PAGE 16 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1974' Lakeland Park Anne Moore 385-6448 Betty Sullivan Honored Guest At Several Showers Good things come in threes... Or at least they do for Betty Sullivan! An upcoming Saturday afternoon ceremony will unite Betty Sullivan and George Zwierzynski in marriage. They'll repeat their wedding vows before members of their families and their friends at 2:30 p.m. at St. Mary's church this month. And, as usual exciting things have been happening for them during the past six weeks. Betty was guest of honor at three bridal showers! George was with her to share her excitement at the family showers but let her attend her personal shower alone! The first shower was held at the Whispering Oaks Community Club on Aug. 11 and was given by George's aunt, Ann Kielbasa. Approximately fifty women were th6re to present Betty with lovely presents and share the young couple's excitement. Guests included Betty's mother, Alice, George's mother, Josephfno. and the bridal party, Mary and Ann Sullivan and Alice Hoffman, Margie Koffend, Kathy Joyce and Nadine Kuta. Other guests included several aunts and relatives and friends from George's family. Sept. 15 Betty was once again guest of honor at a shower given by her three aunts (Alice's sisters) Peg Corbett, Pat- Doherty and Mary Andrews. Thirty-five relatives and friends gathered in Addison to share the fun. Mothers, of course, were there as were members of the bridal party. Betty and her future husband once again received many beautiful gifts and enjoyed a very special day. Betty's sister, Alice Hoffman, and the other members of the bridal party, her sisters Mary and Ann and her friends, Margie, Kathy and Nadine, gave her a personal shower last Friday, Sept. 27. Among guests from Lakeland Park who attended the party were May McAullife, Mrs. Meyers, Millie Gende, Candy DiVitta, Donna Kaminski and of course Betty's mom, Alice, and her sister - in - law, Nancy Sullivan. The Raifords were unable to attend but did send lovely gifts Betty has thoroughly enjoyed all the pre - nuptial excitement and has enjoyed receiving the many lovely presents. She and George are looking fdfward to a very special day in their lives very soon. Our sincere happiness wishes are extended to them both and to their very happy families! Have fun, all of you, on that very special day! GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY FUN! Sunday, Sept. 22, an open house was held at the Moose home in Woodstock for George and Lillian Kopsell. Fifty years ago on Sept. 23, 1924, they were married in Waukegan. They are proud parents of thirteen children, have twenty-four grandchildren and enjoy their five great - grandchildren. Jim and Gladys Kopsell and Donald and Sharon Kopsell hosted the party for their parents. Bev Walinski and Maureen Johnson helped in the THERE'S BEEN A CHANGE IN CHARGER. IT'S A WHOLE NEW CAR. SEE IT TODAY. &ectva,RGEB SPec'4 UNNYSIDE DODGE OPEN Daily 9-9 Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-5 4810 W. ROUTE 120 815/385-7220 McHENRY "WE PUT IT IN WRITING 99 Here at Sunnyside Dodge we want to guarantee customer satisfaction with every new Dodge you buy. And here's the best way we know how With Chrysler Corporation s new car warranty. 12 full months with un limited mileage //////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 .X For the first 12 months of use, any Chrysler Motors Corporation dealer will fix, without charge for parts or labor, any part of our 1975 c | passenger cars we supply (except tires) i; I which proves defective in normal use, regardless of mileage. v _ * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////, xv The oniy thing you have to do is provide norma1 mainte nance You know Like changing f i l ters and wiper blades MORE GOOD NEWS. That's not all We know if you put enough miles on your new Dodge . or any car for that matter in a year some expensive things may wear out A shock A muff ler Or a brake l ining That 's where we come in If one of these parts wears out on your 75 Dodge we wil l replace it absolutely free, anyt ime during the f irst year of normal use No matter how many miles you've driven We II even toss t ins in If you make an appointment to nave warranty vvork done on your car and we can t funs': the job in a day you can have 3 loanai Absolutely Iroc You see. we don't expect you to buy a car from Sunny- side Dodge just because we've got a great Owner Can Program We expect you to buy a Dodge because they re great cars And because now we've got The Cl incher "THE CLINCHER!" Itfc going to take better care of the people who buy our cars! NNY SIDE DODGE McHE! & 4810 W. RTE. 120 - McHENRY, ILLINOIS AUTHORIZED DEALER CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION OPEN DAILY 9 SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 10-5 -9 preparation of the food and were later guests with their families at the celebration, along with 125 well wishers who attended the gala party. Vicky and Wesley Kopsell were a great help to their parents Jim and Gladys and what's more they had a fun time also. Golden bells adorned the Moose home and everyone who was able to share the Kopsells' marvelous excitment hqd a fun time. Our sincere belated congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Kopsell of Capron and we hope all their future anniversaries will be as happy as their fiftieth anniver sary celebration! A SURPRISE PARTY! When Michelle Fish returned home from a trip to the library last Saturday afternoon around 3 o'clock, she was very surprised to find her home full of girl friends waiting to wish her a happy birthday. Michelle's parents, Kirby and June, and her eleven - year - old brother, Scott, had planned the surprise to celebrate her entering into the world of a teenager. Sloppy Joes and potato chips and pretzels were on the menu along with birthday cake, of course, and soft drinks! The girls who enjoyed celebrating Michelle's thirteenth birthday with her were: Angel Betancourt, Lucy Byrnes, Debbie and Laurie Krier, Renee Nichols, Tammy Schiller, Diane Ziemba, Mary Adams, Jeannie Dunbar, Kim Finkbeiner, Laura Marino and Debbie Muchala. Michelle was both surprised and very happy with her thirteenth birthday celebration and we know that mom and dad and Scott were pleased she enjoyed all the fun they planned especially for Michelle, whose real birthdate is Oct. l. Belated birthday wishes Michelle and we hope you'll enjoy all your teen years! SEPTEMBER 29 SPECIALS! Sept. 29 was a busy day for anniversary celebrations here in Lakeland Park Fred and Arlene Bartos celebrated their twenty - third anniversary by enjoying an /ening out and a delicious Jnner Wally and Margo Schaedel kere married 18 years ago on that date and celebrated a quiet Togetherness evening at home. Ernie and Pat Schooley also celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary on Sunday. Our best wishes to you all and we hope all of you will have many more happy years together. Congratulations! FUN LEAGUE NEWS! We're a little behind with bowling news but here are the team standings as I have them. In first place we find the Leftovers, the Seven Ups are in second place and Far Out Four enjoyed third place. The Streakers are in fourth place and the High Rollers hold fifth place. The Boozers are in sixth place and the Pin busters hold seventh place. The Aces are in eighth, the Lakers in ninth and the Bozos hold tenth place. The Eight Balls are in eleventh and the Four Aces are in twelvth place. Tom Michaelson bowled a 555 which netted him the high series scratch of all the men in the league. Joanne Gilbert lead the ladies with a 505 high series scratch. High series with handicap went to Rich Mercure who howled a 539 and to Bobby Hager, who enjoyed a 530, leads the ladies in this category. Dennis May bowled a 187 which was the high game scratch bowled by the men and Wendy Glosson enjoyed finishing her game that totaled 178 and allows her to lead the ladies with the high game scratch. Bowlers will be together again tomorrow night and let's all wish them good scores and an evening of fun! BABY SITTING FUN! Though the children weren't babies, Bev and Dick Walinski did do some sitting recently and had fun to boot! They entertained Billy, Timmy and Kelly Fandre while their folks. Bill and Carol, visited Northern Wisconsin, and at the same time Dick and Bev entertained Karen and Nancy Reynolds who were visiting from Mt. Prospect. Linda enjoyed bicycle riding and swimming with her cousins and the Walinskis didn't mind their home becoming a dormer for an evening. On Sunday George and Barbara, George, Jr., and Baby Michael Reynolds were guests at the Walinski home and enjoyed another of Bev's delicious dinners. All in all, the Walinskis had a fun weekend! CLUB J1NX"• , Eager to start our craft - social club and anxious to receive many many phone calls from all you gals, Sharon and I were disappointed that various illnesses prevented the very first meeting. So for you "late - comers" it's not too late to become a member of our club and we do hope to hear from you You can phone Sharon at 385-3777 or me and get full details about our first re - scheduled meeting! Let's hope we have better and healthier luck next week! HOUSE OF HEARING AIDS (ALL BRA D NAME HEARING AIDS) 30 DAY TRIAL $ A l l I N ( A f t w* Repair All Aids *99 to *399 New directional electronic hear ing aid. Lets you hear all around you and it cuts down noises, so you can hear plainly again. You may trade your old hearing aid for the above- WED. ONLY 1 P.M. to 5 P<M. Robert Stensland & Assoc. 3937 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois Phone: 815-385-7661 ___ BilCNO ui County Christian Women's Club Plans Luncheon The next meeting of the McHenry County Christian Women's Club is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 12:15 for lunch at the John Evans Inn on Hwy. 14 in Crystal Lake. This club is part of an international organization that is inter - church and non - sectarian, having 1,300 groups throughout the United States and Canada. A unique feature of the meetings is that there is no formal membership or dues. Featured on the program Oct. 9 will be, "A Nutty Arrangement" - tips for using nature's art will be presented by Miriam Houch of Lake Geneva. Mrs. Paul Wilson (Laila), a soprano soloist from Woodstock will be providing the music. Mrs. Robert (Ardyth) Howe of Lake Forest will be the guest inspirational speaker. Ardyth is a homemaker and mother of three teenagers. She has participated in political workshops, Girl Scout leadership and day camp programs as well as having served as area conference chairman for Christian Women's Club in the New York area She is presently an area representative in suburban Chicago. Free nursery facilities for preschoolers will be available at the First Baptist Church on Hwy. 31 South in Crystal Lake. Reservations for the luncheon and-or nursery aret essential and can be made by calling, Lorraine 385-5475; Ruth 653-9408; or JoAnn 338-2233. All women of the area are cordially invited to attend and bring a friend TURN ONS is Youfe GIRLFRIEND SMART? MUST BE SHECONMCB? ME MY INTENTIONS ARE SEI?l0USf lOl off i 1 s M i If < * f cortley super-fine ready-made draperies made to your exact length • AND NOW yOU HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF FULLNESS • CHOOSE FROM: <$/:i < ile c° W L uuu STANDARD PLEATING DELUXE PLEATING ORDER TODAY -- HAVE NEW DRAPERIES IN YOUR HOME IN JUST 2 WEEKS AND SAVE 20%! TinV CARPETS I 111 1 &RUGS HOURS: MON j-IHURS.. FRI. 8 9 TUES.. WED ,SAT. 8-5'SUN. 12 5 ^00 WASHINGTON WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS 815 338 1000 \ V