registered active Scouts in Kachina Neighborhood. For further information or if you did not receive a permission slip, please contact Neighborhood Chairman, Mary Lou Cope. Signed permission slips should be turned in at the beach by all Scouts. Kachina Neighborhood finds itself still in need of some leaders for the coming Scout year. Working with girls in the Scouting program is a very rewarding venture, and anyone interested in being a part of this fine program should contact Neighborhood Chairman, Mary Lou Cope. NEW SON Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Fruscella, 8708 Cedar Road, Wonder Lake, announce the birth of a son, Richard Jason, on Aug. 4, in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock. The baby weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz., at birth and has three sisters, Destinee, 11, Gina, 8, and Antonette, 7. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. M. Simonelli, Wonder Lake, and maternal grandfather, J. Doran, is a Chicago resident. BIRTHDAYS Happy first birthday to Connie Freund, daughter of Larry and Joan Freund, on Aug. 23. Happy fifth birthday to Anthony Brisinte on Aug. 25. Happy birthday to Jack Liggett on Aug. 26. Happy seventh birthday to Kurt Scheib, sor> of Joan and Ken Scheib, on Aug 27. Best wishes to you all! BABY BOY Timothy Harold Steffan weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. at birth on Aug. 4, in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Steffan, 8601 W. Sunset Drive, Wonder Lake. Timothy has a sister, Lisa, 19 months. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steffan, Wonder Lake, and great grandmother is Mrs. Rose Kozumplik, Dundee. NEED NEWS Maybe now that school is starting, all you Wonder Lakers will take a little time to call in a bit of news for this column. For such a big area our column makes a poor showing! It would be very interesting to me and possibly to our readers to learn where all the college kids are off to and what majors or goals they are aiming for. So, give a call, please. WELCOME SON Welcoming a son are Mr. and Mrs. William J. Durnell, 8415 Richmond Road, Wonder Lake. Christopher Ross weighed 8 lbs 7 oz. at birth on July 27 in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock. His sister, Laura, is three years old. Paternal grandmother is Helen Durnell, Oak Lawn and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Fred Carlson, Wonder Lake. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sponsored by Woman's Club of Wonder Lake, Ann Sowers, Chairman, 653-9549 AUGUST 22 Wonder Woods Woman's Auxiliary Meeting, 8 p.m. east side firehouse AUGUST 23, 24 and 25 Rummage Sale, Christ the King Church AUGUST 27 Beginning of School, Half Day, Harrison AUGUST 31 Firemen's Dance, American Legion, McHenry, 9:00 P M SEPTEMBER 1 Yacht Club Clam Bake, Gay and Strohm homes, 6:30 pm SEPTEMBER 5 Board Meeting, Woman's Club SEPTEMBER 17 F i r e m e n ' s A u x i l i a r y Meeting, 8 pm cast side firehouse SEPTEMBER 19 Womans' Club Meeting LOSE WEIGHT S T A R T I N G T O D A Y ODRINEX contains the most etfect ive reducing aid avai lable without prescript ion ! One t iny ODRINEX tablet before meals and you want to eat less down go your calories down goes your weight ! Thousands ot women from coast tocoast report ODRINEX has helped them lose 5, 10. 20 pounds in a short t lme-^o can you Get r id ol ugly (at •nd l ive longer I ODRINEX must satisfy or your money wil l be refunded No questions asked Sold with this guarantee by BOLGEHVS DIMJ(, STOKE 1259 N. (,reon St. Mail Orders III led V I