FOR SALE 60 sq. yds. wool carpet, martini; drapes to match; 4 panels66" xBO", 2 panels 108" x 80", 2 panels 138" x 80"; AcryJan turquoise rug 12x14 like new. 385-6214 8 21 8 280 AIK CONDITIONER upright for double sash window $50.00 or best offer; two 8-25-14 tubless tires; misc. 12x12" glass, two '• hp elec motors. 385-2307 after 6 p.m ' V . ,, 8 21 8 23 SCHWINN Mantaray Bike $35 Singer industrial sewing machine $100; '73 Honda /. 50 mini bike $195; Super- large tropical house plant $45. MANY ITEMS 815-648-2367 X-21 8-23 RAILROAD TIES- used extra good shape $7.00 each, free, delivery. 312-552-8316. 8-2TF1-2 TRUCK CAMPER- camper on.y, 15 x8 , Sleeps 6, King-size bed & double bed Walnut panelled, monomatic, hot water heater, refrigerator stereo tape deck, jacks & bounce aways. Many extras complete ready to go' $3,000.00 or best offer 385-3372. 8-16 8-23G Couch and chair $25; refrig erator $15. 815-344-1442 M. Henry Area. 8/23 SWEET CORN for freezer-Jim Johnson's Stand Rt. 120 Lily- moor. 385-6984 8/23 2 solid oak office desks. $25.00 each 385-1989. 8/23 Super 8 movie outfit. Kodaks, movies without lights, camera and Bell & Howell Zoom self loading projector Originrlly was $400.00, $175.00. 385-4669. 8-23 26" boys Schwinn, 3 speed, $40.00; trailer hitch, class II, for Dodge Station Wagon, $15.00, trailer tire 6.90-6.00-9 8 ply, 5 hole wheel $25.00, brass prop 103H x 11'2 fits 40 HP outboard $20.00, OMC prop, 144x18 $10.00. 385-8167. 8-14 tf Moving - dryer-couch, 2 chairs, twin bed other misc furn. 815- 344-1597 8-21-8-23 FOR SAU TENT CAMPER, good condition $275 sleeps 4 385 3083 8 23 Simmons sofa bed, $25.00 653 5236 8 23 Brand new Edwards heavy duty electric garage door opener. 2 controls, still in carton Original price $198 00 will sacrifice $149.(K), used garage doors, various sizes, reasonable 385 4010. 8-23 23,(KM) BTCAir conditioner $40; 24" boys bike $7 . 385-1647. 8-23 Built in Tappen oven $20.00, double kitchen sink with faucet $10.00. 38.5-2718 8 23 tf 1959 C H E V R O L E T t o n pickup truck, runs good, stick, current inspection sticker, 4 good tires, 2 new $225. (X); Antique large wooden desk $ 1 5 . 0 0 ; 3 1 1 6 P a r k D r i v e , Wonder Lake 653-4646. 8-23 1973 Honda 450, low miles, mint cond., with lots of extras $1,200.00, 12' fiber glass boat $85.00, 12 gauge pump model 12 Winchester with case and shells $125.00, 22 caliberpump action rifle Model 572 Rem ington case and shells $50.00, Skil generator used 8 Hrs., 1500 watts 4 HP $130.00, Tr uck weights 12" square set of 2, 600 lbs. total weight $30.00. All equipment in m ;nt condition. Call after 5:00 P„M 815-385-7936 8/23 500 bushels wheat, straw. Call 815-653-9271. 8/23 '71 Scamper camper, deluxe model, refrigerator, heater, st ove, double gas bottles, ex tras. $1,800.00 or best offer. 385-6849. 8/23-8/28 8 hand carved hacienda en trance doors 36 x 80, 30 x 80, From Mexico (Soli^ Mah ogany) Spanish Castillian liv ing-den furniture, brazier table, XV century suit of ar mour, 2 leather sofa beds, sw ord collection. Reasonable. 312-774-1862. 8/23 Stenotype machinedike new) with complete set of instruction books. Call 385-7312 after 5:00 p.m. 8-14 8-21G Ha/ For Sale, .80c per bale Call after 6 P.M, 653-9284 or 653-9321 8/23 HELP WANTED McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP NEEDS CUSTODIAN 6:00 P.M. • 2:00 A.M. Permanent Full Time Call 385-1050 or apply McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP 1110 N. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 8-21 8-23 r ASSEMBLERS 1st AND 2nd SHIFTS Permanent positions offering incentive bonus plus excellent fringe benefit program NTERMATIC INCORPORATED Intermatic Plaza Rte 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, Illinois 60081 Telephone 815-675-2321 An Equal Opportunity Employer 8-21 8-231 Night Clean-Up - 9:00 to 12:00 P.M. Will train. Only responsible, ma.ure male or female apply. Mast be 16 or older. ALSO LAUNDROMAT ATTENDANT Evenings and / or es weekends Will train Pick up application at: Southgate Fabric Care Center 810 N Front St. M^Henry, Illinois Full Service Laundromat 8-23 i I I I I I I I i I I I i i I ASSEMBLERS LACERS S0LDERERS Permanent positions and excellent starting pay. No experience necessary APPLY ADMIRAL CORP. 3908 W. Flm St. McHenry,III. Office hours 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Phone 815-385-4020 An equal opportunity employer 8-218-23 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E I I I J FOR SALE VOX GUITAR AMPLIFIER $90. Call 385-1190 8-21 8-23 1963 Chev. Corvair Con v. $300.00, good tires, rebuilt transmission, new brakes, generator, .recent complete tune-up 15)71 Honda, good condition $275.00, plus extra equipment, must sell returning to school. After 5:00 P.M Call 385-9474 8-21 8-23 3 piece antique bedroom set, best offer Call 385-8816 after 5:00 P.M. 8 21 8-23 80,(MX) B.T.U. furnace, $25 00, antique treadle singer sewing machine $50.00, Frigidaire custom Imperial double oven, electric range deluxe with rotisserie $200.00, all in Excellent condition. 385-1693. 8-21 8-28 Air conditioners, 8,500 B.T.U.'s $100 00, 6,(KM) B.T.U. never used $100.00. 385-5032. ^ 8-21 8-23 7' Umbrella with crank and tilt $40.00, deluxe folding tub enclosure, gold color $100.00, new pump for fountain $20.00. 385-3560. G8-16 8-23 18 Wooden Storms and 16 screens, a variety of sizes, $2.00 each, or all for $60.00 ; 3507 W Washington St., 815-385-7015. 8-21 7 man family camping tent, aluminum frame, like new $80.00. 385-2718. 8-14tf 1-2 FOR SALE '67 Puma Tent camper, sleeps 8, stove, ice box and sink $500.00. 385-2080 8 21 8-28G PLYMOUTH CAR, AIR conditioner 1969 $50.00 ; 2nd Westinghouse refrigerator $25; 6,000 BTU air conditioner $85. 312-639-6238 8-21 8-23 MISCELLANEOUS and other items for sale 385-1069. 8-21 1968 Apache tent camper, excellent condition $400.00, 653- 9645. 8-21 8-28G PETS FOR SALE 10 year old thoroughbred geld- ding, bay colored, best offer. 385-6934 8/23 RIDING LESSONS indoor arena - expert instructions - group rates - summer camp Our Farm, McHenry. Horse Show Aug 24, Western, Aug. 25 English. 815-344-0951. 8-7-tf 1-2 Pug puppies, 3 females, 7 weeks old. Fawn with black mask $125.00. 385-4283. 8-16 8-23G DOBERMAN PINCHER pups, black males & females ($175) red ma lest $200) AKC bred for appearance and disposition. 815-338-6978 8-16 8-23G REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPPIES, 653-7733. 8-23 8-30G 1973 Bultaco250, Pursang, like new, have to see to appreciate. $875., 8 HP riding lawn mower, $195.00, good condition, 5% HP riding lawn mower el ectric start $150., 2 new VW tires w/w never used $10. ea. Call 385-8921 8-21 8-23 Jacobsen 19" reel lawn mower with grass catcher, excellent condition, $40.00. Call 344-1209 after 5:00 P.M. 8-21 tf Maytag gas dryer, good condition $30.00, 4 x 8 table mounted HO train layout, includes extra track, cars, engines $20.00 . 385-0147. 8-21 8-23 Phone 385-0170 to place ad. Registered 2 year old quarter horse gelding, liver chestnut. Green broke. Good breeding. $650.00. Call 385-6255 evenings. 8-21 8-23 Male German Shepherd puppy, 9 weeks old. 385-8122. 8/23 POODLE- tiny toy black male, 8 weeks AKC registered. Health guaranteed. 385-5958. 8-21 8-28G English Springer Spaniels, 11 weeks old, bred for hunting. A.K.C. 385-3051. 8-218-28G Prescription sun jlasses. Dark green with dark frames. Call 385-1433. 8/23 SITUATION WANTED Licensed baby sitter will sit for your child in my home, Starting Sept. 1, McHenry Shores Area: 815-344-1473. 8-21 8-23 HELP WANTED WANT A GOOD PAYING PART-TIME POSITION HELPING CHILDREN? Drive a school bus for the McHenry School Districts! Training is now taking place for those who want to begin in September. Contact CARL AMES, Transportation Director at the ADMINISTRATION CENTER 3926 W. Main St., McHenry 385-7900 or 385-7210 7/5TFI-2 SHEET METAL MACHINE OPERATORS PRESS BRAKE PUNCH PRESS Company paid benefits include: * $25,000 major medical insurance * $6,000 Life Insurance * Hospitalization * 10 Paid Holidays * Sick Leave * Vacations Apply Daily 7:30A.M. - 5:00P.M. Monday through Friday THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Industrial and Laboratory Ovens and Furnaces 500 HART ROAD ROUND LAKE, ILL. 60073 312-546-8225 8-21 s-2;( GENERAL FACTORY and LIGHT MACHINE WORK RAE CORPORATION a leading manufacturer of small electric motors, has several openings at this time Day Shift 7:30 am to 4:00 pm Night Shift 4:30 pm to 1:00 am Apply in person Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm RAE CORPORATION 5801 VVest Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois 8-23 SITUATION WANTED W ill Babysit for your child in mv home. During school hours. 385-0328 8-23 VVill Babysit in my home. Part time - no Wednesdays or evenings 3 yrs & up 385-7802. 8-23 Wanted at home Paper work of sorts, stuffing envelopes, minor typing, minor bookkeeping, addressing envelopes, packing etc 385- K697 " 8-23 PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER-FRlPAY, AUGUST 21, 1974 FOR RENT FOR RENT Southgate Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Fully carpeted, private decks, stove, refrigerator air conditioner furnished. One year lease. One beJ- room $180.00. 2 bedrooms $210.00. Apartments shown by appointment. Lee J. Cooney Call 385-4345 7/31 -TK 1-2 FOR RENT I bedroom house, near town, newly decorated, security deposit By appointment. 385 3831 after 6:30 p.m. 8-23 8-30G SLKKPING ROOM only for employed man References 385-4398. 8-23TF1-2 WONDER LAKE, 2 br lake home, completely remodeled and carpeted $175 month furnished or unfurnished. Call 312-359-2115. 8-23 3 bedroom home, built in stove and refrigerator, built in swimming pool. $285.00 per nionth with option to purchase. Cooney Heights 385-2182. 8-23 8-28 Room for rent with kitchen privileges, prefer lady. 344- 0579. 8-23 McHenry Condo, two bedrooms, 14 baths, patio, carpeted, fully equipped kitchen, furnished or unfurnished. Call evenings. 815- 385-0195? 8-23 Deluxe 2 bedroom on river, utilities furnished. Call 385-8816 after 5:00 p.m. Adults only 8-21 8-23 1 bedroom apartment, full kitchen, new appliances, all utilities furnished c "all 385- 7574 8-21 8-23 1 bedroom apartment, stove, ref ; and air conditioned, including heat and water $155.(X) Call 815-385-1327. 8-21 8-23 1 Bedroom apt. with garage, 1 mile from town, stove, refrigerator and electric included $160 month plus security deposit 385-0276 or 385 3358 8-21 1 bedroom home, $150.00 per month, plus utilities and security deposit. No pets. Available immediately Wonder Lake Area. 653-7296. 8-21 8-23 1 or 2 bd. apt. fully carpeted. Range and refrigerator 1 yr. lease. 385-8042. 8-2 TF1-2 Office space for rent, panelled, carpeted and air conditioned. Conveniently located on rte. 31. $65.00 and up. 455-0320. 8-9 tf 1-2 2 bedroom apartment, utilities included $175.00 per month. Security deposit required. Ph one 728-0264. 7:00 A.M -3:30 P.M. 8/23-8/28 3 room cottage, furnished, all utilities paid, suitable for one person, in McHenry. 385-4630. 8/23 1 Bedroom- apt. with garage, 1 nvle froiji town, stove, refrig erator and electric included $160 month plus security de posit. 385-0276 or 385-3358. . 8-23 2 BEDROOM apt. 2nd floor, heat and water furnished. -Suitable for couple. Security r e q u i r e d , r e a s o n a b l e . Available Sept. 10. 385-5573 or 344-1650. 8-21 8-28G 7 room house in town (McHenry) fully carpeted, available Sept. 1, $250.00 per month. Security deposit 385- 4747. 8-21 tf 1-2 TEACHERS ATTENTION: 4 r o o m a p a r t m e n t , f u l l y furnished, utilities paid, security deposit requested. $175.00 per month. 344-1523 or 312-885-9745. 8-21 8-23 1,600 Square Feet available, ideal for office space or small business. On Rte. 120 and 31. Call 815-385-8000. Ask for Mr. Roman 8-21 8-23 OFFICE for Rent. Immediate occupancy at 4719 W. Rte. 120, McHenry, Illinois, 385-4619 8-2TF1-2 1 bedroom house with family room, in MeCullom Lake. 385- 8194. 8-21 8-23 COCOA BEACH ! FLORIDA ! is closest beach to DISNEY WORLD And minutes away from Cape Kennedy, our ultra modern "Ocean Front!" 2 bedroom apartment can sleep 6. Pool & huge white sandy beach. Rent by week or monthly. Call 815-459-2847. I Small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266. 8-2TF1-2 FULL TIME Key to Tape Operator Will t,rain experienced key punch operator 5 days per week Apply McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP 1110 N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois or Call 815*385-1050 8-218-23 o o o o < > o < > o o o o < < I < > MATERIALS SUPERVISOR Immediate need for an individual to work with and supervise our material handling and stock flow. Will be responsible for stockroom, warehouse and stock handlers. We are manufacturers of fractional H P. gear motors. This is a good opportunity for the right person to learn and grow with one of McHenry county's most progressive manufacturer. GEARMASTER DIVISION EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. 18(f*9 S. Rte. 31 McHenry, Illinois Come in or call personnel 815-385-7020 8-218-2.1 • EXPERIENCED WELDERS DAYS OR NIGHTS Excellent Starting Rate--Profit Sharing Apply in Person 8:00 am to 5:30 pm Weekdays 8:00 am to 12:00 noon Saturdays MATHEWS COMPANY 500 Industrial Ave. Crystal Lake, III. PHONE 459-2210 «--'3 McHENRY DELUXE N0RTHF0X CONDOMINIUM 2 bedroom, I'2 baths, air conditioned, all appliances Carpeting, draperies, Pool Sept. 15 occupancy $230.00 per month SMITH & Z0LL REAL ESTATE Crystal Lake Plaza 815-455-1440 HELP WANTED Part time and full time jobs. Veterans only need apply. Earn $4.60 per hour. Contact Veterans co-ordinator 459-6800, Extension 49 Monday through F riday 8:(/> A.M. - 4:CM) P.M. or Monday through Thursday 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. 8-21 8-30 High School Student, 16 years or older Housekeeping and kitchen help Pistakee Bay Home. 385-0461. 8-23 h ull time short order cook. Call 385-2014. 8-23-tf 1-2 Openings available in sales tor men and women at our Hew McHenry office. Byrnes Bros., Inc. Realtors, 385-6900 8-2 TF 1-2 "-19TF1-2 TEACHERS WANTED,for 2 bed room house, available Sept. 1 to June 15. $188.00. 385- 8154 8/23-8/30 WAITRESS DISHWASHER Part time Apply in person to BIMBOS 1318 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. 8-21 8-23 HIRE .JUST THE RIGHT PERSON WITH A CLASSIFIED, PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD. HELP WANTED ajiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiinitfiBil I ' WAITRESSES I SHORT ORDER dOOK PIZZA CHEF NIGHTS | TOMASELLO'S = Call for appointment 385-1475 ask for Dominic | 8-21 8-23 | gllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIHIUllllllllini BARTENDER & WAITRESS FULL TIME OR PART Ti'Mm] Etoy or Night Shift Apply in Person CLUB ALABI 1232 N. Green St. McHenry, 111. g.23 ACCOUNTING (Key position for individ- > ual with strong accounting [detail background. Mini- ! mum 3 years experience. * General Ledger * Financial Statements * Bank Reconciliation * Tax returns, etc. Typing required. Excellent \ growth potential for hard worker. Call for appoint ment 815-338-1200 8-23 SALES OPPORTUNITY Culligan Min or Girl needed for expanding sales force •Salary plus commission •Full company benefits •Complete training program provided Call Mr. Calvin at 312-526-6661 8-16 8-30 MEN AND WOMEN train for printed circuits, hand drillers, automatic drillers, fabricators and general factory work and photography work. Paid holidays, paid insurance and hospitalization CIRCUIT ETCHING TECHNICS 4415 High Poii •. Rd. McHenry, Illinois 815-385-5454 8-16 3-30 MACHINE OPERATORS ALL SHIFTS Full Time Permanent openings Excellent Benefits SINTERL0Y, INC. 815-385-7066 8-23 MAINTENANCE Full time position available in High School Building Maintenance. Must be knowledgable in low pressure boiler system, and have broad experience in electrical, plumbing, heating systems. Call: Mr. Kelly 385-7900 McHeniy High School District No. 156 8-14 8-23 COLLEGE STUDENTS AND MOTHERS Earn extra cash, part time hours, air conditioned of fice. $2.00 per hour plus commission. Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Call Gen 385-0940 8-21 8-23 AVON po SOMETHING WHEN jyour children are in school. 1 Be anAvonRepresentative.' |Meet people. Have extra , "tnoney for clothes. Choose' your own hours. Interested? Call Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 8-2 8-30| NURSING DIRECTOR TOP SALARY CRYSTAL PINES NURSING HOME Call 459-7791 or write P. O. Box 412, Crystal Lake, Illinois 8-2 TF1-2 CUSTODIAL POSITION JOHNSBURG JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, DISTRICT 12 Applications are now being accepted for a full-time custodian at the Johnsburg Junior High School. Com petitive wages including health insurance, life in surance, and paid vaca tions. Immediate employ ment for the right person. Contact Ken Falkinham at 815-385-6916 anytime be tween 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. 8-21 8-30 SUPERVISORY AIDE in elementary school. Part-time, 3 hrs. daily, 11-2. Apply at Hilltop School 2615 West Lincoln Road, McHenry 8-16TF1-2 PROGRAMMER ANALYST Challenging position and fast growing service center. Minimum 3 years experience RPG and BAL Call for appointment 815-385-1200 iiii I r-s?.-