<1 PA OR 12 - PLAINDEALEK-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1974 ra spurgeons ANYONE CAN HAVE PORTRAITS TAKEN BUT PARENT MUST SELECT SPECIAL out* \0-& m SPECIAL! $2.88 This Wetk Only Children with parents, grandparents, adult couples. Mom and Dad Limit one special per family ADULTS & CHILDREN 'FAMILY GROUPS WELCOME) FINISHED COLOR PORTRAITS SHOWN FOR YOUR SEIECTION-NOT PROOFS DRESS APPROPRIATELY One Special Offer Per Family • Group Subjects $2,00 Each PHOTOGRAPHER ON DUTY Sept, 19-20-21 spurgeons 4400 W. RTE. 120 MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER ( C l i p O u t A n d S a v e ) ] ONLY 6 9 * No handling charge West Shore Beach Connie Schmidt 385-7841 Subdivision Needs Snowplowlng Bids For Winter Season With fall here already and winter close behind residents are preparing for the coming cold and snowy weather. Our community needs any interested persons to make bids to the Property Owners Association for snowplowing the subdivision roads. The only qualifications residents are looking for are a fair price, early service and a thorough job. OUR THANKS The Husband and Family of the late Florence Harker take this opportunity to ex press our gratitude and deep appreciation to the won derful people of McHenry for their most generous response to the creation of a memorial fund to be given in Florence's name to the McHenry Area Res cue Squad in recognition of the skilled and dedicated work performed by this splendid organization. Our Sincere Thanks are also extended to those who by their contributions made this Memorial Fund pos sible. George Harker For A Limited Time Only FREE! 1-DOZ TULIP BULBS When You Open One Of These New WAUCONDA NATIONAL BANK PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ( Or Add $200 To Your Present Savings Account) Now you can get better interest rates on passbook savings accounts for both small and large accounts at WAUCONDA NATIONAL BANK. And for a limited time only, get one dozen Imported Dutch tulip bulbs in assorted colors for every new $200 account you open; or $200 added to your present account. Come in Today while Supply of Bulbs Lasts! 7% to 7%% INVESTMENT ACCOUNT $1,000 to $5,000 deposit pays 7%; $5,000 and up deposit pays 7%%. 4- Year Maturity 6 % % HIGH PERFORM ANCE ACCOUNT $500 Minimum Balance 30-Month Maturity 6% PACE SETTER $500 Minimum Balance Year Maturity 5 % % GOLDEN MEDALLION Minimum ba lance $25.00. Withdraws can be made with 90 days written notice. 5% REDBOOK SAVINGS $500 Minimum Ba lance Interest paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawl. 5% R ^ULAR SAVINGS $1,00 opens the account. With'1 i v anyUmo In: paid fr« \y of deposi. end of period. *Also available Certificates of Deposit. If principal is withdrawn prior to maturity, on time deposit accounts, Federal law requires that interest be recalculated at 5%, less 90-days'interest. NEW HOURS: Main Bank; Mon., Tues., Thurs., 9 to 2:30; Fri., 9 to 7. Sat., 9 to 1:00 WAUCOflDA nAuOnAL BAfK Main Bank: 118 S. Ma in St . Dr ive- In Bank: 385 L iber ty S t . , Wauconda Last year many were dissatisfied because our snowplower did not meet the above standards. If you can, please come to our next association meet on Oct. 12 or write to the West Shore Beach Property Owners Assn., P.O. Box 209, McHenry. Your bids would be greatly appreciated by our community! BE ALERT There have been reports of minor vandalism and theft in our subdivision within the past few weeks. Some residents have called the county sheriff to investigate these incidents. However, more of us should be aware of the cars that travel our roads especially at dusk and in the eveijing hours. Keep vour outside lights on whenever possible and take safety precautions at home when leaving your property. Remember help from the sheriff is only a phone call away. Be alert and prevent future happenings! RECYCLING HERE Every third Saturday of the month the McHenry County Defenders host workers for the collection of newspapers, bottles and tin cans at the McHenry Market Place. Please bundle newspapers securely and separate them from magazines and cardboard materials. Bottles should be washed and placed in separate containers as to color. All tin cans must have labels removed and be flattened. Aluminum and beer cans may also be brought if they are completely crushed. Your support for this worthwhile project means we're helping to eliminate waste and save these materials from garbage landfill sights. Doing our part for the environment now will give those generations in the future a better chance to cope with other problems PRESENT-NOMINATIONS The slate of officers for 1975 was drawn up at our last Saturday's association meeting The organization committee will be distributing flyers to residents after all nominations are accepted. Please attend the October meeting for voting on the slate. Any homeowners, renters or landlords should become neighborly ambassadors of the subdivision and knock on just one new door to ask for attendance at our next meeting. See you there! PERSONALS On Sept. 15 we wish lots of surprise birthday wishes to Alan Justen who resides on Westshore drive. Happy to see, the Latours on Beachside who are redecorating their new home! If your address is 5510 Cleveland, 5508 Euclid, or 5409 Orchardway please call and we can welcome everyone to our subdivision. The following is a poem published in our telephone directory books of 1971 by Herbert S. Irwin entitled. Do You Just Belong. Are you an active member, The kind that would be missed? Or are you just contented that your name is on the list? Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the crowd, Or do you stay at home and crab both long and loud? Do you take an active part to help society along? Or are you satisfied to be the kind to "just belong"? Do you ever go to visit a member who is sick, or leave the work for just a few and talk about some "clique"? There is quite a program scheduled that means success, if done it could be accomplished with the help of everyone. So attend the meetings regularly, and help with hand and heart. Don't be Spring Grove Eva Freund 675-2135 Fishermen's Group Started For High School Students High School students are invited to join the Fishermen's Group. This is a new group particularly geared for high school students and moderated by Jack and Mary Fitzgerald 815-765-2581. Freshmen and Sophomores will get together in St. Peter's parish convent on Monday Oct. 7 at 8:30 p.m. Juniors and Seniors will meet at the same place-same time on Wednesday Oct. 9. For further information don't hestitate to call the Fitzgeralds. HOLY NAME EVENTS The annual Holy Name Society picnic was held on Wednesday, Sept. 11 on St. Peter's parish grounds. Those present all enjoyed the games of horseshoe, baseball, etc. Plenty of refreshments were also served. Bowling this year for the members of Holy Name and men of the parish will begin on Sunday, Sept. 15, 8:15 p.m. promptly at Fox Lake Bowl. HORSE AND PONY SHOW mi t .-.-I --,«*-• Plrtirnrc onH lite vuiiiiHUiia; * v ' " -- Gophers 4-H Clubs will sponsor an All Youth Open Horse and Pony show on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Spring Grove grade school fair grounds, starting at 9 a.m. Bill Tracy will be judge of the events. DEATHS Hearing of the deaths of two lovely ladies the past week filled our hearts with sorrow. They had both been residents and had many friends. Mrs. Jennie Mae Richardson passed away Sept. 9 and Mrs. Theresa Klauk on Sept. 11. RECOVERING We are all happy to hear that Clarence Miller is on the road to recovery. Clarence has been at Mayo Bros., Rochester and a patient at St. Mary's hospital where he underwent surgery, the amputation of a leg. We heard he is to be released and coming home this week Good News! Free Cooking Demonstration Sat. Sept 21th 1 lam to 4pm A Litton Home Econimist will be at our store on the above date to showjj you the latest in Microwave Cooking. See our advertisement on page 3. CAREY Appliance i-5500 1241 GREEN STREET MAIL 385- N. Green Street just a member but take an active part. Think this over, member, are we right or are we wrong? Are you an active member or do you just belong? Jack Vick Registrar For Selective Service The Illinois state director of Selective Service, LTC W. Robert Kinscherff, has announced the appointment of Jack Vick at the McHenry high school West campus as a supplemental registrar for the Selective Service area office located at 4 South Genesee street, Waukegan. Although many of the Selective Service offices have consolidated, young men may still obtain assistance in registering for the draft from supplemental registrars in thier home town. These registrars have chosen to volunteer their time in order that young men would have a convenient place to register. Voluntary services offered by supplemental registrars are to provide young men an easy opportunity to comply with the law which requires them to register with Selective Service within a sixty-day period, beginning 30 days before their eighteenth birthday, or within thirty days after. Some Openings For Farm Income Fall Tax Workshops A few persons can still be accepted for enrollment at the Farm Income Tax workshops to be conducted during October and November, by the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service, says George Young, McHenry county Extension adviser. The workshop for interested McHenry county residents will be held Oct. 14, 16 and 18, at the Farm Bureau auditorium in Woodstock, from 9a.m. until 4 p.m. each day. Additional information and enrollment forms are available at the McHenry county Extension office, Post Office Box 431, Woodstock. The workshops are designed for persons with little or no experience in preparing income tax returns for others and who wish to become more competent. An enrollment fee covers the cost of teaching materials and student workbooks. University of Illinois specialists will teach the workshops via the Cooperative Extension Service TeleNet system, says Young. This is a telephone network with two- way communication that enables students at each of the stations to hear and talk with the workshop instructors. New Fall & Winter Jackets For All The Family On Sale This Week IAY-A-WAY NOW! • SAVE • BUY NOW • SMAU. DOWN PAYMENT HOLDS YOUR CHOICE * BUY WHILE SHECT10N IS COMPIET0 $2.00 DOWN • PAY WEEKLY OR HOLD UNTIL YOU'RE READY FOR IT! All JACKET PRICES REDUCED Most Prices As Low Or Lower Than Last Year BEN? FRAN KLI INI Shop These Additional Hours Friday Til 9 P.M. Sundays 10 to 1 P.M. YOUR FRIENDLY FASHION STORE 1250 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois