/ PAGE If.- PLAINDELAER-WEDNKSDA V, SEPTEMBER 18. W* Wonder Lake Mafy Jean Huff 728-0267 New Senior Scout Troop Schedules Special Camp-Out The members of the new Senior Scout Troop of Kachina Neighborhood, Sybaquay Council, and their advisors, Mrs. Nancy Berg and Mrs. Marian Eising of Wonder Lake, are making plans to attend the special Senior Scout overnight camp - out at the new Shabbona Hills Girl Scout camp in Woodstock. The over - night will be held on Saturday, September 21st from 5 p.m. to Sunday, Sept. 22, ending at approximately 3:30 p.m. The girls will be using the new Adirondack Shelters, which are now completed, and should bring sleeping bags, air mattresses if desired, warm camp clothes, along with other necessary camp equipment -- flashlights, mess kits, silverware, etc. Each girl is asked to bring her own supper for Saturday night plus money to cover the cost of Sunday breakfast - lunch or brunch. Grubbies and work gloves will be in order as some camp projects will be done. During the camp out an "idea meeting" will be held for Scouts and advisors to help them with information, ideas, and workable techniques to get their troop programs into action. In the new Senior Scout program, the Scouts themselves have the privilege of choosing their own program field - ecology, drama, a v i a t i o n , n a u t i c a l , conservation, homemaking, music and many, many others, - and the independence and responsibility of working out their own program method to achieve their goals. High school girls in this surrounding area, who are interested in a modern challenge, are invited to join this new troop, and enjoy the overnight outing at Shabbona Hills. To join or for further information call Senior Advisors, Mrs. Nancy Berg at 815 - 653 - 4771 or Mrs. Marian Eising at 815 - 653 - 9279. BOY SCOUT TROOP 145 NEWS For the last six months our troop has not been very active, but now. Troop 145 is going places. AftSf Troop 145 Scouts and family would like to extend' a giant thanks to our old Scoutmaster, Mr. Kerns, who quit just recently because of work. Our new Scoutmaster is Wayne Long who is very experienced in scouting. We have just finished a 16 mile hike located by the growing metropolis of Bradford, 111., called The Amaquhsippi Trail, an old Indian trail following the Spoon River. The troop would like to thank the lady who drove the van for us and the men that barely made it. Members who took the hike were, Scouts, Ken Street, Rick Bruscato, Jerry Raske, Mike Berlin, Ken Kerns, Mark Scheib, Russ Carr, Frank Linder, Tom Linder, Randy Lamb and new recruit Tom Lavin and adults, Mr. Long, Mr. Raske and Mrs. Long. We also had a hike on Aug. 21 at Kettle Moraine where we hiked and worked on cooking. We have a couple of paper drives planned and are in need of money so if any one has newspapers please contact any scout. Some of our new recruits are Randy Lamb, Frank Linder, Tom Linder and Tom Lavin. If anyone is interested in joining, please call Mike Berlin at 653-9728. We hope that all of the people of Wonder Lake will give us your full support. Submitted by Mike Berlin SPL GREETINGS Happy Birthday to Joan Scheib on Sept. 23 and a happy fourteenth anniversary to the Scheibs, Ken and Joan, on Sept. 24. CREW CUT? It's not so much that last birthday or another grey hair that makes you feel your age - but it's when you're giving your son that much needed, much delayed haircut that he "No Way" wants and finally in desperation you tell him to sit still or you'll give him a crew cut and he looks up at you wide eyed and questions, "Mom, what's a crew cut?" INSTALL CCD TEACHERS On Catechetical Sunday, Sept. 15, the year of formal religious education for parishioners of Christ the King Church in Wonder Lake was initiated with the installation of CCD teachers during the 10 a.m. Mass. Father D.E. Tranel, pastor of Christ the King, began the short ceremony with an expression of gratitude to the teachers for their dedication and their commitment to spreading the word of God in a special way. As each teachers name was called out by Sr. Delphine, who does pastoral ministry and is a resource person in adult education Ja candle, which is symbolic of the light of the gospel which they help to spread, was lit from the Paschal candle by Sr. Rebecca Marie, Religious Education Coordinator for the parish, and presented to the teacher by the CCD coordinators. JoAnn Firnbach, primary grade coordinator, distributed candles to the following p r i m a r y t e a c h e r s : Kindergarten, Cindy Dicker, ' GiQdy Gohl; Grade One, Janet Maksymiak, Judy Grauman, Bev Harris, Sheila Bambrick, t Barbara Hayes, Rosemary Wagner; Grade Two, Joyce Kaminski, Patricia Seaver, , oni Stowe, Rita Graff, Carolyn ^teinertson; Grade Three, Marge Morrissey, Mary Yager, Betty Sullivan, Scott Chesler, Lori Dudziak, JoAnn Firnbach, Gail Spranger. Gail Spranger, i n t e r m e d i a t e g r a d e coordinator, distributed candles to the following intermediate teachers, Grade Four, Madeline Basile, Bette Folliard, Evelyn Nash; Grade Five, Lois Mathews, Maxine Mahal, Helen Biedermann, MariLou Bushell, Diana Schmitt; Grade Six, Hildegarde Narowetz, Bob Morrissey, Melodie Varvaro. Sr. Rebecca distributed candles to the junior high teachers, Grade Seven, Vince Kaminski, Chris Zach, Jim and Maxine Mahal; Grade Eight, Becky Thorsen, Mike Cook; High School, Nancy Fallaw. Pat Frechette, adult education c o m m i t t e e c h a i r m a n , distributed candles to her committee members, Roberta Dicker, Mary Ruggero; Betty Selsdorf, Bill Firnbach, Pat Moeller, Kay Gibbons. Committee members who have already received candles because of their work in catecheticsare: Nancy Fallaw, Mike Cook, Becky Thorsen, Lois Mathews, Judy Grauman, Mary Yager. A special Mass at the Cathedral in Rockford will be offered by Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill, on Sunday, Sept. 22, for . CCD teachers of the diocese. At this Mass, Mrs. Thomas (Lois) Mathews of Christ the King parish will be given an award by Bishop O'Neil for her years of dedicated service in religious education. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sponsored by Woman's Club of Wonder Lake, Ann Sowers, Chairman, 653-9549 SEPTEMBER 19 Woman's Club Meeting, 8 p.m. Nativity Lutheran Church Radical Property Tax Changes Are Proposed Radical changes in the system that results in the collection of $3Vi billion in property taxes annually may be enacted in Illinois if initial discussions on a draft report of the Joint Subcommittee to Study the Property Tax reach fruition. At the committee meeting in Springfield Sept. 10, members were presented with staff suggestions that ranged from outright abolition of elected township assessors to completely stripping the Department of Local Government Affairs of supervision in the property tax field. Creating an independent three - man State Property Tax commission won complete SEPTEMBER 20 No school, Harrison, Institute Day SEPTEMBER 26 Wonder Woods Woman's Club Meeting, 8 p.m. east side firehouse SEPTEMBER 27,28, 29 Christ the King Ladies Retreat at Bishop Lane Retreat House, Rockford. SEPTEMBER 30 District Board Meeting, Woman's Club, at Iron Skillet, Algonquin Noon Dismissal, District 200 Schools OCTOBER 3 Board Meeting, Woman's Club OCTOBER 12 Barbara A. Vogel Memorial Leukemia Fund Dance, Christ the King Hal OCTOBER 14 Columbus Day, No School, Harrison 385-3093 WATER CONDITIONERS BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING iL V land have fun doing i t I REFRESHMENTS GIFTS ANTIQUES (312) 526-8553 / Wauconda, IL S A V E T H I S S C H t D U L E IT'S APPLE PICKIN' TIME at Wauconda Orchards I 1/2 mi. N. of Rtc.176 on Fairfield Rd. 1974 APPLE PICKING SCHEDULE Mcintosh Picking begins Wednesday, September 18 Jonathan Picking begins Wednesday, September 25 Red Delicious Picking begins Wednesday, October 2 Golden Delicious Picking begins Wednesday, October 9 & Rome Beauty WANTED! only 38< for photo charms available Limit on Special per person per family Groups and additional subjects taken at our regular low prices No Age L imit «> Your Child's Photographer Will be Be on Duty at ? Y t i T T T * t 7 • C O A S T T O C O A S T S T O R E O f . t o t a l h a r d w a r e Wed. Sept. 18 McHeniy, III. Fri. Sept. 20 -10 A.M. to 7 P.M. Thurs. Sept. 19 Sat. Sept. 21 -10 A.M. to 5 P.M. approval of the six Republican and the two Democratic Members attending. Four Democrats were absent. Abolition of elected township assessors ran into some opposition, but the majority seemed to favor letting appointed county supervisors of assessment downstate take over the job of making initial property tax assessments. A compromise suggestion of State Rep. Cal Skinner, Jr. (R- Crystal Lake) whereby local voters could choose between an elective system of qualified and well financed area assessors was listed as an alternative. General agreement seemed to be reached that there are four necessities of any good assessing system: qualified personnel; adequate salaries and other resources; assessment jurisdictions of sufficient size, and a way to get rid of unqualified or poorly performing assessors. Maurice Scott of the Taxpayers Federation of Illinois said he thought the old State Property Tax commission had done a better job than had either of its successor agencies -- the Departments of Revenue and Local Government Affairs. He noted that an independent board with members having six - year terms would provide "more of a buffer" than the present system. The staff suggestion was for ten - year terms, so that only a three - term governor could gain control of the board. Senators present thought such a board would not be "accountable" enough. In other action, the c o m m i t t e e a u t h o r i z e d Chairman Terrel Clarke to send a letter to DLGA Director Frank Kirk requesting the issuance of assessing guidelines mandated for 1974 (this year's work) and 1975 that have not yet been issued. Committee member Skinner sent a similar letter to DLGA Director Frank Kirk Aug. 22, but has received no reply yet. Clarke said he would hand carry the letter to Kirk. Present at the meeting were Senators Clarke, Harber Hall, John Nimrod and Kenneth Course and Representatives Paul Randolph, Richard Walsh, James Holloway and Skinner. Political COFFEES FOR MAIONE Mrs. James (Beverly) Longhway of Mcl -»"V an • Mrs. Sharon Ewing ()fLC5y? ! Lake have been scheduling coffees for Independent Citizens for Danny Malone for County Clerk Anyone interested in attending a coffe* should call Mrs. Longhwa) 4125 W Crystal Uike road AiRSTREAAA 1975 a NOW MORE THAN EVER . . . a more meaningful way of life in an uncertain world. NOW MORE THAN EVER . . . prices will never be lower your Trade-in will never be worth more NOW MORE THAN EVER . . . join the Airstream way of life Caravans leaving for Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Central America 1975 NEW MODEL SHOWING SEPT. 26-29 1/atteq, CAMPERS U.S. 14 (Northwest Hwy.) at 31 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. BUILDING DREAMS 15 OUR BUSINESS Your Key To Safe & Carefree Driving This Fall Is To . . TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE VALUE PACKED SPECIALS ! Motor Tune-Up: INCLUDES: Plugs, Points, Condenser, Air Filter, PCV Valve, Adjusting Timing, Dwell & Carburetor. Shocks: "SAVE" Now on 4 Pleasurizer Shocks. $40»s $59»» INSTALLED AIR TYPE EXTRA -- ALL GENERAL MOTORS CARS-- CADILLAC-PONTIAC Rte. 31 & 120 McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-6000