HORNSBYS family centers - HACiK »- PLA1NDEALKR-WKDNKSDAY, SEPTEMBER If. MM '!K: 'i3(it HttlO! I'M HAPPY TO SERVE YOU on i i « WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTIT IES PRICES r^ECTlVE WHILE QUAN I I T I E S L A S T Fall buys 3T1 Laura Phannnnofcll • MWIMfVIIJUII) • Departmenf head for crafts & yarn., if yoU ^ave any Questions on your crafts, knitting or crocheting ask Me! PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SEPT. 17 thru SEPT. 22 FALL KICK-OFF ON FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL Fall's Popular Choice School Color Football With Haidy Tee Set Our R«g. 347 2 17 No. 7018 Official six* and weight school color. Fl*xit« football with kicking t«e and (-•inflating n««dl». Gr*at choic* for this season's ga.n*s. Start Your Youngsters Right With A Junior Pro Outfit Youth Universd "Fits AH" Helmet 376 Our K.9- 4« No. 5215 Features 2-ply foam padding. 1 pi*c« Abson shall. 6-point wab suspension double bar face guard. A quality helmet. Features cotton jersey with UCLA" sleeve inserts. Heavily padded Abson helmet. High impact plastic shoulder pads. 1st quality outfit. No. 6315. Our Reg. 7" 5 76 Combination Basketball And Football Set Our «.9- 5 £67 No. 8781 contain* basketball, football, tee, needle and pump. Official size and weight. Great way to double your fund QUALITY SHOES FOR WORK OR PLAY "̂ 1 16- '>>3 Women's Quality Utility Oxfords Men's Popular Leather Oxfords Men's Leather Work Boots Our CM Reg. 3 °ur R.9 10' 8 88 Our Reg. 15< 1288 Rugged uppers built on thick soles wedge heels. Cushioned insoles. Sizes (5-10) Thick cushioned insoles. Arch support. Padded tongues. Welted & oil resistant soles. Sizes (6'/i-12) Rugged leather 6" boots. 1 piece heavy duty ridged lug soles. Cushioned insoles. Sizes (6'/s -1 2) WE HAVE FAMOUS DOWGARD ANTI FREEZE Be Protected This Winter! Buy Now! Anti-Freeze Will Be Scarce This Season. 4400 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL RTE. 47 & COUNTRY CLUB ROAD WOODSTOCK, ILL. HOURS: DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 10-6 IMPORTANT FASHION FINDS FOR LADIES LAY-A-WAY Come use oof convenient loyowoy plon to hold oil your purchoses USE OURLAYAWAY PLAN. A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR PURCHASE Spectacular Assortment Misses Juniors Coats & Jackets Com* In and choose y our new fall coat or |ackat from Hornsby's hugo selection. Wa hava this season's most wanted stylos and colors In tha fabrics you want. All sizes. Most wantad fabrics Indudo twills, corduroys, suadas. fur looks, nylon taffatas. orlon- dacrons. Cholca of linings Include: Fur, quilts, plush, and ravarslblas. Ladies, Misses Coats and Jackets 17M» 59s7 Girls (3-6x) and Big Girls (7-14) Jackets 687» 1896 HANDSOME OUTERWEAR FASHIONS FOR MEN WE HONOR MASTER CHARGE AND IBANK AMERICARD CHARGE CARDS Newest Fall Styles of Rugged Mens' Young Men's Jackets & Suburbans You'll look forward to cold weather matched with a Hornsby coat fashion. Come find your size . . . in the price that fits you bast. We have the most wantad stylos in the colors and fabrics you want. Sizes 38-30. The most wanted fabrics includo heek suedes, twills, corduroys, and nylon taffetas. Hornsby's have button front, belted, zipper fronts, fur trimmed, hooded- unhooded, parka styles plus many, many more. Men's and Young Men's (38-50) 9s7* 47s7 Boys', Big Boys' (4-20) Jackets 7s7,19s7 HORNSBYS family tenters --