McCullom Lake GetTV Milbratz 385-8543 Invite Public To Hear Drug Problem Speech All interested persons are invited to the village hall tonight. Oct. 30, at 8 p.m., to hear McHenry county sheriff Art Tyrrell , speak on the problems of drugs, and drug abuse. For those living outside the village, who may not know, the village hall is located at 4811 W Orchard Drive at the west end of the park area. HALLOWEEN PARTY REMINDER The Halloween party for kids in the village, up to age 12, starts at 7:30 p.m. at the village hall . Children are asked to bring flashlights for the parade, which will precede the costume judging and refresh merits. HARVEST MOON DANCE Tickets for the dance, Nov. 9, are stil l available, and can be purchased from any of the beach gals. Here's a good opportunity, to help a good cause, meet your neighbors, and have an enjoyable evening. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Dere.k and Sherri Eger- staffer, of W. East Lane, are pleased to announce the birth of their baby daughter, Oct 17. Her name is Sandra Lynn, and she weighed 7 lbs. , 3 oz., and was 21 inches long, at birth. Sandra Lynn was welcomed home by her big brother, Billy, who is three and a half years old. Our congratulations to the Egerstaffer family, on the new arrival, at their house. BIRTHDAYS Best wishes for a happy birthday to Jim Wyman, Oct. 31 Also to Glenn Gates, Nov. 3, and Jackie Smith, Nov. 4. POLICE OFFICER HIRED Another police officer has been hired for the village. He is patrolman Robert Simmons, a resident of McHenry. Mr. Simmons has had previous police experience, having been a patrolman in McCullom Lake, about two years ago. VOTING REMINDER A general election will be held Tuesday, Nov 5, details ol which have already been published in the Plaindealer. Our voting place is the village hall , which shall be open from f> i i in ti l l <> p in o n election day ANNIVERSARY OUTING i In celebration of our eighteenth anniversary. Oct II . Don and I went out, for a change. With us were Bill and Pal Milbratz, also my sister and her husband, Bea and Ray Ball We started the evening with a delicious doiner at a local restaurant Being n«»>d Americans, not wanting to waste, we made sure to take home all leftovers, in people bags, for luture consumption Afterward, we went bowling, where I made scores of 83. 8<>. and f»8. That was one ol my good nights I st i l l would like to know who the wise guy was that suggested low man pay lor beer frames. Since Bea and Ray. and their kids, stay ed overnight .i t our house, my sister and I sat up talking, and didn't get to sleep til l after ."> a .m. Promptly, at 8 a in . id> loving husband, wide awake, and ready to go, woke everyone up Luckily, for us halt asleep sisters, the leftovers from the night before saved us. In no time, we whipped up an Oak Park Hotel BEER TREE 801 W. Oak Grv. Pistakee Bay Ph. 385-0176 - PRESENTS - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY SATURDAY NITE 900 PM Don't Miss Our 50's Party NOVEMBER JM For Your Information Dear friends, \ In some communities, most people pay their respects by attending the funeral service. In other areas, the majority call at the funeral home. The hour or day of the funeral service may preclude attendance for some. For those, the visitation period offers an opportunity to pay respect and comfort the bereaved. Respectfully, McH»nry. Ill inois mmmmrnrnm PETER Ni. JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME 3850063 VALEER MEN S WEARHOUSE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Air Force Snorkel Parka REG. *45.00 Hooded jacket with polyester fiber fill, 100% nylon, and is machine washable. Available in brown, blue and green. SIZES 36 to 46 VALEER'S LOW PRICE '29 95 HUGE ASSORTMENT Casual Slacks Reg. *14 to *16 Large assortment of first quality slacks in the latest European fashion Choose from solids, plaids, and checks with cuffs or regular flare. These quality slacks normally retail for '14 to '16 VALEER PRICED AT ONLY 00 EA. Valeer Men's Wearhouse OUR P0UCY NATIONAL BRANDS ' • f t i lu irM t<» lUcMift Mui• Urn RT. 120 V0L0, ILL. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, 10 00 A M TO 9 00 P M SATURDAYS, (MAM TO i 00 P M SUNDAYS 1J NOON TO 5 00 FOX LAKi MvHENRY International Live Stock Show To Mark Jubilee Diamond Jubilee, edition of the world-famous International Live Stock exposition will run from Nov. 27'through Dec. 3 at Chicago's International am phitheatre The annual show, as usual, will salute the nation's prestigious animal agriculture industry with the finest in cattle, hogs, and sheep com peting for coveted In elegant breakfast of steak. Canadian bacon, fried potatoes, rolls, and eggs ( just the eggs were ours, from home.) Hey, where d that neat new silverware come from0 Oh! Oh! ternat ional championship ribbons. The highlight of the In ternational will come on Monday afternoon when I)r Gar\ Mmish. of Blacksburg. Va will select the grand champion steer. The grand champion lamb will be named on Thursday. Nov. 28. by Frotessor Merle Light, of Fargo. N D , and the grand champion barrow on Tuesday. S. by Robert Horry of Bethel. Mo The sale of the grand champions will take place Tuesday evening, Dec. 3, with Col Hoy J. Johnston, of Kaymore, Mo., presiding Another trouble with parents -some of them think they kru/w more than their children do. Political Corner HOLD COFFKK A coffee was held in the home of Mrs. Harriet Snyder. McHenry. recently, honoring K Daniel Maione. candidate lor county clerk, and Sheriff Arthur Tyrrell , who is seeking re-election. The Famous 'Pich-Your Apples I I I I I I I D\ ORIOLE | _ SPRINGS " R ORCHARDS! Thanksgiving & Christmas j I I l l l l l l I I PAGE 19 PLAINDEALER.WEDNE8DAY. < WATER The sexes may be equal -but ever hear of a housewife retiring?? - . Aren't Far Away - Think About Your Holiday Table & Giftin j ...lapie &.. wrano •Thru November Ready, picked Several varietys to choose -from | pecks to bushels. i i i REPUBLICAN STATE CANDIDATES apples. Available in . Antiques by Grace Caroyfln in the "Old Gray Farmhouse" w in Lakes, Wisconsin • Phone 414/877-24,% & Vis i t Our Famous . . . COUNTRY STORE • TASTY COUNTRY SMOKED SAUSAGES• BACON • HAM • BRATWURST • BRAUNSCHWEIGER COLD CUTS# SPECIALTIES WIDE VAR IETIES OF FAMOUS WISCONSIN CHEESE HONEY • APPLE BUTTER « JELLIES • CIDER • TAFFY APPLES I'M1.?!;;! GEORGE M. BURDITT For ILS.Senator 21 HARRY PAGE For State Treasurer 31 -38 CAL SKINNER, JR. State Representative R. BRUCE WADDELL State Representative 65 Vote Republican for Good Government in McHenry County >; VOTE REPUBLICAN FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT Nov. 5th Sponsored by The McHenry Republican Central Committee Al Jourdan, Chairman Do you still get nervous about going over 3 minutes on a Long Distance call? You shouldn't. After 3 minutes, the rate-per-minute never goes up. And often goes down. So you can make a four, five or even a ten- minute Long Distance call for a lot less than you might think. For example, let's say you wanted to make a Saturday afternoon call to a friend in New York City. If you dial direct, you could talk for ten minutes for just $1.55, plus tax. You could make a similar ten-minute call to Los Angeles, San Francisco or even Seattle for only $2.05, plus tax. Think about that, next time you're racing the clock. (2) Illinois Bell Dial direct rates apply on self dialed Long Distance calls to points within Illinois and to all other states exiep as a. Dial-direct rates do not apply on Operator assisted calls such as coin, credit card, collect, person to per son, hote Kues ca , or calls charged to another number. In areas where direct dialing facilities are not available, DDL) rates also app y Operator-assisted station to-station calls that elsewhere could be dialed direct.