H F A I E S T A T E BY jpWNER. 2 br. con dominium, formal din. rm., spacious L.R., carpeted throi^ghout, lg. kitchen with rang^ and hood, dishwasher, disposal & ref., ceramic bath and i powder room, large storage and closet area, balcony with glass sliding door! gas tteat and attached garage $28,900.00. 385-2327. RIAL ESTATE HELP WANTED G10-30 11-6 Why pay rent! Turn your rent receipts into home equity. This deluxe 2 bedroom Condo is loaded. 459-5820 10-30 II -6G V.A., F.H.A. or CONTRACT. We have 2-4 bedroom houses for sale. All immaculate in good neighborhoods. 815-344- 0880 10-23 11-15 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE 4 BEDROOM, large Uv. rm., fam. rm. with fireplace, lg! kitchen, full panelled basmt. with 12 ft. wet bar, 2 car garage, many many extras. Edgebrook Heights $54,900.00 385-8548. 11-6 11-13G LAKELAND PARK, New home by biltlder, 3 bedroom, stone front, 2 full baths, 10% down Conventional financing $27, 500 (312) 426-2371 „ U-6 11-13G HELP WANTED S E C R E T A R I A L A N D CLERICAL POSITIONS- No Fees! Wells-Fargo Em ployment Agency. 1212 N. Seminary- Woodstock. 815-338- 6980. „ „ 11-1 TF 1-2 Sell Auto Insurance PartTime" 312-395-6648. 4 11-1 TF 1-2 &S? ' For Sale By Owner 3 br, 2 story farm house and 80'-2 level horse barn and other buildings plus 5 acres on Riverside Drive, Near Johnsburg Road $75,000.00 By appointment only. 385-8341 r: 10-25 11 WANTED""] Vacant acreage within 30 • mile radius of Richmond, • -- Illinois. We have cash buy- I | ers for 10 acres -20acres 5 1100 acres. Call today for I prompt appraisal. I I njKnfep I N. Route 12 Richmond, Illinois PHONE 81M7^6jj a-1 TF1-2 HELP WANTED EARN EXTRA Cash For Christmas Part time, Evening Hours 5:00 - 9:00 P.M. or 6:00 - 9:00 P.M Call Gen. 385-0940 11-6 11-8 ••••••••I Experienced Waitress | and Bus Boy Weekends J Apply in person I GASTHAUS LORELEI | Rts. 12 & 31 Richmond, Illinois 11-6 11-8 I BARTENDER Part time Days and all Day Sunday Call in Person PArs SUPPER CLUB (6 miles north of Fox Lake)] U.S. Route 12 Solon Mills 11-6 11-8 TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 HELP WANTED It SECURITY OFFICERS Full or Part Time We have immediate openings in your area for full time career applicants and part time applicants who wish to supplement their income. Received paid pre- assignments and on the job training. We pay for your benefit program, medical and life insurance.-, equip ment, vacation and holiday. Steady growth offers great advancement opportunities. Personnel interviews conducted locally. Call MR. THOMAS collect TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT (312) 626-4277 STANLEY SMITH SECURITY INC. an equal opportunity employer m/f MAINTENANCE MAN 2nd Shift BRAKE PARTS COMPANY is currently interviewing for a qualified maintenance man. The ability to read machine schematics is imperative. The likely candidate will pos sess the knowledge to repair and service hydraulic cir culatory systems and mechanical equipment. This pos ition offers an excellent starting salary, above average fringe benefits and above average night shift premium. FOR AN INTERVIEW, APPLY IN PERSON OR TELEPHONE (815) 385-7000 BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL .An equal opportunity employer, M/F 11-6 11-8 r~s SYSTEMS & PROGRAMMING MANAGER Intermatlc, a progressive and expanding manufacturer of consumer and industrial products for over 81 years offers an outstanding opportunity for an experienced A N S Cobol programmer-analyst, with minimum of 5 years background. Individual must possess creativity, good communication akills, familiarity with 360 D O S system. Supervisory potential is essential. We offer an excellent salary range and benefit package, as well as, opportunity for personal growth. 'hone (815) 675-2321 for an application or replyj with your resume and salary requirements to: Jerry F. Wohlleber, Director of Personnel Intermatic, Inc. Intermatic Plaza Rte. 12 & Winn Road Spring Grove, Illinois I opportunity employer M/F I' I I I I I I I AUTOMOBILE | DETAIL MAN | Apply in Person 9am to 5pm SUNNYSIDE I DODGE 4810 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 60050 j AVON To buy or sell. Call our District Manager: Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 11-1 TF TF11-29 FEMALE HELP WANTED • WAITRESS [Evenings and Weekends! Apply in person I to Mrs. Jean Sherman • j PAFS SUPPER CLUB | « I (6 miles north o^Fox Lake) J U.S. Route 12 , I Solon Mills I I 11-6 11-8' EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Part time Apply in Person D0RKIES BEEF & EGGER 4213 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 11-6 11-* MALE HELP WANTED POETS CORNER A GREAT MAN'S LONELY BATTLE (by Maria Heiser) A missing tape and one lie, can bring a man to fall... without the battle cry ... This man was the President of these United States.... With his silence he tried to hold from us the affair of Watergate. He did not ever admit his complete innocence or his guilt.... Until he had to drink the cup of loneliness which was filled He was suddenly alone in his fight to protect this land and nation No one gave him the human right to defend himself < in this situation.... Everything that he had done as a President in this country, was forgotten and declared "none" All one could hear was that word "guilty".... He was respected in foreign lands, in China, Egypt and Russia He opened the door to the "sleeping giant"... he walked in the Kremlin and shook hands BARTENDER 385-8883 WANTED at 11-6 TF 1-2 MAINTENANCE MAN With Experience |Full Company benefits Apply in person CHROMA CORP. Herbert & Scotland Rds (Lakemoor) 815-385-8100 11-6 11-8 GRILL MAN | Week-end nights § Fast & Sober | Mostly breakfast $ D0RKIES 4213 W. Rte. 120 g McHenry Apply in Person i His goals were set high to bring peace to this world.... and the foreign powers began to believe in his word. But, his own people screamed - "that's all just a lie", why was he so hated - why? Was not this mart, as a President as a leader of his American nation, not more important than Watergate? Were we really all so drunk in this hateful celebration? No one can take back all those insulting words, which were spoken against this man ... We all stood there in silence not reaching out for the sword and not giving him a forgiving hand. .. Maybe history can be forgiving - and give tribute to this President. .. Who did not receive mercy from the living... Who asked for justice but did not find one helping hand 11-6 11-8 | VA NEWS EDITOR'S NOTE: Veterans and their families are asking thousands of questions con cerning the benefits their Government provides for them through the Veterans Ad ministration. Below are some representative queries. Ad ditional information may be obtained at any VA office. Q. -- Do I have to be a member of a veterans organization to volunteer my services to patients irL -a Veterans Administration hospital? A. -- No. All that's required is a desire to help hospitalized veterans. Suggest you phone the voluntary service office at the nearest VA hospital if you'd like to help. Q. - With conditions as they I I I i I * MALE HELP WANTcD MAINTENANCE MAN 2nd Shift 3:30 pm to Midnight Some maintenance experience-machine repair work. Primary requirement-good mechanical ability. Varied type of maintenance work. Good opportunity, excellent fringe benefits. Apply 7am to 4pm Monday thru Friday or Call 815-653-2841 or 815-385-3964 MODINEI MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood R'i. RING WOOD, ILLINOIS An E ;i'nl Opportunity Employer AA t I II I I PET CENTER GOT A f>ff FnR yoVX GIVE AWAY Female poodle, female Pomeranian, 2 female pekinese. 385-7812. 11-6 BEAGLE PUPPY 8 weeks, housetrained 385-5107 11-6 To good home, female, German Shepherd mixed breed, 5 months old, all shots, needs room to run. 385-8067. 11-6 Norwegian Elkhound-Shepherd, female, 6 months, very loving, to good home only. 385-0228 385-8406. 11-6 Wildlife Endowment The Illinois 4-H Foundation has again been given a $500 grant from the Illinois Wildlife Endowment to help sponsor conservation education in Illinois. Four-H has long been con cerned with conservation and has held a state wide con servation camp for the past forty-one years, according to George L. Daigh, executive secretary of the foundation and associate 4-H program leader for the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service. The program is one of the oldest conservation education programs in existence. Specific camp objectives include learning techniques of recognizing major insect pests and common insects beneficial to Illinois; learning the need and importance of conserving our forest resources; and studying the characteristics of rocks, minerals, fossils, and soil in Illinoias. In addition, the campers learn to develop safe hunting skills and the proper handling of a gun, and gain an un derstanding of soil and water conservation problems. The camp program provides an incentive for participants to explore career opportunities in the fields of conservation and ecology. Conservation camps are held in thirty states and give thousands of young people the opportunity to learn more about the conservation of our natural resources, Daigh says. Young people who attend the camps are taught to un derstand how man relates to his total environment. The Illinois 4-H foundation is a non-profit, educational public foundation using private donations to supplement the state 4-H program. were the past year, how many veterans were able to get GI home loans? A. - VA approved 306,200 loans in fiscal year 1974, which adds up to a good year, con sidering market conditions. In fact, with the exception of fiscal years '72 and '73, it was the best since the peak years of the mid- 1950s. Q. -- I keep hearing about "Vet-Rep." What is it? A. -- A program the Veterans administration has initiated to help veterans attending college Specially-trained veterans representatives do this by answering questions and otherwise solving problems veterans may have. 4-H Foundation Provides Grant For EVERY CHILD NEEDS TO BE LOVED A child's foundation for emotional sturdiness is formed during infancy and reinforced during the formative years. The love and affection children receive from their parents or parent-figures play a large part in determining the path of emotional development that they may follow throughout life. < All we used to say was that a mother should hold her baby while feeding him. But now we know that smiling at and smiling back at, singing, Q -- May a veteran be enrolled for a fractional part of a semester, term or quarter under the GI bill? A - No. The school enrolls a veteran for a program of education for which he is to be given credit. They must certify him for the full period for which he enrolls. Q - 1 am a 100 per cent ser vice-connected disabled veteran entitled to CHAMPVA benefits. My wife is entitled to Medicare. Can she obtain her prescriptions under CHAMP VA" A - No. Dependents eligible for Medicare are not entitled to benefits under CHAMPVA. Q - I am attending high school under the GI Bill. I had 12 months of active duty. Will I be eligible to attend college? A -- High school training is provided without charge to your basic entitlement under the GI bill. You will have 18 months eligibility for college training. Only one man (Earl Shaffer) is know to have walked the entire 2.050 miles of the Ap- palachain Trail, from Maine to Georgia, in one continuous trip - taking some four months. cuddling, rocking, laughing, and sharing constitute basic ingredients of love^ and af fection between parent and child. It is the initiation of warmth and affection on the part of parents anfl the young child's response to those qualities that are primary in helping him incorporate them as part of his own behavior. Not long ago I worked with two parents who complained that their eight-year-old boy was "surly and mean and had hardly any friends at all." They wanted to know what they could do to change his attitude so he wouldn't be unhappy. I asked them two questions: "When was the last time you hugged your boy?" and "When was the last time you hugged each other in front of your children?" The startled parents confessed that they couldn't remember. A hug is just one small ex pression of affection and caring. The point is that if a child receives and sees too few expressions of affection as he moves through his formative years, then we can hardly be surprised if he fails to become a warm, affectionate, loving person himself. m !«•"!< ^ ; Early Treats-Mrs. Janet Yezegnielian of 1615 Highview, McHenry, works eights, which made customary trick-or-treat planning difficult. But Mrs. Yezegnielian had the will and she found a way to solve her dilemma. To do her customrry Thursday;, morning shopping, she donned a clown costume, complete with * appropriate makeup, put her 2-year-old daughter, Jackie, in a^ leopard suit and they set out to accomplish both shopping and # trick-or-treat activities in one trip. ** STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD> i _ *' CIVIL DEFENSE AWARD-A first place award for best news photos of a McHenry County ClviC Defense project conducted last April was presented to the McHenry Plaindealer by McHenry County; Civil Defense Director John Shay. Accepting the award in behalf of the Plaindealer was staff reporter Barbara Gilpin. Standing, left to right, are Harold Baker, McHenry County Civil Defense*' department; Mrs. Gilpin; Harold Freese, McHenry County board member; Shay, and Walter Dean** McHenry County board chairman. The county Civil Defense department entered six categories la nation-wide convention held at San Juan, Porto Rico, recently and placed In all six categories ~ three firsts, two seconds and one third place award. Shay commented that the local Civil Defenad department competed against counties and cities of much larger population than McHenry coaaty.' He also noted that the majority of the work done in the Public Information division of the McHeary County Civil Defense department is done by volunteers and they are to be commended for Iha* excellent work. PAGE 15 - PLA1NDEALER-WEDNE8DAY. NOVEMBFW t, 1 «H A HAPPY_ CLOWN - It was Halloween last Thursday, and one of the many participants was Sherry Dunford bus driver in the Johnsburg school district. She is shown above, in costume, providing ,Pi treats of candy for one of her young riders. , STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD A*'