Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER-FRID XY SEPTEMBER 13, 1971 Lakeland Park Anne Moore 335-6448 j Wedding Belts Heard Saturday far Mike Daurios Lots of excitement filled rhe air iast Saturday along wirh the sound of car horns when the pm. wedding ceremony was concluded at St Patrick s church. Michael Daurio and Nancy White repeated their wedding vows before several members of their families and many many friends A lovely wedding reception was enjoyed by approximately KX) guests at the Crystal I^aite American Legior. later ;n 'he day Mick s proud parents. Jim and Mary, were very happy rhaf everything, including the weather, tunec; out so nice. \ar.ry s pare. - Mr Mrs Roberr White .t M- v. LOOKI were aiso beaming with pride and enjoyed their role as parents of the very lovely rsride Special guests who were on nand for the day's festivities i n c l u d e d N a n c y s grandmother Mrs Nancy Thomas. Mary Daurio s brother Marty and his wife Ruth, their son. Jack, and their daughter Ruth, and her fiance, and another son. Mike Mary's niece. Mrs Peggy Skuland. Mary s sister Peg Womack. and her son. Bill, and daughter. Par, who was the flower girl, and another of Mary s nieces Kerry Kucwa from Green Bay. Wis as well as another of Mary's sisters and her husband Glen Franzens of Elmhurst Imr. s relatives who were on hand for the" happy DORKIES RESTAURANT* NOW OPEN 24 HOURS- ROUND THE CLOCK" > FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS SERVING BREAKFAST & REGULAR MENU 4213 W. RTE i20 WcHENRY . , *•'• • 385-6981 ' •' SENIOR CITIZENS 'ESTS ser fco 5 l»V R.O. STENSUND , A ASSOCIATES ?EnTJl ON ZE*tTw i. WA.CC-Ei» i»17 M Vtj.o if vicH®nry 815-385-7661 A«T£S04 f ONL r 5 T» M time were his brother. Michael Darv and his wife. Mae. with their three sons and their three daughters-in-law from Galewood. Jim s sister Tess. and her husband. Andrew Ankers of River Grove, Jim's brother Al. and his wife. Jen from Elk Grove Village, and their brother Johnny and his wife Val, their son Scott, their daughter Marlene and her husband. Dan Worjerski. from Franklin Park Another special guest was Mrs Berry Pecore from Michigan who was Mick's baby nurse at the hospital where he was born Understand she took much kidding from rhe groom Lakeland Park residents who joined in the fun included to name a few Donna and Ray Rode Pa' and Vince Lmnane Jerry and Elaine W ,r\h Irv and Dor Becker Kevin and Jan Druml and Mr and Mrs Oeffhng. I m told rhe young couple enjoyed a fascinating honeymoon trip to Los Angeles where they were guests, of honor at a family reception given by Jim Daurio-; five sisters who live ;n me L A area and tbat 'bey also enjoyed "'akir.g in a city 'hey bad never visited It was indeed a very special dav for the Daurio ramih and wish years of happiness to newivweds. Mick and SL NDAY FUN • and Mrs Joseph Gagnon ^<1 in impromptu visit meir family Sunday s tone Ketcher had spent :a• T: W-.sconsin with three er grandchildren. Kathv •• r- Ketchpr .and Justine ( • ir.<l lecided to stop by ". **' r a di v home The • r< ".a1, e j new three- .",-itd addition to 'heir neir new dachshund ye i-.d their great- '.c-iulrt-r. were anxious to -er i.-r: 'aKe pictures of v m Grandpa and • : -v. a I ' a as a fun • i '• ' it 're Gagncns C" Ri.RA VISIT S'ephanie ni:er "Aor'h along *ith - parents Willard and •• \~isor. of Mo Henry •*: i er. special day a- They 'raveled to r 'i and 'o the Lutheran •*. t 'he Redeemer where «• i 'c r.ed as Scott •-"am was confirmed The r s - r.•; oy eC*' ne:r role as • t.d grandpa rents and 13? pretrv excited also • er-.a. grandparents Mr Vi*s A..gust Haaemann were there from Port Charlotte Fla and tus great grandmother Mrs Reitzke. was also there to enjoy Scott s special day Becky and Matthew helped their mother LaVeme prepare for the party fhaf was hetd at rhe Hagemann residence following rhe ceremony Other guests included another aunt. Ms Gay te Green, and her daughter Gretcben of Chicago, Glen and Party Decker and Lisa of tDswego formerly of Wonder Lane and LaVerne s friend. Dee It was a fun 'lay for me Worths and the Neisons in addition to being a very special day for Scott, and a g-xxi time was nad by everyone who was there to wish Scott happiness w ater issue" STILL NEWS As some of you residents nay or may nor know a petition has been circulated asking for signatures for a referendum so that a vote may be taken enabling Lakeland Park residents to express their views about the City of Mc Henry purchasing the water company at 'his 'ime The issue is rna* plaintiffs ir. the suit against the water company have astted for a written guaranteeSProm trie City that no special assessment we must make room for 1975 carpets arriving daily . . . inflation has not affected Tidy's 1974 carpet prices ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON LP APERIES. DRAPuP { HARDWAKH. J :)> F..OOP iNTG A N D V I N Y L T I L E S Fall Clearance Sale of 1974 Carpets î *5, -. ̂ i.-x-v •„ 4" ^ < t vs< SAVE '1 .00- to ' 6 .00 3 8 Rolls o f 1 2 - A i d e n> ;or. rjnnts r .eavy :oarr. backed SQ95 for k i tchens, r e c r o o m - a r . ; . u h e r e • R e g u l a r p r i c e u p ^ to $ 1 0 . 9 5 s o . d - $o^ Sculptured S h o r t N> l o r . -r . - : g s - v . ; d e v a r : » - v . o f c o l o r s and m a n u f a c t u r e r s t o S ; • - o ' • d 5wyD FALL SALK CLE A R A \ ' K * s 3 5 R o l l s o f M S i t i c o i o r - L . j s h e - : r o m B : 2 e l o * . v a n d C o r o n e t - R e g u l a r v t . . d - \ { h - * o o e ^ o . d o u t •J .. . 3 r o l l s t v , o - t o n e g r e e r . ; r c b l a c k b r o v . n . v . n : t e a n d 1 r o l l m u l t i c o l o r r e ' l T r . - - - r e I ' C ; c a r p e t o r A h a v e t o $ Q 9 9 g o ' R e g u l a r l y $ f , - ^ 3 w CASH & f A K R V L -I* '; j rs<: ! > , p e r ; a N A l l with h e a v y f o a m p a d o i r . - ' ; • < > r \ - - ; u o o e r p r i c e s a r e u p • > 0 p e r c e n t n _ . i o r . p r . • < p 1 • > p f , r c e n ? s o » o u c a n s a v e 3 0 p e r c e r / r r . ' . r < - : . - p f c ; a ; - < i o - i n y o u t a t ® - c V V o n l > Remember a t T:d ; . - aL f . a rpe t - a re res ted to mee t a l l the Federa l Government r . j id s tandards fo r f i r e r es i s t ance -- Buy " f rom your ca rp< ' de r to r 25 t ea r s - he knows ca rpe t bes t S A\ K 10 to 60%. O'untitir i ; itt-d -- I irvf t 'ir-u- 1 irst S<' save: h lndheds of 1s t Ql . 'Af . ITV REMN ANTS! I r rmrnf lnus sminus 97 on hundreds of fa mo us name carpal rem mints. Lp to 15 H ide and M) font*. to S«.» N TIDY CARPETS &RUGS HOURS: M0N.. THUPS . FRI. 8 9 /TUES. , WED., SAT. 9 5 SUN. 12 5 200 WASHINGTON WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS/815-338-1000 wtil be charged to residents if cne water company is purchased pruir to the outcome ot rhe public hearing set before t h e p o l l u t i o n c o n t r o l b o a r d . A new hearing itficer and a new da?e 'Oct 5 have been assigned and rhe idea is that if corrections are to be made in the system, why not have the current owner correct them and hot 'he city and ultimately, we residents SIX c.VNDLES Six 'magic ,-andles had little Fa'"- Treadweil baffled .as' Sa'urdav when she ceiecra'ed 'er sixth birthday Each one sre Slew tnem <xit 'hey tit up again and all rhe cmldrer. a r ' .he par'-- enjoyed neipina Pa :*y btow '.hem out. aaain mil aaair. n: again The or.iidren. i.r.c- 3raun. Becky anc Keily Be'-er S^epharue and Jennifer W-;r rr. and our sons Kevin and Bran, enjoyed their a "it ne par'y i<Dodies ma* Patty s parents Jerry and Penny Treadweli. sen/ed and also enjoyed bus sister ^usan s help m conducting, 'ne games the cm aire n playeii \il :r. ali it was a fun-filled Saturday afternoon tor 'he nesgnccrhi."*; cm-.crer. and an especially napcy da> for Patty who turned s-:x-vears-old on Thtj~sda> Seer 5 Glad you had a nappy fcirnda;- Patty SEWS F hi j M MARIE Marre Mav.nen sen* aiong a ,i 'Tie news ;r. home in M'.sicegon M en * she Tc-ush* f'i rmer f nerds •A CI ild er ;o y Mane j» s ^eieca'e from tne Senior ("i'izens Club of M anc appeared a', the Miomean ^*a'e Fair .n Detroit A:i£ 2»i \!ar.e said there are 2 •«4^ in "ne group and Marie nac "he nor.or of serving "r.e mo*' « '.•ion*eer a irk hours in me ias* m.ree > ears Sne still FOL'P. CANDLES Li"*le Tracy Stutz of West Chicago a as so pleased that L'cie Jo nr. and A or.". Sharon Oacen ann Ja> and Antoinette •a ere a tie v a "end her fourth n.r'nca;. par*., r.e id last Sonda> Ler. and Jerry enjoyed 'heir r.ome ro.i rc company and Trao;- s .:"ie sis'ers Kelly and Ci".d> en/iv el all the excitemer.' aiso Belated 'A.snes 'o pret". little Tracv H.APPV BIRTHDAY: -"r day the thirteenth "tndav peijpie '.his month dude Mark Slonmna who will m "Aelve years old. .Allen; and Ci-nis Butler who .. ra'. e nine candles on his «:e Tomorrow John Becker .1 r&'.e candles on his "nda;. cake and shares his ;• •Aim Karen Johnson and irier.e Giadmar. Sunday. ::>m Lee Dr.;ml will have ir nig candies or. his cake and •mse V. urn wii aiso celebrate - r/.rmca;. Happy birthday Frar «i Bar' - - w ho celebrates p' > Mn Anthony who has pt i" for special day and •ma Dr;m. who celebrates p' Thursday Bob wrser.d M;.ror. Radioff. Joe c Jerr. SeiefsKi and Virginia res wiii ceiecra'e at their mes Har-c-y birthdav to YOU ;TER let me lay Sept 14. a ho nave not o?e have the so Vou may ne Hromec N Pleasant. • of 9am and ACATION J oc e B r a u n •k at Spooner. Wis recently in spite of thetr visits to the doctor Little Andy received a nasty cut and his big brother, Greg, visited the doctor when he came down with an ear infection. Cindy held out fine for the week and Joyce did *ay they had fun relaxing in spite of the excitement They brought home a six-week-old addition to their family, the itty-bittiest poodle who I'm sure will give them hours of entertainment and delight' WOMEN'S CLUB NEWS The Lakeland Park Women's club held its first meeting of the season last Thursday The club officers Barbara Emery, president Ann Rehfinger, vice- president; Lyda Radisch, measurer and Edna Domrese, secretary are always eager to meet and welcome new members Any woman resident who is a member in good standing of the Lakeland Park Property Owners Association is invited to join the club The ladies meet the first Thursday of each month at the Lakeland Park Community House. 1717 N Sunset Dnve, at 12:30 pm BOARD MEETING The Lakeland Park Property Owners Association Board of Directors have begun its season These meetings are alwavs open to all members in good standing in the association and occur the first Thursday of the month at the Community House at 8 p m The officers: Ernest Schooley, president, Lloyd Wagner vice-president; Betty Bockman. secretary, and Lyda Radisch, treasurer, are most eager to meet residents and to serve them in any way they can Other members of the Board of Directors include Everett Fleming, Dennis Storhe and Fredenck Kupstis PLEASE COOPERATE' Seems the bus-stop trouble makers have already surfaced and rock throwing and teasing are already in full swing. Parents are asked to please oversee their children's behavior' It just doesn't seem fair for any property to be pelted with stones while impatient children shuffle about waiting for the school busses Complaints have already come to my attention and I'm sure that a nudge from parents now and again will certainly help the situation. Please cooperate! Offer Rate System For Warehousemen To Be Implemented The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced that the offer rate system erf paying warehousemen to handle and store government-owned grain and oilseed under the uniform grain storage agreement will be implemented July 1. 1975. rather than May 1, 1975, as onginally announced. The Department said the two- month delay was requested by warehousemen who report that some state regulatory authorities do not act on warehouse tariffs in time to allow warehousemen to establish offer rates by May 1. Under the offer rate system, warehousemen will offer rates at which they will store and handle Commodity Credit corporation-owned grain. Each warehouseman must warrant that the rates offered are not in excess of those charged other customers for the same service The rates offered will remain in effect until superseded at a subsequent annual renewal date of the agreement. KILLS FALL WEEDS i WHILE IT FERTILIZES' I I I I I • Greens up fast • Ki l ls dandelions, chickweeds, and most other broadleaf weeds • Feeds roots all winter, gives early spring green $1995C0VERS • V EC. 10,000 SQ. FT. I Greenvfeui.dealers | A l CLE wmomm*]* at these Mc Men f y Illinois 60050

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