'AGF 10 - PLAINDE ALER-WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER «, 1974 West Shore Beach Connie Schmidt 385-7841 Properly Owners Hold Business Meeting Nov. 9 There will be a West Shore Beach Property Owners Meeting at 5407 Highland Drive this Saturday, Nov. 9, at 4:30 a.m. Important subdivision business is on the agenda to be discussed by those residents who attend. Did you pay this year's dues yet? Have you ever attended a Property Owners meeting? Do you know the objectives of your Association? Everyone living in this subdivision is automatically classified as a resident and can either be active and informed or inactive and uninformed. Please come and make your presence speak for itself. All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend Nov 9! ROAD BRIEF Our representative on the McHenry Coui.ty Unin corporated Road Organization, Sylvia Wasicak, has informed us that there will no longer be regular meetings for that purpose. Instead a newsletter will be sent each month to report on present findings of the committee. Anyone wishing to read this newsletter must come to our Association meeting or contact Sylvia personally. In brief the organization was temporarily halted when our governor vetoed house bills 2391 and 2792. However, there are two other alternatives for the people in unincorporated areas to gain success. First our | roads could be improved by | meeting qualifications of a special service tax. Second the county committee on local improvement has the power to change existing road standards for the county. Our residents should be fully aware that the only help we can get is from the Township Road Commissioner and the County Road and Transportation Committee. Please try to be informed on this important problem as it is the biggest and most expensive concern in our own subdivision Let's be aware folks! NEW ARRIVAL Welcome Jason Carl born on Oct. 27 to Eugene and Irene Crago of 5220 Cleveland Drive. Hope mom is feeling better and we know proud daddy passed out many blue-banded cigars at work. Congratulations to the happy parents and may Jason bring you many sun filled days ahead! PERSONALS Dolores Jaburek had a pleasant visit last weekend from her brother, Bob Golbeli, from Villa Park. The family had a fine day together! Congratulations to our area trick or treaters who were indeed good goblins this year! Hope Virginia Posthuma is doing better and has started down the road to recovery. Do I know when your bir thday comes? If not please call and inform me of your im portant holidays. Any advertisement or thank yous cannot be published in the column. If I do write up these things they will only be cut out. If you or our subdivision is involved in an activity only then can this information be included. Have a nice day! Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 Book Week At Local Library II November 11-17 Book week is coming -- Nov. 11-17 to be exact. McHenry- Nunda District Library will have books for sale all week, plus amnesty for overdue {books; these are two extra reasons to come to your library on Lily Lake Road during Book Week where there are "Books for All Reasons." APOLOGY Apologies are offered to the Parents For Youth Group. Due to a shortage of space this column was published on Friday instead of Wednesday. Regardless of that fact I hope their Halloween party was well attended. ASSOCIATION NEWS There will be no general meeting on Nov. 12; due to an illness in the Bleich family. Approximately half the residents of Lilymoor have their Newsletter, and the other REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES. OF THE First National Bank Of McHeniy lIN THE STATE OF Illinois, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON October 15, 1974 PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL MADE Air Force-Oregon Game; Memories Are Made Of This Gifts For Child Center BY COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER TITLE 12, f UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 161. ASSETS Cash and due from' banks (including $ None 'unposteddebits) 1,055,897.81 j U.S. Treasury securities 1,302,740.24 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporation 2,998,350.65 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,215,387.98 i Othpr securities (including $18,000.00 corporate stock) .. 68,120.94 F Loans 6,671,796.51 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 313,837.97 Other assets (including $ None direct lease financing) . 155,066.81 TOTAL ASSETS 13,781,198.91 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,177,979.06 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 9,005,192.08 Deposits of United States Government Il6~396.43 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 520,000,00 Deposits of commercial banks 8,459.14 Certified and officers' checks, etc 142,174.79 TOTAL DEPOSITS ,•••••$ 11,970,501.50 (a) Total demand deposits $ 2,445,309.42 (b) Total time and savings deposits $ 9,525,192.08 Federal funds purchased ana securities sold under agreements to repurchase 600,000.00 Other liabilities 351,363.09 TOTAL LIABILITIES 12,921,864.59 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) 3,503.64 . TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES 3,503.64 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Equity capital-total 855,830.68 i Common Stock - total par value 300,000.00 No. shares authorized 15,000 No. shares outstanding 15,000 Surplus 300,000.00 Undivided profits 255,830.68 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 855,830.68 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 13,781,198.91 MEMORANDA Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days aiding with call date 11,948,277.31 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 6,660,881.73 I, Neida D. Rechiskv. Assistant Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and .correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Neida D. Rechisky We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. Richard D. Fowles David M. Kent If, * . Donald Daley Directors (by Father Wm 0. Hanner, rector emeritus of Holy Comforter church, Episcopal. Kenilworth. > Our hotel in downtown Eugene had lots of business. The high grade lood and ser vice in the dining rooms brought some. The Chamber of Commerce public office opened on the lobby . that brought others. Canadian tours stopped every day because the hotel was Canadian owned. There was a lot of coming and going. On Friday, Sept. 20, a big contingent of cadets from the Air Force academy at Colorado Springs descended upon us. The Air Force was to play the University of Oregon come the twenty-first. The drum and bugle corps which was to play during the half time on a national TV hook up was being quartered in our hotfcl 1 ̂ ave served as a mid shipman in the Navy, a reserve officer in the Army (Tanks) and during the Second World War, I was transferred to the Air corps. I was agog with interest The cadets were a good looking outfit; they were trim, neat and polite. They were not above saying, "Yes sir ." Every room on our corridor save ours was filled with cadets. They took over the hotel and brightened things up quite a bit. One of the cadet officers invited me to complain if things got too noisy. "Good Heavens! Who am I to half will have theirs as soon as possible. If any of the Lilymoor readers would like to pick up their copy instead of waiting for someone to bring it to them they may pick it up at my house. Call me and let me know when you are going to be here and I'll make sure I am home. 1 sincerely hope the mem bership increases after you read your copy of the newsletter and financial report and you realize the importance of accepting your fair share of the cost of running your sub division VILLAGE NEWS Please mark the fourteenth on your calendar as that is the date of the one and only village meeting being held in November. The time is 8 p.m. CONDOLENCES Robert Mix of Chicago passed away on Oct. 26 following a long illness. He was laid to rest at Elmlawn in Elmhurst, 111. Bob was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mix and the nephew of Mrs. John (Gloria) Cassell all of Lakemoor. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the cancer fund in Bob's name may do so. You may contact Gloria and she will give you the information necessary for the local chapter of the Cancer society. By way of this column, let me express the sympathy of the friends and neighbors to the Mix and the Cassell families on your loss. complain about the United States Air Force." I am a retired Air Force Reserve officer. I recalled my own days as a midshipman. United States Navy. I recalled the times we had gone to New York and Philadelphia for games. I remembered the detailed in struction we had gotten on all sorts of public behavior in cluding, you wouldn't think it - table manners. Woe betide the lowly plebe (freshman) who "shoveled" his food, who left a spoon in a cup of coffee, who did not hold his knife, index finger pointed to the tip of the blade and along the top when He cut meat. "They aren't clubs you know." I told Mrs. Hanner we would try to get tickets. I could not miss this treat. Soon Saturday morning after church (it was my 40th an niversary as priest you remember) we set out for tickets. 1 was directed by the hotel to a sports goods shop They had tickets but alas, who wants to sit in the end zone ( A lady standing by whispored to Mrs. Hanner, "I have two pretty good tickets at home. We cannot use them this afternoon I will sell them to you if you wish, or even give them to you They are on the 35 yard line, 24 rows up, on the shady side". (It got up to 93 that afternoon) So we got the lady's address (she was a professor's wife), drove out and got the tickets, paid for them and said a nice "Thank you" to God for this good fortune. We got some lunch and caught the bus the hotel ran to the stadium. The game was a thrilling one for anyone to watch It was top "spectator sport". The score seesawed back and forth. There were runs and passes and punts. There were field goals and touchdowns. The final score was Oregon 26 - Air Force 22. A cadet pass was intercepted by Oregon and Oregon's two-foot line with only seconds left to play. What about our drum and bugle corps? They put on most of the half time show. As I said, they were on a national TV hook-up and they were plenty good Their marching was precise, the ones never wavered, not a lad was out of step The drums rolled and l)oomed, they rum tunrmed to a snappy pace. The bugles and other horns were loud and dear-the whole corps played as one great instrument. They looked like what they were, our country's best. I am at a loss as to why we do not appreciate the military and its training more. The three academies aim to train gentlemen; they aim to inculcate honor, honesty and efficiency and dear God, how we need some of all three today. The academies do not always succeed, of course, but they get a lot more done than if they had not tried. We went back to the hotel in our waiting bus, got cleaned up and went out to Mike's place for dinner. One night he fixed artichokes-another time we had some of the Brie cheese we had sent him from Lena, 111., last summer. He cooks pretty well - better than his father. Later that night, at the hotel, the cadets danced, they had a big evening. There were cute looking girls about and the Air Force has a way with the ladies. The next day being Sunday we hurried off to early church - by the time we returned - there was not a cadet to be seen. Off on the horizon you could still see an Air Force transport plane. Back to the grind at Colorado Springs. All play and no work makes for a bum Air Force I am told. Audubon Chapter Plans Milwaukee Harbor Trip On Saturday, Nov. 9, the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Audubon society plans a trip to the Milwaukee harbor in hopes of finding some unusual waterbirds. At this time of year most of the birds that nest here in the summer or just migrate in spring and fall have left the area to head to their wintering grounds. Ducks and geese, however, are just beginning to move south as northern lakes and rivers freeze over. Certain species of ducks live in the arctic or far north and move into the Great Lakes only in the winter Some are considered fairly common in Lake Michigan and concentrations can be found in the harbors of Milwaukee, Racine and Chicago. Such birds as Scoters, Old- squaws, Red-throated Loons and more unusual birds of coastal waters have been found, as well as real rarities { 'PG' DIVERSITY ! T £ ( EACH PROGRAM A SEPARATE ADMISSION ) ^FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM ̂ X Featured Friday, Nov. Tst thru Thurs., Nov. 7th + Cartoon at 7:08 - Feature at 7:20 Only - Out 8:50 * 75 CENTS - ALL SEATS! - 75 CENTS istert ml> < id-time farce.. 1. JTKIUNCat hMbejtr. ™ ; Earbra Streisand i Sake' HARVARD THEATRE / _\y V I ) / K S / K i l l A M I I O I K l \ l O K U 1 l l < ) \ * * * * * * * * * * * i pf * w * ft- 6 R R bl and record-setters such as Harlequin ducks, Jaegers and Kittiwakes. Last year the McHenry county chapter was fortunate to find thirty Old- squaws among many other species of ducks, and the smallest Bonaparte's gull in silvery winter plumage. Again the chapter members plan to enjoy their warmup refreshments and picnic lun ches near the McKinley park lagoon, where last year Mallards, Widgeon and hybrids provided fine subjects for camera buffs. All members and guests are reminded to dress warmly and to bring their own refreshments. Several spotting scopes will be available so the waterbird watching should be excellent. Those interested in the usual car pooling will meet at the Ken Fiske home, 9313 Bull Valley road, Woodstock, at 8:30 a.m. For those wishing to drive directly to Milwaukee, the group will meet at the harbor about 10 a.m. Further in formation can be obtained from chapter members or from Mrs. David Gay, Wonder Lake, or Mrs. Bruce Livermore, Woodstock. John James Audubon, the naturalist, has three places in New York City named for him- a theater, an avenue, and a telephone exchange. He is buried in a cemetery on 155th Street. Louise Giel, left in photo at top, Anna Mae Kerner and Dorothy Grossberg of the Whispering Hills Sewing group are shown at the McHenry Child Development center with Jennifer Tracey and Ben Wade. These and other children at the center recently received aprons and winter hats made by members of the Sewing group. In bottom photo Robert Barhyte and Tami Koth hold pumpkins as they proudly display their new hats. STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD The children of the McHenry Child Development center recently received aprons and winter hats made by the Whispering Hills Sewing group. Melvin Krueger brought a pumpkin for each child's Halloween fun. The pumpkins were painted with Jack-o- lantern faces as a classroom activity before being taken home. "We are certainly happy that so many people have been so generous," said Ms. Lynda Markut, director of the center. The center serves children from low income families in the McHenry area, under the Headstart program of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. A major component of the program is community par ticipation through donations of space, time, and other help. The First United Methodist church provides classroom, kitchen, and office space, and Dr. A. D'Sousa provides Call Public Meeting To Form Concert Series A new group called Com munity Concerts association of Crystal Lake has met since July with the idea of starting a concert series in the Crystal Lake area. This group plans to officially- jr H \ R \ \ K I ) . I I l l \ ( ) I S , / . s ; < / 4 . < 4 4 » / JHW ( I KAN C 'OMFOR I ABLE C ONTROLLED * ADULT ENTERTAINMENT itured Friday, Nov. 1st thru Thurs., Nov. 7th T><udU ADULTS I LIMITED TO AGE 18 8. OVER ONLY [POSITIVE PROOF REQUIRED * ' NEW FORMAT: 'SPECIAL' plus 'BONUS' J PR^^NTED EACH NITE - 9:00 TO 11:25 * GEORGINA SPELVIN A TINA RUSSELL JPSI. M TOGETHER... T * i th A 111,11 H( l f "0M TH«* WINDS ^ We Listen! Films Selected For Our Majority of Couples Audience1 • EXPLICIT ADULT FILM FOR MATURE MEN & WOMEN ONLY 1 ^ J2ois of&fiings (San &Cappen tp your home besides fire, theft or wind damage v. Your home and belongings face many hazards that even fire and extended coverage won t cover But a State Farm Homeowners Policy with Infla tion Coverage can provide complete protection even covers you in case of lawsuits And each State Farm policy comes with a promise of prompt friendly service when you need help Call me for all the details DENNIS CONWAY 3319 W. ELM SI. McHENRY, ILL. 385-7111 Lite t good neighbor, Stare farm is there Sl»« fl'i* Comp»o» Horn# Wki 8too».rjion tiki on tIATI l A tM organize at a public meeting Thursday. Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. at the First Federal Savings and Loan. 1 E Crystal Lake avenue m Crystal Lake Anyone who would be interested in bringing famous .artists to this area in the form of a Community Concert Series should plan to attend this meeting The meeting will be held in the bank basement and people are asked to enter through the back en trance where an elevator will medical services required by the program. There are also many people in the area who work as volunteers in the classroom or provide tram sportation. The McHenry center is the only Headstart program in the county, though the Community Action agency, which ad ministers the program, is in terested in establishing centers where they are needed. take them to the basement area This association has met with a representative of Community Concerts, a division of Columbia Artists Management, Inc., of New York to discuss how such a series could be started • The New York representative feels that such a series could be started very easily and Community Con certs will help the association with all the aspects of forming a series as well as handling the management of all artists scheduled to perform Some 40 percent of our wild flowers and weeds on the eastern half of U.S. are imports from Europe * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Are You New in McHenry Area ? •••••••••• Do You Know Someone new? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA ! ! ! ! ! CALL -,V :V V t>V JOAN STULL DORIS ANDREAS J 385-.'>418 385-'1518 lO %A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * Jf *. * * 99VAI WHC9HI KNOW YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES I I HEST Its*/