Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Aug 1974, p. 13

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Program Evaluation Group Makes Report The program evaluation commission on which State Hep. Cal Skinner, Jr <R- Crystal Lake) serves has released a major staff study on student financial aid in Ill inois. The Illinois Economic and Fiscal commission staff's report makes several findings and recommendations, including: Students applying for financial aid should have one standard form to complete rather than the present confusing welter of forms Small businessmen seem to be treated unfairly by the current method of determining how much aid a student needs. Studies should be made of students who do not win state scholarships to find out whether lack of that aid kept them from attending college. Loans and non-repayable assistance play a more important role in the budgets of low income students, but low income parents as well as middle income parents still make a considerable financial effort to send their children to college. Because 23 percent of those who sought summer jobs could not find them, it is recommended that state universities examine ways of expanding job opportunities, such as programs in which a student alternates between semesters of full-time study and full-time work, with job placement tied closely to the student's field of study. An alternative approach to student lending, favored by Hep Skinner but not recommended in the report, is called "income contingent" lending, in which the amount, a student repays depends on how much money he earns after college Skinner explained that the Illinois Economic and Fiscal commission has done evaluations of real estate assessment and the junior college system, among others. Authorized at the last meeting of the commission were evaluations of drug abuse programs and community mental health programs in Illinois Each will take six to nine months to complete. Awaiting release are evaluations of state revolving funds and the day care licensing program of the Department of Children and Family Services. Couple Applies For Permit To Build Pier Among applications for construction permits received by the Division of Waterways, Illinois Department of Transportation, was one from Harry N. and Christine J. Lindquist of 1813 Fernwood lane, McHenry. They want to construct a portable pier in the Fox river, south of McHenry. All persons either favoring or opposing the proposed construction are invited to transmit written statements to Leo M. Eisel, director, 2300 S. Dirksen Parkway, Room 329, Springfield, 111., 62764, within ten days. Sideline? Did you read about that base­ ball player who can't even hit the ball. He makes over $100,000 a year. He may be a terrible ball player, but he does great razor commercials. V.A. NEWS EDITOR'S NOTE: Veterans and their families are asking thousands of questions concerning the benefits their Government provides for them through the Veterans Administration. Below are some representative queries. Additional information may be obtained at any VA office. Q - How long do veterans separated from military service between April 2, 1970, and Aug. 1, 1974, have under the Veterans Insurance act of 1974 to apply for the new Veterans Group Life Insurance? A -- They have until Aug. 1, 1975, to apply, but they must provide evidence of good health, except for VA -rated service-connected disabilities. Q -- What Veterans administration benefits should a veteran make his family aware of in the event of his death? Fine New Film Shown Aug. 28, Baptist Church So Long, Joey! is the title of a brand new film which is to be shown at the First Baptist church, 509 N. Front street, McHenry, Wednesday, Aug. 28, at 7:30 p.m. So Long, Joey! documents the true life story of Dave Boyer, who adopted the stage name Joey Stevens in order to pursue a career in the entertainment world. Gifted with unusual musical talent, Dave, the son of Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Boyer, sang in gospel meetings until at age 15 he turned "pro" and began working as a singing saxophonist in nearby night clubs. It was at age 17 that he changed his name to Joey Stevens and signed on as master of ceremonies at Atlantic City's "500" club. Soon on a first name basis with most of the top flight stars of the nightclub circuit, Dave's career boomed while his personal life became a nightmare of alcoholism and drug addiction. In a drunken stupor, he wandered the streets of Marietta, Pa., contemplating suicide, when the blurred view of a little old church caused him to cry out for salvation to the Savior. Dave's current ministry is broad in scope. A gifted vocalist, he is also a superb saxophonist and weaves his talents into a program that A -- A veteran's family should be especially apprised of such VA benefits as dependency and indemnity compensation for service-connected deaths, nonservice-connected death pensions for widows 'or children where widow is ineligible because of excessive income) and burial benefits. O - I was honorably discharged last month after three years of military service, and I would like to use the GI Bill to go to school in France next year. Is this possible, and do many veterans study outside the United States? A -- Yes, to both questions. Eligible persons may study abroad where courses approved by VA, lead to college degrees. During fiscal year 1974, a total of 65,000 veterans, servicemen, dependents and survivors studied outside the United States. penetrates the hearts of his, audience.,. Billy Zeoli, Gospel Films president, and the executive producer of So Long, Joey! in r e l e a s i n g i n f o r m a t i o n concerning the new film, said, S'There are multitudes of young Christians in North America who need to understand what happened to Dave Boyer, for they, too, are rebelling, thinking that the world offers more than Jesus Christ. In this film, we point up the fact that it is far better to be kept from the type of life Dave lived than to be rescued from it. We believe that countless numbers of young lives will be won for Christ through this powerful message of salvation which Dave Boyer's life illustrates." The public is cordially invited to attend. There is no admission charge. WHO KNOWS? 1. How old is Charles A. Lindbergh" 2. Name the three articles of impeachment adopted by the Judiciary Commit­ tee . 3. When was the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) formed9 4. When did the U.S. involve­ ment in Indochina offi­ cially end9 5- Define the phrase "auf wiedersehen." 6. Where was the first U.S. hydroelectric plant built"5 7- Name the capital of the Netherlands. 8. Who invented the first successful fountain pen? 9. For what was uranium used before atomic energy was developed9 10.Identify "Witch Hazel." Answers to Who Knows •uopoi Suimoos ts o i p a s n q r u i | s V ' O I •ssb|3 auuojoo JojA^iurew *6 t>881'usuuaiBM "3 siMsq 8 •urepjaisiuv 'L ' 2 881 ut 'u tsuoosim 'uo} -ayddy 'JaAiH xoj am uo '9 , , u i b 8 B ^aaiu OM ipun.,-IOJ UBUiJao '5 EL6I 'SI isn9nv f> "6*61 'L Jaqopo C •ssajSuoo 3ui£j -ad puE JaMOj jo asnqv 'aoTisnf jo uoipruisqo ~z •OMj-A^uaAag i how can n By Anne Ashley Q How can I give my dog a pill without the usual fuss and bother? A Try burying the pill in some of his canned dog food. Q How can I remove an excess of polish on my furniture? A M i x o n e - f o u r t h c u p vinegar with one-half cup of water, dip a soft cloth into this, 'wring out, then rub the furniture with this. Dry immediately with another soft cloth Q What can I do when flashlight batteries corrode and stick inside the case? A Invert the case and pour in a solution to two tablespoons of baking soda and one-half cup water Soak, and then tap the case lightly. The cells will come out Then dry the case thoroughly. G E N E R A L R E V E N U E S H A R I N G Q. How can I clean leather upholstery? A. Rub the leather with a soft cloth dipped in ordinary milk - or better still, with beaten egg white. When dry, go over the leather again with a clean, soft cloth. Q. How can I prevent musty odors in suitcases? A. By keeping some unwrapped bars of soap in them. Q. What can I do to clean a tarnished gilt picture or mirror frame? A. Go over it with a cloth or s p o n g e d a m p e n e d w i t h turpentine or mineral spirits. Q. How can I encourage the windshield wipers on my car to do a better job? A. Try rubbing the rubber glades lightly with sandpaper to clean and smooth them Q. How can I keep the yolks of boiled eggs light-looking9 A. The yolk will not darken if the water is boiling before the eggs are placed in it Q How can I prevent nuts PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 19T4 from working or vibrating loose Consumtrt' on bolts? A By applying a few drops of shellac to the threads before tightening them This will dry quickly and will cement the nut securely into place. Q. How can I avoid leaving marks when using my steam iron over basting thread? A. By using silk thread. Q. How can I remedy hard and lumpy sugar9 A Put it into a covered container in the refrigerator for a few days. Q How can 1 clean nickel? A. By washing it with soap and water, then rinsing and polishing with a soft cloth. If this treatment is not sufficient, use whiting or a fine cleaning powder moistened with alcohol. Rinse and polish, Nickel has a tendency to darken if not cleaned freauently enough. Q How can I make my own furniture polish7 A One very successful one is equal parts olive oil and " < X New "Spm laee" Fabric A new, nonwoven, weather fabric ha« been created through a "spun-lace" proceaa. CUT* Individual fibers are entangled into the fabric without the uae of looms, knitting machinery or adhesives. It's the friction be­ tween the fibers that holds a ' fabric together. This "spun-lace" creation com- ' bines features of both woven , and knit materials It does not *' J curl and cut edges do not fray. ' ' The fabric can be drycleaned or washed. It dries quickly and has a high degree of softness and drapability. It may be printed or dyed "Spun lace" can be used to create beach coverups, table-' cloths, curtains, jackets, blouses, > skirts and dresses. But pattern styles that are loose or gathered , are best -- they won't strain the fabric. Handle it as you would lace. When making a dress or jacket, . fully underline the fabric. To ! keep raw edges from showing > through, make French seams. turpentine, with a little vinegar added ACTUAL USE REPORT General Revenue Sharing provides federal funds directly to local and state governments Your government must publish this report advising you how these funds have been used or obligated during the year from July 1, 1973. thru June 30. 1974 This is 'o inform you of your government's priorit ies and to encourage your participation in decisions on how future funds should be spent A C T U A L E X P E N D I T U R E S C A T E G O R I E S ( A ) 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3 PUBLIC 1 RANSPORTAT ION 5 RECREATION 6 LIBRARIES 7 SOCIAL SERVICES FOR AGED OR POOR 8 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 9 MULTIPURPOSE AND GENERAL GOVT. C A P I T A L ( B ) O P E R A T I N G / M A I N T E N A N C E ( C ) 10 EDUCATION 11 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 12 HOUSING & COM- MUNITY DEVELOPMENT 13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 OTHER (Specify) 15 TOTALS $ Pentagon You should hear him discuss the Pentagon in Washington He says it's the building with five sides -- on every issue! NONDISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN ME (E) CERTIFICATION I cert i fy that I am the Chief Executive O with respect to the enti t lement funds reported hereon. I cert i fy t l have not been used in violat ion of either the priori ty expe' requirement (Section 103) or the matchingiJyflgfcj jrohibit ion (! 104) <jJJtie Acl. THE GOVERNMENT OF V / l l/im of- V I /V f S I 0 I h a s r e c e i v e d G e n e r a l R e v e n u e S h a r i n g p a y m e n t s t o t a l i n g / JJTJ. 2 • d u r i n g t h e p e r i o d f r o m J u l y 1 1 9 7 3 . t h r u J u n e 3 0 1 9 7 4 V A C C O U N T N O c- t .vG ... ̂ ^SitfQBturv of Chief Executive VlD) TRUST FUND REPORT (1) Balance as of June 30. 1973 $ (2) Revenue Sharing Funds Received from , n r July 1, 1973 through June 30. 1974 . . ft / ^ ' O (3) Int jygt Earned S / Ljnds Available . . . s AllliULc Lmount Expended . . . . $ N(7-i ISlof June 30. 1974 ft 3 H V • C- ? F) The ne^^rf ldia have been advised that a complete copy of this report has been published in a local newspaper of general circulat ion. I have records documenting the contents ot this report Date and they are open for public scr (Published Aug. 28 and Title CVCLONC HERE CYCLONE - DUO DRILL This combination rotary • cable tool drills with air, foam or mud. It has the capacity to drill both commercial and residential wells from 50 ft. to 1000 ft. deep. JOS. H. NIEMANN & SONS, INC. "QUALITY WATER SYSTEMS SINCE 1402" 2020 W. JOHNSBURG RD. McHENRY, ILL PH. 385-0414 1

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