PAGE IS - PLA1NDEALEF WEONFSHAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1974 c i McCullom Lake Gerry Milbratz 385-8543 Ladles League Agrees To Retain Present Officers Due to unaminoiis agreement to retain present officers for next year, no nominating committee was selected at Sept. 12, Ladies of the Lake meeting. All the members said they were well satisfied with the ladies now in office, and the officers were agreeable to serving another term. The 1974- 75 officers are; Barbara Keiter, president, Rose Gutt, vice-president, and Irene Johnson, secretary-treasurer. The ladies welcomed a new Legal Notice BID NOTICE McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will accept bids on the following items for the construction of the District 1974-75 Building Trades Class House, through Sept. 30, 1974 Earthwork, concrete, structural and architectural steel & iron, kitchen cabinets, masonry, ceramic tile, gypsum drywall and taping, lumber, finish, hardware, decorating, heating, plumbing, carpeting, sewer, electrical and misc. For information and specifications contact Mr Walter Scott at West Campus, 4724 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 815- 385-7077. (Pub. Sept. 18,1974) member, Evelyn Anderson, to their group. Next month's meeting, Oct. 12, is the Halloween party, when cider and doughnuts will be served. Ladies are to wear home made Halloween masks to the meeting Prizes will be awarded for the best ones, and anyone who doesn't bring a mask, will have to pay a fine. REMINDER M c C u I I o m L a k e Conservation Club meets Thursday, Sept 19, 8 p.m. at Spojnia CYSTIC FIBROSIS DRIVE OVER They tried, but just couldn't top last year's total of $115 in donations for the National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation The volunteer workers did collect $87.50 from residents, and say they will try again next year to collect over that amount. Those who worked on the drive were Gloria Milbratz, Marie Wyman, Leslie Walter, Michele Powers, Denise Parenti, Pattie Milbratz, Cinday Cunningham and Dawn Beshk Many local girls helped, and the people in MeCullom Lake were generous in their donations. GLASSES FOUND A pair of eyeglasses was found by Terry Bailey of 5305 W. Fountain, in front of her house. She says they look like children's glasses, and anyone who might know to whom they belong, can contact her for more information. r£MITH 0 17" PORTABLE DIAGONAL SOLID-STATE ONur 388" ANNIVERSARY Best wishes to John and Chris Lawson, on their fifteenth wedding anniversary, Sept. 20. BIRTHDAYS Celebrating birthdays^ this week are Roger Thacker, Sept. 18, Judy Pendleton, Sept. 19. Diane Michels, Sept 20, and Karen Parks. Sept 21 Also Sergio Martini, Sept. 22, and Sept. 24, Peggy Burg will be 15 years old. Happy birthday to all of you. * SO LONG Joe and Kate Melka, formerly of 5116 W. Greenwood, moved to McHenry last week The Melkas first lived here as summer residents from 1932, until 1961, after which they stayed here year around They were the last of all the original Greenwood Road residents to move out of the village, and we wish them luck in their new home. VACATION IN FRANCE The month of August was spent in France by Yolanda Fernandez, along with a group of McHenry County College students, and French teacher, Mr Cornelius. They first went to England for a weekend, and from there to Paris for the rest of the time The students stayed The RAEBURN • F3852L -- Impeccably styled 17" diagonal Solid-State Chromacolor II Compact Portable. Advanced Chromacolor Picture Tube. 100% Solid State Chassis. Patented Power Sentry Voltage Regulator. Solid-State Super Video Range Tuning System. The JULLIARD • Model F587W--Featuring solid-state AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner/amplifier with Digilite automatic dial scale selector, Stereo Precision record changer and 8-track cartridge tape player. Two Plus Two speaker matrix. Allegro tuned port speakers. in recora cnanger a '279* at a French boarding house, and did a lot of sight-seeing, especially studying, the language, and architecture They also had a good chance to practice >heir French. When everyone else returned home, Yolanda and another girl stayed an extra week, and came back home at the end of the month, after a different and very enjoyable vacation. McHenry Residents Will Exhibit At Festival Of Arts American Society of Artists, a national membership organization, announces its Fall Festival of Arts and Crafts Saturday, Sept. 28 (9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) and Sunday, September 29 (11:01) a m - 6:00 p.m.) at Crystal Point mall Rt. 14 and Main street. Crystal Lake. Among the exhibitors will be Richard Hohimer, 3925 W. Waukegan road, who will exhibit ceramics, and Betty Odmark Buddeke, both of McHenry, who will exhibit paintings and paper mache sculpture (some life-size) Everyone is cordially invited \AMA CERTIFICATION A total of 540 CM A certificates -- the highest number in history -- were earned recently by those taking the aijnual certification to at tend; there is no admission charge. Additional information may be obtained from American Society of Artists, 700 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago. S™dr0nKNMr«A°AJC° chairman of the board This record includes twenty-three who passed the new pediatric examination offered for the first time this vear This program is conducted by the American Association of Medical Assistants in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics. For Your Information Dear friends, It is not unusual for the bereaved to try to deny the death that has occurred. Some avoid the reality of death and the pain the loss brings b not wishing to view the body of the deceased. They say they wish to re member the deceased as he or she appeared alive. However, to view the body is to confirm death, an important first step toward accepting the death, and adjusting to it. Respectfully, PETER M.JISTEN & SON FUNERAL HOWE McHenry, Illinois 385-0063 , FOR YOUR ADDED CONVENIENCE . . . OVR DRIVE-IN WINDOW IS OPEN WEDNESDA Y 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. 1 McHENRY SAVINGS I III! ftlllCiftTitl SERVING AIL Of GREATER McHENRY COUNTY McHenry Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 209 Nonh Green Street McHenry iiiino f 600*^9--^ 305 3000 Deposits Insured Up To $20,000 By The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation w **=»flLU«0 sounDSYSTtm The LUMINAR • C472W FM/AM Digital Clock Radio fea tures bottom-firing Circle of Sound speaker to surround you with beautiful sound. Touch 'r Snooze®, Sleepswitch, Broad band RF Stage in FM, FM-AFC, AM-AGC, Precision Vernier Tun ing and Illuminated Semi- Circular Slide Rule Dial. Ameri can Walnut color. CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 385-5500 Prices Effective Wednesday, September 18 Through Saturday, September 21, 1974 *, -- i osco Sbhm. We Guarantee What We Sell T WW SAVE WITH OSCO BRAND PRODUCTS •J m You save because we ve eliminated the middle man between manufac turing and selling And, we have no high national advertising cost 2. **e fully guarantee our products to your satisfaction If what you try isn t all you expected it to be, |ust return it for an exchange or refund Most formulas are identical to the major leading advertised brands PRESCRIPTION PRICES i " osco Hemorrhoidal Suppositories .29 Box of 12 OSCO Twin II Super Platinum Cartridge Pack of 5 79° OSCO Therapeutic M Bottle of 100 OSCO Stannous Fluoride 59c You can trust Osco for quality and care in prescriptions and everyday products. And we post prescription prices to help you shop wisely. Preparation H Suppositories 173 7 Ounces Theragran M Bottle of 100 GILLETTE Trac II Cartridge Box of 12 Pack of 5 7 Ounces 8® OSCO Geretrex Formula osco Animal Shaped Vitamins osco Maldroxal Liquid Bottle of 100 Daffy Down Daytime Diapers 463 Bottle of 100 Chewable osco Pain Reliever Without Aspirin 12 Ounces OSCO Denture Adhesive 1 75 Ounces 83° Pack of 30 Pal's Animal Shaped Vitamins Bottle Of 100 Chewable 77 Pampers Daytime Diapers ^33 Box of 30 Geritol Tablets Bottle ol too 99 Maalox 12 Ounces 29 Bottle of 100 Poli-Grip Denture Adhesive 2H ounces ® 100 TAWtf5 Tylenol Tablets 228 Bottle of 100 * osco Clinicare Lotion 16 Ounces OSCO Tooth Polish 2 75 Ounces c osco Sleep Tablets Bottle of 24 c\£s osco Medicated Chest Rub QQC 4 Ounces JEDICATEP 5*1* CHEAM Vicks VapoRub 3 Ounces OSCO Medicated Skin Cream 8 ounces Pearl Drops Tooth Polish 2 75 Ounces 19 osco Denture Cleanser Tablets 77c Pack of 40 Sominex Tablets Bottle ol 3? 17 Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion 5 Ounces Gold Gaps Efferdent Tablets Pack of 40 Noxzema 10 Ounces 5& osco Men's Protein Hair Spray osco Pain Reliever Added strength OSCO Nasal Spray '/» Ounce 99c osco Natural Vegetable Powder One pound 37 osco Cold Capsules Pack of 10 79 13 Ounces Regular Of hard to-f>ok3 A .\atural \ Ijixatm m pAlN Contac Capsules GILLETTE Dry Look Dristan Nasal Spray 129 15 cc Metamucil Powder Excedrln Bo*tie rj ior 35 Pack of 10 11 Ounces Regular cx narr) lo- how 14 Ounces IP COUPON GOOD THRU SAT SEPT 21 1974 Pacquin Extra Dry Skin Lotion COUPON GOOD THRU SAT SEPT 21. 1974 COUPON GOOD THRU SAT , SEPT 21, 1974 CASH VALUE | | CASH VALUE ICASHI VALUE Foamy Shave Cream 11 Ounces Surf. lemon. regular or menthol scented Pond's Cold Cream 6 1 Ounces 10 Ounces In regular lemon or peach scents C with coupon with coupon Osco Reg $1 16 with coupon Osco Reg $1 37 Osco Reg 99c IA1U TAX APPLIII TO OKOf HOVtAt PXKI LIMIT OM COUPON RU CUSTOMCR! 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