Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1974, p. 14

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PLAINDEALER-WEDNE8DAY, fuselage of the Irat DC-t Me- i is lowered for joining to the iflu Aircraft divbioa In Long i the fifth version of the firm's Teachers Proud Of Big Turnout For Election Teachers in the 33rd Legislative district have proved their contention that "teachers turn out a higher percentage of voters to the polls than any o ther emp loyee g roup . " Those are the words of 33rd district IPACE Coordinator Ken Kingston as he announced the results of the IPACE Get- Out-The Vote committee's "Vote Education First" campaign. He reported that over 91 percent of the 'eligible faculty members in the 33rd Legislative district voted in the general election. The committee worked throughout October to im­ plement two goals of the Illinois Political Action Committee for Education (IPACE), political action arm of the Illinois Education association (IEA): to make certain that registered teachers voted, and to elect candidates committed to the improvement of public education and supportive of equal educational opportunities for all Illinois children. "It should be noted," ex­ plained Kingston, "that only 39 percent of-eligible citizens went to the polls yesterday. We more than met our goal of doubling that voting turnout with teachers." other charge in excess of the actual debt unless such charge is expressly authorized by the agreement creating the debt, or unless in a commercial tran­ saction such interest or other charge is expressly authorized. A consumer suspicious of such illegal activities may file a complaint with the Director of the Department of Registration and Education. If it is deter­ mined that the complaint is valid, a public hearing will be held to settle the matter. Violations of the Collection Agency act and amendments to the Criminal code of 1961 carry penalties which vary from prosecution as misdemeanors *o felonies. V IEA (IPACE) represents 2,000 educators in the 33rd Legislative district. Veterans administration pension and compensation payments for widows who lost these benefits when they remarried can now be restored for those who were widowed a second time. OLD RELIABLE, V... The Donnell Douglas Corp. Series M the wings at the company's Douglas Aircraft Beach, Calif. The new twin-jet is the fifth version reliable DC-9 transport and can carry op to lit is 14 feet longer than the Series 30 model. Seven placed orders and the first plane Is to be completed this month SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! AFTER 14 YEARS OF FAITHFULLY SERVING OUR COSTUMERS WE ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS NRYTHING MUST 601 FOODS - SUPPLIES UP TO 20% DISC0UNT (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) STOCK UP NOW! PANTRY DELICACIES 1328 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY, ILL. BEAT THE HIGH FOOD PRICES! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SALE At DONAHUE'S featuring.... BEDROOM SETS Valeer Men's Wearhouse T he i e i s on ly one DONAHUE FURNITURE. I t ' s the Fu l l Serv ice S to re . oFREE De l i ve ry • FREE assembly and thorough inspec t ion oFREE se tup in your home • FREE comp le te home decora t ing serv ice . HOURS: Monday and Fr iday .9 a .m. to 9 p .m. Tuesday and Thursday 9 a .m. to 5 p .m. Sa tugday 9 a .m . to 5 p .m . C losed Wednesday • OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE : DONAHUE FURNITURE FURNITURE SH0WPLACE OF THE MID-WEST 1818 South Route 47 (South of 14) Woodstock 815 338 1086 j NOW VALEER PRICED FROM ONLY '11 95 To Valeer Men's Wearhouse ----wmmmmmmmm-- uwimaiiun----q tkre And Then, fa Serves You SLACKS Complete your slack wardrobe now at big savings. Choose from a huge selection ot woven blends in prints and solids. Reg. values from $22 to $30. •j 1 , 1 -- OUR POLICY •vary tram you buy at Valaa/ Man't Waarhousa I* guaranteed to ba of first quality. No seconds or undesirable merchandise will avar ba told. Your satisfaction guaranteed. NATIONAL BRANDS Because the prices you pay at Valaar Man'! Wearhouse ara w much lowar than regular ratall prlca* wa ara not parmlttad by our national manufacturar* to Idantlfy thalr Itamt by labalt. ON RT. 120 V0L0, ILL. PLINTY OF FREE PARKING MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, 10:00 AM. TO •:*> P.M. SATURDAYS, t:M A.M. TO S:M P.M SUNDAYS 12 NOON TO S:M raxiMi MUNMLIIN Have you seen the Beau t i fu l ALL-WOOD BEDROOM SETS a t DONAHUE'S? I f you a re th ink ing abou ta new Bedroom Set , why no tcome in now and choose f rom our f i ne se lec t ion . A depos i t w i l l ho ld one fo r Chr i s tmas de l i ve ryand insureyou o f thecur ren to ld p r i ce . . . p lus add i t i ona l sav ings o f 10% to 20%. I f you a re aware o f DONAHUE S f i ne qua l i t y merchand ise , you w i l l know tha t a l l o f ou r se ts a re made f rom good o ld fash ioned wood -- no t p las t i c ! Come in today and make your se lec t ion . We a re a lso fea tu r ing a Spec ia l on the SEALY LUXURY GUARD MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS a t Reduced FV ices . Thank you fo r read ing th is ad . States, of good moral character and at least 21 years of age; (b) have had at least one year experience working in the credit field or a related area; (c) not have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude; (d) have an accepted credit rating, no unsatisfied judgments, and never have declared bankruptcy. The conduct of debt collec­ tors is also regulated by the new legislation For example, no collector may threaten force, violence, or physical harm to a debtor, his family or property. Unless there is a legal basis for a criminal complaint, the collector may not threaten arrest or criminal prosecution. To seize or attach or sell the debtor's property, the collector must have a court order. He may not take the property without disclosing the necessity of a court order to the debtor. A collector may not disclose information adversely af­ fecting a debtor's reputation for credit-worthiness if he knows or has reason to know that the information is false. The collector may not initiate communication with a debtor's employer unless there has been a default in payment of the obligation for at least 30 days. At least five days prior to giving notice to the employer, written notice must be given to the debtor at his last known address of the collector's in­ tention to communicate with the employer. No debt collector may communicate with the debtor or any member of his family at such a time of day or night and with such frequency as to constitute harassment. The collector may not use profane, obscene, or abusive language or engage in any conduct in­ tended to cause mental or physical distress to the debtor or his family. The Illinois State Bar association also points out that fraudulent misrepresentation by bill collectors is covered by the new legislation. The collector cannot use any form of communication which simulates legal or judicial process or which gives the appearance of being authorized, issued or approved by a governmental agency or official or by an attorney when it is not. He may not use any badge, uniform or other identification of any govenv- mental agency or official ex­ cept as authorized by law. Nor may he conduct business under any name or in any manner which suggests or implies that a collection agency is bonded if it is not. In addition, no debt collector can legally represent that an existing debt may be increased by the addition of attorney's fees, investigation fees or any other charges if they may not legally be added to the existing debt. He cannot collect or at­ tempt to collect any interest or Better tax break for the self-employed The new pension reform law lets you put 15 per cent of your earned in­ come (up to $7500 a year) in your own retire­ ment plan. And you don't pay federal income taxes on it until you retire, when you're likely to be in a lower tax bracket. To qualify for the new tax benefits, you do have to put your tax-deferred income into a retirement plan which conforms with the new law. Your Coun­ try Companies agent has several plans, providing you with a variety of ways in which to fund your own retirement program. The Country Com­ panies. We're a little dif­ ferent than most insur­ ance people. Your Country Companies, Agent Loren Miller RICHMOND, ILL. PH. 678-6691 Pictured above are the officers of the McHenry county Independent Insurance Agents for the 1975 year. Standing, left to right, are Dick Novak, treasurer, Fox River Grove; Jim Longhway, McHenry, Crystal Lake, past president; Dave Frisbie, Woodstock, trustee; seated, Frank Low, McHenry, President, and Ed Hoffman, Cary, secretary. Not present for the picture were Bob Bauman of Crystal Lake, vice-president, and Bill Seeger, Crystal Lake, trustee. Independent Insurance Agents Elect Officers The Branded Steak House at Crystal Lake was the scene of the annual election of officers of the McHenry County In­ dependent Insurance Agents. In addition to the election, several important items were discussed that concern the Property and Casualty in­ surance business at this time. Probably the most discussion concerned the impact that the stock market has had on the investments of insurance companies, which was dfastically reduced surpluses and could effect the future capacities of the insurance market. Ms. Barbara DeNunzio of the Hartford Steam Boiler was guest speaker at the agents' CURBING COLLECTION AGENCY ABUSES Consumers have gained added protection against unethical bill collectors as a result of enactment of the new Collection Agency act and amendments to the Criminal code of 1961 in the last session of the Illinois General Asserrfbly, says the Illinois State Bar association. During the past year numerous complaints were reported in the news media concerning questionable practices by employees of collection agencies and the placing of outrageous pressures against debtors through the use of threats to debtors and their families. Effective this month, bill collection agencies must obtain a one year operating license, at a cost of $50, and post a $25,000 surety bond with the Illinois Department of Registration and Education. Renewal of the license and bond are required each year. Employees of the collection agencies must also meet the following qualifications: (a) be citizens of the United meeting. She is special field representative for that com­ pany and presented slides and commentary that were most interesting in the field of boiler insurance. This type of in­ surance protection is a most highly specialized one and in each instance needs the assistance of a professional and in many cases also that of an internal engineer. Plans were discussed for the annual Legislators meeting held each January. This meeting is the highlight of the year as our legislators from the two districts that represent the County attend and insurance legislation for the coming session is discussed. HOST TEACHER INSTITUTE-St. Thomas school, Crystal Lake, hosted a recent institute for Catholic elementary school teachers of the county. Discussing the program are Marie Kenyon of Montini school. McHenry; Father Karl Ganss, area director of Religious Education, and John Heidenger, St. John's school, Johnsburg. (Don Peasley Staff Photography) PAGE IS*

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