AGE 8 - PLAINDE ALER-FRI DAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1974 Ringwood News (653-9008) (653-9262) (728-0295) Hold Surprise Bridal Shower For Patty Christopher A group of her friends and neighbors were waiting in the Ray Gildemeister home in Wonder Lake last Sunday afternoon to surprise Patty Christopher as she walked into the house. Hostesses for the miscellaneous shower were Vickie Gildemeister, Kathy Pflug, Terri Anderson and Diane Linstad. In a room decorated for the occasion. games w ere played followed by Patty opening her lovely gifts,. . A delicious cake and punch were served to the guests Patty will become the bride of Rich Harrison of McHenry on Saturday. Oct. 5, at one o'clock in St Mary's church BIRTHDAY PARTY Brian Betts. Scott and Lee Miller attended a birthday- par ty for Ronnie Bos of McHenry last Saturday . It was Ronnie's birthday' ninth Happy PANCAKE BREAKFAST It * seems that Charlie Brennan was casually asking some of the neighbors to drop in the next morning for pancakes. Not really expecting to see anyone come, you can imagine the surprise in the Brennan household Saturday morning when in walked Ralph and Betilah Kick, Frank and Lil Visconti with little Jimmy Funk, and Larry and Wendy Schwartz all ready to sit down to a breakfast of blueberry pancakes. Aunt Nellie and Dolores arose to the occasion and saw to it that everyone had plenty to eat. There was one pancake left on the plate that Dolores managed to save and served it. reheated, to Muck Saturday night for supper WELL DRILLING & WATER PUMPS UIG'RE BURSTIHC RT THE! SEflRIi! -- --s j 5̂=> McHENRY 4913 WELL & W. MeCULLOM C O INTY P U M P CO. LAKE ROAD.-McHENRY S o . . IN THE FUTURE WE WILL BE LOCATED 1% ML NORTH OF McHENRY ON RT. 31. 385-5252 "500" CLUBS There were two "500" clubs meeting this last week. The ladies met in the afternoon on Wednesday at Blanche Howe's home with high score going to Vivian Jackson and low score to Arlene Pearson. Then Saturday night Lou and Helen Winn of Richmond entertained the couples Paul and Althea Walkington and Walt and Doris Low attended from our community. Roland Jackson was high scorer for the men with Walt Low low scorer and Alice Mae Wilcox scored high for the ladies with Vivian Jackson taking low score ABOUTTOWN Ooop's. made an unpardonable sin of missing Lynn King's name from the list of gals who gave the bridal shower for Noreen Bauer. All forgiven Lynn00 Thanks! Altho it was the daughters and daughters-in-law who took Virginia Bruce out to lunch on her birthday, a neighbor Mary Macy also attended the lunch. Her son, Larry, also went with the ladies. Sure must have made him feel like the cock of the roost. Clayt and Virginia Bruce spent the weekend in Downers mm WEAR RENTAL for ALL OCCASIONS &!Ii £ Stj, . . . . tfo fimlyLm 1214 N. Green St., McHenry Grove with their youngest daughter Cindy and her husband. Russ. We are happy to report that Vince Tonyan is doing very well since his recent illness. Altho he doesn't get out too much, he still welcomes visitors Sorry to hear that "Grandpa" Ben Tonyan has been on the sick list, and spent a few days in the hospital, but is at home now. Hope that you are up and about soon Better late than never as the saving goes, but two weeks ago John and^Jla Hogan, Sig and Inga Jacobson left for Michigan to visit with John's brother, Joe Hogan After spending a day with him and his wife, they went up to the Straits of Machinaw. and around upper Michigan and down to Mountain. Wise, and spent two da\ s with John and Ann Hogan. Tracy and Darcy Whil& they were there they got in on the festivities of the north, which included a log rolling contest. Really had a nice time they said BIRTHDAYS The twenty-fourth of the month Tommy Parsley will celebrate his fifth birthday, and on the twenty-eighth Lloyd Barker, Larry "Luke" Ackerman. Jerry Tonyan and Trudy Oonk Palys all will be cutting the traditional cake. Happy birthday to you all On the twenty-sixth we find that Bud and June Oxtoby will be celebrating their anniversary. Hoping that you have many more to come. Till next week, happy canning' Lakeland Park Anne Moore 385-6448 ENJOYS TRIP Dan Justen is enjoying a week's vacation trip to Seattle, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Bowling Season Begins For Fun League Saturday, Sept 7, was an evening that led to a few stiff joints and sore muscles for some sport-minded Lakeland Park residents and friends. The Lakeland Park Fun league bowlers enjoyed their opening night of the season and look forward to weeks of fun when they meet at the McHenry Recreation Bowling Alley every other Saturday night, at 10 p.m. League officers, Richard Mercure, president; Tom Connors, vice-president; Joan Apel, Secretary; and Darlene Michaelson, treasurer, were eager to greet members of this year's twelve teams. Team members chose the following names: The Streakers, the Lakers, The Bozos, Far Out Four, the Boozers, the Pin Busters, the Seven-Ups, the Eight Balls, the Leftovers, Four Aces. High Rollers and Aces Watch this column for individual and team progress Good luck to you all and we hope you'll all have a good and happy season. The bowlers will meet again tomorrow night for those of you who plan to go cheer your favorities on to victory! HOW ABOUT SOME NEWS? Isn't it amazing that jSH let Jewel Help Create Hearty falltimt Heal Creations! PBi r f t ; FFFF I -T IV f I IM IFS t , OTHFRWISE INDICATED ^ w PRICES EFFECTIVE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED THURS , SEPT 19 THROUGH SUN , SEPT 22, 1974. AT ALL JEWEL STORES IN COOK, LAKE DUPAGE AND MCHENRY COUNTIES (EXCLUDING RIVER OAKS AND ELGIN) Enjoy The Best Of The Fall Season At Jewel's Produce Market! NEW CROP Macintosh Apples FRESH Green Cabbage c JUICY Bartlett Pears JEWEL'S OWN Farmstand Sweet CornDoz U S D A CHOICE PRODUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT , SEPT 21. 1974 It's Time For A Chef's Kitchen Pizza! "REAL PIZZERIA" Cheese & Sausage Pizza U S D A CHOICE (24 OZ.) FOR A QUICK SNACK -- REG $1 69 Cheese Snack PKG Pizza REAL PIZZERIA -- REG $1 89,2 S |Z [ §| 39 Cheese Pizza I GOOD ONLY AT STORES WITH CHEF S KITCHENS BEND YOUR SUMMER SCHEDULE A BIT! 3718 We Elm Street McHenry, Illinois U S D A C H O I C E BEEF Rib Hours: til 11p.m. thru Sav. til 6 p.m. Sundays • CUT CORN • GREEN PEAS • CUT CREEN BEANS • FRENCH STYLE BEANS Cherry RIGATONI OR MEDIUM SHELLS Russo &UuJy?cch CHUNK LIGHT BLUEBROOK Spaghetti Tuna 6'/j OZ CAN 9 10 OZ PKG REG 41 ONLY SMOKED MEATS, LUNCHMEATS POULTRY AND FROZEN FISH AND SEAFOOD ARE AVAILABLE AFTER SIX P M WFEK DAYS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS Jewel's Badge Of Honor Meats Make Your Fall Meals Special! U.S.D A CHOICE BEEF CHUCK CHUCK Bo»*°n Blade Pot Roast 28 ROAST ONLY U.S.D A. CHOICE BEEF Chuck LB. Blade Steak 69 GOV'T. INSPECTED FULLY COOKED -- WATER ADDED CORN KING BONELESS Smoked Pork Butt U.S.D A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND BONELESS Rump Roast LB. 99 LB. $1 59 m GORTON'S Ocean Perch 1 LB PKG U.S.D A. GRADE "A" CHEF CUTH SELF BASTING Tom T urkey 18 22 LBS 77" 49 U S D A CHOICE ARM OR BLADE 39 Lamb Shoulder Chops LB 98 SV# Valley Vegetables c JEWEL MAID Corn Oil Margarine 16 OZ PKG REG 56 REG 29' REG 69' absolutely nothing happened in our area last week. At least judging by all the telephone calls I received there was not one birthday celebration, anniversary celebration, birth, or gathering of friends to be shared by all you readers. This is a column for all of you so do phone me with your news. RECYCLING DKIVK Tomorrow is the day to rid yourself of those newspapers, magazines, bottles and cans that you've been saving .hist bring them to the Market Place between 9 a.m. and 5 p m to do your very appreciated bit in helping the ecology drive HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birthday wishes are extended to Tee Bujak who celebrates today Hay Bottari and Steve Benes will celebrate at their homes tomorrow Sunday Jo-Lee Mai will blow out birtfitlay candles. David Wagner will celebrate Sept 24, Ted Kaminski and Lil Mullen share Sept. 25 and I)oug Yiita and Debbie Stupev will celebrate their birthdays Sept. 26 Birthday greetings to you all!! THOUGHTS Had some fun with the calendar and thought I 'd pass my findings along. Counting today, Sept. 20. there are 41 davs until Halloween, <59 days until Thanksgiving, and 96 days until Christmas!! Church Begins Ladies' Bible Studies Series Pastor Richard Wright of the Wonder Lake Bible church will begin a series of ladies' Bible studies entitled "How to be effective wives and mothers in our home". Some areas of study will include: Listening to and answering children, How to maintain financial freedom, Knowing your spiritural gift, and Maintaining a devotional life The sessions will begin Wednesday, Sept 25. at 1 p.m. A nursery will be provided. All ladies of the area are invited to attend. Wonder Lake Bible church is located at 7501 Howe road, Wonder Lake. Sc1 V£ ^ HOUGHTON HEATING • Air Conditioning • Gutters , PHONE 385-5476 McHENRY EARL JACK R. WALSH & WALSH INS. F i r e , A u t o , F a r m , L i f e R e p r e s e n t i n g R E L I A B L E C O M P A N I E S 4 4 1 0 W R t e 1 2 0 , M c H e n r y 3 8 5 3 3 0 0 DENNIS CONWAY A U T O L I F E F I R E State Farm Ins. Co. 3 3 1 9 W E l m S t M c H e n r y . 1 1 1 3 8 5 7 1 1 1 Farm Equipment George P. Freundjne. Case - New Holland 4102 \V. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRV Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 McHENRY HOBBY SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MODELING NEE0S 3318 W. Elm (NEAR RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY) 385-7122 DR. LEONARD BOTTARI 1 3 0 3 N R i c h m o n d R d , M c H e n r y E y e s e x a m m e d C o n t a c t L e n s e s G l a s s e s f i t t e d M o n . T u e s T h u r s . F r 4 6 p m T u e s , T h u r s , F n 7 9 p m S a t 9 3 0 t o 3 0 0 P h 3 8 5 4 1 5 1 o r 3 8 5 2 2 6 2 McHENRY LETTER SERVICE P a g i n g S e r v i c e N o w A v a i l a b l e M i m e o g r a p h i n g T y p i n g A d d r e s s i n g M a i l i n g L i s t s 3 5 0 9 W P e a r l S t , M c H e n r y P h 3 8 5 0 2 5 8 . 3 8 5 8 0 2 0 M o n d a y t h r u S a t u r d a y McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES S A L E S S E R V I C E 8 . R E N T A L S M o n S a t 9 5 3 0 F r i d a y t i l 9 0 0 9 3 G r a n t S t , C r y s t a l L a k e P h 4 5 9 1 2 2 6 II R E L L T RADIAL T IRES FOR ALL CARS E u r o p a M o t o r s I n c 2318 Rte . 120 8 J 5 - 3 8 5 0 7 0 0 ED'S STANDARD SERVICE STANDARD EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS I ires Batteries.- Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385 0720 3817 W. ELM STREET 3006 VV. Rte. 120 McHenry it RADIATORS * Cooling System Specialists • AIR CONDITIONING * Trailer Hitches Fabrication • STEEL SALES • Welding & Ornamental Iron * Frozen Pipe Thawing ADAMS BROS. (Next to t.em Cleaners) Phone 385-0783 fiHmtil " Q W at our new c quick-action copy center. I nven to ry Shoe ts Ordor & B id Forms Ca ta log Shee ts 8 . Bu l le t i ns Promot iona l I e t to rs & l F lye rs Try This Convenient New Service Soon' McHENRY PRINTING SERVICES JJ909 W. MAIN 3^ 7600 Impor tan t Cor respondence Accoun t ing Records Invo ices & S ta tements Pro jec t P roduc t Spec i f i ca t ions easy-to-use XEROX equipment! AWNINGS & PATIO AND COVERS - ENCLOSURES 344-1117 (BIG)bob roalsen UENTURf ENTERPRISE '<i' • • * >