PAGE 2 - PI .A INDI5ALER-WEDNESD A Y. SEPTEMBER 18^1974 Three mothers and their babies are shown at a new series of discussions on breastfeeding held by the LaLeche League. From left, they are Marcia McGowan and Matthew, Sandy Yunke and Brooke and Chris Dems and Travis. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD la Leche League Members Host New Series Twenty mothers and ten babies met to begin a new series of discussions on breastfeeding, hosted by the I: "EASY CARE" HAIR CUTS FOR gals on the go • Layer Cuts • Shags • Naturals 110.00 J AXE'S 385-7771 LaLeche League. The topic of this meeting concerned the advantages of breastfeeding. Mothers who have had the experiences of nursing a baby related them to other mothers. Some advantages discussed were financial savings to the family, ease of traveling with a baby, increased immunity for newborns, and emotional effects of nursing a baby on the family. Next month's session will be related to the techniques of breastfeeding and overcoming difficulties. Other topics to be discussed in the future are childbirth, childcare, weaning : and nutrition. ** LaLeche League has available a lending library with books covering childbirth methods, breastfeeding, nutrition, and coping with spurgeons New Job? Start with White Swan! Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8:30 Saturday 8130-6:00 Sunday 10:00-5:00 childhood problems and illnesses. The league offers information to doctors, hospitals, and mothers with questions on breastfeeding. Private counseling by the leaders is available at anytime. For further information about breastfeeding or LeLeche League, call Mrs. Richard (Marcia) McGowan or Mrs. Robert (Julie) Jessup. George Kopsells Observe Golden Wedding Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Kopsell of Capron will observe their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 22. The Kopsells are well known in the McHenry community. To celebrate the occasion, friends and relatives are invited to join them at open house from 2 until 4 p.m. at the Woodstock Moose hall, Clay street, Woodstock. N.O.W. MEETING McHenry county chapter of the National Organization for Women will hold its Sept. 19 membership meeting at The Women's center. The address is 104 Ms Benton, Woodstock, which is on the Woodstock square. Coffee will be served at 7:30 p.m., with the meeting beginning at 8 p.m. C FULL SERVICE 3 NIGHTS A WEEK! (Appointment not necessary but appreciated) WE STYLE & BLOW DRY.' Don't forget We're Open 6 Days Per Week! RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING STUDIO 2020 W. Rte. 120 McHenry,111. PHONE 385-7010 Marian Parents Set Meet Faculty" Theme The Parents assocation of Marian Central Catholic high school will hold its first meeting of the year Monday, Sept. 23, at 8 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Theme of the first meeting is "Meet the Faculty", Thomas Parsley, principal of Marian Central, will introduce new and returning faculty members. Parents of the freshmen class are especially invited to attend the meeting and become acquainted with the educational programs, as well as the teachers. The Parents association is not a fund-raising club, a social club or a booster club, but rather a liaison between parents and school. The association urges the support of all parents in an active participating role. Four meetings are scheduled during the school year and these will be devoted to keeping parents informed and promoting a better understanding between parents and school. Officers for the 1974-75 year are: co-presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit of Crystal Lake; co-vice-presidents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson of McHenry; co-treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. James Keefe of Woodstock; recording secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casey of Crystal Lake; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Kay Gibbons of Wonder Lake; social chairmen, Mrs. Duane Andreas of Johnsburg and Mrs. William Tonyan, Jr. of McHenry; program, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howley of Crystal Lake; publicity, Mrs. George Gilpin ai$ Mrs. Robert P. Freund McHenry and membership; chair ma n, Mrs. Edward Jackson of Woodstock. Shown above are Just a few of the unique Christmas gifts for sale at the R.F. Huber home on Holiday Hospitality day, Wednesday. Oct. 2. "Alice In Wisdom land League Presentation 9 9 Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters "Players," under the able direction of Gerri Braun of Harvard, their vice-president, will edify league members, friends and guests with the portrayal of Alice's journey through Wisdomland Thursday, Sept. 19, at 9:30 a.m. at the first United Methodist church on South street in Woodstock. Baby sitting will be provided at the church for pre-school children. 1974-75 membership handbooks will be distributed. All members and friends are invited to enjoy this opening performance, get acquainted and re-acquainted with members, board members, and guests over coffee and other refreshments to be served following the program. League membership is open to all citizens of voting age. Those in the community who wish to join the group for study, action and information, may contact the membership chairperson, Carol Jean Smith, 303 N. Green street, McHenry oru the president, Grace Jo O'Leary, 3718 N. Queen Anne road, Woodstock. Carol Strach Is Bride O f David Toft A pretty summer wedding was solemnized at the Church of the Holy Family, Lake Villa, Saturday, Sept. 14, when Carol Lee Strach became the bride of David Christian Toft. They repeated their vows before the Rev. Vincent Fish at a 4 o'clock afternoon service in a church decorated with bouquets of white gladioli, daisies and red carnations. . The bride's parents an? W l and Mrs. Sigmund Straph Trf• 1407 Eastwood lane, McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Toft of 1702 E. Hazelwood, Lindenhurst, are the groom's parents. The bride chose a gown of organza and Venice lace designed with a high neck, bishop sleeves and an attached chapel length train. Pearl appliques highlighted the bodice, sleeves and mantilla of her ensemble. The bride's sister, Mrs. Yvonne Rine of Hanover Park, served as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Sharon Strach of McHenry, Mrs. Cheryl Wise of Lake Villa and Miss Darlene Palis and Miss Gwen Reinboldt of McHenry. The attendants wore halter dresses with matching jackets, designed of organza flocked with red roses and accented with a red velvet ribbon at the waistline. Each wore a white picture hat trimmed with red velvet ribbon. William Hansen of Lansing, Mich., served as best man. Larry Wise of Lake Villa, Dan Strach of McHenry, Robert Rine of Hanover Park and John Koziol of Durango, Colo., were groomsmen. The bride's mother chose a pale blue gown trimmed with a pearled bow at the waist. The groom's mother wore a green polyester and chiffon gown with a ruffle neckline. It takes real foresight to labor for goals that will not be realized until the next generation. w 1 $15 and $21 Easy care and non-wrinkling! Front and center, nylon/acetate blend with three- quarter action sleeves. Front, sizes 4-14 petite and center, sizes 8-20, each $15. Knit pantset--big pockets and back zipper, stitch-creased pants. Sizes 4-16, $21. Choose It and Charge It at Spurgeon's Market Place Shopping Center 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHeniy ia* its* • X BILL DEAN AT THE HAMMOND-X66-ORGAN Nightly - , TUESDAY 2^1 -I wUSm If•̂ Hl thru i i- W iL* V I ̂ SATURDAY for your DINING, DVMCING. LISTENING PLEASURE M f H M R l C O U N T R Y C L U B 820 N. JOHN ST. M.HENRY, ILL. ALWAYS ©PE.\ TO THE PUBLIC luncluuHia. din rtrrs. weddings, banquets FINE FOOD R E L A X I N G COCKTAILS A T M O S P H E R E Christmas To Come Early On Hospitality Day There's Christmas in the air! And at the R.F. Huber home on. Holiday Hospitality day Christmas will become a reality. The Christmas House workers of the Woman's auxiliary to Memorial Hospital for McHenry County have been working diligently since last September to make this year's Christmas House the most beautiful and enchanting ever. These talented ladies have taken felt, styrofoam shapes, magazine pictures, glitter, sewing-box findings and who- knows-what and turned them into a delightful collection of handmade Christmas treasures. There is something for everyone on your shopping list as you find, among other things, gayly decorated bulletin boards, shadow boxes, Christmas stockings, corn husk dolls, wall hangings, wreaths, including all-candy wreaths, hand painted gift enclosures and invitations, decoupage books, terrariums, and of course Christmas trees. A special surprise will be a most unique tree decorated in a most unique manner. The Christmas House is most pleased to have an exciting new items for sale--hand designed Christmas cards These" cards, of which there are four varieties, were done by two very talented local ladies, Mrs. Ralph Stork and Mrs. Herbert Russell. The cards, which come in boxes of twenty-five, may be named engraved or printed at a low additional cost. Orders are now being taken at the Gift & Thrift shop, the Hospital shop, or by calling Mrs. Russell. The Christmas House is but one of the many not-to-be- missed delights offered at Holiday Hospitality day Wednesday, Oct. 2, in Woodstock. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception for 150 guests was held at Lorenz Smart Country House, Lake Villa. The young people are on a honeymoon trip to Jamaica. When they return, they will make their home in Antioch. The bride received a BA degree in Elementary Education in 1974. The groom, who is manager of Consumer Relations for Charmglow, Antioch, graduated from Milton college in 1973 with a BA degree in English Education. Double Dilemma Club Planning \ Busy Season The Members of Double Dilemma Mothers of Twins club have a busy month ahead of them. The organization is open to all moms in the county who qualify by having their babies two at a time. A philanthropic group, they hold at least one fund raising event per year for the benefit of the club charity. On Sept. 20 and 21, Friday' and Saturday, the club will hold its third garage sale. The event will be held at 4512 W. Ramble road, McHenry, from 9:30 a.m. til 4 p.m. This year, in addition to used articles the girls' have made some lovely wall plaques using dried flowers which will be a welcome addition to any Call decorating scheme. On Sept. 24, the club will hold its first membership tea. The purpose of this meeting is to acquaint area mothers with the group on an informal basis. It will be held in the home of Mrs. Clyde Hoppe, 519 Elden drive, Cary, at 8 p.m. For further information, call Carolyn Hoppe (312) 639-2894. PWP Chapter Learns About Wills Sept. 20 "Wills for Single People" will be presented by Harry Stinespring, III, at the next general meeting of Parents Without Partners, Chapter 189, Crystal Lake Friday evening, Sept. 20. The meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the American Legion home located on the corner of Woodstock and Oak streets in Crystal Lake. Orientation will be held at 8 p.m. for all those planning to attend for the first time. Mr. Stinespring, a practicing attorney who resides in Crystal Lake, will inform the PWP membership of the many aspects of law relating to wills which are basically unknown to single people and parents. Guidelines which should be followed for various situations will be discussed. Stinespring serves as the legal advisor for the Crystal Lake PWP chapter. The remainder of September will be busy for the Smile chapter and their children. A pot-luck supper, a trip to the Railroad Museum in Union, a sing-along, dance instructions, coffee and discussion groups, and a family nature hike are a few of the activities planned. "Dad's and Lad's," a relatively new program instituted by the Crystal Lake chapter in which a single male parent substitutes as "dad" for a young boy who is without a father in his home situation, will attend a local football game. Guest Speaker For Garden Club September Meeting McHenry Garden club members will meet at the home of Mrs. Helen Rothering Thursday, Sept. 26, at 12:30. Dessert luncheon will be served. Mrs. Arlette Rietesel, Program chairman, will introduce Hermann Pigors of Oak Hill Gardens in West Dundee, who will talk about "tender loving care for green plants" and also the culture of orchids and bromiliads. Lutheran Ladies Invite Public To Autumn Workshop The Lutherans Women's Missionary league invites the women of this area to attend its annual fall workshop. This year it will be held at St. Johns' Lutheran church in Union at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18. There is a small registration fee, which includes a light supper. Mrs. Ruth Klopenstein of Harvard will present the topic for discussion, "Lesson for Today from Women in the Bible". All attending will need to bring a Bible. Town-Country Members Hear Talk On City The September meeting of the Town & Country Newcomers club was held Sept. 10. Alderman Pepping of the City Council talked on taxes and various improvements planned in the McHenry area. Afterward there were many questions asked about the activities of the City Council. After cake and coffee were served, the general meeting was held. The main subject of business were the reports for the fashion show. This year's show will be held Tuesday, Oct. 22, at the McHenry Country club at 8 p.m. The theme is "Fireside Fashions". After the show there will be refreshments served, with prizes awarded. The proceeds will be given to the group, Youth, Inc. For tickets call 385- 2057 after 5 p.m. Tickets also will be sold at the door. The club reminds McHenry area residents that it has changed requirements for membership in that there will no longer be a time limit for how long a person must live in the McHenry area. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. For more information call Mrs. Steve Bokemeier. Interested persons are invited to attend the meeting and learn with members. Guests should call Mrs. Herbert Rothering if they can be present. Party Pants in Qiana Feeht Good Looks Great PRICES START AT 929.00 1216 N. Green St, McHenry HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Mark Allen Davis, Angelia Kimberling, Tamara Sornson, Harold Pollard, Walter Jurczyk, Robert Krumwiede, Rudolph Becker, Ethel Rad, Candace L. Stoxen, Karen Wanta, Kellie Fleming, Gary Mason, Katherine Schreiner, Carole Codek, Sarah Sindler, Arthur Langeloh, Lorraine King, Michael Ericksen, M a r s t o n W r u b l e w s k i , Margaret Schmitt, Ellen Leonard, McHenry; Patrick Clark, Bryce Smith, Thomas Johnson, Regina Welter, Wonder Lake; Robin Janssen, Srping Grove. BIRTHS MCHENRY HOSPITAL Mr.and Mrs. Roger Karpowicz are parents of a daughter, Sept. 12. A son was born Sept. 11 to Mr.and Mrs. Michael Aberle. On Sept. 11 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Marion Skarbek of St. Louis, Mo., wish to inform their friends in McHenry that they have welcomed a daughter born Aug. 29 and named Elizabeth Grace. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith of Johnsburg and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skarbek of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Grace Smith of Cicero is the maternal great- grandmother. Elizabeth Grace has a ten-year old sister, Suzanne, for a playmate. Her mother was the former April Smith of Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus L a f o n t a i n e b e c a m e grandparents twice within a week. Their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Lafontaine, became parents of a daughter Sept. 5 at the Swedish Covenant hospital, Chicago. She weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz., and has been named Amy Anne. She has a 3- year-old sister, Lisa. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bauer of McHenry. On Sept. 9 the Lafontaines' son, William, and his wife welcomed a son, Benjamin Martin, at St. Joseph hospital, Joliet. He weighed 6 lbs., 9 oz., and is their first c h i l d . H i s m a t e r n a l grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bruce of Glen EUyn. BENEFIT GARAGE SALE The McHenry Area Jaycee auxiliary will hold a large garage sale Saturday, Sept. 21, with outstanding bargains to be found at 3017 Scott avenue, ( n o r t h o f M c H e n r y o f f Riverside drive >. Doors open at 9 a . m . a n d c l o s e a t 6 p . m . COUNTRYSIDE FABRIC SHOm 7129 BARNARD MILL RD. WONDER LAKE •GIFTS * YARN • HALLMARK CARDS 653-7699