PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 197fl tfefotifl/ay 51̂ 838888̂ 'in ** I W 4 ̂ |̂ *̂** U>xm» in*-'*** »** *•>:**» No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 1964 Pontiac Tempest station wagon Good running condition $150.(K). ("all 344-1083. 8-23 1952 M 38 Jeep, all rebuilt, best offer 344-0880 days. 385-6314 after 6 p.m. 8-23 8-30G BUICK 65 Electra 225 excellent condition, air conditioned, full power, extras, new battery, tires 385-9370. 8-21 8-28G '67 Camero, Rally sport, 327 engine, wide oval tires, extra snows, auto p.s. $1,150.00. Call ,385-1123 after 5:00 P.M. 8-21 8-23 '67 Dodge Wagon, $295.00, rusty, but O.K. mechanically, ideal for painter or carpenter. 385-8905. 8-21 8-23 1970 BUICK LeSabre, just tuned, new tires, air conditioned, full power, cruise control Mint condition $1,495. Call 385-6947. 8-21 8-28G 1970 CHEVI NOVA 35,000 miles just tuned, P.S., P.B. $1,495. Call 385-6947. 8-21 8-28G 1915 Cadillac, 7 passenger touring, sharp. Must see. Call for appointment 385-8905. 8-21 8-23 1973 PLYMOUTH GRAN SEDAN like new. Color honey gold. Factory air, tinted glass, power steering, power brakes, am-fm radio, fender skirts, vinyl top, white wall tires, bug shield and screens, mud guards, low mileage $3,300.00. 815-385-8573. G8-21 8-28 1946 Chevi Pick Up, excellent running condition. Body in sound condition $425. firm. 815- 385-4588. 8-218-28G 1969 MG MIDGET, convertible, wire wheels, radio-heater, 28 miles per gal. $1,300. 385-9603. G8-21 8-28 65 FORD WAGON 6 cyl. stick, $125. 312-639-6238. 8-21 8-23 MOTORCYCLES 1970 Honda, 450, excellent condition. Must see! $900.00 or best offer. 497-3003. 8-21 8-28G 71 BULTACO 175 CC - Runs well $450. Call 385-1190 8-218-23 1970 Bridgestone 350 'GTR, $325.00 firm. 385-1451. 8-21 8-23 1974 Kawasaki 500 Mach III 385-9659 8-16 8-23 72 HONDA CT 70 Excellent condition $295. 385-7017. 8-21 8-28G AUTOS NEW McHENRY LOCATION Northwest Auto Electric 1312 Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 815-385-6222 REBUILDERS OF STARTERS, ALTERNATORS AND GENERATORS ALL MAKES AND MODELS Solenoids, Regulators and parts available • Automotive • Marine « Heavy Equipment • Farm •Foreign 0 Antique Spring Grove Auto Electric Rte. 12 & Blivin Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2518 Free Testing at S. G. Unit off C*r 8-2TF2 AUTOS MOTORCYCLES 1973 SUZUKI, TC 125, 8 spd transmission, road & dirt bike, excellent cond. $525. 815-344- 1921 8-16 8-23G BUSINESS SERVICES! BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES 1 BUSINESS SERVICES | Business Opportunity 1958 Chevie V8, ft cyl. p.s., automatic, good second car $100. 385-6346 8/23 1972 VEGA clean custom inter ior plus extras $1450. Call 385-1618 8/23-8/30G PRIVATE OWNER '69 Grand Prix-Call Wednesday thru Sat urday 9am to 6pm. 385-4520 8/23-8/28 71 FORD PINTO 2 dr sedan, 4 cyl, with air conditioning. Call 815-385-0099 after 5 p.m. 8-16 8-23G 74 CATALINA, creme & beige, 2,000 miles, assume balance. Days 385-9585, Evenings 385- 6897. 8-16 8-23G 1967 Delta 88 Custom 4 dr. sedan, a.c., p.s., p.b., new val ve excellent running condition. Body in good shape; asking $500. 385-8465 8/23 70 CHEVROLET 4 dr. Impala. Call after 5 p.m. 385-0588. 8-21 8-28G 1968 Volkswagon square back A-l shape $800.00. 815-678- 4371 G8-23 8-30 1971 Harley Davidson 350 Spr int, low mileage, clean, adult driven. Call after 5pm. 385- 0580 8/23-8/28 kawasaki - 1972, Mach ID, low miles, 500 cc, mint cond., $1200, but must sell, name your price. 385-4292 TF 1965 Honda Golden Hawk, new engine, chain and sprocket. $300.00 firm. Call 385-5519 8/23 BOATS & MOTORS 1973 Starcraft tri-hull & 1973 Johnson 65 H.P. motor, many accessories, excellent condi tion. $2,500.00 or best offer. Call-after 5-385-3211. G8-16 8-23 24' Cruiser with trailer, sleeps 4, head and galley. $3,100.00 or best offer. 815-385-2107. 8-21 8-28G Boat Trailer: 2,000 lb. capacity, good for storage only. Home made, IV' ball $175.00. Call after 6 p.m. 385-6494. 6-tf 1974 Slick Craft SS, 235 with 225 OMC, camper top and many extras. $8,700.00 after 6:00 P.M. 815-648-2367. 8-21 8-28G 12 ft. aluminum rowboat like brand new $100 firm. Call 815- 344-1236. 8-23 13' boat with 50 HP Mercury, controls and gas tank. $100.00 385-4396. 8-23 1973 6 H. Johnson motor, less than 10 hours use. $230.00. Call 815-728-0081 after 3:00 p.m. 8-16 8-23G 17 ft. COURIER 229- 105 H P. OB excellent condition; Little Dude trailer- By owner- Can be seen at Trition Marine or call 385-7824 asking $2,195.00. 8-21 8-28G EXPERT CARPET installation and repairing. Professional parpet cleaning. 815-653-9422 8-21 8-23 FREE PICK-UP of junk cars, and trucks, night and day, except foreign and small cars 459-0081. 8-2 TF1-2 J & D CONSTRUCTION. Home remodeling, additions, patios, roofing, etc. 815-385-6736. 8-2TF1-" We remove junk cars and trucks FREE, One day service. Call anytime. 385-5156. 8-2TF1-2 PAINTING DECORATING VERN HAY 3712 Waukegan Rd. McHenry, Illinois 385-1377 after 6:00 p.m. 8-21 8-30 HEAT SENTRY 'KEEPS HOME COOLER! -AUTOMATICALLY Reduces Air Conditioning Operating Expense HEAT SENTRY of Illinois Call 815-385-3084 7-17 8-28 mm CALL AFTER 6:00 PM Laundry & Dry Cleaning Pick up and Delivery Evenings in McHenry area 385-4275 14 ft. wood/fibre glass boat, 40 hp electric start (needs lat tery) two 6 gal. tanks, trail er, new tires $500 or offer. 312-945-7839 8-23 8-30G BOAT LIFT $125, 2,000 lb. capacity. 1808 River Terrac 1 Dr., Johnsburg. 8/23 1967 Johnson 9.5 HP. $200.00 or best offer. Call 653-5301 after 7:00 P.M. 8/23-8/30-G PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD. <<-16 TF1-2 •""GTNERA"™ 1 HAULING Crushed road gravel Grade 9 for driveways I Pea gravel Sand. p telack dirt 815-385-4835 I JOHN FICKEN, JR. fwHl 8-7/TF-1-2 ••••••••••••••• TO PLACE YOUR AD .PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICE • WHARTON BLACKTV PAVING! • SERVING YOUR AREA- 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE - WE ARE NOW TAKING I ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT • WITH OWNER & SAVE! C O M M E R C E R E S I D E N T I A L • -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE- 8-2TF1-2 AUTOS COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 3021 West Route 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Phone: (815) 385-0778 FOR YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS COMMUNUTY AUTO SUPPLY IS tHE PLACE TO SEE Open: 8:00 - 6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P. M. Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M , 8-23 REMODELING CONTRACTOR •Full additions •Basements Finished *Free Estimates •Reasonable •Satisfaction Guaranteed Call after 5:00 p.m. or weekends T. R. MCMILLAN CONSTRUCTION 815-653-4276 m LEE'S ROOFING AND SIDING HOT TAR ROOFS, SHINGLES AND SIDING For Free Estimates Call 385-4108 AND ASK FOR LEE _ 8-2TF1-2 MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS 385-1321 Reasonable Prices for repairs on all makes Prompt Service Satisfaction Guaranteed HOURS: 9 AM to 4 PM 7-12 10-4TF2 #SEA WALLS • BOAT PROPS REPAIRING • TRAILER HITCHES • WROUGHT IRON •PORTABLE WELDING All types of welding and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHeniy Welding Service Route 120 Ci mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds.) 8-2TF2 SEAWALLS AND PIERS Reputable Service 'All work guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES Nusbaum Welding Service Woodstock ILL Call 815-338-2968 8-7 9-18 PAINTING BASEMENT CLEANING TREE TRIMMING LIGHT LOAD HAULING 385-7736 8-2TF-2 FTOOFINC - V' 1' V DRIVEWAY BLACKTOP SEALER APPLIED REPAIR WORK BONE | Richard Sagerc 385-5839 Call after 5 on weekdays ANYTIME SAT. & SUN. RALPHY'S BLACK TOP PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS FREE ESTIMATES 7 DAYS A WEEK 30 DAY SPECIAL 312-566-2373 •f i i 7-31 9-11® BUSINESS SERVICES CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Youi * TOWING NEEDS * STARTING PROBLEMS *T 0 W B A R R E N T A L Two Phones For Service! TOWING 385-5840 385-0258 _ _ 8-2TF2 Ask for GUARANTEED WANT AOS • 3 Consecutive Days • 3 FREE I if you are not satisfied with results you leceive • You must call back on date °f 3rd insertion Just Call 385-0170 t> TIMES ONLV fog. (10.1)0 $5.00 Minimum 3 insertions • 15 words or less iOc per additional word, per insertion. • Not offered to commercial accounts. McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE • 24 hour answering service and complete mailing service • Paging Service • Printing • Mimeographing • Typing • Photocopying 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, 111. 60050 815-385-0258 8-16TF-2 PAUL'S BLACKTOP 30 Day Special on Driveways, Parking Lots, Free Estimates, 24 Hour Service Work Guaranteed 385-0258 I 7-31 9-11 » REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basements . • Porches; • Family Rooms • Garagesi • Room Additions • Patios & Repairs 0. E. A^ Construction 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 8-2TF2 GENTRY CONSTRUCTION CO. • S i ding ^ • Tiling • Additions • Remodeling Free Estimates Phone 815-385-4808 7-31TF1-2 JIM'S DECORATING SERVICE Superior Quality Fully Insured •Painting«Wall Washing •Paper Hanging Interior - Exterior ! SPECIAL! Average Room '3500 MICKEY'S COUNTRYO KITCHEN 1709 W. Rte. 120 { > '(Formerly Henny Peonies)* > No R«al Estate $65,000.00 O O {> $15,033 down-will handle < > on contract Days 385-9585 Eves. 385-6897 Experienced beautician to take over well established beauty salon, with all equipment and inventory. Near Fox Lake Shopping Center. 312-5G7-7997. 8-21 8-23 GARAGE SALE Friday Aug 23rd, Saturday Aug. 24th, Sunday Aug 25th. 9:00 A.M. till 7:30 P.M. Clothing, games, linen, electric motors, household appliances and much misc. 1413 Freund Ave., McHenry, 111. 8-23 504 Rand Dr., Pistakee Highlands, McHenry, 111. 497- 4 1 2 2 , A u g 2 3 - 2 4 - 2 5 . W h i t e double sized canopy bed, yellow a c c e s s o r i e s . E l e c t r i c tvpewriter, and misc. 8-23 TnnfiSmSEBro THREE FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. & Sun. Aug. 24,25 9 a.m.. to 4 p.m. Typewriters, baby furni ture, Tables, toys, dishes, books, much misc. ALSO Back-to school clothing for grade, high and college students. 4012 W. Maple Ave. (last house on Maple in subdivision back of St. Mary's church). 8_23 815-385-4588 • R & W CONSTRUCTION S I FREE ESTIMATES NO JOB TOO SMALL j J ̂ Concrete Work I*Patios & Driveways •Installing & Repairing I Fence Work •Tree Removal & Trimming! I 385-1865 6a.m. i^9{^ti. „ 8-2TF2 . Business Opportunity 8-16TF1-2, MOVING and garage sale, Aug ust 24th & 25th, household furn iture, and misc items. 3215 N. River Park Dr. Oaklawn Sub. Johnsburg. 8/23 2612 Midoak-McHenry, August 23-24-25, furniture, clothing, toys, household items, stove, misc. 8/23 August 23 & 24th. 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. 3703 W. Anne St. (Edgebrook) Freezer, Large office desk and chair, misc. tools, etc. 8-218-23 Moving and Yard Sale, Couch, dinette table and 4 chairs, cocktail table, corner table, lamps, linens, and much misc. Aug. 23, 24 & 25, 9:00 - 5:00, 4312 W. Lake wood Road (Lakewood Sub.) McHenry. 8-21 8-23 3 FAMILY RUMMAGE SALE, clothing sz. 6 to 20; furniture, antiques, brie a brae etc. Cor ner of Main & Front St. on Highway 31-City of McHenry, III. August23-24-25,10:00am until 6:00 pm. 8-21 8-23 GARAGE SALE, Aug. 21st thru Aug. 25th, Refrigerator, dryer, wooden lathe, toys etc. Bargains galore, 909 W. North Ave., Lilymoor Sub. 8-21 8-23 WANTED TO BUY HELP A LITTLE GIRL HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Do you have a used 26".-girl's 3-speed bicycle in good cond;,ion you're no longer using. Please call 385- 1502. 8-16TF 1-2 Overweight? Lose ugly fat with the Diadan plan-Reduceexcess fluids with Fluidex at Bolgers Drugs. 7/19-8/28 CARD OF THANKS I have too little words with a very big job to do, to show a l l m y " t h a n k y o u s " t o a l l my friends and relatives for all the cards, letters, gifts and prayers, during my stay at the McHenry hospital and Illinois Masonic. I am so grateful. Grace Spitzbart 8/23 PET CENTER GOT A P(T f0R yoO GIVE AWAY Small Female German Shepherd, l-^years old Call after 6:00 P.M, 385-7697 «_23 LOST 3 KITTENS 2-m, 1-f, V2 Siamese. 385-2486 or 385- 3634. 8.21