Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1974, p. 15

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r 1222 N GREEN ST McHF.NRY ILL 600^0 FOR YOUR ADDED CO\VF\IF\( F . . . OUR DRIVE-I\ WI\DO» IS OPEN WE ONES DA 1 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. S E R V I N G A L L O f G R E A T E R M c H E N R Y C O U N T Y McHenry Savings A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N l JO ' l N en i f . 3"ee ' - . 6 0 0 S 0 . R S 3 0 0 0 f̂ h Deposi t s Insured I p To $20,000 Mnin' H . v The I cdcra l Savings K Loan • ' M i l l ' - Insurance ( o rpora t ion M c H E N R Y S A V I N G S t l l l l I I I IOIII I I Raise Interest Rates* On Commodity Loans The U.S. Depar tment of Agr icul ture (USDA) has an­ nounced an increase in the in teres t ra te of pr ice-suppor t commodi ty loans and on s torage fac i l i ty and drying equipment loans made by Commodi ty Credi t corpora t ion (CCC). The increases , f rom 7.25 to 9 .375 percent per annum on commodi ty loans and f rom 8.75 to 9 .375 percent per annum on s torage fac i l i ty and drying equipment loans wi l l more near ly ref lec t the cos t of borrowing money to CCC. In making the announcement the depar tment sa id tha t the new in teres t ra tes wi l l be ap­ pl icable to a l l such loans for which appl ica t ions a re rece ived by CCC on or a f te r Oct . 1 , 1974 BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr and Mrs . Phi l ip Gardner , Wonder Lake , announce the b i r th of a daughter , Oct . 7 . MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admit tances to Memoria l hospi ta l , Woodstock, inc luded Helen Jus ten , Master Jef f rey Krepel , Leona Vandermark , Rober t Kief , S is ter Andreel la Redig , Mar ie Kla t t , McHenry; and Jerome Zier t . Wonder Lake . Also announced is a change in the pol icy regarding in teres t on pr ice-suppor t commodi ty loans and on s torage fac i l i ty and drying equipment loans made by CCC. The in teres t ra te on loans for which appl ica t ions a re rece ived on and af ter Oct . 1 , wi l l be subjec t to changes , twice a year , dur ing the t ime the loan i s outs tanding. Loans for which appl ica t ions were rece ived pr ior to Oct . 1 wi l l cont inue to bear in teres t a t the ra te s ta ted in th is loan agreement unt i l matur i ty . In addi t ion , loans on s torage fac i l i t ies and drying equip­ ment , for which appl ica t ions a re rece ived af ter Oct . 1 , wi l l in i t ia l lybear in teres t a t the ra te in e f fec t on the da te the loan i s d isbursed ins tead of the ra te in ef fec t a t the t ime of ap­ pl ica t ion ORNAMENTAL IRON Rai l ings-Columns Custom Fabr ica t ing Welding & St ruc tura l Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 VV. Kte . 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783 Political Corner pfr. V • - ' • ; PAGE 16 - PLAI.VDEALER-WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1974 Fall Festival Features Catholic Action Review Progress Of Education Foundation Set Crusade Nights The United Methodist Women are holding a Fall Festival bazaar and luncheon Thursday, Oct. 17, from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. Booths to be featured are Christmas, Infant, Living Things, Fish Pond, Fancy Work, "Almost" Antiques, Pig - in - a - Poke and Craft Corners. A musical program will be presented during the luncheon by students from West campus, under the leadership of John Leighty. Birch Group Labels U.N. Day "Day Of Shame" During the month of October , for the pas t two years , the John Birch socie ty has launched an educat ional campaign to ex­ pla in why the Uni ted Sta tes should revoke i t s membership in the Uni ted Nat ions . Ac­ cording to loca l Bi rch leader , Mrs . Joseph Himpelmann, "Thousands of Bi rchers in the Uni ted Sta tes and in Canada wi l l aga in be conduct ing educat ional programs and ac t iv i t ies to inform the American people why Oct . 24 - - the founding anniversary of the - United Nat ions - - should be I p roc la imed a Day of Shame. Members and suppor ters of the Birch socie ty a re planning to d is t r ibute f lyers , ge t pe t i t ions to Congress s igned, and es tabl i sh Uni ted Nat ions in­ format ion booths dur ing a s ix - day educat ional campaign f rom Oct . 19 through Oct . 24 , to commemorate the pro - Communis t ac t ions of th is wor ld body. Mrs . Himpelmann says "There are many excel lent reasons why we should ge t out of the UN. Some of them in­ c lude the expuls ion of the Republ ic of China f rom membership and the sea t ing , ins tead , of the murderous tyranny of Mao Tse- tung and Chou En- la i . " Other reasons she gave are tha t "Today the Uni ted Nat ions i s comple te ly cont ro l led by Communis t in­ f luences and out r ight Com­ munis t personnel ; the Uni ted Nat ions headquar ters in New York Ci ty a re known to be the very headquar ters for Com­ munis t espionage opera t ions in Nor th America , and even the forced - buss ing problems in many American c i t ies s tem f rom act iv i t ies of UNESCO and (he Uni ted Nat ions . "Since i t s founding, the Uni ted Nat ions has been hai led by many as mankind 's las t l>es t hope for peace , ' " Mrs . Himpelmann s ta ted . "Yet . there has been no peace Fol lowing a hypocr i t ica l double s tandard , the UN has s teadfas t ly refused to condemn Communis t aggress ion , whi le i t has cont inual ly a t tacked many ant i Communis t count r ies tha t dare to protec t themselves I t i s obvious tha t the Communis t masters of the UN hope to in c rease the so-ca l led respec (abi l i ty of Red China , and a l the same t ime to i so la te (he ant i Communis! government of Free China as much as poss ib le . Once again , we see the sorry spectac le of the Uni ted Nat ions he lp ing to undermine our a l l ies and suppor t our enemies ," Mrs . Himpelmann added "And on top of a l l th is , " she cont inues , "over f ive b i l l ion dol lars of hard earned taxpayers ' money has been spent by the Uni ted Sta tes government suppor t ing the Uni ted Nat ions and i t s agencies ." The Birch leader sa id tha t volunteers wi l l be pe t i t ioning and d is t r ibut ing l i te ra ture conta in ing more informat ion on the Uni ted Nat ions ' record , and \vhy Oct . 24 should be procla imed a "Day of shame." Pamphle ts , f lyers , books , and cards wi l l be avai lable a t UN informat ion booths a t shopping centers and o ther publ ic p laces . Mrs . Himpelmann sa id tha t members of 4be_ant i - Com­ munis t groUp hope tha t many c i t izens in the Uni ted Sta tes and Canada wi l l t ake the op­ por tuni ty provided by th is educat ional campaign to learn the t rp th about the Uni ted Nat ions , and then " to jo in wi th the John Birch socie ty in working to preserve and protec t American f reedom and independence ." Theology Biggest Department At Marian High To date , the la rges t depar t ­ ment a t Mar ian high school i s the Theology depar tment , co- chai red by the Rev. Wil l iam I Jof fe , pas tor of S t . Mary ' s par ish Woodstock, and the Rev John Cahi l l . associa te pas tor of S t . Mary ' s par ish , Woodstock ^Al l n ine members teaching Theology to the 670 s tudents a t tending Mar ian high school for the 1974-75 school year have rece ived the i r c redent ia ls and qual i f ica t ions f rom var ious ins t i tu t ions throughout the Uni ted Sta tes and England. Theology i s taught to the s tudents a t tending Mar ian three t imes a week wi th con­ cent ra ted ef for ts in the f ie lds of Old Tes tament , Church His tory , Moral Theology, New Tes tament , S a c r a m e n t s , Chr is t ian Family Living, and the Bas ic Tenets of (he Fai th A specia l course i s of fered to junior s tudents in Compara t ive Rel ig ions . Along wi th the ins t ruc t ion in the sc ience of Theology, both co-chai rmen of (he depar tment of fer the l i turgy twice weekly i KOENEMANN / < Country Made Sausages, 5 £ Hams and Bacon £ GERMAN IMPORTS AND CHEESES A Full Line Of Delicatessen A l. t Just east of Rt. \ HI5-:M5 6260 VOLO HERE AND THERI IN. BUSINESS Lunch will be served from noon to 1:30 and tickets may be purchased from church members or at the door. Shown in photo at left are Esther Sims with Tod Ballowe at the fishing pond. At right are Jan Ballowe and Lyda Radisch with the crafts display. STAFF PHOTO--W AYNE GAYLORD Bessie, Belle Tell Farm Story To City Bess ie and Bel le a re coming to Chicago 's Civic center for an a l l -day vis i t wi th the i r "c i ty f r iends Thursday, Oct . 17 . They ' l l be jo ined by Herman, Tony and two torn turkeys . Bess ie and Bel le a re Guernsey hei fers 4 '^ months o ld . Herman is a 1 ,050 - pound s teer whi le Tony is one of two pigs which wi l l be par t of a "Farm - for - a : Day" in the c i ty exhibi t . Farmers who are planning th is exhibi t for the s ix county Farm Bureaus in nor theas tern I l l inois an t ic ipa te cons iderable fun even though they know a s izable amount of work is in volved to t ruck tha t much l ives tock to the hear t of a la rge c i ty , and then to e rec t pens su i table to hold cur ious animals . " We a lso have a ser ious purpose in tak ing our farm to the c i ty for a day ," says Leonard Sehul tz , Glenview farmer who heads th is com­ mit tee for a Consumer In­ format ion commit tee com­ posed of fa rmers f rom Cook, DeKalb , DuPage, Kane, Lake and McHenry count ies . "We hope to enter ta in c i ty f r iends as they enjoy see ing animals f rom the farm. We a lso hope to inform people about some of the fac tors involved in producing food - from cos ts tha t a re c l imbing to the impact of drouth and unseasonable ear ly f reezes on crop product ion " Sehul tz says tha t c i ty people a re food - consc ious these days and are in teres ted in what happens to farmers . The recent de lay in se l l ing gra in overseas af fec ts a l l c i t izens , and c i ty people have become in­ creas ingly concerned about how farmers a re progress ing . Bess ie and Bel le be long to Elmer Hi l l , Union farmer Char les Shul tz , Woodstock, i s br inging Herman, the s teer , to v is i t in the Civic center beneath (he shadow of the lamed Picasso Two torn turkevs , each weighing about 28 pounds and ready to market , wi l l be in one pen. They belong to John Mart in , Marengo farmer . Paul Kruse , who l ives near Alden, i s br inging to the c i ty two hogs , one weighing about 45 pounds and another 100 pounds . Tony, the 100 - pound Hamp­ shi re , i s about ha l fway to the 220 - pound market weight Paul expects to reach in a to ta l of f ive months of exper t feeding. Informat ion on product ion cos ts of l ives tock, mi lk , turkeys and gra in i s be ing obta ined for d is t r ibut ion to in teres ted persons . In another com­ pi la t ion , da ta on how cos ts of th ings farmers must buy to ra ise crops and l ives tock i s be ing suppl ied . This inc ludes fue l , fe r t i l izer , and machinery , says Sehul tz . The f i rs t annual meet ing of the members of the McHenry r County Cathol ic Educat ion foundat ion was held recent ly a t Mar ian Centra l Cathol ic h igh school . The meet ing was a jo in t sess ion of the McHenry County board of Cathol ic educat ion and the foundat ion board of d i rec tors . The annual meet ing reviewed- the progress of the foundat ion , heard repor ts on the programs of Cathol ic educat ion in the county , and se t a t imetable for d is t r ibut ions of funds to the schools and Rel ig ious Educat ion programs. Foundat ion accountants presented the s ix-month balance sheet as of June 30, which showed a to ta l of $909,313. p ledged by 2 ,145 donors , and $340,370 a l ready col lec ted James Schwarz of the Development counci l presented p lans for fur ther fund ra is ing so tha t the foun­ dat ion might achieve i t s or ig ina l goal of $1 ,200,000 over a three-year per iod . John Eggum, chai rman of the Foundat ion Inves tment commit tee , repor ted on the pr inc ip les and ac t iv i ty of the commit tee . "Our f i r s t concern , Eggum s ta ted , " i s for the safe ty of the funds of the foundat ion . Only the most secure inves tments a re con­ s idered by the commit tee ." Father James Moses , a rea super in tendent of Cathol ic Educat ion , out l ined the Cathol ic schools and programs tha t wi l l benef i t f rom the foundat ion . He c i ted surveys tha t predic t a ta rge increase in popula t ion in McHenry county and urged Cathol ic educators to be ready for a per iod of growth Tom Pars ley , Mar ian Centra l pr inc ipa l , spoke on the progress of the h igh school , not ing the--North Cent ra l ac­ credi ta t ion rece ived las t year , the on-going curr iculum revis ion , and the second vear of increased enrol lment , to a to ta l of 670 s tudents . Fa ther Kar l Ganss , a rea d i rec tor of Rel ig ious Educat ion , presented s l ides depic t ing the Rel ig ion programs in the schools 'and CCD programs, as wel l as innovat ive programs of Family Centered Rel ig ious Educat ion and Specia l Rel ig ious Educat ion for the Retarded and the Hear ing impai red . In se t t ing a ^schedule for d is t r ibut ion of foundat ion funds , (he annual meet ing reaf f i rmed the formula sdopted a t the s ta r t of the foundat ion: of ava i lable income, 70 percent to schools , 20 percent to Rel ig ious Educat ion programs outs ide the schools , and 10 percent for cont ingency. The dis t r ibut ion to schools wi i l l be done on a per pupi l bas is , wi th a 1 .2 f igure used for eacf t ch i ld in secon­ dary educat icW (grades 6-12) . Disbursement \y i l l be made annual ly , based on the end of the year (Dec. 31) ba lance <?heel The Rev. Wil l iam Joffe , a rea board chai rman, and Donald Doher ty , chai rman of the board of d i rec tors , jo ined in thanking a l l the cont r ibutors to the foundat ion , and reaf f i rming the or ig ina l purpose , to provide a needed th i rd source of suppor t for Cathol ic educat ion bes ides tu i t ions and par ish subs id ies . "Since the corpus of our foundat ion may never be spent " Father Joffe s ta ted , " the fund can only grow in the fu ture and wi l l be a cont inuing source of f inancia l ass is tance for Cathol ic educat ion " The McHenry County Cathol ic Educat ion foundat ion i s a corpora t ion begun by the McHenry county board of ca thol ic educat ion in 1973. The board i s the county-wide agency which supervises a l l phases of Cathol ic educat ion and is par t of the Rockford d iocese educat ional sys tem. Congressman Meets On Cost Price Problem Congressman John B. An­ derson of I l l inois met Fr iday morning wi th Pres ident Ford to d iscuss the ser ious cos t pr ice problem plaguing the na t ion ' s da i ry farmers . Anderson, chai rman of the House Republ ican conference , jo ined a delegat ion of e ight House members se lec ted to meet wi th Ford The th i rd ranking House Republ ican sa id the meet ing had been reques ted " to d iscuss ways to rebui ld the da i ry fa rmers conf idence in the fu ture marketabi l i ty of h is product ." Anderson sa id he hoped the Whi te House meet ing would lead to some "a l te rna t ive solu t ions to the s i tua t ion tha t i s forc ing thousands of our da i ry men out of bus iness ." Anderson added tha t " I am pleased tha t the Pres ident has responded to the reques t for a meet ing and I am conf ident tha t the resul t wi l l go a long way toward br inging s tabi l i ty to our domest ic da i ry market ." Anderson jo ined th i r ty - e ight o ther House members in reques t ing the meet ing las t month . Walter Sielisch Retires After 32 Years With Company Walter Sie l i sch of 5605 N. Meadow Hi l l . P is takee Highlands , re t i red (h is month a l te r more than th i r ty - two years wi th Genera l Motors Elec t ro Mot ive Locomot ive u l iese l i p lant in LaGrange Mr Sie l i sch s ta r ted wi th Elec t ro - Mot ive Ju ly 3 . 1942, when i t was a very smal l p lant . He has watched i t g row unt i l the company now covers many acres and employs over 14,000 people His f i r s t work was as an assembler and machine opera tor For e ighteen and a hal f years he drove I<>(i mi les a day to and f rom work and now says he has no regre t over not having to ge t u p a t I 1 d a i l y ( in Sept 2l i . the depar tments he ld a . jo in t fa rewel l par ty for employees who were re t i r ing At a la rge company dinner in the i r honor . Mr Sie l i sch was presented wi th many ui l t s . and •• Rick Travis E Is Elected To Student Senate Rick Travis , son of Richard E. Travis , of 4708 N. Sabath road , McHenry , has been e lec ted to the Student Senate for the 1974-75 academic year a t Bradley univers i ty in Peor ia . Rick , a f reshman major ing in Business Management and Adminis t ra t ion , was one of four candidates e lec ted to the off ice of f reshman c lass senator . Bradley ' s S tudent Senate i s the governing body for Bradley ' s 5 ,000 undergraduate s tudents Travis was a 1974 graduate of McHenry high school . s ince then he has a lso been the rec ip ient of many cards and gi f t s f rom fr iends and neigh­ bors The new re t i ree i s very ta lented in making jewelry and bui ld ing th ings He par t icular ly enjoys remodel ing and in tends to keep busy wi th these many hobbies . Somet ime in the fu ture Mr and Mrs Sie l i sch p lan to do some ( ravel ing to see o ld Navy f r iends in Cal i fornia . New Mexico and Colorado COMMITTEE FOR KAYS Vernon W Kays . McHenry county c lerk , has announced the se lec t ion of Mrs . Barbara Pautz , 950 Sheff ie ld lane , Crys ta l Lake , as coordinator for the Ci t izens for Vernon Kays commit tee . This Ci t izens commit tee , which i s composed of McHenry county res idents , i s working for the re-e lec t ion of Vernon Kays as McHenry county c lerk The F ' i r s t Bapt is t church of McHenry a t 509 N. Front s t ree t welcomes Sammy Tippi t in revival which began Sunday, Oct 13, and cont inues through Oct . 20 n ight ly a t 7 :30 p .m. Sammy is wel l known around the Chicago area , s ta r t ing as a s t ree t preacher and youth worker . He has been ar res ted severa l t imes for shar ing his Chr is t ian wi tness in f ront of taverns and a t the Civic center in Chicago where he fas ted for a number of days . Sammy is now l iv ing in Texas and working wi th a group known as God 's Love in Action. He has made severa l t r ips to Eas t and West Germany, where he was involved in a March for Jesus across Ger many. He has v is i ted behind the I ron Cur ta in severa l t imes . Dur ing the World Wide Youth conference , more than 200 youths rece ived Chr is t as the i r own personal Saviour He has v is i ted severa l loca l churches in the pas t and has held Jesus Ral ly ' s in McHenry before . With Sammy is h is wife , Tex, and son, Davey. Thei r music evangel i s t wi l l be Scot t Spencer and wife , a l so of Texas . SAMMY TIPPIT

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