If Don E. Hamachek, Professor, Department of Counseling, Personnel Services, and Educational Psychology, Michigan State Universi ty, East Lansing, has prepared the following art icle he t i t les, "Helping your Child Grow Up" In most societ ies, the family provides the emotional framework within which a child 's personali ty is rooted and nourished. I t is within the context of some kind of family unit that a child feels ei ther loved or unloved, wanted or unwanted, capable or in capable, worthy or unworthy. It is probably safe to say that rfo parents who consciously choose to have children, deliberately set out to make their children more unhappy than happy, more fearful than confident , more closed-minded than open-minded, or more neurotic than adjusted. Most parents, in a word, want to help their children to grow up to be as physically hale and as emotionally hearty as possible. Although al l human relat ionships are unique, the one exist ing between parent and child is an enormously meaningful one. A growing child is influenced and even tually shaped through a slow but cumulative process of witnessing and part icipating in the day-to-day interactions of the important people in his l ife. The intimacy and intensity of contact and the everyday in teraction and interchange exist in an emotionally charged atmosphere. Whether a child gets no at tention at al l or too much, whether he is punished too often or too l i t t le , he is forming at t i tudes about him self Children are l ike sponges. They tend to soak up al l that surrounds them. Later , through their experience, in tel lect ,Mind reason, they will think through their conscious knowledge, discarding some and retaining some As growing boys and girls , however, they will absorb their environment, which, among other things, includes the at t i tude of playmates, the wisdom of teachers, the gentleness and discipline of parents. All that goes into making up the emotional substance of a child is taught: the abil i ty and inclination to love or hate, to be trustful or suspicious, to be close or distant , to feel proud or ashamed, to share or hoard, to feel confident or inadequate, to be ambit ious or lazy, and on and on Although many children turn out al l r ight and make a posit ive go of i t in their adult l ives, others remain emotionally f ixated at .some younger age, feeling both unable and unwill ing to accept the full responsibil i t ies for mature adult l iving The question is , "How can we help a child grow up and mature emotionally?" More specifically, "How can we help a child to develop a healthy capacity to both give love and mark your ballot No. 82 for REPUBLICAN candidate for McHENRY COUNTY TREASURER Audrey R. WALGENBACH Nov. 5th General Election Pol. Adv. Pd. For by Audrey K. Walgenbach 14417 Washington Woodstock, 111. receive i t . to be open to new experiences and people, to take some risks now and then, and to feel generally happy about himself and his lot in l i fe?" in subsequent art icles, we will share with you some ideas, approaches, and techniques for achieving these goals. Poisonous? Thought to be poisonous, to matoes were not eaten in the United States until about 1825, although they had been an Ital ian staple food since the 1500's PAGE 21 - PLAINDEALER-FR1DAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1974 from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTEWYCAWS October 25, 1954 -- First live telecast of a Presidential Cabinet session. October 26, 1951 -- Rocky Marciano knocks out Jn Louis to become champion. October 27, 1858 -- Theodore Roosevelt's birthday. October 28, 1936 -- Harvard College is founded. October 29, 1940 -- Drawings held signifying first con scription for compulsory military service in peacetime In United States history. October 30, 1938 -- Orson Welles dramatizes "The War of the Worlds" over live radio and causes widespread panic. October 31, 1864 -- Nevada is admitted as the 36th state of the union. r MAKE MARENGO FEDERAL YOUR SAVINGS CENTER American Legion Post 491 -RINGWOOD ROAD, McHENRY- FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) • PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OTHER MENU AVAILABLE ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FRI. TWO BEERS & COKE SAT. BOB & BLUETONES Jj For Someone New ELECT James M. O'Laughlin McHenry County Board DISTRICT No. 2 DEMOCRAT Paid Pol Adv. By Candidate FORD MAC DONALD NEW CAR SALE 1974 FORD PINTO 2 door sedan, all vinyl bucket seats, front disc brakes. Light Blue, 2000cc 2V 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed manual transmission, five 6.00x13 tires. FULL PRICE J** 1974 FORD PINTO 2 door sedan. Dark Yellow Green Metallic, 2000cc 2V 4 cylinder engine, Select-Shift Cruise-O-Matic, five 6.00x13 tires, AM radio, all vinyl bucket seats, front disc brakes. *222811& $25011 Is $2577 Brand H** 1974 FORD PINTO 3 door Runabout, Bright Blue, 2000cc 2V 4 cylinder engine, Select-Shift Cruise-O-Matic, five 6.00x13 tires, fold-down rear seat, load and passenger area carpeting, all vinyl bucket seats, front disc brakes. Brand New 1974 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON Medium Bright Blue Metallic, 2300cc 2V 4 cylinder engine, Select-Shift Cruise-O-Matic, five A78xl3 tires, front disc brakes, fold-down rear seat, cargo and passenger area carpeting, all vinyl bucket seats, rear quarter flipper windows. FULL PRICE <2663 1974 FORD MAVERICK 2 door sedan, color-keyed carpet, Bright Red, 200 C1D IV 6 cylinder engine, Select-Shift Cruise-O-Matic, five 14 inch steel belted radial tires, AM radio. FULL PRICE gtati "•* 1974 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON Tan Glow Metallic Glow Paint, 2300cc 2V 4 cylinder engine, Select-Shift Cmlse-O-Matlc, five A78xl3 tires, front disc brakes, fold-down rear seat, cargo and passenger area carpeting, all vinyl bucket seats, rear quarter flipper windows. *272411a *2739 et#4 1974 FORD MAVERICK 2 door sedan, color-keyed carpeting. Saddle Bronze Metallic, 200 CID IV 6 cylinder engine. Select-Shift Cruise-O-Matic, five AR78xl4 tires, power steering, AM radio, interior decor group. FULL PRICE s2756 1974 FORD MUSTANG II HARDTOP 2.3 liter 2V 4 cylinder engine, Tan Glow Glamour Paint, five BR78xl3 steel belted (radial) tires, front disc brakes, all vinyl bucket seata, tachometer/instrumentation, wheel covers, cut-pile carpet. FULL PRICE *2786 1974 FORD MUSTANG II 2+2 2.3 liter 2V 4 cylinder engine. Polar White, five BR78xl3 steel belted radial tires, AM radio, front brakes, styled steel wheels, fold-down rear seat, cut-pile carpet, all vinyl bucket seats, tachometer/instrumentation. FULL PRICE *2968 FORD (ALL PRICES SHOWN INCLUDE FREIGHT AND DEALER PREPARATION) OPEN SUNbAYS 11-5 'Certified Factory Trained Mechanics for Lincoln-Mercury-Ford and All Ford Trucks MAC DONALD 90S. ROUTE 12 FOX LAKE 312-587'2S41["MERC(JRY| Show Room Hours Daily 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5 Open Sun. 11 to 5 Service Hours: 8 to 5 Daily Closed Sat. - Sun. Minimum Minimum Rata Annual Rale Term Balance par annum by compoundini Regular Passbook None $5.00 5.25% 5.31% 90 Day Passbook 90 days $500 5.75% 6.002% Certificate lir. $1,000. 6.50% Ulf Certificate Vh yr. '1,000 6.75% 7.08% Certificate 4yr. sl,000 7.50% 7.9% Intorost - compounded daily on all accounts - can be mailed monthly, quarterly, annually -- can be left «n account to compound to earn at rates shown above In the event of withdrawal from certificate accounts before maturity, earnings on the amount withdrawn will be paid at our current passbook rate for the period held, less 90 days interest. Open or add to your account today -- In parson or by meH. M ARENGO federal savings and loan association tt int Highway * Maranft Illinois 10152 Phone: 816 668-7268 A $52,00u,000 Mutual Association serving Northern Illinois tinea 1925. 1o see what is rightand not do it, is want of courage. RE-ELECT JOHN B. ANDERSON FOR CONGRESS NOV. 5, 1974 - PAID FOR BY ANDERSON FOR CONGRESS FINANCE COMMITTEE ROV UUEDAHL, CHAIRMAN