f I I / r \ PAGE « • PLAINPEALER-FR1DAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1974 EARL WALSH So I Hear SPORTS EDITORJ It is great to have a friend in every port. Now comes an envelope addressed to "President of McHenry Area Chapter of Loyal Cub Fan Club". Our first thought was of "Zeke" Bacon, but the same day a card came telling of the Bacons touring the Eastern part of the country and Canada So we guess again Anyhow, there was a clipping enclosed advertizing a "Cub Fan Tour". So sorry. We have an appointment for that weekend to visit the brass at White Sox Park to make plans for next year. But, Thanks! Mitch Przetacnik (another Irishman) phoned to say that the K.of C. vs. Masons baseball game has been scheduled for next Sunday, Sept. 15 at the V.F.W. Field, starting time 2 P.M. That should be some fun. We hope both teams have plenty of subs, band-aids and liniment. Mitch says both teams are eager for battler. We don't have the lineups so can't pick a winner. Let's just say one team will win 15 to 14. Good fun in good old McHenry. Everybody knew Jennie Mae- ~and everybody liked her. She was a real fixture in mcHenry. Now she has been called back to her Maker. How well we remember Jennie Mae (Cooley) Richardson in her high school days. The Cooleys visited the Walsh home quite often in those days. When the Cooleys lived on what is now known as the Howe farm west of McHenry, Jennie Maedrovea model "T" Ford to PICKING UP THE PIECES -- Eddie Bimbo promised us /a sure winner on our lottery tickets - So far it has been like dialing a wrong number - Dick Allen is sick -- Sox Owner John Allyn must be sicker when he thinks of giving Dick a three year contract for over a half million - Saw a dandelion the other day -- they never give up - - High school golf in the fall seems to work out fine -- spring .weather was a killer -- The way Bobby Buss is playing, his Dad may have to move over - Harry Dean wants to borrow our cane McHENRY M c H E N R Y 3 8 5 0 1 4 4 Would you buy a used secret from these men? STARTS FRIDAY! doit to the CI. A. as EVERY NIGHT - 7:00 & 9:00 ^SETAITARE&OGRAMB - SEPARATE TICKETS FOR EACH) FAMILY"-NTERTATNIMENT' fm RAM Featured Friday, Sept. 13 thru Thurs., Sept. 19 [Doors Open 7:05 - Feature at 7:25 Only! - Out 8:56 MARTY BOBBINS i roc* in -Mt guns Otd tfm talking' OF A STRANGER Co-W*rrmg CHILL WILLS • DOVIE BEAMS _ „ STEPHEN TACKETT ' /////////////////////////////////z> I HARVARD I THEATRE x 1 > I'K SIR/-/. / A 24 HOUR IN FORM A TIO \ v ll-\R\ I Rt). II11 \()/s • (XI5) 943-4451 $ M W d f AN (OMFORTABLE - CONTROLLED BBBB8B95SBB2 19 * ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM presented Friday, Sept. 13 thru Thurs., Sept ADULT FILMS uouvU *7e<ztccie PRESENTED EACH NITE - 9 TO 1115 ADULTS I LIMITED TO AGE IS & OVER ONLY J POSITIVE PROOF REQUIRED! A STORY OF THE BIZARRE Business: Booze; A Party ! Then Sobre Reality! , _ LE GRANDE HOTEL In The Regular Tour Book; For Obvious Reasons FEATURES FULL LENGTH - COLOR & SOUND . -- R -- -- L S « F J ^ S R . ^ C I T I Z E N S ' flJExplicit Adult Film - Presented for Mature Men & Women! Ve Listen! Films Selected From Stated Audience Preference! ̂ i Wo*jO€k LMl FloricL> t fc U S C(k \ f i j j ¥ -X/ school--a tounng car with no top. Think she had a hard time reaching the foot pedals One time we recalled in this column how she and Frank Gans sang ' You gotta kiss your mamma every night ' in a class play. She was ready to kiss us. but came through it with a smile. The time comes for ali of us. but just wish she could have stayed around ( in good health) a few more vears. It was a pleasant surprise to meet Ida Quinlan. former McHenryite. and Clara Miller as we left the Plaindeaier office Monday. Clara sends choice items, from the Plaindeaier to keep Ida in touch with McHenrv "How's Florence?" That question has been asked of George Harker hundred of times in the past few months since his wife has been hospitalized. Florence passed away on Tuesday The Harkers have made many, many friends in the area. The loss of a fun loving person like Florence is a hard blow. 1 Which of the following is correct 1 There are so many rules, a boater can't be expected to learn any but International Rules 2 There are so many rules they are confusing and don't work well hence we have many boating accidents 3 The primary purpose of Rules of the Road is to prevent collisions and they work well 4. If you own a sailbo&t that is over 8' long, don't bother with Rules - you always have the right of way 2 The boundary lines for Inland Rules of the Road 1 Extend to three miles offshore 2 Extend to twelve miles offshore 3. Are established by the Commandant of the Coast Guard 4 Were established by the Secretary of the Navy in 1939 3. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 1 Expects you to memorize the Rules of the Road, all of them, so you won't have an accident 2. Wants you to at least learn the International Rules regardelss of where you live 3. Expects you to learn the rules that apply to your boat and the waters on which you expect to sail and cruise 4 Wants you to learn the Inland Rules only, regardless of where you live - bum knee -- no diagnosis -- could be from too much prayin' on his knees -- or too much jogging -- Golfers Beat Crystal Lake Coach Chuck Cuda's McHenry High golf team got back on the winning track on Monday when they defeated Crystal Lake 158 to 162. Bobby Buss shot an even par 35 to take honors. Zeller came in with a 39, and Buenzli and Ludwig each carded a 42. Crystal Lake won the sophomore match FORMAL WEAR RENTAL for ALL OCCASIONS tke, atwi/yitowi 1214 N. Green St., McHenry SKYLINE ROUT* 1 JO - 1 MIL* EO»T OF MTHENRY r ri. 9-13 Sun. 9-15 Ify. 3 days only v%erka<K.'r$ Not all the playing was on the football field! Won#*** ;. V SEX-JEQ LAB & « THE McHENRY WARRIORS "Hie Warriors are in winning form as they take their 1-0 record against Crowa tonight. The members of the 1974 squad are L-R front row, Tim Fink, Gary Olson, Steve Lane, Scott Nimsgern, Mike Roberts, Jeff Damiani, Gary Schweder. Brian Ni^s, Ray Williams, Roger Gerstad, George Hansen, Bob Rendo, Gary RossingJ Rick Christofferson and Mgr. Bo Hontling. In the middle row are/Joe Fleige, Neal Barry, Jim Engmark, Jerry Biederer, Bob En/pel, Dave Dulberg, Ben Jacobs, Tony Bentz, Tom Ludwig, Steve Kasprzvk, Steve Whitehead. Brett Jackson, Ev Kteppertck. Dennis I'seman, Randy McCafferty and Coach Bill Day. Standing are Coach Ken Swanson, Coach Ken Ludwig, Brian Haley, Don Rode. Brett Decker, Dave Gerrard, Dave Christopher, Scott Frantz. Dan Voight, Guy Miller, Bob Haag, Ken Street, Kerry Jernigan, John Dix, Mike Mai, Tom Hutchinson, Bill Mahon and Coach Tobv Scott. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD^ Answers £ on E E on z £ QN I Weather Guide---Storm warning: A single square red flag with a black center displayed by day and two red lights at night indicate winds 55 miles per hour (48 knots) and above are forecast. Hurricane warning: Displayed only in connection with a tropical cyclone (hurricane). Two square red flags with black centers displayed by day and a white light between two red lights at night indicate winds 74 miles per hour (64 knots) and above are forecast. HcHaiRT COMKTINITT HIGH SCHOOL 1971 FALL SPORTS SCHEDULE Codesi PB- Football CC- Cross Country 00- Golf PR- Field Hockey SW- Swimraing T& Tennis V- Varsity T/S- Froab-Soph S- Sophono re •*- Two Bum Heeded F- Preahnan *- No Buaaaa Heated BOS LKA7X3 Warriors Gunning For Second Win By Dick Rabbitt Coach Bill Day and his "Fighting Warriors" will be out to extend their winning streak to two, as they travel to Crown tonight to take on the Vikings. Looking quite impressive in their win over Mundeiein last Saturday, the Warriors have not let up this week, and are aiming to stay on the winning path. According to Coach Day, the squad is in great shape, the bumps and bruises of the Mundeiein game are long forgotten, and the attitude and spirit of the squad is simply great. The Warriors cannot take Crown too lightly. The Vikes will be still smarting from the 60 to 0 licking they took at the hands of Barrington. Coach Bill Owen has 11 returning lettermen. They are not as big as in previous years, but they do have better speed, and are better in the skilled positions than they have been. Backs Jack Manzella and Gary Slavik are expected to carry the load for the Vikings this season. On the other hand the Warriors with a win under their belts, are going to be tough to beat on Friday night. The line play was the big factor in the win over the Mustangs. This along with the speedy backs, and the passing of Kasprzyk, the Warriors look as if they have the makings of a very fine football team. In the crystal ball department I had 4 out of 5, only the Dundee win stopping me from a perfect score. This week I'll stick with the Warriors over Crown, Crystal Lake to beat Dundee, Zion over Lake Forest, Barrington over North Chicago, and a toss up between Mundeiein and Libertyville. I'll pick Libertyville in a close battle. Basketball League Anyone interested in forming a Men 's Basketball League to play in McHenry starting in October, please call Jerry Bellak, 385-5705. Individuals or teams are needed NOW so that plans can be made. IttTg SQUADS OPPONENT PUCK TPg mr-"TBT Tue-3ept0 3 OO F/S.V Grant HOM 3«30 T>rur-Sept 5 00 F / S - V Lc Forest L. Porert 3i30 •2t30 •2t30 Pri-Sept 6 OO F/S-V Larkrin Elgin 3i30 *2«30 *2 >30 SaV-Sept 7 PB FB PB S 7 P^A/B ^jndalfcin Himdelein Mundeiein Hundel®in Mundeiein Hone 12«00 ? rOO 9 tOO 10 >30 12t30 MoB^S®pt 9 PB OO SoB- JV F/S-V Kurdelein C„ Lake Hon* HOM li<30 3»30 Tue Sept 10 cc p.'s v Btff, Grore/Lo Zurich HOM U«30 Wedc Sept 11 GO F/S-V Orslake Qrayslake 3 »30 •2130 •2t30 Thnr-Sept 1? CC 00 P. S-V P/3-7 21 ua/L&rkm Libertyville Rose li >30 Libertyrille #3 »30 •2 *30 *2:30 Pri-Sept 13 PB PB GO F/S • V "rcTwn * Cicwn luLsln Crown Crown HO®® 6 tOO 8 ?00 3»30 ki30 6 < 30 Sat- Sept lii P3 CC F- .' - 3 I /S-" Ci own Maine Vest InTo s HOM Maine West 9s00 IOiOO 8:00 Mon-Sept 16 PB OO So3-JV F/S-V Crovn Dundee BOM Dundee u»30 '3«30 •2s30 *2:30 Tue-S^pt 17 CC GO ? 'S V F,'S -T 0 iris Grar.t/*L, Forest Woodstock Sta-y.nson Qrant Woodstock Sterenson Ui30 3»30 It too »2t30 3*15 «2s30 3 'OO Wed Sept 18 TS PH r:« Dundee ROM iii30 Thur-Sept 19 30 - UR' s f^-Lncsieln Zio.i Huae Zion 3«30 1**30 3*00 Pri-Sept 20 pa p; Llberc-yrille Lit ertyvij le Hoae Hone 6 >00 8 LOO Sit-Sept. 21 F P r ~ : A/T F.'S V 11bartyvllle Grint/C. Ie/e In*,. Libertyville 9»00 C.Lake 9f30 ••fit00 8?30 NORTH SUBURBAN CONFERENCE Team McHenry Barrington Zion Benton Crystal Lake Dundee Mundeiein Libertyville Lake F orest North Chicago Crown W L 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 LEADING SCORERS Pts Opp 21 6 60 0 28 7 37 0 7 0 6 21 7 28 0 7 0 37 0 60 Harriers Win Opener Over Buffalo Grove And Lake Zurich Tomorrow the harriers are at Maine West Invitational. Tuesday they travel to Grant for a meet with the host school and Lake Forest. Name School T.D. Pat1 Pat2 Total Freund C.L. 2 1 14 Simond Bar. 2 12 Peters Bar. 2 12 F. Shellenbeck Bar. 2 12 Stalo C.L. 2 12 By Dick Rabbi t t Coach Bi l l Hutch inson ' s "Running Warr io rs" won the i r open ing mee t of the season on Tuesday as they won a double dua l over Buf fa lo Grove and Lake Zuiich. The Warriors defeated Buffalo Grove 17 to 42 and Lake Zurich 15 to 50 John Mclnerney again led the Warriors as he covered the 3 mile distance in 16:36. Oakley, Linnane. Worm, Himplemann, O'Halleran and Tueber were the other harriers who finished in the top 10. Coach Earl Kyle's sophomores won an exhibition against Buffalo Grove 23 to 36. Buseato, Fred O'Halleran, Searson, Wohnrade, Pergandy finished high for the sophs. ARRESTED Kevin Weiss of 310 Country Club road, McHenry, was arrested for driving while license was suspended after his auto was seen driving in an erratic manner on Route 120 Saturday night. Sheriff's police observed the vehicle about 8 o'clock, crossing into the opposite lane of traffic while east-bound on the highway. Bond was set at $1,000 with court date set for Sept. 19. HELD OVER! -Adults Only- 2 MARILYN CHAMBERS Hits! The Ivory Snow Girl "BEHIND THE "GREEN DOOR", And "RESURRECTION of EVE" RATED XX RATED XX _GREEN_DOOR-8220_J^EVE" 7:00 & 9:40 Admission $3.00 Season Tickets To Go On Sale At McHenry High School Monday Season t i cke t s fo r McHenry h igh school a th le t i c even ts wi l l go on sa le a t the Eas t & Wes t campus school o f f ices S ta r t ing Monday . Sep t Ki th , f rom 8 :00 a m to 4 :00 p .m A variety of t i cke t p lans a re of fe red , inc lud ing a s tuden t ac t iv i ty pass which i s t iood fo r all home events in football, basketball & wrestling. Ali tickets plans reflect a substantial savings over regular gate prices. Questions regarding the ticket plan should be directed to Bill Blankenhorn at West campus (385-7077) 0 SHOWPIACE Z* 1 i 2 w 223-8155 ON R0UTI 14 JUSI WEST 01 ROUTE 31 CRYSTAL LAKE 8IS 455 1005 i Starts FRIDAY! JULIE CRISTIE and OMAR SHARIF in DOCTOR znn\(io ; Wkdays - 7:30 ONLY Sat. & Sun. 2-6-9:30 II Starts FRIDAY! WKDYS 7-9 S & S 1-3- 5-7-9 o „ AT BOTH THEATRES | 9lOO Sat. & Sun. Til 5 P.M. wackiest shoot-em-up-ever! $4.00 Carload STARTS FRIDAY THE EXORCIST PLUS - Co-Feature starring JAMES COBUHN the worlds greatest "CANNON" ALSO - Bonus I-ate Show HI. * SAT. "THE* ONLY KILL THEIR MASTERS"pg Flea Market SUNDAYS 8-4 P.M. SAVE GAS - TIME -'$$ JOIN OUR ONE STOP GARAGE SALE! High School Player of the Week I Football NEAL BARRY Neal Barry was selected as Mc Henry's Varsity •'Player of the Week" for his superb preformance as a defensive tackle & off ensive guard in McHenry's season opener against the Mundeiein Mustangs. Neil is credited with 5 solo tackles plus 6 Assists in addition to playing off ensive guard where his hard hitting enabled the de fensive backfield to gain 200 plus yards in a big victory over Mundeiein 21-6. Ben Anridson & Son Inc. 3209 S. RTE. 31, MCIIENRY (Crystal Lake, llf.)