< PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1974 Study MCC Secretarial Program For And About Teenagers SBi M am VC BE) T fc",Thirty-two senior girls from Marian Central Catholic high school recently visited the secretarial ^ program at McHenry County college. The girls were accompanied by the Typing, Bookkeeping and Shorthand teacher, Miss Carmen McLean. Mrs. Jane Campbell, an instructor in the Secretarial Studies program at MCC, conducted the visitation. Areas of discussion included the nature of the programs at MCC in the secretarial area, requirements for admission, and career opportunites for program graduates. Of special note was the announcement that the Marian girls might receive college credit for the skills they are learning in their high school secretarial courses by taking college proficiency examinations in such areas as typing, shorthand, and accounting. It was also pointed out that having received this college credit for their high school work, the Marian girls would find it possible to earn both certificate and associate degrees through a year or two of evening courses at McHenry County college while maintaining full term secretarial jobs. The visitation was arranged through the Guidance department at Marian as a part of the seniors Career Guidance program. Seniors at Marian Central are urged to begin early in the year to make actual visitation to career areas or colleges that the students are considering. Each senior is allowed one excused day for career visitation. Arrangements are made fdr individual or group visitations through the guidance office at Marian. '< Community II I > Calendar ;; OCTOBER 26 Women's Club of Wonder Lake - Harvest Hard Times Party - Benefit Scholarship Fund - Christ the King Hall - 8 p.m. to 1 p.m. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM Cards - Oak Room - St. Mary's - 7:30 p.m. Johnsburg P.T.O. Dance - "Tennis Ball" - Community Club - 9 p.m. 1 a.m. McHenry Woman's Club - Bus Trip - "A Little Night Music" - Leave Saving and Loan Parking Lot - 10 a.m. -- For Reservations Call 385-5957. Job's Daughters - Bazaar and Chili Serve - Acacia Hall -- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Paper Drive - Home And School Association - St. John's School - 2312 W. Church Street, Johnsburg. ; Lilymoor Association Gift And Toy Sale - Homsby's Family Center - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. OCTOBER 27 Pancake Breakfast Johnsburg Community Sponsored By St. John's Athletic Association -- 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary No. 491 -- Semi-Annual Chicken Dinner - Legion Home - Serving Time, 12 Noon - 4 p.m. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild Communion Breakfast Following 8:30 Mass - Church Hall - Reservations to Mrs. Leonard Bottari by Oct. 24. OCTOBER 28 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria. McHenry Woman's Club Board Meeting - City Hall - 9:30 a.m. OCTOBER 29 Halloween Card Party, Luncheon - 12 noon - St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove. OCTOBER 31 Whispering Oaks Garden Club - Trip to Botanic Garden - - Glencoe - Meet At Whispering Oaks Community Center - 8:45 a.m. NOVEMBER 1 Church Woman United -- World Community Day - Shepherd of the Hills Church - Mary Liebman Speaker - Baby Sitting Available - 1 p.m. NOVEMBER 1,2,3,8, & 9 "The Sound of Music" -- Townsquare Players, Inc. -- Woodstock Opera House - Curtain 8:30 p.m. -- Sunday, 6:30 p.m. NOVEMBER2 McHenry Sweet Adelines -- Present "Fantasy In Song" -- West Campus Auditorium - 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 3 Special General Meeting -- Lakeland Park Property Owners Association - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive -- 2 p.m. NOVEMBER 4 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting, 3 p.m. - Landmark School. NOVEMBER 5 Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting -- First United Methodist Church -- 12:30 P.M. NOVEMBER 7 Lakeland Park Women's Club Pot-Luck Luncheon and Meeting -- 12 noon - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive. NOVEMBER7 Regular L P.P.O A. Board Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive. THIS WEEK'S LETTER: "I don't know what to do. I'm 16 years old and madly in love with a 26 year old divorced man. He has two children. My parents re fuse to let me go out with him -- but they don't understand. We afe planning on eloping and after we're married we plan to put the kids up for adoption. My friends think I'm crazy, do you?" OUR REPLY: Maybe your par ents do "understand." If you're not willing to take on the re sponsibilities of marriage -- and nothing says you should be at Dinner and Meeting -- 6 p.m. -- First United Methodist Church. Annual Roast Beef Dinner, Bazaar - Ringwood Church - Dinner 5 to 7:30 p.m. Bazaar, 2 p.m. -- Advance Tickets Please. NOVEMBER 10 Veteran's Day Celebration For Members of Legion Post and Auxiliary And Guests. NOVEMBER 11 Veteran's Day - Sponsored By Veterans of World War I in V.F.W. Hall, 3002 W. Route 120. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 P.M. -- East Campus Cafeteria. NOVEMBER 12 ^ Chamber of Commerce -- Annual Dinner Meeting - Longhorn Steak House - Dinner 7 p.m. Order of Eastern Star - Stated Meeting -- Election of Officers - Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 13 McHenry Woman's Club Bus , Trip to Ice Follies -- Benefit of Pioneer Center - For In formation Call 385-8795. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to TV Show - Bus leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:15 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - busses leave McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. McHenry Grams Club Charter No. 826 -- Meet For Luncheon - McHenry Country Club -- 1 p.m. Annual Chicken Dinner and Christmas Bazaar - Sponsored by Friendship Guild, Ladies Aid Society of Zion Luthern Church -- Bazaar Open 1 to 7 p.m. -- Dinner Served From 5 to 7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 14 McHenry Woman's Club - Guest Day - Social Hour 12-1 - Meeting 1 p.m. "Appetizers and Cake Decorating". NOVEMBER 21 McCullom La^e Con servation Club Meeting - 8 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive. NOVEMBER 23 St. John's Turkey Trot '74 Dance - sponsored By Buildings & Grounds Com mission - Johnsburg Com munity Club -- 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. NOVEMBER 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 P.M. - East Campus Cafeteria. EXHIBITS CRAFT -- Exhibiting at the eighth annual Craft and selected Hobby show at the Hillside Shopping center, Oct. 26 and 27, is Jayne Kalk of McHenry, showing her stoneware pottery and Copper enamels. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and 11 *.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. TO THE PATRONS OF MeHeny FS, Inc. IN THE INTEREST OF ENERGY CONSERVATl K1TCHENFUL OF WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES Your choice of 6 great homes plus free appliances. It's time for the value packed 6+ top. exhaust hood, refrigerator, and ION WE ARE ADJUSTING OUR HOURS. WE WILL BE OPEN FROM i--7:00 a*, to 4:00 pjn.-i I gKOM HONDA*. OCTOBER 28 I We recognize the need for adjusting the clock to reduce the danger to school child ren. We also think by adjusting our hours we reduce energy consumption. We request your cooperation, remember the 28Hlwe close at 4jOO M. Special from Wausau Homes! Make your new home a Rockford, Wausau, Country House, Sr. Executive, Rich mond or President and enjoy a FREE Whirlpool oven, range PRICED FROM ( $12,388.00*^7- . ^ 'Ir.ct.d .n yeur foundation with hooting, *l.<tri<al ond plumbing inttoll.d dishwasher. These, plus all the other comforts of a Wausau Home, are yours when you accept home de livery January through March. See me today for details. OFFER LIMITED. ACT NOW! P & F BUILDERS, INC. No. Rt. 14 815-459-0033 Woodstock your age -- why elope? Ar® you going to put your own children 1ip for adoption? Cool it for awhile. Above all talk this matter over with family and friends. Consider the consequences of the step you are about to take. What about your future, if the marriage is unsuccessful -- and you are a di vorcee with children of your own. If it is the real thing, there's no need to rush into an elopement. H y« Iwwa • IHMII prablM. *•« AO IKS. COMMUNITY AND MIMIMAN PRESS IIIVICI FRANKFORT, KV. 40*01. Chrysler to raise prices 8.5 per cent. 1975 Ford tells Heath He wints close Europe ties. New beef grading urged for leaner cuts. NOVEMBER9 Friendship Club Pot-Luck TOM HUEMANN 385-3093 A WATER CONDITIONERS SctfurdayJVIorqincj Brie SERVICES Mount Hope Church United Methodist 1015 W Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. I.en Schoenherr Sunday Worship 11 a m day School. 9 45 a m Sun k -MOtt >W9S*t •* %•: xsr!K -.-x-x- ««« w •x • ->x« xj|M v/v. I JWWXJj Sunday I Kings 19:9-13 Monday Matthe w 14:22-33 Tuesday Romans 9:1-5 Wednesday John 6.41-5 J Thursday Hebrews 11:1-16 Friday Ephesians 4.-30, 5.2 Saturday Luke 12.32-48 Faith Presbyterian Church West offlhe Outdoor Theatre JohnO Melnty re. Pastor Corporate;Worship - 10:30am Church School Grades 1-9 - 9:00am Pre-School - 10:30am First Baptist Church 509 N. Front St. 385-0083 ( VirgleL Chappell Bible Study - Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Training Union, 6:00p.m. Interpretation for Deal at all Services.1* Special Spanish Services Wednesday, Prayer Service, 7:30 p m xs.«x-M«j| St Paul's Episcopal Cfurch 3706 W.St. Paul's & Green Rev. Arthur D. McKay, Vicar 385-7690 Sunday Services Holy Eucharist - 8 a.m.. Family Eucharist, 10 a.m. Church School & Coffee Hour. Wed nesdays - Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Friday-Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m :-X*>X-Xv X-X<- XA&Z My neighbor Marty is a certified public accountant. He is also an assistant scoutmaster. And treasurer of the Civic Association. Hard worker for local charities. And--oh yes--Marty is a Saturday morning bricklayer. He can build a mighty fine wall to set off that patio he put in last summer. You'd think that a man so capable and versatile wouldn't feel dependent on anybody or anything. Not so. It is usually the folks like Marty--the ready, willing and able ones-- who are first to recognize their spiritual needs. Nor are they ashamed to admit their dependence on God--and His Church. You'll hear Marty and his wife give credit to their religious beliefs for the strength of their marriage and for the ideals that inspire their family life. In fact, it's Sunday morning, rather than Saturday, when they do their most important building. How about joining them at church time? Copyright 1974 Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, Virginia Scriptures Selected By The American Bible Society Wonder lake Bible Church 7501 Howe Road, Box No.2 Rev. Richard N. Wright, Pastor SUNDAY: 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service 6:00 P.M. Bible Fellowship Hour 7:30 P.M. High School Youth Fellowship Nursery care provided WEDNESDAY: 7:30 P.M. Midweek Prayer and Praise Service FRIDAYi 7:00 P.M. AWANA Young Group St John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg . Rev. Leo Bartel, Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Convent Phone 385-5363 Sat., night-8:00 p.m. Mass Sun , Masses: 7,9, 10:30,12:00 Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 E. Wonder Lane Rd Box 157 Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sun .. Worship8 and 10:30 a.m Sunday School 9 a.m. (Nursery Facilites Available) St. Peter's Catholic Church S p r i n g G r o v e . I l l i n o i s R e v K i l d u l l P a s t o r Phone: 815-675-2288 MASSES: Daily 8 A.M. Saturday - 7:30 P.M. Sunday - 7 A.M., 9 A.M. 11 A.M. First United Methodist Chuich <711 West Mam Street ( lunch phone iH"> O'i ',| Ralph Smith, Pastor Parsonage Phone- !H"> l Worship Services Sunday Morning 9:30 & 10:45 Church School 10:45 AM Sunday St Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Sat., Eve., Mass - 5 p.m. Fulfills Sun., obligation. Sunday Masses - 6:30,8,9:30 9:45. 10:45. 11, 12 noon. Alliance Bible Church 3815 W John St Rev Gerald Robertson Sunday School - 9:45 A.M. Service - 11:00 P.M. Service - 7:00 Wed. Bible Study & Prayer 8:00 P.M. Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints Lester W. Moore,, Branch President Phone: 312-658-5847 Meetings held at 820 Darlington Lane in Coventry School in Crystal Lake, III. Sunday School-10:30 every Sun. Sac merit Meeting-12:00 Noon 1st Sun. of Month Christ The King Catholic Church 5006 E. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois Sunday masses: 8, 10 a.m. and noon. Eve., Mass: 8 p.m. Fulfills Sunday Obligation. Ringwood Methodist Church Kingwood. Illinois Rev. Ruth Wegner Res. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 Sunday-9:30 a.m. Church Ser vice. Church School Also at 9:30 a.m. Chain O'LakesEvangeical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Rd Rev. Mitchell Considine Sunday School 9:45a.m. Worship Service 11:00a.m. Church Phone - 497-3000 Parsonage - 497-3050 St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit, Pastor Rev. Michael Douglas, Assoc. Pastor Sat., Eve. (Sun., obligation Fulfilled 5 P.M.) Sunday 7:15 8:30,9:45, 11 and 12:15 Shepherd of the Hill Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St. Rev Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Family worship and Sunday School - 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Nursery facilities available. St. Francis National Catholic Church Flanders Rd , east of Ringwood Rd , Sunday Masses - 10 a m. Father L. Dobranski Pastor Spring Grove Church United Methodist, 8102 N Blivin Spring Grove, 111 Rev. Len Schoenherr Pastor Sunday Worship - 9 a m Sundav School - 10:15 a.m. Christian Science Society Lincoln Road and Eastwood Lane Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Wed. Eve. Melting Every Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) 4206 W Waukegan Rd <W' Rt 12(li Rev Herman F Graef 385-0859 385 1616 Sunday Worship 7:45 and 10:30 Nursery Services provided at 10-30 Education for Eternity Sunday School Children and Geoige R. Justen Funeral Home 3519 W. Flm Street McHenry, III. 385-2400 First National Bank ol McHenry 3814 W. Elm Street McHenry, III. 385-5400 Peter M. Justen Funeral Home 3807 W. Elm Street McHenry. III. 385-0063 G.aviano's Interiors & Palatine Millwork 385-3764 or 385-3765 414 S. Route 31 Just North of McHenry Flora. McHenry Savings <& Loan 1209 N. Green Street McHenry, III. 385-3000 Guettlers Service, ' Inc. 818 \. l-'ront Street McHenry, III. 385-9831 Brake Parts Co. P.O. Box 11 McHenry , III. 385-7000 Locker's Flowers 1213 Third Street McHenry, III. 385-2300 Mitchell Sales, Inc. Biiick •'Is - '/pel 907 \. 1 rorit i Herir, .)H.r>-72l)() Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm Street McHenry, III. 385-0722 ^ The Bath Shop 3012 U . Hte. 120 McHenry, III. 385-0048 1 lir Mcll< (r\ 1 'Li11mleu Irr .'(8 1 J Uest I im St i cot Mcllemy. Illinois 60050 Tonyan Construction Co., 1309 N. Borden Street McHenry, III. 385-5520 McHenry State Bank 3510 \\. Elm Street McHenry. III. 385-1040 Coast to Coast Hardware 1400 U. Hte. I'JI, McHenry Mai ket pm<<. :jh5 i,.;r, %