> »»AGE IS - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1874 The Law Serves You MOTORCYCLE SAFETY OR HOW TO AVOID THE EVEL KNIEVEL SYNDROME Neither rain nor snow nor a broken elbow shall prevent the avid motorcycle enthusiast from smoking into gear, even during the winter season The question is,, how does <one enjoy the pleasures of biking to the fullest <yid yet play safe with himself and others? One bike enthusiast was overheard to comment that the machine has a mind of its own and keeps reminding its owner to drive with respect As long as one biker has this attitude, the possibilities of accident will be reduced to the minimum.. Just remember that Evel Knievel is walking today not only because medical science has provided numerous pins in his joints to keep him going but also because he admittedly has a concern for safety at all times. Although Evel takes chances, he does so with careful deliberation, not with reckless abandon. The Illinois State Bat- association has some safety tips for 'cyclists which may not give you the image of a member of "Hell's Angels" but surely will prevent you from becoming another type of ungel so fast. Unfortunately, when you purchase a motorcycle, you may not have had any previous experience on a motorized bike. Thus, it is imperative that you work with your machine before you begin to travel the open highways or country roadways. Become familiar with the bike, not only as to how it handles, but al^o how it is built, what the controls do and why, etc. Talk with a person who is ex perienced in motorcycle driving. In other words, know your machine and what it can and cannot do Don't forget - what goes up must come down and what just might come down is your cycle on you, or you on the road. A motorcycle driver should always wear safety gear such as a helmet, heavy boots and a thick jacket You may have thought thaj that person you saw wearing such equipment was just trying to look "tough" but actually he was being safety-conscious. The Illinois State Bar association points &ut that you and your passenger must wear glasses or goggles or be protected in some way by a protective shield, according to state law Motorcycle operators are required by law to have the following equipment: - a! least one mounted white headlight which can be seen 500 leet away, a light for your license plate which is visible at a distance of 50 feet; - one red taillight visible at a distance of 500 feet; one red brake light visible at a 500 foot distance; -- a properly maintained muffler' -- brakes on both wheels; - handlebars not more than 15 inches in height above the driver's seat; - a rearview mirror which reflects a view of 200 feet; - a horn which can be heard at least 200 feet away; -- a seat capable of holding passengers, if the driver wished to transport persons; no passengers can be carried except in a sidecar or enclosed cab. unless the machine is equipped for passengers with handgrips on the seat or saddle and has adjustable foOtrcsts. It should be stressed that motorcyclists must obey all traffic rules and regulations with which automobile drivers must also comply. Bikers cannot pass between two other vehicles going in the same direction unless there is an unobstructed traffic lane available and they cannot pass on the right unless there is unobstructed pavement at least 8 feet wide to the right of the vehicle they are passing You cannot drive a motor cycle unless you are at least 16 years old At age 16 you may purchase an instruction permit which gives you the right to drive during daylight hours only and only in the presence of a licensed motorcvle driver. If you currently drive another vehicle, you must pass a motorcycle test. Every cycle is required to have a license plate on it at all times. When several 'cyclists are traveling together, they must ride in groups of two and never ride abreast in the same lane of traffic. Positions of the cycles must be staggered so the rider on the left is ahead of the right- hand motorcycle. Sufficient distance should be kept bet ween each group of two so that faster vehicles can pass through the formation. The Illinois State Bar association also advises that a motorcyclist apply both brakes at the same time, watch for slick or loose surfaces, be alert at intersections, do not park where there is grease or oil, stay off expressways unless your cycle is equipped for such travel, keep feet on footrests at all times, when crossing or changing lanes, never make a move until all nearby traffic is checked, and cross railroad GUEST AT BENEFIT - Frankte Masters will be appearing ai Marian Central's third annual fund • raising social night Saturday, Nov. 9. Masters, currently appearing at the Empire room of the Palmar House, has entertained millions since the early '40s with the "big band" sound. A salad bar will be served from 7-9 p.m. and a sit-down dinner will be served at 8:30. Dancing will continue from t:30p .m. to 1:30 a.m. Reservations are now being accepted by calling the school. WANNA BET? We're betting it will snow this winter, and if it does, we want you to be prepared for the worst. Sooo from now through Nov. 4th, we are offering the most fantastic sno-mover you ever peeked over your specs at for $20.00 under list price !! TWO MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 14' 21 *739^5 S119.95 s 139.95 0* OH G 'C> % S/4i OA % TORO SNOW PUP »vf„ WHILE v SUPPLIES LAST "BEST PUP IN THE UTTER' GEO. P. FREUND, INC. 4102 W. CRYSTAL LK. RD. McHENRY. IL. 60050 Ph. 385- 0420 Tips On Gardening This has certainly been a good gardening year But the snow will be flying all too soon, and while we still have some nice weather, the garden should be put into shape for winter, says George J. Young, University of Illinois Extension adviser in McHenry county. Tender bulbs such as dahlias, cannas and caladiums should be dug before the first freeze, or when the tops die down naturally. Let the soil dry on the bulbs and then shake it off. Dust the bulbs with Captan and store in flats of dry sand or vermiculite at 40 to 50 degree Fahrenheit Dig tuberous begonias and gladiolus when the tops have died back. Cut the tops to about three inches and dry the bulbs for several days. Remove the dried stems if they haven't fallen off, dust the bulbs and store in open mesh bags. Geraniums, coleus, tuberous begonia, and other perennials need to be brought in before frost. Entire plants can be dug, potted and brought in if^ you have a well lighted area in tracks at a 90 degree angle to avoid skidding or catching the wheels Motorcycle driving can be fun and an escape from the normal routine of life, if safety rules and state laws are closely complied with by cycle operators. There is only one Evel Knievel and he makes sure he gets well-paid to take those calculated risks of his life and limbs. which to keep them. With ar tificial light these plants can be kept blooming all winter. If space is a problem, take cuttings from the plants out doors before frost, root in either water or flats of sand and peat, and pot up in 2'L. 'S . Keep in a cool, bright spot until planting out time next year. Many people dig geraniums bare-root, and hang them upside down in a cool dry place. If conditions are just right, plants may survive this treatment and grow nicely when planted out the next spring Hybrid tea roses are not completely hardy here, not because they can't stand the cold, but because of the changeable weather. In getting rose plants ready for winter, remember that the system should be designed, not to keep the plants warm, but to keep thei'n Irozen all winter. When the leaves have dropped, cut back the canes so that winter winds will not whip them around. Dust the soil and plant uj 'th Phaltan and hill the soil up about a foot on the canes. When the soil freezes hard, mulch with straw leaf mold or any other material available. Hold the mulch in place with wire fence or rose cones It you use rose cones, remember they should be used to hold some insulating material around the plant. On bright days, cones can become very warm inside unless they are ventilated. Cones with removable covers are to be preferred. Hold thje cones down with a brick or a hill of soil. And before you forget it, walk through your garden. Make a complete list of successes and failures and write down suggestions for next season. If you are like most of us, unless they are written down, the best ideas will be forgotten by the first warm days next spring. Population Growth In 1972 the population growth of the United States-dropped to its lowest level in thirty-five years. Our growth rate for that year was down to 7.8 persons per 1,000 of population-- the smal- l*sto$ince 1937. Corporations 31,700,000 persons owned shares in American corporations in"1973 -- compared to 32,500,000 in 1972 and 8,630,000 in 1958. LOOK! Security Council The Security Council of the United Nations consists of 15 members. Only five hold perma nent seats while the remainder are elected to two year terms by the General Assembly. California California encompasses 58 counties which stretch out over 156,361 square miles of land. Ap proximately 20 million people in habit the state at this time. D0RKIES RESTAURANT* NOW OPEN 24 HOURS- "R0UND THE CLOCK" •; FRIDAYS 8, SATURDAYS SERVING BRIA-KFAST & REGULAR MENU 4213 W R1E. 120 McHENRY * . 385-6981 I mm Inc. 1MS spodal hunting nwtirtMps now available} I for pheasant hontors j | • Beautiful 470 acre Thuiuterbird Lake Prop. 70 Acre Lake | i • Informal, Country-style Club House | Visit location: Ames Rd. E.of Rt. 31,4mi. So. of McHenry I CALL 815- 459-9626 I I WRITE: BARRINGT0N SPORTSMAN'S UNLIMITED, Inc. I I P.O. Box 135 BARRINGT0N, ILL. 600101 FORD MAC DONALD •I MERCURY NEW CAR SALE & ft*** N* Brand Hew 1974 FORD PINTO 2 door sedan, al l v inyl bucket seats , f ront disc brakes. Light Blue, 2000cc 2V 4 cyl inder engine, 4 speed manual t ransmission, f ive 6 .00x13 t i res . FULL PRICE *2233 r̂ r 1974 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON Saddle Bronze Metal l ic , 2000cc 2V 4 cyl inder engine, 4 speed manual t ransmission, f ive A78xl3 t i res , f ront disc brakes, fold down rear seat , cargo & passenger area carpet ing, al l v inyl bucket seats , rear quarter f l ipper windows. FULL PRICE $2485 1974 FORD PINTO 2 door sedan, al l v inyl bucket seats , f ront disc brakes. Bright Blue. 2000cc 2V 4 cyl inder engine, Select-Shif t Cruise-O-Matic . f ive <i .OO\13 t i res , AM radio. FULL PRICE >2506 Brand New 1974 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON Light Blue, 2<>00cc 2V 4 cyl inder engine, 4 speed manual t ransmission, f ive A78x 1 3 t i res , AM radio, f ront disc brakes. fold down rear seat , cargo and passenger area carpet ing, Ca-I vinyl bucket seats , rear quarter f l ipper windows. FULL PRICE *2537 Bran J Maw 1974 MERCURY COMET 2 door sedan. Medium Goldenrod, 200 IV 6 cyl inder . Select Shif t Automatic , f ive 6 .45x14 t i res , deluxe inter ior opt ion, f ront bumper guards, br ight window frames/dnp moldings, deluxe 2-spoke s teer ing wheel , rear armrests and integral ashtrays, deluxe gas cap, c igar l ighter , color-keyed carpet ing, upper bodvside. rocker panel , and wheei l ip molding. FULL PRICE *2641 Brand Haw 1974 FORD MUSTANG II 2.3 l i ter 2V 4 cyl inder engine. Tan glow Glamour Paint , f ive BR78xl3 steel bel ted (Radial) t i res , f ront disc brakes, a l l v invl bucket seats . tachometer / instru me n ta t ion, w heel ITS, cut pi le FULL PRICE *2791 Brandt" Br*' I" 1974 FORD MUSTANG II 2.3 l i ter 2V 4 cyl inder engine. Dark Yel low Green Metal l ic . 14VI , f ive BK78xl3 steel bel ted radial t i res . AM radio, f ront disc brakes, al l v inyl bucket seats , tachometer / instrumentat ion, wheel covers , cut pi le carpet . FULL PRICE *2808 r̂ r 1974 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON Dark Yel low Green Metal l ic . 2300Cc 2V 4 cyl inder engine. Select Shif t Cmise-O-Matic . f ive A78xl3 t i res , AM radio, luxury decor group, f ront disr brakes, fold down rear seat , cargo and passenger area carpet ing, al l v invl bucket seats , rear quarter f l ipper windows. FULL PRICE $2902 Bn«' K* 1974 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON Ginger Glow Metal l ic Paint , 23<>Occ 2V 4 cyl inder engine. Select Shif t Cruise-O-Matic , f ive A78xl3 t i res , Selectaire air condi t ioner , AM radio, luxury decor group, f ront disc brakes, fold down rear seal , cargo and passenger area carpet ing, a l l v inyl bucket seals , rear quarter f l ipper windows. FULL PRICE *3224 FOR D (ALL PRICES SHOWN INCLUDE FREIGHT AND DEALER PREPARATION) OPEN SUNDAYS l l-s Certified Factory Trained Mechanics for Lincoln-Mercury-Ford and All Ford Trucks MAC DONALD 90S. ROUTE 12 FOX LAKE 312-587 2S411 MERCURY Show Room Hours Daily 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to S Opan Sun. 11 to 5 Sarvica Hours: 8 to 5 Daily Closed Sat. - Sun.