MAKIAN CENTRAL 1974 VARSITY FOOTBALL ROSTER No. Pos Name Ht Wt. Class Hometown 12 QB John Craig 5'8" 158 Sr. Woodstock 15. > QB Mark Miller 5'9" 141 Jr. McHenry 20. RB PatCristy 5'7" 148 Jr Wonder Lake 21. RB John Orso 5'7" 146 Jr. Crystal Lake 22. WB Scott Olson 5'8" 151 Sr. Cary 30. K Wally Bitschura 5'8" 149 Jr. Woodstock 33. RB John Conerty 6'1" 184 Jr. Woodstock 40. RB Dan Knox 5 A" 168 Jr. McHenry 41 RB Mark Saladin 6'0" 175 Jr. Woodstock 50. C Paul Ronczkowski 6'0" 173 Jr. Hartland 60. G Craig Adams 5'9" 160 Jr McHenry 61. G Jim Jackson 5'8" 153 Jr McHenry 62. G Paul Miller 5'8" If >4 Sr McHenry 63. G-G Craig Heseh 5'9" 162 Jr. McHenry 64. G Dan Hanrahan 5 1 1 " 171 Jr Woodstock 65. G-T Shawn DeWane 5' 10" 205 Jr. Woodstock 67. G-T Dave VanLanduyt 6'0" 212 Jr Woodstock 73. T Mark LeBlanc 6'2" 205 Jr. Crystal Lake 74. T Dan Lennon 6'0" 187 Sr McHenry 75. T Steve Pokorny 6'5" 248 Jr. Cary 76. T Jim Steinback 61" 219 Jr. McHenry 77. T Chuck Martina 6'3" 194 Sr. McHenry 83. E John Dwyer 5'n" 176 Jr. ,<% Woodstock 84. E Kevin Coughlin 6'1" 183 . Jr. 'Hps? Wonder Lake 85 E John Hendle 6'1" 186 Sr. McHenry Head Football Coach Assistant Varsity Coach Head Soph Coach Assistant Soph. Coach Head Freshman Coach Assistant Freshman Coach Principal Nickname Colors Tom Parker Lou Hartlieb Dick Lessner Dom Riccardino George Parthemore Chuck Bilow Tom Parsley Hurricanes Cardinal Red - Columbia Blue Community Boundaries For ASC Committeemen LADIES LEAGUE TUES. 7 P.M. Jo Rizzo, 517; Lor Homo, 423; Shirley Lossmann, 468; Edi Nimsgern, 467; Betty Smith, 421; Grace Steindoerfer, 529; Clarice Buenzli, 450; Kathy Miller, 465; Sharon Kojak, 521; Elaine Justen, 485; Eleanor Glaviano, 441; Bette O'Brien 446; Bitsy Schaefer, 446; Man Cook, 472; Annette Joyce, 460, Ter Steffans, 465; Dorothy Koleno, 460; Sue Koleno, 457; Barb Leight, 434; Mary Lou Stine, 455; Cathy Boro, 490; Wilma Aylward, 517; Dot Beckenbaugh, 420; Helen Spencer, 427; Lil Michels, 446; Flo Dercale, 462; Donna Bauml, 489; Carolyn Buittner, 427. Railroads: Sue Smith 5.7; Grace Steindoefer 5-7; Eleanor Glaviano 5-7; Dorothy Koleno 5-7; Pam Kozior 6-7. TOMASELLOS T.N T. LEAGUE (THURSDAY) Sept. 5, 1974 A. Ritter, 503-170, 162, 171; E. Mangold, 470-165,162; K. Bradley, 464-183; M.E. Freund, 460-178; G. Rudolph, 457-163; M. Wakitsch, 453-163; D. Hiller, 452-166; M. Debrecht, 450; 164; S. Foute, 445-163; J. Clark, 444- 163; I. Stilling, 433-161; L. Parfrey, 433-157; D. Thompson, 431-166; E. Rad, 191; C. May, 181; C. Adair, 179, 168; D. Mortell, 172; M.A. Quinn, 168; B. Hettermann, 158; M. Gohl, 155; L. LaBay, 153; B. Greenwood, 152. Railroads Converted: M. Gohl 5-7 L. LaBay 5-7 P. Hiller 3-7 J. Ignelzi 5-10 L. Wilhelm 3-6-7-10 Lou LaBay, Sec y HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Kelly Siedschlag, Patricia Moeller, Helen Leaveck, Wonder Lake; Ludwig Zeller, Samuel Zito, Catherine Schimmel, Amy Hutchi ngs, Alfred Koglin, Gerald Brodin, Torsten Carlson, Barbara Stanell, Elma Ladd, Mary Moran, Bonnie Harrer, Community boundaries have been set for the upcoming ADC community committeemen elections, reports Jimmie D. Lucas, county executive director. McHenry county has eight ASC communities. ASC communities are local administrative areas which help provide farmers with effective farm program administration. According to Lucas, these areas are reviewed yearly to determine whether boundary changes would benefit farmers. A list of ASC communities and the number of farms within each community is available to the public at 1143 North Seminary avenue, Woodstock. The ASC communities in McHenry county, which consist of two townships, are as follows: Chemung and Alden, Hebron and Richmond, Dunham and Hartland, Greenwood and McHenry, Marengo and Seneca, Dorr and Nunda, Riley and Coral, Grafton and Algonquin. County ASC committee review of community boundaries is one of the first steps in administering the annual ASC farm committee elections Other actions concerning the upcoming election will be announced as they occur. Participation in ADC elections is open to all eligible farmers regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or national origin. SERVICE NEWS RICHARD D. BARGER Richard D Barger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barger, 609 Mineral Spring drive, McHenry, recently completed the Missile Pulse Radar Electronics Repair course at Redstone arsenal and school at Huntsville, Ala. Raymond Nogele, Leo Backs, Clarence Kocourek, John Erzig, Ruth Sveen, Margaret Moran. Lois Anderson, Wendy Ann Boelens, George McLean, Thomas Boelens, McHenry; Eric Dolton, Spring Grove. BIRTH McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs. Larry Pesz became parents of a daughter Sept. 9 "Fly Up" For Girl Scouts Kachina Neighborhood Girl Scouts recently held their "Fly- up" ceremonies on Wonder Lake. The traditional "Crossing over Water" was accomplished on pontoon boats with the assistance of the Wonder Lake "CROSSING OVER WATER" Coast Guard auxiliary. The Girl Scouts and their leaders cruised from Sunrise Ridge beach to Wonder Center teach and then proceeded on foot to t h e H a r r i s o n K e n w e l l Conservation area for a flag raising ceremony and picnic with their parents. About sixty girls participated in the "Fly- Up" Service team members and leaders attending were Mary Lou Cope, Lucy Coleman, Karen Baker, Donna Beyer, Nancy Berg, Shirley Beal, Charm Hay, Marian Eising, Verlene Ducy, Carrie Blaha, Pat Schuler and Nancy Karls. Coast Guard auxiliary personnel assisting were Commander Clifford Mason and Staff Officers Dick Marshall, EJeanor Wright and Emma Kaiser. He graduated first in his class and received a special meritorius promotion to Specialist Fourth class and was selected for instructor duty at the U.S. Army's basic electronics course at Ft. Jackson, S C. SP4 Barger's wife is the former Susan Polizzi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Polizzi of Woodstock. They will be at home in Columbia, S C. HOME By April Rhodes Don ' t wa i t un t i l f a l l t o have your hea t ing equ ipmen t c l eaned and checked fo r l eakage . You ' l l ge t a be t t e r pa in t j ob i f f i r s t you d ip the b rush o r ro l l e r i n wa te r and wr ing o r shake ou t excess . When in s t a l l i ng ca rpe t , be su re you make a s t a in cha r t t o mee t any ca rpe t emergency . Con t inue to keep f aded roses cu t and you ' l l p rob ab ly have roses un t i l f ro s t . When you need an ex t r a l a rge ho t d i sh ma t , so lve your p rob lem by cove r ing a magaz ine wi th k i t chen fo i l . I f you ge t a l i t t l e t oo much sun on the Labor Day week end , a ch i l l ed bo t t l e o f baby o i l i s soo th ing and may p re ven t pee l ing . X iiiinois History Quiz taak Prepared by the mn I l l inois Stdt i ' Histor ical Society 1. How many Illinois governors also served the state in the U.S. Senate? a-two, b -four, c-six; d-eight 2. In what city was the Civil War's Camp Douglas? a-Alton; b Bloomington; c-Chicago; d Decatur 3. What was the profession of George Washington Gale Ferris (1859-96), inventor of the Ferris Wheel? a-lawyer; b-civil engineer; c- chemist; d dentist 4. For whom was Cook County named7 a-Burton Chauncey Cook; b Zadock Cook;c Daniel Pope Cook; d-George Washington Cook 5. Illinois has the largest prehistoric monument in the U.S.; what is its name? a-Bald Knob; b-Monk's Mound, c Scales Mound, d Mount Zion SPORT$ CORNER (2LIMBING THE LEFT FIELD WALL 'N ClNC/'S RIVERFRONT STADIUM IN THE WORLD SERIES, OR SLIDING ACROSS THE TURF IN PITTSBURG'S THREE RIVERS STADIUM FOR. A SENSATIONAL ALL - STAR CATCH... Quiz Answers u ou u oso'i UE SJSAOD puc qSiq ' } j 00 I S 1 punoui sqx >|- ied spunoj \ rn^oqE ) ui 'punop\ s^uo^ 'q-§ siouijlI JOJ pooqaj tus pasod -o id Api |qnd JSJIJ oqM *( /L£81 -t-6/.l) 3dod PIUEQ '3-f jappnq agpuq e SE snoui -EJ SEM '-I33U12U3 |IAtD 'q-£ 3}IS dUIED 3JOE-09 3qi SBM JRl|M JO }JEd E uo si q}$£ jo joo j aqj )E qiuoi sqSnoQ V uaqdajs aqx 08^3143 '3-J uioiino vi Aqpqs puE lJ3Ui|Ej uqof 'Aq -sa i8o f pJEip iy ' JS 'S3}E^ PIE - ip iy 'Suim j q q ' sp jBM -P3 uEiutfsi 3J3M Aaqx xis 'o- j The electric eel is really a carp. JOE RUDI MAKES A PRACTICE OF ROBBING H/TTERs/ OUTF/ELP SPEED AND A SURE GLOVE ARE GREAT ASSETS FOR THIS UNDER-PUBLIC/2ED MEMBER OF THE CHAMPION OAKLAND A's Black leopards, white rabbits, etc., are offshoots from the normal -- whites are called albinism, black, melanism -- melanism occurs most often in hot areas, albinism most often in cold areas. The Chinese formerly bred fighting dogs we ;ghing as much as 400 pounds. The invention of gunpowder eliminated their need, however. McHenry Favorite Sport Center 1210 No. Green St. McHenry, III. JUST ARRIVED "SUEDE CONVERSE" GYM SHOES Red. Blue. Orange S i / e s 4 ' . 1 3 NVL0N WINDBREAKERS *9.99 UnNned tl 1 KASHA LINED *11.99 HEADQUARTER FOR SCHOOL ttMSUITS All SCHOOLS B0YS-6IRLS SHELLS FOR HUNTIN6 • AU. GAUGES AlW UDI IS A 27-YEAR OLD NATIVE OF MODESTO, CALIF. HIS BEST SEASON SO FAR WAS IN 1912, WHEN HE HIT 3 OS, SMACKED 19 HOMERS AND BATTED IN 15 RUNS JOE DOESN'T SAY A LOT BUT HE GETS THE JOB DONE. TOM HUEMANN 385-3093 WATER CONDITIONERS Su Front Drive Subaru Has Lowered New Car Prices Up Ta "too00 The gas stingy Subaru. Subaru owners say they get over 27 miles to the gallon. And that's yet another good reason to test drive a Subaru today. EUROPA MOTORS 2414 W. Route 120 - McHenry, III. 815-385-0700 For 24 Hour A Day Information On Subaru Call 385-0725 PAGE 7 - PLA1NPEALER-FR1PAV, SEPTEMBER 13, 19*4 DID YOU KNOW? JOHN TYLER BECAME PRESIDENT WHEN WM. HENRY HARRISON DIED A MONTH AFTER TAKING OFFICE. HE WAS THE FIRST PRESIDENT TO BE MARRIED WHILE IN OFFICE, AND THE FIRST U S. PRESIDENT AGAINST WHOM IMPEACHMENT RESOLUTIONS WERE IN TRODUCED. ALTHO' HE RAN ON THE WHIG RfcRTY TICKET, HE VETOED MOST OF THEIR BILLS, WHICH MADE THEM FURIOUS. IN LATER YEARS, TEDDY ROOSEVELT SAID OF TYLER, vv HE HAS BEEN CALLED A MEDIOCRE MAN, BUT THIS IS UNWARRANTED FLATTERV... HE WAS A POLITIC I AN OF MONUMENTAL LITTLENESS." TY COBB LIFETIME BATTING AVERAGE OF.367, SOCKED A TOTAL OF 4,191 HITS, SCORED Z,24l RUNS AND STOLE 892 BASES' CO BBS BfST YEARS WEBE SPENT WITH THE TIGERS. J V, JOofs of dfiings (Ban happen to your home besides fire, theft or wind damage Your home and belongings face many hazards that even f ire and extended coverage won t cover But a State Farm Homeowners Policy with Infla tion Coverage can provide complete protection even covers you in case of lawsuits And each State Farm policy comes with a promise of prompt, friendly service when you need help Call me for al l the detail#. DENNIS CONWAY Like a good neighbor. State tarm is there 3319 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. 385-7111 Slal* f ir m f ir e and Caiualty Company Homa Otlica Bloomington Illinois The CHATHAM The new Storm/Screen Window that provides lasting all-weather protection and beauty Season-All's new Chatham Model 37 storm/screen window now provides protection to any building ... old or new ... regardless of the weather. The Chatham is designed to enhance companion prime windows without obstructing the view. It is available in either mill, anodized or white finish. The Chatham Model 37 has these feature*-- EASILY OPERATED-Sash and screen uni ts are easi ly f inger- t ip operated by non-corrodmg s l ide bol t mechanisms Both top and bot tom sash may be ra ised and/or lowered to var iab le vent i la t ion set t ings. EASILY CLEANED- Pivot ing sash and screen may be fu l ly t i l ted inward for c leaning accessib i l i ty or they may be readi ly removed to work area for su i t ab le c leaning SECURE--Sl ide bol t mechanisms are se l f - lock ing when sash and screen are in c losed posi t ion Ant ibow latches and f rame stabi l izer prevent inser t and f rame def lect ion under adverse weather condi t ions Posi t ive ratchet s tops prov ide greatest degree of vent i la t ion and safety ATTRACTIVE - The Chatham en hances the appearance of any com panion pr ime window . o ld or new wi thout sacr i f ic ing structural fea tures or view Beautiful ly contoured, the Chatham adds beauty to home's exter ior . CUSTOM-FIT-Each and every Chat ham window is cusom made for com patibi l i ty with window opening or arrangement Units are readily in stalled in a minimum of time. ECONOMICAL -- Chatham storm/ screen window installations actually pay for themselves by helping to lower heating and cooling costs. Heavy duty weather-stripping acts as a thermal barrier and prevents dirt inf i l tration Prime window painting and maintenance costs are reduced GUARANTEED Every Chatham win dow is uncondit ionally guaranteed. Season-All quality is built into each uni t manufactured FOR MORE INFORMATION OR FREE ESTIMATE CALL: ALEXANDER LUMBER 909 North Front McHenry, Illinois all >