* Lers l̂ End The' Confusion When it comes to buying prescriptions you can't afford to be confused. You should know what your prescription will cost before you buy. At May's we invite you to compare our prices with what you might be paying else where. We're sure you'll no tice a considerable savings when you shop May's. Quality prescriptions at low prices. When you get that at May's, why shop anywhere else? We are a participating phar macy for most prepaid in surance RX programs. WE HONOR MOST THIRD PARTY PRESCRIPTIONS IAVORIS D* fflpnlf MAY'S REGULAR 47c Viva Jumbo Towel MAY'S REGULAR 36c Del Monte Catsup MAY'S REGULAR $1.24 Lavoris Mouthwash MAY'S REGULAR 61c Peak Toothpaste 29 z May's Sells For Less l'ACiK n - PLAINDEALER-WEDNE8DAY. OCTOBER 2, U74 Liquor Pest. Czarina Vodka Bankers Whiskey _ "BLENDED $0 79 W on QT. Barclay's . & JJ] Bourbon BQRCLAUI__. PROOF - 4 YEAR OLD . . 'JF® STRAIGHT BOURBON - Bourtior* ^ SMOOTH T MELLOW 80 PROOF - A GREAT CALIFORNIA BRANDY arrlous Barclay's Brandy RANDY Barclay's Gin $999 mLm fifth •0 PROOF - EXTRA ORY FOR FINE FLAVOR UAV'Q REGULAR $2.90 Thermos Bottle LEAKPROOF STRONG LAS FILLER - GENUINE THERMOS MAY'S REGULAR $3-89 Poly-vi-sol Circus Chewable Vitamins REGULAR OR WITH IRON OLD 6 PACK 12 OZ.$ 1 19 MILWAUKEE-- A D R U G IIMWMCM fvwrSl CM I) 'icon MAY'S REGULAR $1.29 Windshield Washer Anti-Freeze HARVEST OF VALUES gallon PENTOOll MAY S REGULAR 63c Pennzoil Motor Oil 10W30 Everyday Gift Wrap TWO 10 * 10" SHEETS MANY DESIGNS The JouyA i-wvrtm OTOR OH- MAYS REGULAR S4 99 Northern Hot Steam Vaporizer MOOEL #1301 quart MAY'S REGULAR 54c Valvoline Motor Oil 20 OR 30 WEIGHT quart Heet Carburetor Cleaner Regent 5 Ply Basketball MAY S REGULAR $2.69 Official Size Football 16-oz. can We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. "Our Price Protection Policy guarantees these prices to be effective from Wednesday. October 2nd, through Tuesday. October 8. 1974, regardless of cost increases.' WW MAY'S REGULAR $3.49 20 Gallon Garbage Can GALVANIZED MAY'S REGULAR $44.79 10" Electric Saw VILLAGE BLACKSMITH - LIGHT WEIGHT BUT STURDY FOR THOSE BIG JOBS MOOEL #9110 $0788 ^0 M each MAY'S REGULAR $1.27 20 Tine Lawn Rake 86 PROOF - 100% IMPORTED SCOTCH WHISKEY C M OQ Grand McNish Scotch fifth 21% ALCOHOL - A GREAT _ _ VERMOUTH FROM CAUFORNIA M 29 Paul Masson Vermouth fim< | 80 PROOF - A FINE CANADIAN IMPORT Canadian Mist Whiskey, 9% ALCOHOL - APPLE. STRAWBERRY GRAPE Boones Farm Wine »* 80 PROOF - A GREAT OLD TIME BLEND Hill & Hill Whiskey .75c 8049 th O MAY'S REGULAR 53c Dustgard Furnace Filters „ 16* 20 * 1 -.16* 25 * 1 . . 20 * 25 * 1" -- 2frx 20 * 1 I W/Jmm MAY'S REGULAR $1.56 I Hefty Lawn Clean-Up Bags $139 I 10-ct. • pkg. MAY S REGULAR 99c Golden Fleece Chore Glove 14-OZ d MAY'S REGULAR $4.99 Heavenly iTHfermal IBIanket £ 72" x 90 - ASSORTED COLORS \wA B each • ' • • • • MAY'S REGULAR 63c Apex Moth Cake 39! MAY'S REGULAR $11.95 Northern Cool Spray Vaporizer . MODEL #97 - ) 1Va GALLON CAPACITY GERITOL MAYS REGULAR $2.52 Geritol Tablets MAY'S REGULAR $2.03 Sominex Tablets MAYS REGULAR $1.66 Right Guard Foot Guard 109 9-oz. I aerosol MAY'S REGULAR $3.34 Alpha Keri Bath Oil REGULAR MAY'S mmmcm regular $I«> SAW Vaseline Intensive Care Bath Beads MAYS REGULAR 79c Vicks Oracin Throat Lozenges MAY'S REGULAR $1.99 MAYS REGULAR 88c MAY'S REGULAR $1.77 Triaminic Syrup MAY'S REGULAR $1.08 Tylenol Hjb:; 2a I I m masm Vicks NyQuil Contac Capsules 159 10-oz. 0/ Dor/ry ̂ MAY'S REGULAR $179 Total Contact ution American Crazy Foam AEROSOL CAN KIDS LOVE ITT can i a Redwood Picnic Table Reg. $29.88 $2488 A D R U G Charge It! Us« Y«r Msstar Charge Or BankAmertcart. 4400 W. RTE. 120 • McHENRY MAY'S REGULAR SIM Rockford Work Sock MDHCEL - SOB 11 it Yahtzee Game FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY \