WING WALKER . . Wendy Knight, 21, who performs pro fessionally, stands on the wing of a biplane at the DuPage airshow, St. Charles, 111., re cently. Wendy, mother of a 9 month-old son, is married to Indianapolis polire Lt. Sam Mendenhall. "I love it," she says. "This is the closest thing to flying without a plane." She travels to air shows across the country with pilot Riggs' act. Rescue Squad Benefit Dance The Johnsburg Rescue squad will hold its twenty-second anniversary benfit dance Saturday, Aug 24 at the Johnsburg Community club This yearly event will again feature a fine ten piece orchestra for dancing pleasure starting at 9 p.m. Delicous beef sandwiches will be on hand to curb appetites and numerous prizes will be given away, donated by merchants in the McHenry - Johnsburg area The Johnsburg Rescue squad was organized in 1952, the first one in McHenry county. Members have answered over 5,(MX) calls for help since 1952. squad hopes to raise enough money to purchase a new equipment-rescue truck to replace the outdated 1952 truck that has answered most of those 5,000 calls in the area. The squad receives no tax support, and is an all volunteer outfit. The only way it can keep in operation is through people's generous support of the dance Through this year's dance the and donations OAK PARK HOTEL 801 GROVE on PISTAKEE BAY WOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT • SUNDAY • FEATURING "BELLY BUSTER" BREAKFAST (9 AM) • MONDAY SPECIAL * SPAGETTI All You Can Eat *15° SANDWICHES DAILY TO lam Weekdays 2 am Weekends r i i i i i i i i i i i i American Legion Post 491 -RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY- FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) • PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT • OTHER MENU AVAILABLE » OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FRI. "2 BEERS & A COKE" SAT. "COUNTRY EXPRESS" I I I I I I I I I I I I REVLON Realistic NEW ROLLER PERM Ideal For the Gal on the Go. Gives only Body- \0 Curl. Ideal for the Blow Dry Cuts & Casual Holler Styles, Keg. $25.00 - MANICURES - 1330 RIVERSIDE DR. '20°? Comp. McHENRY Tips For The 1 Homemaker fl H you planted potatoes in your home garden, freeze some of them when they are in the "new potato" stage. Not only are they especially tasty, but they seem made to order for hurrv-up meals. Nancy Moore, McHenry county Extension adviser, says potatoes about the size of walnuts freeze best It isn't necessary to peel new potatoes Simply wash them well and scrub vigorously, or scrape them if you wish, to remove the tender skin. Blanch the potatoes in a boiling water bath as follows. Potatoes one inch in diameter, 4 minutes; potatoes l1- inches in diameter, 7 minutes; potatoes larger than l'v inches in diameter, 8 to 10 minutes. Start counting the time the moment the potatoes are put into the boiling water. After blanching, chill potatoes for 3 to 5 minutes in ice cold water to stop cooking action. Drain well, package in moisture-vapor-proot con tainers and freeze at 0 degrees F. To cook, add frozen potatoes to enough boiling salted water to barely cover. Quickly bring to a boil and cook gently about 15 minutes or until tender. Avoid over-cooking. Because of the increased cost of potatoes, many home gardeners are growing their own potatoes. If you are fortunate enough to have a surplus, here are some tips on making home-frozen French fries. Nancy Moore, University of Illinois Extension adviser, H o m e E c o n o m i c s , recommends that you select medium to large potatoes. Pare and cut them lengthwise into uniform strips about \ inch thick. Rinse quickly in cold water to remove surface starch. Dry thoroughly on absorbent paper Arrange in a shallow baking pan, and brush generously with melted butter or margarine. Bake in a preheated, very hot oven - 450 degrees F. - until they begin to turn brown. Turn the potatoes occasionally. Remove them from the oven, cool in the refrigerator as fast as possible, package in moisture-vapor-proof con tainers, label and freeze. The recommended storage time is one month at 0 degrees F To serve, return the frozen fries to a shallow baking pan and bake in a preheated oven at 450 degrees F. until thawed and golden brown and tender Turn potatoes occasionally and season to taste. HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included John Payton, Mary Flanigan, Gertrude Denemark, Louise Forbes, Lloyd Wehrheim, Judith Young, Lorraine Wenderski, Richard Klepitch, Virginia Hodges, Jerome Wakitsch, McHenry; and Roman Wielock, Wonder Lake. PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER-FlRDAY, AUGUST 23, 1974 _ -- • . L o c a l C h u r c h MR. AND MRS. MARK STEPHAN OTT XEWLYWEDS - Miss Lyn Marie Thonn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W Thonn. 4114 V Sunset lane, Sunnyside village, was married u» Mark Stephan Otl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ott, Richardson Springs. Calif., Aug. 10. The beautiful sunrise service look place in the park at Richardson Springs with the Reverends Wayne Buuhand and Cecil Cooper officiating. The former Miss Tfeonn is a 1971 graduate of McHenry high school and worked as a medical assistant at McHenry hospital. The couple will return to Dallas. Texas, to make their home while attending college there. SHARON HELENA OLSON ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. M. Olson of Freeport, 111., announce the engagement of their daughter. Sharon Helena, to James Mpj4-stST of Mrs. Connie Moy of 3917 W. Main street, McHenry. NtT wedding date has been set. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr and Mrs James Oeffling ir . announce the birth of a daughter. Carer. Re net or. Aug 12 She has a brother James. 3V Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Boccia; the paternai ones are Mr and Mrs James Oeffling Sr ; great 9%ndparents are Mr and Mrs George Oeffling, all of McHenry Mrs Ernest Timm of Crystal Lake is the great - great grandmother Mr and Mrs Lecil Capps nm FULL SERVICE 3 NIGHTS A WEEK! [(Appointment not necessary but appreciated) WE STYLE & BLOW DRY. Don't Forget We're Open 6 Uvs Per Week' RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLLNG 1 STUDIO °20 W. ptte 120 McHenry R PHONE 385-7010 ] became the parents of a daughter. Patricia Lee. Aug 15 Other children in the family- are Lisa 7, Melissa. 6. and Kathie. 2 Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Garland Capps. Chicago, paternai ones are Mr and Mrs John Flanagon. Richmond Great-grandparents are Frank and Vi Mowec of Harlingen. Tex A luxury is something we have, and think the neighbors don't know we can't afford, which we can't, and thev do "EASY CARP - HAIR CUTS FOR gals on the go • Layer Cuts • Shags • Naturals S10.00 JAXE'S 385-7771 Local Women At National "Idea" Meeting Fifteen hundred women in one place at one time--the purpose, to exchange ideas, area heritages, innovations and inevitably recipes. This is the scene at »he Champaign- Urbana Campus of the University of Illinois. Women flom every state plus Puerto Rico are taking part in this national meeting of local leaders who have as their guiding principle, continuing education. The idea of education for the homemaker goes back more than fifty years in the Extension service. This thirty- eighth meeting of the National Extension Homemakers council is the only professional organization for homemakers. They have over 600,000 members. Three McHenry county women are attending this five- day conference; Mrs. Elmer Dorn of Cary who is past president of the University of Illinois Home Economics Extension council; Mrs. Raymond Weide of Woodstock, who for two years served on the steering committee of the council, and Mrs. E. Hammersteadt of Harvard, who belongs to the West Dunham unit and has served in several capacities including special activities on the County council. v Hosting a conference of this size is a big job, but Illinois Extension members are able to do the job. Among the highlights of this five-day conference was theChanute Air Force band, Basil Moore speaking on "Tales and Yarns erf Abraham Lincoln, and Mrs. John Corbally, Jr., wife of University of Illinois president. The Universitv of Illinois Extension service is open to all McHenry county residents. Information on Agriculture, Home Economics, and the 4-H program can be obtained by calling Nancy Moore, Extension adviser, Home Economics, or George Y oung. E x t e n s i o n a d v i s e r , Agriculture, or at the office on the second floor of the old courthouse on the Square in Woodstock. MARRIAGE LICENSES John L. Scarbrough, 2814 N. Spring road, Mc Henry, and Linda^L. Lenart, 709 N. Lillian .-street, McHenry. Brent C. Jacobson, Route 5, Burlington, Wis., and Annette M. Cicchini, 3711 W. Timothy lane. McHenry. Randall T. Jackson, 711 S. Jefferson, Woodstock and Colleen M Doherty, 1410 N. Green street, McHenry. Willard R. Pace, 1511 N. Richmond road, McHenry, and Elke I Forslin. McHenry. Richard M. Henderson, 633 S. Frontage road, Fox Lake and Carol S Posey. Fox Lake. Herbert P Roeske, Jr., 5114 W Route 120, McHenry and Anna Marie Burlack, 2611 Walnut drive. Wonder Lake. DIVORCES Patricia Doherty from Bernard Doherty, McHenry. Carol Gosselink from Cornelius Gosselink. McHenry Elizabeth Douglas from Thomas C Douglas, McHenry. Mary Ann Ackeret from Delbert W Ackeret. McHenry. Linda Justen Wirfs from Timothy L Wirfs, McHenry. Memorial United Methodist church, Zion, was the setting for the wedding of Mary Alice Watts of 2304 Horeb avenue, Zion, and Russell Allen Leight of 907 N. Allen avenue, McHenry, Saturday, Aug. 17. They repeated their vows before the Rev. William Nicoll at the 4; 30 afternoon services in a church decorated with baskets of yellow mums, white gladiolas and daisies. The wedding ceremony was written by the bride and groom. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Harry E. Watts of Zion and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Leight of McHenry. Special music presented at the services included the processional, "Knights in White Satin" and for the recessional "McArther Park". The bride chose a lovely white silk organza over bridal mist taffeta gown accented with Nottingham lace and narrow blue " eqibroidred chantilly lace. Tree gown featured a fitted bodice with a bib front of lace, high neckline, long full sleeves and a hemline accented with a ruffle of ruching and lace with blue embroidery. Her cathedral length mantilla veil was bordered with Nottingham lace and blue embroidery. She carried a bouquet of white roses, yellow daisies and baby's breath. For sentiment, the bride wore a cameo necklace borrowed from her mother. Barbara Buck of Decatur attended the bride as maid of honor Bridesmaids were Ms. Lana Storey of Zion, Mrs. Robert Jordon of Oakland and Mrs Gary Fanning of Zion, a cousin of the bride. Linda Sue Watts of Santa Barbara, Calif., the bride's niece, served as junior bridesmaid. The attendants wore floor length, A-line gowns of white dotted Swiss with tiny bouquets of blue flowers over blue taffeta, fashioned with V- necklines and short puffed sleeves. White Nottingham lace trimmed the neckline, sleeves and hem of the dresses. Each wore a white picture hat and carried a bouquet of white and yellow daisies and baby's breath. Michael Janik of McHenry served as best man. Groomsmen were Dale Stark of Janesville and Jim Kosior of McHenry, brothers-in-law of the groom, and Jeffrey Bonato of McHenry, the groom's cousin. The bride's mother wore a long champagne beige dress with a small floral pattern and a matching jacket. The groom's mother wore a lime green princess style gown with long sleeves. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception for 110 guests was held at the Swedish Glee club. Upon their return from a honeymoon trip to Las Vegas, New, the newlyweds will make their home at 3607 Waukegan road, McHenrv The bride is a 1974 graduate of Eastern Illinois university, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, math major. She is employed as a math teacher at Montini Middle school. The groom also attended Eastern Illinois university, where he was graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, management major He works for Sun Electric- company, Crystal Lake Fear Itself? Did you read abou t the l i t t l e e lde r ly l ady who sa id she fe l t more secure and sa fe r in 1933° She says back then a l l she had to f ea r was fea r i t se l f wu*eo LIKE TO iNV\Te Vou TO ste OUR Fish Fry Friday 5 until 9 P.M. Public Always Welcome (thicken and Steak ALSO SERVING Whole Channel Cat Fish, Shrimp, Scallops Lunch 11 AM to 2PM Dinner 5PM to 9PM Pistakee Country Club 815 W. Bay Road (Rte. 134) " Phone; 385-9854 Jl/̂ t l\mvEs> $f\tk'7b -School Ff\S\\/ONS TheToddlerShop 3430 UJ.eum, mcHEMRV HI. 385-07<Vfe 1 9:30Am- 5:30pm, (*>on - sat./Fft\.'T\ueS:oo Back to School SPECIAL AUG. 26--Sept 7th By Anne Ashley Q How can I prepare a good, soapless furniture wash? A. Add two tablespoons of linseed oil and tw o of turpentine to a quart of hot water. After mixing this well and allowing to cool, apply to the furniture with a soft cloth, well wrung out, and cover a small area at a time. Wipe each part dry as you proceed. Polish the furniture afterward. Q How can I remove a very stubborn rust spot from a porcelain sink" A Saturate a paper towel with household bleach and leave this on the stain for a few hours before washing and rinsing off. Q. How can I get greasy, dirty work clothing clean? A. By soaking them for about fifteen minutes in hot water containing a half-cup of household ammonia before laundering. Q When applying new enamel paint over a formerly enameled surface, how can I prevent its running9 A By adding a little cornstarch to it. Q. How can I remove a decal from a piece of furniture without damaging the finish underneath"1 A. By covering it with a wet washcloth, and running a hot iron over it Q. Can new concrete be laid successfully on top of old concrete0 A. Yes - but be sure to get the old surface perfectly clean with soap and water and have it thoroughly wet when the new concrete is applied. Q. How can I mend small holes in linoleum on the floor? A. With a thick paste of finely chopped cork and shellac. After this has hardened, sand it smooth. Then touch it up with matching paint. Q. How can I clean zinc? A. Just about the easiest and Tickets are available, and Chief Bill Swartzloff, Captain Chuck Majercik and President Bob Meyer begin the final push for the twenty-second annual dance of the Johnsburg Rescue squad. The members of the squad have high hopes of retiring the old 1952 truck in the background if they realize sufficient proceeds. STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD AtLTUe NOW 3TV UES TOOAV5 nrvA«J€UDvj5 FPve>R\e>s COrr\^: \rsl SOON\1 quickest way to clean zinc is to rub it with a cloth moistened with kerosene. Q. How can I quickly and easily clean rust, dirt and grime from golf clubs? A. A small piece of aluminum foil will do this job nicely. Q. How can I protect rubber- covered electric cord against premature drying out and cracking? A. Rub with a thin coat of wax or paraffin periodically. Q How can I dispel unwelcome cooking odors from the air in a room? A. By boiling three teaspooons of ground cloves in two cups of water for about fifteen minutes. Or, heat some vinegar on the range. Some men make good: others make excuses. Setting For Nuptial Rite MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL J. ODARCZENKO MARRIED - A beautiful traditional wedding ceremony Saturday, Aug. 10, united in marriage Phyllis Jean Zabroski of 105 W. Morningside drive, McHenry, and Michael J. Odarczenko, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Odarczenko of 513 Tia Juana drive, McHenry. The Rev. Ralph Smith officiated at the 5 o'clock afternoon services at the First United Methodist church. The young couple honeymooned in St. Louis, Mo., and are now making their home at 104 Valley View drive, McHenry.