PAOI'j 14 - PLAINDF VLE'K WKDMKSDAV. SEPTEMBER 25, 1974 m , LECTURE TOURING GROUP -- Sgt. Kenneth Losch, McHenry, tells group touring the McHenry county courthouse how the communications network operates. Portion of map at left is part of a large map showing locations of patrol cars, part of the communications efficiency. (Don Peasley Photography). Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 price is going up 10 next year per cent Hold Annual Benefit Card Party For FISH Please mark Wednesday, Oct. 9, on your calendar as a day to remember. Then call one or more of your friends and plan to come down to Christ the King Hall for a evening of fun and good fellowship that will benefit the Wonder Lake - Ringwood FISH. This once a year card party helps to pay the minimal expense of FISH - phone service and postage. Refreshments will be served and all kinds of cards, pinochle, bridge, hearts, canasta - even bunco will be played. The party starts at 8 p.m., so come. WONDER WORKERS 4-H CLUB Our first meeting was Sept. 20 at the firehouse and then afterward we hiked or rode our bikes to Harrison Benwell Conservation Area. Mrs. Diane Rogers and Mrs. Betty Harney are our leaders. 4-Hers in our club are between 9 and 13 years old. Projects enrolled in for this year are: You Learn to Bake, Let's Start Cooking, Meals Today the Easy Way, Fun with Children, Candlemaking, Crochet, You Learn to Sew and Nature Crafts. 4-H is government supported and there are no "fees" involved in club work. The 4-H motto is "To Learn By Doing". The next meeting will be at 10 a.m. Oct. 14 at the firehouse. Pat Frank will be our guest and show some sewing ideas for project requirements, Pat is our County Home Advisor and mothers are welcome to attend the meeting so they can help their daughters sew. SEVENTH BIRTHDAY Kevin Huff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Huff of Oakwood Shores, celebrated his seventh birthday on Monday, Sept. 16. Scott Parquette, Biily Hartmann, Mike Freund, Kurt Scheib and Scott Burrows climbed off the bus with him after school and shared in his birthday party. Pin the tail on the donkey and the usual birthday games were played. After the hungry after school crowd sang happy birthday and ate cake and ice cream, they ran outside to play some football and Kill the Guy. NEW OFFICERS New officers at the American Legion Post 1169 are Commander, Richard Gonzales; Senior Vice- Commander, James Hales; Junior Vice-Commander, David Jones, Adjutant, Wilbur Haak; Treasurer, Otto Hartung; Chaplain, Billy Beltz. New Legion Auxiliary Officers are President, Ann Eberle; First vice-president, Jean Thornton; Second vice- president, Nancy Hales Secretary, Louise Sineni Treasurer, Lois Haak; Chapalin, Marge Hartung; Sergeant at-Arms, Jean Lucarz. WONDER LAKE BUTTERFLY FLEET NO. 63 Jack and Bea Pond hosted our first picnic at their home on Sept. 5. Midge Christy presented hand made mugs she had designed and made at home to the August Seriers winners, first place, Lori Harney, no. 2825; second place, Midge, Pat, Bob Cristy no. 2371; third place, Pat and Sue Sullivan, no. 5042; fourth place, Eleanor Wright, no. 4646; fifth place, Bea Pond, no. 4945; sixth place, Jack Pond, no. 1386. The mugs were colored to match the winner sail boat deck colors and had our sail emblem of a black butterfly on them. They were so nice that Midge could go into the trophy business. Our September sailing series is in progress with races on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Call Betty Harney, fleet Captain at 653- 9507 if interested in formation concerning the purchase of a Butterfly sailboat. Like everything else these days, the YOUNG ARTIST Being parents of a kindergarten child is seldom a dull experience. For instance last week Patrick brought home his first painting from school. By now we have read enough books to realize you should carefully say to the child, "Explain it to me", so of course, this parent blurted out, "What is it?". He looked at the bright blue triangle with legs and said, "You know, Mom it's one of those round things that go up". It's been hanging on the kitchen wall for a week and by now we know that it could be a helicopter, space ship, rocket, airplane, flying saucer. .. but somehow I have a feeling that none of us has come up with what our youngest scholar had in mind when he took his brush in hand and began creating. NEW DAUGHTER Little Laura Anne Rodenkirch decided she'd like to be on the scene first hand to help her parents celebrate their first wedding anniversary and so instead of taking his wife out to dinner on Sunday evening, Sept. 8, Gerry Rodenkirch took her to the labor room of Woodstock Hospital and soon young Laura made her arrival. The 5 lb. 14 oz. baby is the daughter of Gerry and Anne Rodenkirch of 3125 Eastwood Drive, Wonder Lake. Maternal grandparents are Glenn and Eloise Elliott, McHenry and paternal grandparents are Hilary and Ann Rodenkirch, also of McHenry. The lucky young miss has three proud great grandmothers, Ann Rodenkirch and Ann Shalton of McHenry and Lillian Carlson of Evergreen Park. Laura Anne's mom is the former Anne Elliott of McHenry. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sponsored by Woman's Club of Wonder Lake, Ann Sowers, Chairman, 653-9549. SEPTEMBER 26 Wonder Woods Woman's Club, 8 p.m. east side firehouse. SEPTEMBER 27, 28, 29 Christ the King Ladies Retreat, Bishop Lane Retreat House, Rockford. v A-tVA~7W\ A--A7.-.r7VA-A / Gatherings 3 Tax Workshops For Beginners Persons wishing to learn how to prepare income tax returns will have the opportunity to do so at a series of workshops to be presented in October and November by the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension SEPTEMBER 30 District Board Meeting, Woman's Club, at Iron Skillet, Algonquin Noon Dismissal, District 200 Schools. OCTOBER 1 PTA Meeting, Harrison School OCTOBER 3 Board Meeting, Woman's Club OCTOBER9 FISH Card Parity, Christ the King Hall, 8 p.m. OCTOBER 12 f Barbara A Vogel Memorial Leukemia Fund Dance, Christ the King Hall. OCTOBER 14 Columbus Day, No School, Harrison and District 200. OCTOBER 14 Wonder Workers 4-H Meeting. 10:00 A.M. east side firehouse OCTOBER 15 Firemen's Auxiliary Meeting, Co 1, east side firehouse, 8 p.m. OCTOBER 17 Woman's Club Meeting, Nativity Lutheran Church, 8 p.m. OCTOBER 19 Yacht Club Awards Banquet. OCTOBER 24,25 Conference Days, Harrison School. Wonder Woods Woman's Club, east side firehouse, 8 p.m. OCTOBER 26 Hard Times Dance, Christ the King Hall, 8-1, sponsored by Woman's Club. We need help. There isn't enough members in the Coast Guard auxiliary to do an efficient job on our lake. Joining the auxiliary would involve one meeting a month, one patrol a month during boating season, and a few classes. Membership in the Coast Guard auxiliary offers an opportunity to help your fellow boatmen, while improving your own boating skills. Auxiliary membership is open to men and women, at least 17 years old, who are United States citizens. Being an active member of an auxiliary flotilla puts you in direct touch with a group of fellow boaters who are dedicated to common sense and who want to improve boating and to make boating more enjoyable for everyone. You are welcome to attend our meeting as a guest and to meet auxiliary members as well as to find out what they are doing. For further information call June Novak at (815) 653- 6093 or E. Kaiser at (815) 653- 5046. An old, sad story It's a story we all hear too often. Someone gets hurt or sick and misses weeks of work. His income stops, but the bills don't. If he has disability in come insurance from Country Life, the story can have a happy end ing. Disability income in surance keeps a month ly check coming in when you can't get out to work. Before illness or in jury puts you out of work, talk to your Coun try Companies agent about disability income insurance. The Country Com panies. We're a little dif ferent than most insur ance people. Country Companies RICHMOND, ILI PH. 678-6691 service, says George Young, McHenry county Extension adviser. The workshops are designed for beginning tax practitioners who plan to prepare returns for other people. McHenry county students are invited to enroll* for the workshop to be held Oct. 14, 16 and 18 at the Farm Bureau auditorium in Woodstock. saysk Young. Classes start at 9 a m. and finish at 4 p.m. each day. There is an enrollment fee which covers the cost of materials and workbooks used in the workshops. Because attendance will be limited. Young advises interested persons to contact him as soon as possible for enrollment forms and complete information. Each year, more and more taxpayers are seeking the help of competent persons to prepare and file their federal and state income tax returns, observes Young. The Extension service has designed these workshops to help fill the need for trained practitioners. The three-day sessions will deal primarily with the preparation of federal farm income tax returns and state income tax returns, says Young. However, many of the income tax regulations that will be taught also apply to small- business and individual returns. Young emphasizes that the workshops are planned for persons who have had little or no experience in preparing income tax returns for others and who wish to become more competent. Among the subjects to be covered are: Introduction and acquaintance with federal tax forms; basic rules and regulations, and farm income, expenses and depreciation. On the third day of the workshops, students will prepare a typical income ta\ return. The workshops will be presented via the Cooperative Extension Service TeleNet system, says Young. This is a telephone network with two- way communication between several stations over the state. Students at each of the stations will be able to hear and talk with the workshop instructors on the telephone network. ASSIST FAMILY SERVICE-Accepting a check for $7,500 for the Family Service and Mental Health clinic is Mario Perez, Woodstock, president of the clinic board. Presenting the donation are Barbara Johnson and Trisha Sayler, McHenry, board members of the Women's auxiliary for the clinic. The money represents the efforts of the auxiliary in conducting a tag day and in sponsoring Fair Diddley, two annual projects. The money helps to defray counseling costs to McHenry county residents who are unable to pay for the service. Each of the TeleNet stations will also have a leader who will show and explain the visuals and personally help students with their questions and special problems. Each person attending a workshop will receive a specially prepared workbook containing copies of tax forms, problems, examples and helpful information. Teachers for the workshops will be University of Illinois Area Extension Advisers Donald L. Doerr and Emil C. Mosser and C. Allen Bock, Extension specialist in agricultural economics. ANTIQUE SHOW The sixth annual Naperville Heritage Society Antique show will be held Oct. 25, 26 and 27 at Merner fieldhouse, on the campus of North Central college, Naperville. Over fifty carefully selected dealers from nine states will participate, making this one of the largest and finest shows in the HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Jeanette Betts, Carole Krodel, Eugene Gorman, Joseph Halstead, William Peterson, Sam Zito, Mary Moran and Catherine Miller, McHenry; and Larry Oonk, Ringwood. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Sharon Wyatt, Raymond Hansen, Wonder Lake; James Mays, Henry Roepken, Fred Haubold, John Gustek, Frieda midwest. Friday and Saturday hours are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lunch, tea and supper are available. The admission is good for all three days. Proceeds benefit Naper Settlement, Naperville's Pioneer Village. Schauer, Earl Rych, Sandra Anderson, Kathleen O'Brien, McHenry. HARVARD HOSPITAL Henry Leisten, McHenry, was a recent patient in Harvard hospital. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Jude LaFrancis announce the birth of a daughter Sept. 20. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wilke became parents of a son, James Harvey, on Sept. 16. The baby has a brother, Robert, 7, and a sister, Alice 5. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hansen of Gilman and 4Jje paternal ones are Mr. and IVirs. Robert A. Wilke, McHenry. As age increases, it's harder to find than to avoid temptation. Your Key To Safe & Carefree p Driving This Fall Is To . . TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE VALUE PACKED SPECIALS ! Motor Tune-Up: INCLUDES: Plugs, Points, Condenser, Air Filter, PCV Valve, Adjusting Timing, Dwell & Carburetor. Shocks: "SAVE" Now on 4 Pleasurizer Shocks. INSTALLED -- AIR TYPE EXTRA -- ALL GENERAL MOTORS CARS-- CADILLAC-PONTIAC $40»« J" *59 95 Rte. 31 & 120 McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-6000 % J