PAGE It - PIAINDEALER-FRIDAY, AUGUST 23.JW4 Offer Financial Aid For Consumer Forum Government Courses ^xx%xstxx%3MM%sa(%%xx%%%xsi%xs6sasssxxx%x^eKXxxx; (1IFT FOR COUNTY MORGUE - County Coroner Theron Ehorn, D.L. Lytle of Radiology. Heretofore, it was necessary to bring right accepts gift of X-ray equipment from the McHenry Medical "patients" to the hospital for X-rays. Coroner Ehorn said the new Group for use in the county morgue in the courthouse. From left gift would enable him to proceed with identification, particularly are Dr. Nicholas Gemell, director of the X-ray department, and in criminal cases, at the coun|y morgue. AYL0RD Registration, Book Rental Day At Montini SERVICE NEWS Now that no one rocks a cradle any more, wonder who rules the world'.'? The Montini Catholic schools will commence their 1974-75 year with the annual registration and book rental day Thursday, Aug. 29. Both the Primary center (grades 1- 4) and the Middle school (grades 5-8) will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 29 for the registration of new and transfer students and the collection of book rental fees. Tuition may also be paid on this day. Tuition rates for members of St. Patrick's and St. Mary's parishes are $225 for families with one child at Montini, $275 for families with two or more children. Tuition for other families are $405 for families with one child at Montini and $810 for families with two or more children at the school. Parents of new and transfer students are asked to register their children in the office of the building they will attend. Parents of pre-registered students should go directly to the homeroom of their child for the payment of the book rental fee. Homeroom lists will be posted in the hallways for parental convenience. A representative from District 15 will be present at the Middle school (not the Primary center) and parents should make arrangements for bus transportation and pick up their schedules for busing from him. The first day of classes will be Sept. 3, which will be a shortened day. The primary center will be dismissed at 11 a.m., the Middle school at 10 a.m. The regular school day for the Primary center will be from 8:55 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and the Middle school's day will be from 7:50 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Navy Fireman Apprentice Gary L. Rhoton, son ofMr. and Mrs. Eimel B Rhoton of 719 S. Fisher road, McHenry, participated in the evacuation of U.S. citizens, and citizens of twenty-five other nations, from the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. A crew member aboard the combat stores ship USS Concord, he helped provide support as the evacuees were transported by helicopter from the British Sovereign base at Dhekelia, on the southern coast of the island, to other ships of the U.S. Sixth fleet. He joined the Navy in October, 1973. He who hesitates is last, also. IS YOUR BOYFRIEND COMCEITED 7 VVELL,HE JOINED THE NAVY SO THE WORLD COULD SEE HIM Come in and browse, you'll get ideas for furnishing your bath and discover many charming gifts. 3012 W Rte. 120, McHenry East of New Bridge - Free Parking 385-0048 Mon.-Thurs. 9-5:30, Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 Complete planning and installation of fixtures and accessories. BUILD YOUR CASH RESERVE AT MARENGO FEDERAL Every family should have a substantial cash reserve to meet unexpected emergencies. A reserve to keep a family going for a minimum of at least six months is strongly recommended. Save at Marengo Federal where your savings earn at above average interest rate and are protected by strong reserves and experienced management. CURRENT INTEREST RATE PER ANNUM: Passbook Deposits 5% Golden Passbook Deposits 5V4% (*500.00 minimum) Certificate Deposits W*% & 5%% (*1,000.00 minimum) Certificate Deposits 6% (*5,000.00 minimum) In the event of withdrawal from certificate accounts before maturity, earnings on the amount withdrawn will be paid at our current passbook rate for the period held less 90 days interest. Marengo Federal Savings & Loan Association 200 East Grant Highway, Marengo, lil. Phone 815-568-7258 A $30/000/000 Mutual Association Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 Ty Illinois Attorney General William J. Scott It still may be the peak of summer, but stores already are displaying back-to-school Items. New clothes, new shoes, and new school supplies will be bought by a great many children and their parents during the next month. So today I would like to remind you to please use care in the purchase and use of some school items. A child's outer clothing possibly will be worn on dark winter mornings or evenings Be sure you purchase at least one item-for example, hat, scarf, gloves, boots - that is white or light in color. Washing may be a more frequent problem, but night drivers can better see a child who is wearing white. New shoes are nice, but the slippery soles can lead to falls more easily. Scuff up the soles of new shoes before your child wears them. He'll take care of scuffing up the tops in short order, I'm sure! Platform shoes are the rage, I'm told But they can be dangerous on stairs or for driving-or even for walking! If your child will be active outdoors on wet, snowy days, try to buy some water repellent garments. And if your child uses such items as scissors, compasses, protractors, rulers and other school supplies with sharp edges, be sure they are carried and stored in enclosed and protective cases. The same holds true for pens and pencils and glass bottles holding paste and paints. Better yet, buy these last two items in plastic containers if available. Lunch boxes can be another safety hazard Be sure they have smooth edges and fasten securely. Don't pack food items in glass containers. And warn your children that canned treats with pop tops or lids may have sharp edges, so if these items are a must, the lids should NOT be licked when opened Avoid packing carbonated drinks or aerosol cans that could explode When you buy thermo- insulated bottles, get ones labeled "Safe for Children." Always instruct children to check for breakage before drinking. If your child must walk to school along a street without sidewalks, instruct him always to walk on the side FACING traffic. If he rides a bike to school, check for proper reflectors-front, rear, and sides--and a headlight in working order. Also, check breaks, skid-resistent pedals, and proper bike size, and be sure the bike is in good repair. A new item--the bike flag or pennant-helps your child be seen by drivers and may be a good idea. Be sure your child knows the "Bicycle Rules of the Road" and that he locks his bike when not in use. These are just a few common I sense safety warnings to help your child, and you, have a safe, worrv-free school vear The Illinois Institute of Technology is offering two courses on Planning and Local Government at its Crystal Lake campus this fall The first, entitled "Planning and Local Government" is a survey course • a general introduction to the subject, the second, "Techniques of Municipal and County Planning", deals with methods and tools available to persons working in this field Both are college-credit courses. The McHenry County Defenders encourages persons working in this field to take these courses. Louis Marchi, t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a I organization's vice-president, has announced the Defenders willingness to contribute substantially towards the tuition for anyone qualified who is presently involved in county or municipal government in McHenry county Expecting that several equally qualified people may apply. 1 he Defenders are prepared to extend their financial aid so that as many as possible can enroll in the 1 I T courses. Registration for the courses will be held Friday, Aug 23, from to 8 p.m., and Saturday, Aug 24, from 9:30 a.m. until noon at the Crystal Lake campus on Route 14 Further information about the courses mav be obtained by calling LIT' at 459 1603. Anyone interested in financial assistance toward the tuition fee should call Mp Marchi, evenings for details at his McHenrv home Crazy Life I . i f e s ome t imes doesn ' t s e em t o make much s e nse . . Fo r i n s t ance , t h i s we a l t hy man l e aves h i s a i r - cond i t i oned o l l ' i c e a t s i x . c lm ibs i n to h i s a n - c ond i t i oned ca r t o d r i ve o v e r t o h i s a i r - cond i t i oned c lu b -- j u s t s o he can t a ke a s t e am ba t h ' LOOK! D0RKIES RESTAURANT* NOW OPEN 24 H0URS- "R0UND THE CLOCK" •; FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS SERVING BREAKFAST & REGULAR MENU 4213 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY *.'• . 385-6981 ' ® FORD MAC DONALD MERCURY HM TRUCK SALE 1975 FORD F-100 CUSTOM STYLESIDE Vt ton p ickup. 133" wheelbase , 8 ' box . Ginger Glow Glamour pa in t , sea t - kn i t ted v inyl , mir rors sh ipped loose , AM radio , rear s tep bumper , f ive G78xl5 bel ted 4 p ly t i res , 1975 EPA Cer t i f ica te Received . FULL PRICE $363S 1974 FORD F-100 CUSTOM STYLESIDE W ton p ickup, 8 ' box . 133" wheelbase . Wind Blue , 302 V8 engine , rear s tep bumper , f ive GR78xl5 be l ted 4 p ly t i res . FULL PRICE *3028 Brand Hew 1974 FORD CARGO VAN Wind Blue , rear door g lass - movable , ad jus tab le passenger sea t , f ive E78xl4 be l ted 4 p ly t i res , b r ight low-mount swing lock mir ror , s l id ing cargo doors . FULL PRICE $3189 1974 FORD RANCHERO 500 Medium Blue Meta l l ic , Se lec t -Shi f t Cruise-O-Mat ic , f ive F78x 1 4 be l ted t i res , power s teer ing . AM radio . 1974 FORD F-100 CUSTOM STYLESIDE VS ton p ickup, 8 ' box . 133" wheelbase . Sandpiper Yel iow Pain t , t ape s t r ipe Black . 5500GVW package . 302 V8 engine , sea t - kn i t ted v inyl , ammeter and oi l p ressure gauge . Trans wamer T-18 4 speed t ransmiss ion , le f t hand & r ight hand chrome swing lock mir rors . AM radio , c igar l igh ter , rear s tep bumper , f ive 7 OOxJ 5 6 ply t i res . FULL PRICE >3425 J 1974 FORD CARGO VAN Baja Blue , 302 V8 engine , rear door g lass - movable . 5450 lb GVW package , ad jus tab le passenger sea t , f ive G78xl5 be l ted 4 p lv t i res , l e f t hand fc r ight hand Westcoas t br ight meta l mir rors s l id ing cargo doors . FULL L PRICE *3521 1974 FORD F-100® EXPLORER SPECIAL Custom s ty les ide ' / i ton p ickup. 8 ' box . 133 wheelbase . Ivy ( i l ow ( i lamour Pa in t , 302 V8 engine , spec ia l t r im . bumper guards , f ront bumper s t r ips , br ight windsh ie ld moulding , br ight dr ip mould ing , co lor -keyed f loor mat . Explorer name pla te , mag whee l <nv . - r s , whi te tape s t r ipe , box ra i l s , b r ight swing lo ' k mirrors , power s teer ing , au tomata t r ansmiss ion too l s torage box. rear s tep bumper , f ive G78* I U be l ted 4 p ly t i res . FULL PRICE '3587 1974 FORD F-250 CUSTOM STYLESIDE '/< ton pickup. 8' box. 133" wheelbase. Midnight Blue Meta l l ic . 6900 GVW package . 3BO V8 engine , a i r condi t ioning , f ive 8 OOx 16 5 10 plv t i res . FULL PRICE *3703 wot 1974 FORD F-250 CUSTOM SUPERCAB Style s ide V. ton p ickup, 155" wheelbase . Candy apple Red, 6900 GVW package , 360 V8 engine , v inyl t r im, f ront fac ing rear sea t . 3-speed Cruise-O-Mat ic . power s teer ing , le f t hand & r ight hand chrome swing lock mir rors , f l ipper windows, rear s tep bumper , f ive 7 .50x f6 8 ply t i res FULL PRICE *4327 FORD ( ALL PRICES SHOWN INCLUDE FREIGHT AND DEALER PREPARATION ) OPEN SUNDAYS 11-5 Certified Factory Trained Mechanics for Lincoln-Mercury-Ford and All Ford Trucks MAC DONALD 90S. ROUTE 12 FOX LAKE 312-587-2541 Show Room Houri Daily 9 to 9. Sat. 9 to S Open Sun. 11 to 5 Service Hours: 8 to 5 Daily Closed Set. • Sun. MERCURY •